ENC2019-00212 RECE�u'�D AUG H 1 Z� Permit No.: [-NC ���-002I2 CITY OF CAMPBELL ENCROACHMENT PERMIT DEPT.OF PUBLIC WORKS tjOCl (for working within the X-Ref. File dministra public right-of-way) 70 North First Stregub1ic Works A p Application Date Campbell,66 215 a 27A cf Application Expiration Date 1-1-2-1/�' Ph.(408)866-2150 Issued Fx. (408)376-0958 cU, ' APN Permit Expiration Date u APPLICATION-Application is herebymade fora PublicWorks Permitin accorclancewith Campbell Municipal Code,Section 11.04.(Application expires insix (6) months if the permit is not issued. Application Fee is non-refundable.) A. Work Address: 1902 S Bascom St Nature of Work/Utility place by open trench approx. 15' of hdpe conduits from an existing vault to the B. Trench Location: property at 1902 S Bascom Ave. per attached plans. ❑ No Fee Permit for work related to City Project Project Name: 1902 S Bascom Ave. Service Cor C. Attach four(4)copies of an engineered plan showing the location and extent of the work,and four(4)copies of the preliminary Engineer's Estimate of work. The plans shall show the relation of the proposed work to existing surface and underground improvements. When approved by the City Engineer,said plan becomes a part of this permit. D. Allworkshall conform tothe Cityof Campbell Standard Specifications and Details for Public Works Construction;the General Permit Conditions listed on the reverse side;and the Special Provisions for this permit,listed below.Failure to abide by these conditions and provisions may result injob shutdown and/or forfeiture of Faithful Performance Sureties and cash deposits. E. The Contractor must have this permit and approved plans at the site and must notify the Public Works Department at least two days before starting work. Notice must be given to Public Works at least 24 hours before restarting any work. Name of Applicant: Comcast / QUM-(A Telephone: 408-207-2479 Address: 3055 Comcast Place, Livermore, CA 94551 E-Mail Address: (Ortega@lotus-eng.com 24-HOUR EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: 925-424-0202 Is this work being done by the property owners at their own residence? El Yes Fv� No The Applicant/Permittee hereby agrees by affixing their signature to this permit to hold the City of Campbell, its officers,agents,and employees free,safe and harmless from any claim or demand for damages resulting from the work covered by this permit. The Applicant/Permittee hereby acknowledges that they have read and understand both the front and back of this permit,and they will inform their contractor(s) of the information.Applicant is advised that upon issuance of this permit, property owner, or property owner's successors, shall be responsible for any and all damages arising out of improvements completed in the public right-of-way. �,Qa Uy,signeOby La,nard �oN:OE-L Fus. Leonard Ortega s hega@mma ge 1 eN�eanam onega Accepted: Comcast o soig.aa.zi (permittee agent) 8/21/19 rsss.asuroo (Applicant Permittee) (sign) Date Quanta Telecom Services Mitchell Roberts 8/21/19 SPECIAL PROVISIONS: (Contractor) (Print Name) Date 1. Street shall not be open cut for underground installations.Minimum cuts may be allowed for connections or exploration holes. Such cuts may be .,/ specifically approved by the Inspector prior to cutting. V L. Pavement may be cut for underground installations and must be restored in accordance with the Standard Details Trench Restoration Method"A", unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 3. Work to be staked by a licensed Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer and two(2)copies of the cut sheets sent to the Public Works Department before starting work. 4. Per section 4216 of the Government Code this permit is not valid for excavations until Underground Service Alert(USA)has been notified and the inquiry identification number has been entered hereon. USA Phone:1-800-227-2600. USA TICKET NO. _5. Prior to any work,the property owner shall execute an Agreement for Private Improvements in the Public Right-of-way,which shall be recorded. 6.Public Notification Requirements: V 7. LANE-- C 1-cSU W AtLCW U�, r(2-,AW of SEE PUBLIC WORKS FEE SCHEDULE FOR CURRENT FEES AMOUNT ✓ RECEIPT NO. PERMIT APPLICATION FEE PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT $ SECURITY FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE/LABOR&MATERIALS $ CONSTRUCTION CASH DEPOSIT $ PLAN CHECK&INSPECTION FEE $ 2%TECHNOLOGY FEE $ 2-z. & TRAFFIC CONTROL REVIEW $ APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE 2� For City Engineer Permit Expires 12 Months After Date of Issuance GENERAL PERMIT CONDITIONS 1 The Permittee must provide evidence of insurance and Additional Insured Endorsements as required by the City.Insurance shall be maintained for the duration of the permit work. 2 A Construction Cash Deposit is required.Changes will be made against this deposit if there is an emergency call-out,overtime inspection or when City ordered barricading is required.Any such costs in excess of the deposit will be billed to the Permittee. 3, Faithful Performance Surety and Labor and Materials Surety are required. 4. Refund of the construction cash deposit balance and refund or cancellation of the sureties will be initiated by the written acceptance of the work by the City. S. A one-year maintenance period and surety are required.Such period will begin on date of written acceptance by the City.Surety posted shall be equal to 25%of the original Faithful Performance Security. 6. Submit project schedule 10(ten)days prior to proposed start of work.Additional lead time may be required for work within City facilities and downtown Campbell. 7. The Permittee must request in writing a final inspection and acceptance of the work upon completion.Acceptance by the City will be made in writing to the Permittee. 8. Maintain safe pedestrian and vehicular crossings and free access to private driveways,bus stops,fire hydrants,and water valves. 9. A Construction Traffic Control Plan and a Construction Schedule are required for all lane closures,detours,and street closures.This plan must be reviewed and approved prior to any lane closures. 10. A Construction Traffic Control Plan shall conform to the most recent version of the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices(MUTCD). 11. Replace,as directed by the City Engineer,any damaged or removed improvements in accordance with City Standards and Specifications at the sole expense of the Permittee as expeditiously as possible. 12. Sawcut for all PCC or AC removals.All PCC removals shall be to the nearest scoremark and new PCC shall be doweled to existing improvements. 13. Prior approval of inspector is required for any work proposed after normal working hours,on weekends or holidays and may require reimbursement of inspection costs at the current overtime rate. 14. Work on arterials and collectors may require the use of changeable message boards.Adequate signing and barricading is required on the job site.Failure to provide such signing and barricading may result in the City's providing signing and barricades and charging the cost(including all labor and materials)against the construction cash deposit. 15. Compaction testing of subgrade,base rock,and asphalt concrete by Permittee is required unless otherwise stated by the City Engineer. The Contractor or Permittee will have a supervisory representative available for contact on the project at all times during construction.Contractor or Permittee shall 16. provide a phone number at which they can be contacted outside the hours of 8:00 a.m.to 4:00 p.m.and on weekends. 17. No storage of materials or equipment will be allowed near the edge of the pavement,the traveled way,or within the shoulderline which would create a hazardous condition to the public. 18 This permit shall not be construed as authorization for excavation and grading on private property adjacent to the work or any other work for which a separate permit may be required,nor does it relieve the Permittee of any obligation to obtain any other permit required by law. 19. This permit does not release the Permittee from any liabilities contained in other agreements or contracts with the City and any other public agency. 20. This permit is not transferable.Work must be performed by the Permittee or his designated agent or contractor as specified thereon. 21. Call back(call out)due to emergencies regarding this permit shall be at the current overtime rate with a three(3)hour minimum charge per occurrence. 22 Pursuant to Chapter 14.02 of the Campbell Municipal Code,applicant shall not cause to be discharged any material into the municipal storm drain system other than storm water.Applicant shall adhere to the BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES established by the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program. 23 If the public interest requires a modification of,or a departure from the permit,plans,special provisions and/or specifications,the City shall have the authority to require or approve any modification or departure and to specify the manner in which the same is to be made. 24 Permittee must provide advance notification to all parties that may be affected by the permit activities.Notification shall be reviewed by the City prior to distribution and include dates of work and a contact name and a phone number. 25. Applicant shall remove water from utility vaults in accordance with the requirements of State Water Resources Control Board Water Quality Order WQ 2014-0174- DWQ. Said vault water shall not be discharged into the City of Campbell's storm drain system. See http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water issues/programs/npdes/utilityvaults.shtml for more information. Applicant is hereby responsible for ensuring that all those providing services under the applicant are aware of and abide by all of the above conditions. Comcast LeonardOrte9aa� ' ,,,,„ m" 8/21/19 Applicant Date: Quanta Telecom Services 8/21/19 Contractor (Print Name) Date: 1:\FORMS\Templates\Encroachment Permits\Encroachment Permit 5 9 19 • ®Syed Wahidi X Filters 7, # WE +New message. u[]S Delete tj Archive Junk Move to v Ql Categorize v ••• - v Folders Syed Wahidi 1902 S Bascom Ave(ENC 2019-00212)Cancellation request 1" it SiedV^'ri:camubr.11m.[{°' 1t -9,17r2G1912.26 Phi > Intr.x 3139 Leonard Ortega<loregarrlotu;-engcc.n+,1cAnna lhomason- 0 [El Send email !� Drafts .Sq Sure,no problem. Thanks Sve i}ahidl Public War.. Inlirx jj JoAnna,please cancel the permit and refund all fees except the permit application fee. I will cross out in the Sent items 1 258 Unien Aven... +3 spread sheet.Thanks. > Deleted It,., 14458 _ " r p•CA4 Syed Wahidi Syed Wahidl o rn Y Q loAnn Cs Junk Email 99 > 1902 S Bascom Ave E. j T A, den Public Works Inspector iug + i 128 Pn ... c ; d (I}�t Cti••,pr cil .->>Iir'R I51. 4 ai tn•eni Su' to,no pr°bfmn, Deletec o 'f, e 70N First Street C„mobcll_CA..5008 p 1.~ Archive .. - - - F.: -------------- Syed Wahidi All-Hands 9.18 ® Encroachment Permit Ap... !don 9(16 I Hi Sopha,fhe work,Seers.. Deleted Items; BIDS ® Leonard Ortega<lortega@lotus-eng.com Syed Wahidi (r'I , o t j Fj <<) -j } COI cancels > 1902 S Bascom Av (2) F 9/13 •+ n 2Gt91141 td i j$ Corrected and copy attar L7el fed Il ms; 5yedv d I 71 n: 111111(� Conversation His... Permit SyedW_190827-14 1,64._ 1 i - S Bascom Ave 9/1I I w q 3 roe l Syed Wahidi Eating Well 2 c 1902 � f t..... ._...._._-__.. __._.___ ........ ......... € Hi Leonard,Looks li e:his perrn... i box' i WARNING: This email originated from an external sender! is Infected Items ._... "',,. � g Id (f svedW-190909-... —....... —_....---- -_..------ I l 1oy's Notes Hell.Syed, It j Syed Wahidi 1 I was just informed that the project associated with the subject permit has been cancelled.We would like to request the (^ Notes ® Dr Appt Today toted 9/11 f cancellation of the attached permit ENC 2019-00212.Please let me know if you have an ..............._, $ P Y Y questions. j I have therapy appt at 11:30 am.. �Inbox i { recorded does 1 Thanks, `S Syed Wahidi - Leonard RSS Feeds > Encroachment Permit... wed 9/119 p zayo is saying it v os mailed to p... [Inbox Scanned Stuff for... —"' tI Lv d°t g r L SyedVJ_I G'+it t Owr 10 P..M-'-1 New folder 9 Let T I o.Eny ne_rng Inc. ® Syed Wahidi 111 968 tar:d:an Ave-Unt 20 Sat Josc,CA 9512L• Plans for Cot lcast Wed 9!4 408.207_2474 n, ii, v Groups Thanks Syed Wahid Public 4vor.. Inhnz�' j New group Syed Wahidi `. Time Off bt i uj4 Discover groups Dr appt at 1 1:30 today for thera._ Inba ; \-o*lis recEta•+ #t$ seecurs Manage groups ® Syed Wahidi 1300 El Solyo Tue 9/3 -JoAnne,On 9;16,what time Che... rinl boa` From:Leonard Ortega dortega@lotus-eng.com> -- 1 1 Sent:Friday,September 13,201912:49 PM ® Syed Wahidi ! To:'Syed Wahidi'<SyedW@campbellca.gov> 19t12 S Bascom Ave(Com... Tile 801 ; I Cc:'JoAnna Thomason'<joannat@camobellca.gov> Hi Ahmed,Can fee continue to... In box ( : Subject:RE:1902 S Bascom Ave and 1998 S Bascom { Thanks,Syed.Yes,ENC 2019-00212 is still ok. Syed Wahidi IE Time Off Tue 827 _ I have thera r a t at 11;m tod... flnbow Lem,em Otte a Ur....er:OSn Arch:lec! Syed Wahidi Lmvs urk:co,n enainuodng Inc. Time Off wed 8/21 9W Meridian Age-Unit 20 Sxn Jose.CA 9512E Today:I will take longer lunch i.. Inbax: 40a.207.2473 rovb:ia Syed Wahidi , Dr Appt S/16/2019 "i; , I have therapy appt at 10:30 tod... (I box: ({ fYt``'7d _ortsa Tsccrcran, ® Syed Vlahidi -Ertsln.FHlrsa Vacation Plan 8!1S/2019 .Amy.My vacation plan is Nov 2... inbax? ' - I From:Syed Wahid!<Sygd V@_urnpbellca gov> ® Syed Wahidi i Sent:Friday,September 13,2019 12:43 PM > Time off (2) 8/14/2019 To:Leonard Ortega<lorte.gz@I° s- ng..m> Plat charged.No time off.Syed.. Inbcx Cc:JoAnna Thomason<joannat@campbellca.gov> i Subject:Re:1902 S Bascom Ave and 1998 S Bascom Syed Lvahidi refundable deposits 8n .9 ! Corrected and copy attached. 2/20 I am not aware of which pr:lject.. Inbo. Is ENC 2019-00212(1902 S Bascom)still ok? Syed Wahidi •OVC44r,, Syed Wahidl Dr Appt 8/I:J20'.9 R �'p- I have shoulder Lherafty follow u.., fftrd,ex; o oPubllcWorksInspector �_ y <j•t,cy ui Crurpbai!i P,re:io'Rori.:.L:pan:ncrt . ® Syed Wahidi PO •"acenaa. 70'i.F;r.sr Srreer I CaOtohal!,f;A 4i5(10>3 Encroachment Permit yyPermit is ready to he issued.Ple... nbox i v,va_:r loft rrl ,-I t>1 !rCP,is:n.„7.1.69 1 f 5v dw 190808 +2 .... - . COMCAST 1902 S. Bascom Ave., Campbell, CA Fiber Optic Service Connection CONTACTS Comcast California Region . McSain Avenue Jillian Harvey Municipal&Utility Department Manager =PlUneydrCl Plaza (925)424-0152 N ShdppingCenter ��x Y Jiilian_HarveyaOcomcast.com II , 4 Ahmad Spearman Permitting Construction Specialist = I P 0:(925)424-0202 C:(925)�27-2265 f z 1902 S BdSCOfTI Ahmod_Speannan@comcast.com } At ) "- I Lotus Telecom Engineering,Inc. f - Leonard Ortega ) � 3 � (408)207-2479 Iortego@lofus-eng.com DRAWING INDEX 1 T-1 Title Sheet,Site Location.Drawing Index,Contacts a f=Ik f Pruneyard Plaza _ = G-1 Construction Notes,Abbreviations.Legend,and Symbols � = � t" t. Shdpping CenTQr =i `_ J 1 C-1 Const action Plan r � � D-1 Construction Details •, i. p!.. E{`' _ - TC-N Traffic Control Notes,Tables,and Signs 9.j � 7{ � TC-1 Traffic Control Plan a 'i air owam_=1w+amam,. 1 T L � a= 1902 S.Bascom Ave.,Campbell.CA �tG " iY ■ Lotus Telecom Engineering,Inc. �Ca080o�ixa�aae�a Fiber Optic Service Connection COMCAST ENGINEERING n Comcost I T-1 I c lrol c..roem ran.r�y wawa i++o a 28216S COM-IMx CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. Contractor shall verify exact locotion and elevation ns.8'hohzontal clearance shirt be maintained unless LEGEND ABBREVIATIONS of of existing ufllfies in area of work prior to construction. othewise approved by the city.clearances also apply to Cal underground service alert lcalifomia.1-803227-2600) Tire hydrants. CO14 COMCAST CONDUIT-EXISTING BIG BACK OF CURB at least 48 hrs prior to start of construction activities. — C0M COMCAST CONDUIT-PROPOSED CB CATCH BASIN 10. For horizontal tlirecfional d iFing(Intl").The fol-Ang — OVERPULL CAN COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION 2, Contractor shall hand dig and use extreme care m clearances(from reamed perimeter of the bone -SKETCH CA CENTERLINE when working in close proximity to existing utlifies. hole to the outer perimeter of the unity(shall be used as a — — RIGHT-OF-WAY CNDT CONDUIT Contraaml must pothole&expose existing utlities when guldeli a.the geotechnical mpod conclusions and — — PARCEL LINE CONC CONCRETE CENTERLINE CSW CONCRETE SIDEWALK new construction crosses it. recommendations or the city's determination shall be —— — D/W DRIVEWAY EASEMENT LINE followed,it more resMctive. —s _ EDP EDGE OF PAVEMENT 3. Traffic signal circuits and interconnect conduits may place propasetl had 8'minimum horizontaly dear from —x SS_ S % FENC FO FACE OF CURB N7ARY SEWER FOB FRECALLBO% not be shown.Contractor shall locate all traffic signal the existing sonitory sewer and storm drain mains.a SO STORM DRAIN FH FIRE HYDRANT cults and Interconnect contluits prior to any benching or minimum 5'horizontal clearance shall be maintained from W WATER GSP GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE boring.Provide 5'separotion between new cantluits antl xisting water mains,except when of the same elevation RCW RECLAIMED WATER GM GAS METER all traffic signal and interconnect cantluits and E from all water mains,B'h irizonlaI clearance shall be GAS GV GAS VALVE traffic signal confrolen and pull boxes.All traffic signal maintained.a minimum 5'horizontal deorance shall be E ELECTRIC GI GAS INLET and interconnect Conduits shall be maintained and maintained from el -I contluits,boxes,antl vaults. SW-F0 SILICON VALLEY POWER FO HH HAND HOLE protacted.Loops ar conduils domaged shall be replaced use the followin had for minimum depth of cover T TELEPHONE HDPE HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE by the contractor to city specifications.Notify 9 c p tin —RCW sS foO— RCW/SVP-FO JOINT TRENCH HYD FIRE HYDRANT peci ry cih• the pavement and sidewalk areas)and minimum —E/SVP-FD E/SVP-FO 101NT TRENCH IC IRRIGATION CONTROLLER inspector immediately and traffic department 48 hours clearance when crossing existing utilities Isaoilary sewer. .fT JOINT TRENCH INDT INNERDUCT prior to any work In these areas, storm Grain,water,elecbical,gas,etc...),crossing shot be ATb:T AT&T I/O INDOOR/OUTDOOR Th e sfora al90 tlegreas. iwfl � JB JUNCTION BOX rub Th storage.and repl acamenl of a0 rywill be the responsiblily of the contractor or %a LEEVEL 3 JMH MANHG LE sh subcontractor.Al landscaping shal be restore"to original YFS MFS MON CITY MONUMENT or better conditions. BORE pLiMETER CO CgOSSW AICRO551 G NxU% N%LK MP MILEPOST ]AYp IAYO NIS NOT i0 SCALE 5. ConUacfo'is responsible to arrange a _ TCG iCG O/S OFF ET - pm nstrucf,nm,eting Aththecityin,p,cto,.tleast WCM WCM PED PEDESTAL IUTIL) OWT W 72 hours before starting work. OWEST PP PO ER POLE CAN CABLETV PVC POLY VINYL CHLORIDE 11. At the end of each day.conduit cops shot be aL OIL P/L PROPERTY LINE 6. Bannq pits:excavation antl restoration of bonnq pits placed on a0 vacant ducts,duct in building entrances. N2 N2 R/L RUNNING LINE shall be in gttortlance with the city stantlartls forutliry ew Orexisting shall be seated prior and after placement IINK UNKNOWN UTIUTY vations and lomfed to the satisfaction of the city of Tber optic cable is completed.inducting ducts on wall ROW RIGHT RR RAIL A WAY engineer. where coring is required. O MANHOLE STA STATION 0-00) SS SANITAR SEWER ]. (21 2'hdpe conduits shot be installed on all open 12. Approximate locations of spice boxes are shown an v WATER/GAS VALVE STM MH STORM MANHOLE trench unless shown otherwise. the plans.exact Plot localion of splice boxes shall be SL STREET LIGHT determined in the field with city approval after all existing CATCH BASIN STILT HH STREET LIGHT HANDHOLE 8. Existing utilities are shown in opproximole locations ufilifies in the area of work nave been located. .(� STS S7REET SIGN only.not all existing utlities are shown on this plan,the T J FIRE HYDRANT T TELEPHONE contractor shall field verify depth antl location of at utlifies 13. Tops of splice boxes shall be set far future sidewalk `���Cyyy-/// TEL HH TELEPHONE HANDHOLE by exposing utility crossings prior to directional baring.the installation in specified locations.of splice boxes shot be {} STREET LIGHT/TRAFFIC SIGNAL TEL MH TELEPHONE MANHOLE contract shall use hand cods antl extreme care when placed with pedestrian IralPc svlery in mild untl all work is /'\ IS TRAFFIC SIGNAL JOINT POLE IS SL TRAFFIC SIGNALSTREETUGHT working in close proximity to existing utlities. complete. dP i5 HH TRAFFIC SIGNAL HANDHOLE 9. For open cut trenching,the following minimum 14. Tho city wale,depGdmcnl shall be nolitiatl a O UTILITY VAULT VNIWITH VENT clearances shall apply,a 12"vediad clearance at all minimum of 24 hours prior to pot holing1 ter at WHH WATER METERHAND LE hat be maintained between any city m TRAFFIC LOOP WM WATER METER Crossings er propasetl conduits reclaimed water mains or services. W WV WATER VALVE and other existing utilities.in 10'minimum proposed ed clearance shall be maintained between propasetl conduits and exisling sonitory sewer and storm droin oins that run parallel.unless approved by the city,the contractor shall maintain a minimum of 5 horizontal clearance for all other utilities unless otherwise opproved by the city•except when at the some elevation as water r`Y _ .F: rat agssp NR • r 1902 S.Bascom Ave..Campbell.CA ,�'ry all Lotus Telecom Engineering.Inc. +� Fiber Optic Service Connection COMCAST ENGINEEP[NG G-1 fall8tieexmym x% r ^• .� COfilCOSt a Nof Cpmpbe Pnrtn rn9 SUN�vYb1 Lw0 &ta119 nnEera Ko.¢lIR -d- COM�19a%% 11 I (E)COMMUNICATION VAULT 4 I FROM(E)COMMUNICATION VAULT TO 1902 S.BASCOM AVE.PRIVATE PROPERTY O — PUKE BY OPEN TRENCH,(2)2'HDPE CONDUITS NTH TRACER WIRE.(15'±) I po � COM CONIINUESTO 1902S-SASCOMAVE. PRIVATE PROPERTY U ' O W❑ I Q I U � h m vi I 3 I O C I I . 1902 S.BASCOM AVE. oW I � I I LANDSCAPING WALKWAY LANDSCAPING a Y ° ° 1902 S.Bascom Ave.,Campbell,CA Ife, Z' s ■ BnNmc LOTUS Telecom Engineering,Inc. 1 Fina.*mOcIDUR. Fiber Optic Service Connection COMCAST ENGINEEFfING Comcost CeIl8itx1mRlaa� ScuE: 1'm8' 0 CN of Corppesr vemvYrg SUM+ LNO R `� 282165 COM190%% lO 2'A.C.Sl'pE A Q 2'A.C.-TYPE A 3I4•Yt]]YW(MEDfUI[ O GRIND PAVEMENT]CEY 3/{'NAXBIUII YEDIUY 9'-12• I 89:mwACRON 2'-4'DEEP.B'-12'WmE 86X mYPACItON (2�GRIN0 PAMJBNf HBY 8'-I2__^ - e'-10' x'-{ PEEP a s'-la•lvma 1 6--10• i2•_{•03 {'NLN-10'NAl( VOSr,QX.YMp A.G-1YPE A (F PWS TH[CENE39 EXISTLNG AC v .ON 3 S/4 YAK YED. OF E%L41'INC AC NE—ON)) t 9X COYPAC110N +•ra .A u. ar u J6'YDV. CONDMT TOP 3D'OF HACNPILL IJOSr.I/Rf111' Q II SACS SAND/CaMNT SWRRy a Aa I AT B6R ItE1ATR'E a Aa d APPROVED SELECT NATIVE CONPACf10N OR TTRUCNRAL OM TREMJI c RAIXFILL Q2 i - I'YM, a' CIF.W YN(1FAR TIP.ALL I/(E1116J LET6T.p(INY ad TyP.Aft I11f111165 mnR FABRtC REY.UNLNC BACgF6L AT BOR RRGTIVE n'PICAL IRi='l'RDSSIN'()DM IL 1 COYPAClION a ��•'':%.(;:'• T 12'(TYPE A HEDGING) TYPICAL DETAIL — #1 CIA59 I IIEOOLYO Iz'(Erna A BmDLNc1 cuss 1 BEGGING(CaRAN SAND®DING STWI.DE L'Sn0 AIroUND j (GCIF•AN SAND AROUND T CrSCON°Ot'Cs) J .. 1/6 D(4'YIN) •0'PLU9 24')IAX TRENCH 1nMH r. TRENCH tDDl'H•• —f CLT,Tpt PD'E LV TREYCR � i E10Sr.SCp1E LK D'PLU9 6'YRI. NOTF9: Place perm.........ement wilw.tarty(00)days vR.,bmNiWag. Iv1e11 temporary AC tp 1Ra.A19?(�) b•PLUS 23'IfdR finlah grade u.tl parmenmt AC Is placetl. CaT'ISR PIPE LN ISb2. FAST.CV.tidiC$DEEVA LUS(.W'MdR$MNX B.-Ol ehN be pumped,.by mechealcat Lamping Ia O.76'(maz.)1HU. Trencb bna .to AOTED:Q em petmeneat pavamml wRh)a rive(6)dap.efts baekNWttg m crenmUdn �3tve3 be epmpeatvd L.902 R.C.wIN tap 30'mmp.eted lu 86y.RC. pieUng raputrad dpypg eatLNg period a[S dnya mta.-5 dnys maa.) pb C R asi.ling AC eectioa I.lase the.4'.grind AC k.y Lv full depth of eal.Ung AC pod replmv H do dG waUvn ie Ims tWn{', rUM AO kaT to 1+�e g full depth Ac neetiva(mia.2). RfIATE AYD IdAKE SECI[WS pr © Y^6 8 vpth vt ednlin 4C and nlNxe LgCITiW(IIA d (LR6 gI11Df.d SmELVK AT AC aee iN [aB depth t(an(min.^.�. l Q 11 vulaidv beveled may,ellvdnale AC end replace eurlvev improvement.le match ezlaling, fLRq IRTFlYAL itfR.1L (COMRfK.lJdlr i0 CLYRROL AT). 11. 3Q Th]e 2eta51 does net pp.,to electrical cmapLL vedla4em 2 LYD'6 SA4.105E 5'II.VUIlA C Th4 detail does pot apply Lo electrical mmpa mnaR.uaa. sTnewnix RcpnlR nerul I PAtT9tma fUR RE>�ACTIEM°�� © Raca.ed tmrtch palates shell by vsed t lbe IphowlrlN lovv4ana aH arLv1N s4ecla.all 0 Rece..ed tre.vh palate.shell by used at the f.11—g I...Uoaa, ell arterial etreels,.11 Ilcotor.IranLa, t Lrmeh aDg�mb°sot pazaael Path pr pvneadkWaz[v the direcGoA of collector a .eta t trench-d by lty gm... with or pezpmdleulnr la the dirccUon at tretf and 1«aldu0.datarawned by the Epglnear to be nec p. traHia and loen(iov determ d by City Engiveer to he nee saar>. TYPICAL DETAIL — #3 Q The Coa=th1r 2 prepare Im plarmme t of platen Y Izmch M gkdhy relief 12' Q Tba Centrectnr ehaU prepare ter plevemmt et plaba over trench by gattndtng a relief t2' wide m eeeb.Ida nt the trenwe by tLv tldekaev of the nta.l pLte that Um eurlaca o1 wide p —h elda O1 Ne mach by the thkYnva of lha steel plate that Ne avrleca of the steel plate Is Iwel.1,h the n jareal p mt zuY.nve the.last plate is Ievei wiN Lhe.djecent pavement varfncv. ..-...-........... TRENCH RESTORATION — METHOD A TRENCH RESTORATION — METHOD B D cD,2 Backfill and Surface Restoration nA"rnMAY sotz Backfill._._and Surface Restoration nRABN eY_Emcsm Br_ - °RA"N°''--`°E°1Q�D B1'— CITY OF CAMPBELL DETAIL 8 IL 7 APPP.m®_ CITY Or CAMPBELL DETA APPROYm_-- DETAILS e' ' a s. 1902 S.Boscom Ave.,Campbell,CA ;G felt! li���.T-�a1 Lotus Telecom Engineering,Inc. ENGINEEPING D— GaIIBllaesaD Fiber Optic Service Connection COMCAST Comcosl O Crynl Cvmppm PertnYrq Sunm 4+19 �� Hsi¢ 77 vND 28I166 COM-190X% Table 6C-3.Taper Length Criteria for Table 6C-1.Recommended Advance Warning Sign Spacing Temporary Traffic Control Zones CALIFORNIA CURRENT UNIFORM SIGN CHART Road Type ce Distan Between Signs'- Type of Taper Teper Lenglh A B e Merging Teper at IS-O EAfl 11nUiY Urban-25 mph or less'•• 100 feet 100 feel 1D0 feel Shilling Teper al leeet 0.5L UNan-more then 25 mph to 40 mph••' 2501eeT 250 feel 250 teal SM1ouMer Taper at leas10.3JL WORK ICLOSE� ENIFA W1 Cµ�E ENO AHEAD Urban-more Dun 40 mph"' 350fee1 ]50 feet ]SD feet One-Lane,Two-way TaRm Taper 50 fact minimum,1001ee1 maKimun ROAD WOPN Rural 500 feel 500 feel No feel Downsbeam Taper 50 feet minimum.100 reel m,.i,,n Expressway/Freeway 1.000 feel 1500 feel 1 2.640 feel W20-1 .20-SR W20-5C W20-5L C20-2 W21-2 Nose:Use Table 6CA la calculate L The column heeding,A.B,and C are the dime re nsions shown in Figures 6H.1 through 6H-46.The A Gimensfon ie the VISWAW from the tyre on or paintof r,,WU,e to The first sign.The Bdimension LANE is the distance between the 9mland second sl SHOULOEP SHOULDER gns.The th-sigsi wn.,Met Is nee b 1 W the the WORK CLOSED CLOSED I� �I emM end third signs.(The'frst sign'is Lee sgninalhrpasign series that is Gosesl to the TTC FAD RIGI— IT t 1 =ane.The•thireeigri isthesignthall,farThesta,—MefmmTheTTC=pne.) Table 6C-3(CA).Taper Length Criteria Posted speed limit off-peak 05th-jrS-1.speed ph.,1p workaWBng,orolher anticipated for Temporary Traffic Control Zones '-5 GDA GID R4 W4-2R Wa-2L apemun9,paea in mph. (for 12 feet Offset Width) BIKE W1E (Nr VRE LER W1E WORK AADL HAR Minimum Taper Lenglh"Por Wdth 1101-128(W) Table 6C-2.Stopping Sight Distance as SPEED' MERGING SHIFTING SHOULDER DOWN �- N C Sims E R R RN RG URN E P3-] R3-TL WI-4R a Function of Speed on Level Roads. G a0 rap, L eel) Opel) (feet) pet)'^ AID CHWINULNC DDro3 C OW Ll2 U3 STREAM c BIKE" WI1-1 W16-I W1-4 (Used as suggested longitudinal buffer space MINES,DGLIalcil FDsrs length or location for Bagger station) 20 BD 40 22 50 ) WATCH 25 125 63 42 50 See— Distance 30 180 90 fie 5o HIGH LEVEL WARNING DLNQ B KENO�SD E FCLRI5T5 SIOEW�K�CLOSED CROSSW�ED J5 245 123 82 50 CROSS HERE C O5�5 HEAE N Y 40 320 IN 107 50 BI 82 R9-11 R9-11A R3-5s W12-1 20 mph 115 feet TRAFFIC (COOS RECU DING 25 mph 155 feel 45 600 3W 180 50 ti`y DFF-DJ SNNW5 REO COA ]D mph 200 feet 50 600 300 200 50 W OFT-DIR'LAW QIFdiLE11EM 35 mph 250 feel 55 660 330 220 50 pT1E 40 mph 305 feel Ge T201 350 240 50 65 ]80 J90 260 50 81ARIC'DE$ ENO AS mph 360 feet OETODft pETOOR SIDEWALK OLOSEp 50 mph 45 feet TO 420 280 50 55 mph 49 goo51ee1 75 900 1 450 300 50 � RA4IING ARROW SIGN M4-10 Nd-BA N4-9B R9-9 113-1 R]-2 fi0 mph jfeel (FRS) ® � 25 '-Posted speed limn,oft-pock 851h pemenlile speed prier m work sleding,or The antisipelee 65 mph 1eetoperating speed in mph. BEmphfee1 ••-For oNer offsets use the 1pllpwin mp.h 1aet 9merging raper length formula for L: D STpp For speeds o(40 mph or less,L=2"Go For speetls of 45 mDA or more,L=WS 'posted speed,off-peak 85th pem ut,spaetl ph,,to work When:: L=leper length In leer W20-6 C9A W3-a Wlfi-2 Wt]-tP R20(CA) starting,or Inc anticipated opem5ng spaetl in mph. W^xiMh orc9sel M feet S=posted speed limit,elf-peak 851Mperrentila sp,,d prior to work starting,or the anb6palod opS,t,,g speed m mph Maximam downMmem Taper hmath IS WO feet. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE. Table 6C-101(CA).Stopping Sight Distance CONTRACTOR TO SET UP ACCORDING TO THE CITY, as a Function of Speed on Downgrades. BICYCLE CONSIDERATIONS: TRAFFIC CONTROL COUNTY,STATE REGULATIONS PER THE CURRENT I AI(Used as Suggested longitudinal buffer space EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA MUTCD. length or location for gagger station) 1.A TRAVEL ROUTE THAT REPLICATES THE MOST 1.THE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN PRESENTED IN THIS DESIRABLE CHARACTERISTICS OF A WADE PAVED PROPOSAL IS FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES ONLY.IT h DOWNGRADE(BUFFER SPACE) SHOULD ER OR BIKEWAY THROUGH OR AROUND THE WILLBE THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY FOR SPEED -3•/. -fik .gam TRAFFICCONTROL ZONE IS DESIRABLE FOR CONTRACTORTOADHERETOTHE TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY. BICYCLISTS. REQUIREMENTS THAT ARE SET FORTH BY THE LOCAL (mph) (feet) (feel) (,Sel) OR STATE PERMITTING JURISDICTIONS. 2.IF THE TRAFFIC CONTROL ZONE INTERRUPTS THE 20 116 120 126 CONTINUITY OF AN EKISTING BIKEWAY SYSTEM,SIGNS 2.THE DIAGRAMS PRESENTED IN THIS PROPOSAL ARE 25 158 IRS 173 DIRECTING BICYCUSTS THROUGH OR AROUND THE BASED UPON THE STANDARDS IN THE CURRENT ZONE AND BACK TO THE BIKEWAY IS DESIRABLE. EDITION OF THE CALIFORNIA MUTCD. 30 205 215 227 35 257 271 287 3.UNLESS A SEPARATE BIKE PATH THROUGH OR 3.INDIVIDUAL CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN 40 315 333 354 AROUND THE TRAFFIC CONTROL ZONE IS PROHIBITED, CORRELATED TO THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE 45 328 400 422 ADEQUATE ROAOWAY LANE WIDTH TO ALLOW CALIFORNIA MUTCD. BICYCLISTS AND MOTOR VEHICLES TO TRAVEL SIDE BY 50 44a 424 507 SIDE THROUGH OR AROUND THE WORK ZONE IS 4.TH E LENGTH OF CONSTRUCTION PER DAY WILL BE 55 520 553 593 DESIRABLE. DETERMINED BY THE TIME CONSTRAINTS 60 598 638 686 PRESCRI BED BY TH E LOCAL OR STATE PERM ITTING 65 682 728 705 4.81CVCLISTS SHOULD NOT BE LED INTO DIRECT JURISDICTIONS. TO T21 825 891 CONFLICT WITH MAINLINE TRAFFIC,WORK SITE VEHICLES,OR EQUIPMENT MOVING THROUGH OR 5.ALL NECESSARY AND APPROPRIATE TRAFFIC ]5 066 922 1003 AROUND THE TRAFFIC CONTROL ZONE. CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE IN PLACE BEFORE WORK IS STARTED.DEVICES NO LONGER REQUIRED 5.THE BI AND B3 SIGNS DO NOT NEED TO BE USED IF A SHALL BE REMOVED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 4'WIDTH BIKE LANE CAN BE PROVIDED. 11 I o1�4W rw: I¢1902 S.Bascom Ave..Campbell.CA �!�^ i' fl1l-MilaIN dlSt Lotus Telecom Engineering,Inc. IumwlmpnCelnxt Fiber Optic Service Connection COMCAST ENGI^IEER[NG TC—N ca116111,leavasis% cl a, Comcosl p crym eempeeo Pem,hngmnmire two 282165 COI-1900 REQUIREMENTS/STANDARDS WORK HOURS INSTALL TEMP.NO PARKING SIGNS 72 HRS PRIOR TO START OF WORK. wRRExr cADF UDTcO MAINTAIN EXISTING DRIVEWAYS OPEN AT ALL TIMES. MAINTAIN PEDESTRIAN,DISABLED AND MAINTAIN T MIN.PED CLEARANCE WHERE SIDEWALK EXISTS. DRIVEWAY ACCESS AT ALL TIMES! LANE CLOSURE 111T11 MAY TRAFFM AT ALL nuns (WORK DAYS:MON.TO FRI.I LANE CLOSURE HOURS:9AM-4PM) COMY ON OFTaECA Murco.vART E —DELINEATOR SPACING: TRAFFIC CONTROL PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE,CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL LOCATIONS ARE DETERMINED nuNGOF CNAxxEuvxc DEveESE9wuLo xor ExcEmA CONTRACTOR ASSUMES ALL RESONSIBILITY FOR TRAFFIC CONTROL SET BY MH AND CONSTRUCTION LOCATIONS. 'SIGN SPACING: nxcE..FEETEOUA.TOTNESP ED—SEDFORTNE UP PER STATE,COUNTY,AND LOCAL MUNI CODES,AND ASSUMES ALL SEE cRARr Ec.' rxE svEeO..>,Ex user FOR T.NGeNTw:�;iuunM.ce LIABILITY IN REGARDS TO PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICLE TRAFFIC SAFETY. IBIS a d01S IANOSCAPING LANDSCAPING UN.—,A. IAxOSCMINc SIDEWAL( ORNEWAY SIOEWMN 90EWMIf DRIVEWAY 90EWADt EUS STOP L/S —CSCAPING —WING LANDSCAPING IANOSfAPING Bib BIKE LANE Big d6 BO(E LANE BIKE WIE db CIE, V nED1AN S.BASCOM AVE.(35 MPH) umuN n gD F¢ U Itt MAINTAIN 1 LANE WIDTH —a b d6 BIKE LANE db B B o 0 0 o m 'LAb BIKE UNE d6 dbB SIOEWHX SIDEWALK I.WOSCMING CDO LWOSCAPING LANES-- m SIDEW 91DEWALK OEWAL( SIOEWAU( 1T7 ORNEWAY {µ05 INC DPNEWAY OPNEWAY DRIVEWAY i. Pl��yGC PLOP WOLfWAY WNIfWAY CLOSED SIDEWALK L/5 L/S LWOSGPIND PpRKINC S pg_g SIDEWALK JI� WORK AREA AHEAD DO POAp WORK m MAINTAIN DRIVEWAY ACCESS SIOEWAIX CLOSED BIOEWAU(CLOSED CRCR�PE D 1- G2o-2 u - AT ALL TIMES R9R9 11 Z 3 do 4o g R9-9 d< 4 m 8 A� N 250 250' 2W TAPER LENGTH 'RDAD WDRK B2 N c20-2 G En W(�KpKp ®KE LANE PROVIDE PEDESTRIAN ESCORT TO DIRECT U ` = AHEAD o eIKE IANE PEDESTRIANS THROUGH/AROUND WORK AREA ; CLOSED WZO-I RI W+I C]O G SNARE KE ROAD w M 3` -:: D 10• 20' x• KD• so• W� 0 ry�;ry��w Lotus Telecom Engineering,Inc. 9025.Bascom ce C Campbell.CA ENGINEERING TC-1 call^�o� FiberOplicServiceConneGion COMCAST faI1811eamO pm6q. SCALE: 1"=50' � ,.u,�..._, r.w. Ram x0 mCO5t FRomT� 0 Cry nl Carglal Pemvr'y SNEmral �( - — 282165 COM-19OXX