HPB Mins 07/24/20190 C 4,jA Historic Preservation Board REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, July 24, 2019 City Council Chambers, City Hall, 70 N First St., Campbell CALL TO ORDER The Historic Preservation Board meeting of July 24, 2019, was called to order at 5:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California by Acting Chair Kendall, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL HPB Members Present: Yvonne Kendall, Vice Chair Susan Blake Laura Taylor Moore Todd Walter APPROVAL OF MINUTES HPB Members Absent Michael Foulkes, Chair Staff Members Present: Daniel Fama, Senior Planner Corinne Shinn, Recording Secretary 1. Approval of HPB Minutes of June 25, 2019 Motion: Upon motion of Board Member Walter, seconded by Board Member Moore, the Historic Preservation Board minutes of the meeting of June 26, 2019, were approved as submitted. (3-0-1-1; Chair Foulkes was absent and Acting Chair Kendall abstained) ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (ITEMS NOT AGENDIZED) None BOARD/STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS, UPDATES AND REQUESTS Board Member Kendall: Historic Preservation Board Minutes for July 24, 2019 Page 2 of 8 • Announced that the History Mystery series is now being posted both on Facebook and NextDoor as joint project of the Historic Preservation Board and the Historic Museum. • Reminded that this series depicts older and partial pictures of historic structures within the community challenging folks to identify the building using that older photo. • Added that the rest of the building would then be revealed at a later date showing the structure as it appears in current day. • Encouraged each Board Member to help get the word out about this effort. • Concluded that about nine historic buildings will be featured as History Mystery subjects over the next few months. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. 74 N Second Street — HRI Rescission Request (Resolution/Roll Call Vote) Public Hearing to consider the application of Linda Tsai to remove/rescind (PLN2019-101) a Structure of Merit commonly known as the Smith House, on property located at 74 N Second Street, from the City of Campbell Historic Preservation Inventory. Staff is recommending that this project be deemed Categorically Exempt under CEQA. Acting Chair Kendall read the project description. Planner Daniel Fama: • Advised that Public Hearing Item 2 must be continued to the next HPB meeting given there is not an eligible quorum of the HPB present this evening to consider and take action on this item. Acting Chair Kendall advised that she would be on vacation the week of the next HPB meeting. Planner Daniel Fama: • Stated that given the previous delays this item warrants the scheduling of a "Special Meeting" to allow it to move forward. • Said that he would send an email with suggested dates for this Special Meeting. 3. 20 Alice Avenue — Tier 1 Historic Resource Alteration Permit (Resolution/Roll Call Vote) Public Hearing to consider the application of Stephanie Patience for a Tier 1 Historic Resource Alteration Permit (PLN2019-110) to allow exterior alterations (including replacement/repair of siding, roofing, gutters, and foundation) to an Alice Historic District property commonly known as the William and Dorothy (Mills) Harrison House, on property located at 204 Alice Avenue. Staff is recommending that this project be deemed Categorically Exempt under CEQA. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for July 24 2019 Page 3 of 8 Acting Chair Kendall read the project description. She advised that she must recuse herself for this next item due to proximity of this project to her home. She turned the gavel over to Board Member Walter and left the dais and chambers. Planner Daniel Fama: • Said that the property owner is requesting a Tier 1 Historic Resource Alteration permit to allow major repairs to this Alice Avenue Historic District home located at 204 Alice Avenue that includes siding, roofing, gutter and foundation work. • Advised that the property owner, Stephanie Patience, would like to make a presentation of her request. Acting Chair Walter opened the Public Hearing for Item No. 3. Stephanie Patience, Property Owner, 204 Alice Avenue: • Reported that she has been soliciting construction quotes for an extensive remodel of her home. • Assured that she would adhere to the guidelines as much as possible. • Stated that the windows are wood at the front and the rest would be wood clad. • Said that the roof would be either wood, composite or low maintenance. • Added that she would like to keep the home's integrity true to the period. • Said that it took two months to get her on the agenda for this meeting and she needs help from the Historic Preservation Board. • Said that work would encompass the roof, walls, electrical, plumbing and more. Rodents have been hard at work doing damage to this home. Board Member Blake: • Stated her appreciation for the effort Ms. Patience is putting forth. • Added that she is astonished at the amount of neglect. • Described Ms. Patience as being "very brave" to take on this challenge. • Said that the staff report provided was very well written. • Advised Ms. Patience that she supports her roofing request. She has no problem with it at all. They need to strip it down and start over. • Said it appears the siding is a perfect match. • Stated that the windows have already been approved. • Concluded that she is in favor of approving this proposed renovation. Acting Chair Walter clarified that the windows are already approved. Stephanie Patience replied yes. The windows approved are double -sash wood exterior. It was decided with that approval that it makes no sense to replace windows without a full exterior remodel plan. Acting Chair Walter asked if this historic district does not allow the use of aluminum -clad windows. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for July 24 2019 Page 4 of 8 Stephanie Patience said it makes a significant difference in price using wood over aluminum -clad. She said she would be happy to reapply if it were possible. Planner Daniel Fama said that the requirement for wood windows pertains to the front elevation only. He reminded that this is the City's only Historic District. Stephanie Patience: • Reported that some neighbors on Alice can only afford to change out one window at a time due to the high cost of wood windows. • Suggested that some give-and-take is necessary. • Assured that she is trying to do the right thing with this house but there's a budget. Planner Daniel Fama said that the HPB could provide enough discretion to staff, so the issue of windows would not have to come back. Acting Chair Walter asked the HPB to give their comments on windows. Board Member Blake said she is okay Board Member Moore agreed. Acting Chair Walter did as well. Stephanie Patience said that you really can't tell the difference. Acting Chair Walter asked Ms. Patience if she might be able to secure cut sheets for both wood and aluminum -clad windows. He added that everything sounds great. Stephanie Patience admitted that she, "Doesn't know what she doesn't know yet." Acting Chair Walter asked Ms. Patience if she knows the color yet. Stephanie Patience replied no. Planner Daniel Fama asked the HPB for their input on siding. Would they accept an alternative to wood? Stephanie Patience advised that concrete composite is less expensive and very durable. It also paints beautifully like wood. Acting Chair Walter: • Stated that Hardy Siding has a cement base. • Advised that he is an architect and he uses that on school projects. • Said that it is also designed for use on homes. • Added that one cannot tell from a distance but can when up close. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for July 24, 2019 Page 5 of 8 Stephanie Patience restated her intent to keep the size and appearance of her siding uniform. Currently it is a mismatch of materials. Acting Chair Walter suggested bringing samples of the wood -shaped products to the HPB. Motion: Upon motion of Board Member Blake, seconded by Board Member Moore, the Historic Preservation Board adopted a resolution approving a Tier 1 Historic Resource Alteration Permit (PLN2019-110) to allow exterior alterations (including replacement/repair of siding, roofing, gutters, and foundation) to an Alice Historic District property commonly known as the William and Dorothy (Mills) Harrison House, on property located at 204 Alice Avenue, with the added condition that the applicant provide drawings and samples of window systems and siding materials for consideration by the HPB, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Blake, Moore and Walter NOES: None ABSENT: Foulkes ABSTAIN: Kendall Stephanie Patience asked if there was any way she could be fast -tracked. Planner Daniel Fama said that this approval today allows her to get her building permit to start removing the roof and more. Board Member Blake suggested that perhaps the HPB can meet earlier in August. Acting Chair Walter said he could review materials ahead of time. He suggested coming down to the site and reporting back to the HPB. Planner Daniel Fama said he would follow up with Ms. Patience tomorrow. Acting Chair Kendall returned to the chamber and dais and assumed the gavel from Board Member Walter. NEW BUSINESS 4. 313 E. Campbell Avenue — Window Replacement Referral from the Community Development Director requesting that the Historic Preservation Board provide direction regarding the proposed installation of vinyl windows on a Structure of Merit located at the rear of The Courtyard, on property located at 313 E Campbell Avenue. Acting Chair Kendall read the project description. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for July 24, 2019 Page 6 of 8 Planner Daniel Fama: • Explained that this building is a Structure of Merit that is located within The Courtyard in Downtown Campbell. • Reported that the Community Development Director administratively denied a request for vinyl window replacements and referred this matter onward to the HPB. • Added that the Director would defer this decision to the HPB. • Reported that the applicant is here today. Pete Beritzhoff, Bay West Development, Applicant: • Reported that they bought The Courtyard property about a year ago. • Added that The Courtyard is a center with retail shops and includes a two-story former residence located at the back that has existing aluminum windows. • Stated that this site suffers from a decent amount of deferred maintenance. • Explained the need to change the windows due to water infiltration and the fact that the existing windows are ugly. • Advised that they would move on to repainting the structure once the new windows are installed. • Added that their proposed windows would appear like wood windows effectively while being white on the inside. They are in keeping with the double -hung style window. There are mullion windows there now. • Said that these windows being proposed are both architecturally and from a performance standpoint better than what is there. Board Member Moore asked Mr. Beritzhoff what their plan is for this building. Pete Beritzhoff replied clean it up. Acting Chair Kendall asked about the preferred wood -look appearance. Pete Beritzhoff said they are three times the cost and they wouldn't do it from a business standpoint. Board Member Blake: • Offered an historic background on this building. • Advised that in 2015 she had the opportunity to meet with the previous owners. • Said she learned that this building was originally a barn until the late 1800's when it was moved and turned into a hotel. Other uses were a "place of ill repute" and apartments during World War II. • Added that this structure was repeatedly and significantly altered over the years. • Concluded that good energy efficiency of the proposed replacement windows is important here and the applicant's window choice fulfills that goal. • Suggested framing out the windows with wood trim as well as perhaps installing a transom window where there is currently a plywood covered window in place now above the door. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for July 24, 2019 Page 7 of 8 Pete Beritzhoff said that the window for the currently plywood -covered opening is stored on the floor in that attic space. Board Member Blake: • Stated that she was stunned to see a fireplace in there and is concerned that the chimney is not properly anchored. • Said that she has no objection to what the applicant proposes. Acting Chair Kendall agreed and said that including wood trim on the outside of the window would look great there. Board Member Walter asked about the Director's objection to vinyl windows. Planner Daniel Fama said that staff tends to take a conservation approach to modifications of historic structures. Director Kermoyan took the strictest reading of the provision. It is by -the -book. Board Member Walter admitted he cannot recall approving an all -vinyl window system before. Planner Daniel Fama said that there are different types of historic properties. This review by HPB becomes a part of the record of process. Pete Beritzhoff reported that the downstairs space is retail but the upstairs space is not in a useable condition. Acting Chair Kendall suggested that the historic guidelines are geared more to historic residences. Board Member Walter asked if this structure is zoned residential. Planner Daniel Fama said it is zoned commercial with ground floor retail and no legal use established for the upstairs space. Board Member Blake: • Questioned how the standards should be considered in this situation. • Reminded that the uses of this structure have changed so many times. • Added that we also must look at sustainability and perhaps broaden our perspective a little bit. • Opined that the proposed windows visually meet what we need to see. • Stated these types of issues can still be considered on a case -by -case basis. Board Member Walter said he supports the HPB suggested use of wood trim around the proposed vinyl windows. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for July 24, 2019 Page 8 of 8 Acting Chair Kendall said that given how unappealing the existing windows are these replacements would provide a dramatic improvement. Board Member Moore said she supports the proposed window changes and finds these windows meet the requirements. Updates to the house will bring some excitement to this currently forlorn building's appearance back there. Board Member Walter asked about perhaps incorporating updated awnings. Pete Beritzhoff said their plan is to leave the existing awnings in place. If they decide to remove them at some point they would consider replacements at that time. Board Member Walter asked if these awnings are in good shape. Pete Beritzhoff said yes, aside from some fading. Acting Chair Kendall asked if the previously -closed window can be reopened. Planner Daniel Fama said that staff would work with the property owners. OLD BUSINESS None STUDY SESSION None ADJOURNMENT The Historic Preservation Board meeting adjourned at 5:52 p.m. to the next Regular Historic Preservation Bo rd m eting of August 28, 2019. PREPARED BY: Corinne Shinn, Recor ing Sec etary APPROVED BY:���� von en I, Acting Chair (All but Item 3) APPROVED BY: ATTEST: TodTfer, Acting Chair (Item 3) I Fama, HPB Staff Liaison