HPB Mins 08/12/2019Historic Preservation Board REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Monday, August 12, 2019 1 5:00 PM City Council Chambers, City Hall, 70 N First St., Campbell, California CALL TO ORDER The Historic Preservation Board meeting of August 12, 2019, was called to order at 5:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California by Chair Foulkes, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL HPB Members Present: Michael Foulkes, Chair Yvonne Kendall, Vice Chair Susan Blake Laura Taylor Moore Todd Walter APPROVAL OF MINUTES HPB Members Absent None Staff Members Present: Daniel Fama, Senior Planner Corinne Shinn, Recording Secretary 1. Approval of HPB Minutes of July 24, 2019 Motion: Upon motion of Board Member Moore, seconded by Board Member Kendall, the Historic Preservation Board minutes of the meeting of July 24, 2019, were approved as submitted. (4-0-0-1; Chair Foulkes abstained) ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (ITEMS NOT AGENDIZED) None BOARD/STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS, UPDATES AND REQUESTS Planner Daniel Fama: • Advised the HPB that a training session would occur at the next meeting on September 25th. There are no hearing items to consider so this offers a good opportunity for required training. • Suggested that the HPB members send him any suggestions for topics off line. • Added that he would also consult with Planner Cindy McCormick for suggestions. • Concluded that likely the training would involve a webinar that can be viewed together here at City Hall. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for August 12, 2019 Page 2 Board Member Blake said that the California State Preservation Board conducts a webinar between noon and 1:30 p.m. Planner Daniel Fama said he would look into that. Board Member Walter suggested using a previous training event so the entire HPB can watch together. It is more difficult to schedule an additional specific time occurring during the work week for all five members. Board Member Blake announced that another historical profile article has been published in the Campbell Express about Mayor Watson's former home on Catalpa. Board Member Kendall suggested have a sandwich board created to help introduce and make the public aware of the availability of the HPB's Walking Tour App. The sandwich board sign can be displayed at community events including the weekly Farmers Market in Downtown. Board Member Moore advised that the City has a standing booth space at each Farmers Market at Second and E. Campbell Avenue. It offers a space for public outreach including Fire, Councilmembers, and other issues of interest to the community coming from the City itself. Planner Daniel Fama said he would investigate that. Board Member Kendall suggested having members of HPB staff the booth when its sign is being displayed there to answer questions. Board Member Blake said that perhaps one person could even wear the sandwich board sign. Board Member Kendall reference the "pink house" that she is sure has a story behind it. Board Member Blake said she must be referring to the home located at the corner of Grant and Second. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 74 N Second Street — HRI Rescission Request (Resolution/Roll Call Vote) Public Hearing to consider the application of Linda Tsai to remove/rescind (PLN2019- 101) a Structure of Merit commonly known as the Smith House, on property located at 74 N Second Street, from the City of Campbell Historic Preservation Inventory. Staff is recommending that this project be deemed Categorically Exempt under CEQA. Planner Daniel Fama: • Said that the property owner of 74 N. Second Street is asking that her home be removed/rescinded as a Structure of Merit from the Historic Resource Inventory. • Added that the request is detailed in the staff report. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for August 12, 2019 Page 3 • Advised that there are required findings the HPB must make that would be opposite to those findings that were made with the original action taken in 2013 to add this home to the HRI. • Stated that this issue would be forwarded on to the Planning Commission in September. If the PC reaches a different recommendation than HPB, a history study will be required. The Council will then consider and take final action. Board Members Blake and Moore both advised that they would need to recuse themselves from participating in Item No. 2 due to proximity to their respective homes to the subject site. The left the dais and chambers. Ms. Linda Tsai, Property Owner, 74 N. Second Street: • Stated that she needs to be able to upkeep her home. • Pointed out that the home was a rental prior to her purchase and was in bad condition. • Said that original details are missing and difficult to find replacements. • Advised that the foundation is settling, which she has been told is normal, but leaves the house appearing slated in one direction as seen from the frontage. • Stated that she can do a betterjob of repairs at a lower cost if this home is not included on the HRI. • Added that she feels like her hands are tied with her home being on the HRI and she is asking to be removed. • Admitted that she has no specific plans right now. • Reported that in 1991 and addition was made to the home and new double paned windows installed throughout. • Stated that this home is not really that historic at this point. • Opined that since Mrs. Smith was widowed when she lived in this home as a renter that doesn't significantly connect this home to the Smiths. • Concluded that she is doing what she can with her limited resources to improve her home. Board Member Kendall asked Ms. Tsai if she has brought forth any potential upgrade plans to the City for review. Ms. Linda Tsai replied no. She said she would have to hire a designer or architect and it is possible that she would not be able to go forward with those added costs. Board Member Kendall asked how long Ms. Tsai has owned this home. Ms. Linda Tsai said she bought it on April 25, 1987. Board Member Kendall said that means she hadn't done the addition. Ms. Linda Tsai replied no. She added that in 1991 she worked with Sharon Teeter at the City to secure a City loan to rehab the home. This loan was a joint program between Campbell and the County. She had double -paned windows installed with other improvements. Board Member Walter pointed out that it was not done in an historic manner. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for August 12, 2019 Page 4 Planner Daniel Fama reminded that this home was not yet included on the HRI at that time. Ms. Linda Tsai added that all windows were replaced. The door was not solid enough for current standards and was also replaced. A 300 square -foot addition was added on to the original 900 square -foot home. Board Member Walter asked if the addition was placed at the rear of the home. Ms. Linda Tsai replied yes. Board Member Walter advised that the HPB mainly focuses on the front elevation of historic structures. He asked if the photos in the report were current. Planner Daniel Fama replied yes. Board Member Walter asked Ms. Tsai if the main reason she fears staying on the HRI is that it would be too expensive to maintain a designated historic house. Ms. Linda Tsai said that is one reason. She added that the stated historic significance of this home is not that compelling in tying the home to the Smiths. She added that there are no additional historic files remaining at the County Offices due to a fire. Board Member Walter clarified that Ms. Tsai has owned this property since 1987 and it was added to the HRI in 2013. He asked why Ms. Tsai had not asked at that time not to be considered. Ms. Linda Tsai: • Stated that she works in high tech, in a demanding job. • Admitted that she didn't have the time at that point to investigate it. • Added that she noticed the address was wrong in one reference and that made her think it wasn't her home under consideration. • Assured if she had known how to do so, she would have asked to be removed or not included. • Stated that she regrets that she didn't ask how to not be included in 2013. • Pointed out that no environmental was done. Board Member Walter: • Explained to Ms. Tsai that the HPB is trying to preserve homes in the area. • Cautioned that without preservation we are losing our history and charm. • Pointed out that Campbell doesn't have a lot of historic structures and HPB encourages those there are listed to keep the HRI designation. • Stated that Ms. Tsai has a very charming house and he would hate to see it go away. • Reported that there are incentives available that include Mills Act Contracts whereby a property owner of a historic home receives tax rebates to defray the costs of maintaining a historic structure. • Asked Ms. Tsai if she had ever investigated a Mills Act Contract. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for August 12, 2019 Page 5 Ms. Linda Tsai: • Replied no. • Added that she had never heard about it before. • Pointed out that her home is not a beautiful example of a Craftsman or such. • Reminded that her house is sinking downward. • Admitted that she is not sure what to do to make it look better. Board Member Walter asked Ms. Tsai if she is currently living in this home. Ms. Linda Tsai: • Replied yes. • Added that she has lived in the home since its purchase in 1987. • Displayed a photograph of a home that demonstrates post pillars at the front that she would like to see on her home. She said it is a common style. • Stated that adding such post pillars at the front of her home would update it. She can see these on her home. Board Member Kendall: • Stated that it makes sense the Ms. Tsai wants to update her home. • Added that the HPB wants to maintain historic homes and/or to return them to an original state or condition. • Said that Ms. Tsai's home represents a significant architectural look in Campbell as well as having some historic significance due to the connection to a member of the Smith family. • Admitted that she'd like to see if there are ways to have this home remain historic although she is not sure if its best achieved with a new elevation versus replacing like with like. Ms. Linda Tsai: • Reported that there are layers upon layers of paint on the frontage in many different colors. • Advised that she hired someone to grind down the layers of paint, which is an impossible task. • Added that they can't fix just some of existing boards and have them line up and match. Board Member Kendall asked Ms. Tsai if her foundation is uneven. Ms. Linda Tsai replied yes. One side is coming down and she wants to make it look better. Board Member Walter advised Ms. Tsai that it would cost the same to fix up her house whether it remains on the HRI or not. Board Member Kendall suggested to Ms. Tsai that a Mills Act Contract would assist her with the costs of repairing the foundation and making the house right. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for August 12, 2019 Page 6 Ms. Linda Tsai said she understands that she really doesn't have to fix the foundation itself, but she simply wants the house to look better as seen from the street frontage. Board Member Walter: • Advised Ms. Tsai that there is a way to fix it, so it looks both straight and uniform. • Said that inclusion of simple post columns the existing could be replaced and painted. • Assured that the HPB is not crazy and looking for perfection. HPB works with people to keep their home. • Suggested that Ms. Tsai not ask to be removed from HRI today but rather that she goes back and think about what she wants to do with her home. Then come back to talk with us. • Stated that the cost difference could be very small. • Reminded that there is potential for tax credit through a Mills Act Contract, which is possible if her home is registered on the HRI. • Said that HPB would be willing to discuss her plans with her and help her plan her project. Ms. Linda Tsai: • Said that she has found people to help her. • Reported that there is a hold in the existing siding. • Reiterated her belief that costs would be less if her home is not historic. Board Member Walter cautioned that trim would likely have to be custom cut. Common available trims would not work. Ms. Linda Tsai asked how HPB considers historic information for a property. Planner Daniel Fama said that is getting off topic at this point. Chair Foulkes clarified with Ms. Tsai that she has lived in this home since 1987 and received a City loan in 1991 for improvements to the home including a small addition. Ms. Linda Tsai replied yes. Chair Foulkes asked Ms. Tsai if she did any other repairs to the home between 1987 and 1991. Ms. Linda Tsai: • Said that there was no real kitchen when she purchased the home so that was the first thing she did right away. There was no prep counter and the seller replaced the existing old stove with a new one before sale. • Added that the house had one bathroom and two bedrooms. The sink in the bathroom was tiny. The home improvement loan she secured through the City's program was either a 10 or 15-year loan. Chair Foulkes: 0 Reiterated that Ms. Tsai had updated the house by fixing the kitchen upon purchase. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for August 12, 2019 Page 7 • Asked whether there have been any additional "major" repairs to the home between 1991 and now. Ms. Linda Tsai: • Explained that the bath was redone with the 1991 loan funds. It originally had to doors leading into the bathroom and one was closed off to allow for a larger sink. • Added that the kitchen linoleum was changed twice in the years' that she has owned the home. • Said that there is dry root in the porch. Chair Foulkes asked if there was anything else done. Ms. Linda Tsai said a new roof and added solar. Chair Foulkes stated that he understands that regardless of what happens with the HRI status for this property, Ms. Tsai will live with the foundation as it is. Ms. Linda Tsai replied yes. She said she was told that it represents normal settling per the home inspection. When you look at the home you notice it looks like it's sinking. Chair Foulkes restated that Ms. Tsai was previously unaware of the Mills Act Contracts that provide tax rebates to property owners to allow them to recoup costs for maintenance of old homes. Board Member Kendall: • Admitted that she is disinclined to approve this request to remove this property from the HRI given there are so few qualifying houses in the City. • Added that it doesn't appear to her that this home is in tear down condition at this time. • Stated that repair costs could be comparable whether the home remains on the HRI or is removed. • Opined that Ms. Tsai's desire to change the "look" of a home isn't a compelling reason. • Reiterated previous comments made that these HRI homes help us all to see where our roots came from. • Concluded that as we are a small town every little house is important. Board Member Walter: • Admitted that he is in a quandary as well. • Said it doesn't appear that anything significant has changed since the HPB approved this property for the HRI. • Added that it doesn't feel like this request is an automatic approval to rescind or remove this home from the HRI. • Concluded that he wouldn't support the request for removal. • Stated that he is hoping Ms. Tsai would remove her request temporarily and participate in more discussion to see if there are other ways for HPB to help her save her home. Be it a Mills Act Contract or some other means. Chair Foulkes: • Stated his agreement with the comments of his HPB colleagues. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for August 12, 2019 Page 8 • Said he appreciates the time and effort to request removal. • Added that he doesn't think that we have changed circumstances from when this home was added to the HRI. • Explained that he is serving on the HPB to help make it easier for homeowners in Campbell to retain/maintain their historic homes. • Pointed out that the appearance of an historic home is concentrate on the front and both front -side elevations along the first ten feet or so. Motion: Upon motion of Board Walter, seconded by Board Member Kendall, the Historic Preservation Board adopted Resolution No. 2019-04 recommending that the home located at 74 N. Second Street be retained on the City's Historic Resource Inventory as Structure of Merit and not rescinded from inclusion, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Foulkes, Kendall and Walter NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Blake and Moore Board Members Blake and Moore returned to the chambers and dais upon completion of Item No. 2. Board Member Kendall said she must recuse from the next two items as she lives within noticing proximity of the two Alice Avenue locations. 3. 146 Alice Avenue — Tier 1 Historic Resource Alteration Permit (Resolution/Roll Call Vote) Public Hearing to consider the application of Monica and Ron Grandia for a Tier 1 Historic Resource Alteration Permit (PLN2019-129) to allow installation of new window openings on the east and west walls of an Alice Avenue Historic District property commonly known as the Anthony Bargas Sr. House, located at 146 Alice Avenue. Staff is recommending that this project be deemed Categorically Exempt under CEQA. Planner Daniel Fama: • Reported that the property owners of 146 Alice Avenue are seeking a Tier 1 Historic Resource Alteration permit to allow new window openings to the left and right -side elevations of their house at 146 Alice Avenue. • Advised that such a permit requires HPB approval. Board Member Walter asked if he understands correctly that these new windows would be custom crafted on site. Ron Grandia, Applicant and Property Owner, 146 Alice Avenue, replied yes. Board Member Blake asked if he is using Jim Sheets. Ron Grandia replied yes. Chair Foulkes said it seems possible that they are replacing a window that may have once been there. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for August 12, 2019 Page 9 Ron Grandia replied yes. Board Member Blake said she was pleased with this proposal. Board Member Moore said she likes this. Motion: Upon motion of Board Member Walter, seconded by Board Member Blake, the Historic Preservation Board adopted Resolution No. 2019- 05 approving a Tier 1 Historic Resource Alteration Permit (PLN2019- 129) to allow installation of new window openings on the east and west walls of an Alice Avenue Historic District property commonly known as the Anthony Bargas Sr. House, located at 146 Alice Avenue, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Blake, Foulkes, Moore and Walter NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Kendall NEW BUSINESS 4. 119 Alice Avenue — Preliminary Review Request that the Historic Preservation Board review preliminary plans and provide feedback on a proposed addition to an Alice Avenue Historic District property commonly known as the Robert/Holmes House, located at 119 Alice Avenue. Planner Daniel Fama: • Advised that this is an informal review of a proposed addition to offer Board feedback on a proposed addition. Jason Lee, Applicant and Property Owner, 119 Alice Avenue: • Reported that he is proposing what will be the fourth addition to this home. • Said that as part of their project they are restoring the front elevation back to its original architecture as is possible. • Stated that they would be changing the ridgeline of the roof to hide the top portion of a second story addition at the back. The ridgeline change will completely obscure that second story from the front elevation. • Stated that the front looks original and a portion from the side elevations leading to the back. • Said it is their end result intent is that their home does not look like multiple additions added over time. • Informed that they need to relocate the stairs internally. The existing stairs are not to current code and represent a potential trip hazard for senior members of their household. • Stated that he looks forward to feedback from the Board. • Concluded that he will be replacing materials back to the way they were originally. Board Member Walter asked if the home's footprint would remain the same. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for August 12, 2019 Page 10 Jason Lee replied somewhat. They are adding on at the rear of the home. Board Member Blake referenced the plan to even out the second -floor roofline. Jason Lee: • Said they plan is to create a more cohesive appearance for the second -floor's current space and added space. • Reiterated that the front stays the same. • Reminded that the ridgeline for the existing roof will be raised up to hide the existing pop out that is the roof ridge of the existing second floor. • Said that he would appreciate any feedback prior to getting his plans drawn up. Board Member Blake advised that the interior remodel itself is not a part of HPB's purview. Chair Foulkes asked if the homes on either side were single -story or two-story. Planner Daniel Fama said they are single -story homes on either side. Jason Lee said that there are only three two-story homes. His home backs on to a home with two bedrooms upstairs. Chair Foulkes: Admitted that it bothers him to see the roofline's height being raised. Stated that could added height could create an appearance of mass that may be visible even from the street sides. • Opined that this will be a much bigger house than others in the neighborhood. Board Member Walter: • Said that the roofline increase would not appear obvious. It is only going up by two feet to reach the peak and obscure the roof over the back addition. Jason Lee said that the whole house was 2,700 square feet when he bought it. The total with the addition will increase by 1,000 square feet. Board Member Walter reminded that the design guidelines require that an addition to an historic structure look different from the original home while also be compatible. Jason Lee said they are open to that. He pointed out that his lot is large at 14,000 square feet. Their FAR will be less than the maximum allowed. Planner Daniel Fama advised that the maximum FAR would be .45. He added that the one limitation of extending the square footage is that it makes kick in the requirement to fire sprinkler the entire home. Jason Lee: Said he was looking forward to putting in fire sprinklers. Assured that he wants this addition to compliment the original architecture. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for August 12, 2019 Page 11 • Added that going with a single -story addition would take up too much property in the backyard. • Reiterated he is here today to receive early feedback. • Restated his plan to keep the front elevation historic and the addition complimentary with the original architecture. Chair Foulkes asked if the house was originally a single -story. Planner Daniel Fama said he was not sure. Jason Lee: • Said that material wise the second story was original and likely done a long time ago. • Said he wants to get it back to the original view. Chair Foulkes said he can appreciate Mr. Lee's efforts to stitch the whole house together. Board Member Blake said that there was quite a bit to work with with this home. Jason Lee: • Reassured the Board that he wants to keep the scale of this home as it is. • Pointed out that in ratio to property size this home is not too large. Board Member Blake suggested that the HPB let the back of this home blend in with the front. Board Member Walter agreed. Board Member Blake: • Said that she is in favor of allowing this property owner to proceed with the preparation of his plans. • Suggested that the Board not make it more complicated than it already is. Board Member Walter suggested that Mr. Lee keep the dimensions, details and character of the original home for the first 10 feet along both side elevations. He asked about the type of siding proposed and/or in use. Jason Lee: • Said that the siding material at the back is composite cement which matches the front materials. It would be easy to replicate. • Said that it's not clear if the shutters were original or added later. He has done some research and would be okay keeping them or removing them as the Board prefers. Chair Foulkes said he looks at this matter as to whether it would matter if new information is found six months down the road. It is important not to make one house look different from the rest of its neighborhood. Jason Lee said that every house on Alice is different. That's the charm of living on Alice Avenue. There are all types of architectural styles. None of them are exactly the same. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for August 12, 2019 Page 12 Board Member Moore pointed out that the historic design guidelines allow for second story additions to historic structures. Planner Daniel Fama reported that the existing carport was constructed in 1950. Board Member Walter asked when the original home was built. Jason Lee said it was somewhere between 1921 or 1923. Planner Daniel Fama replied 1923. Chair Foulkes said that the design guidelines call for additions to be distinct from the original structure. He questioned how this project might impact the HPB's ability to deal with future owners wanting a second -story addition. Board Member Blake said the Board will take requests one by one. Board Member Walter said that the 1980's era addition at the back already matches the appearance of the front. Board Member Blake said that issue of having an addition look different just because it's an addition merits some further conversation. She suggested that the Secretary of the Interior Standards are subject to interpretation. Planner Daniel Fama said that the record of the review and discussion had is important. We have our detailed minutes and good documentation. He suggested that Mr. Lee's architect prepare a written narrative explaining his approach in designing this latest addition. Chair Foulkes agreed getting the context would be helpful to this Board. Board Member Walter: • Stated that there are reasons to support a cohesive design versus differing the appearance of an addition from its original structure. • Suggested that it would suffice to incorporate just enough difference in materials or trim to differentiate between an original historic home and its addition. Board Member Moore said that each project is completely unique in every way. Each proposal must be looked at individually. This house has undergone more than 70 years' worth of remodels. The entirety of this home will be cleaned up a bit with this project. Jason Lee said he loves that and wants to achieve that. OLD BUSINESS 5. 204 Alice Avenue — Review of Siding Material and Windows (Roll Call Vote) Historic Preservation Board Minutes for August 12, 2019 Page 13 Approval of siding material and windows as required by an approved Tier 1 Historic Resource Alteration Permit (PLN2019-110) for property located at 204 Alice Avenue. Planner Daniel Fama: • Reported that the applicant has postponed her return to the HPB with material samples. • Said that the approval adopted at the last meeting lasts one year. • Added that whether the work begins depends upon whether the property is sold given it was just put on the market. Board Member Blake: • Read from a marketing brochure put out for this home at 204 Alice Avenue that was discussed at the last HPB meeting. The home's description gives the impression this house is in great condition. She said that she is disappointed by this outcome to say the least. STUDY SESSION None ADJOURNMENT Adjourn at 6:50 p.m. to the next Historic Preservation Board meeting scheduled for September 25, 2019, at 5.00 PM, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California PREPARED BY: Corinne Shinn, Recording Secretary APPROVED BY: ichael ul C r ATTEST: aniel Fama, HPB Staff Liaison