HPB Mins 01/29/2020 - Special MeetingHistoric Preservation Board SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, January 29, 2020 1 5:00 PM City Council Chambers, City Hall, 70 N First St., Campbell, California CALL TO ORDER The Special Historic Preservation Board meeting of January 29, 2020, was called to order at 5:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California by Chair Foulkes, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROl I rAl 1 HPB Members Present: Michael Foulkes, Chair Yvonne Kendall, Vice Chair Susan Blake Laura Taylor Moore Todd Walter Staff Members Present: Daniel Fama, Senior Planner Corinne Shinn, Recording Secretary Michael Shwe, Planning Intern CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL NEW BUSINESS HPB Members Absent None 1. Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee Appointment Planner Daniel Fama: • Reported that at the last meeting held on January 22, 2020, the HPB adopted a resolution to form a Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee. • Added that the HPB decided to continue the selection of appointees to the Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee to a meeting where all five HPB members could be present. • Reminded that two members are needed for this Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee. Member Blake acknowledged the presence this evening of the new Intern. Planner Daniel Fama: • Introduced Planning Intern Michael Shwe who joined the staff this week. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for January 29, 2020 (Special Meeting) Page 2 Member Blake: • Referenced the HPB Minutes from December 16, 2019. • Reminded that the goals of the Mills Act Update include updating the application materials; consideration of exterior, structural or safety improvements; and improving the accountability of the holders of a Mills Act Contract. • Added that staff had advised the HPB that it would be possible to "tag" those properties that have Mills Act Contracts so that staff is advised if permits are being sought on their historic home. • Said that another goal is to research other communities in consideration of 10-year Mills Act Contracts rather than ongoing. Member Walters said it is his understanding that tonight the Board is simply going to select the members of this Subcommittee. Member Blake agreed and added that the Subcommittee would be able to use the December 16, 2019 HPB minutes to proceed. Chair Foulkes asked if the Subcommittee would be able to work together with the Intern. Planner Daniel Fama: • Said that at the first Subcommittee meeting, we can focus on the scope and prioritize the goals. • Added that monthly reports will be provided to the HPB on progress made since the last HPB meeting was held if Subcommittee meetings have occurred. Member Blake reminded the Board of the offer from the State Office of Historic Preservation to assist us and come to Campbell to meet. Member Kendall said that at the last meeting on January 22nd, the three Board members in attendance discussed who might be appropriate for appointment to this Subcommittee. While they had a quorum of the Board, they decided to wait until all members could be present and participate in the selection. Member Walters asked who was interested. Member Kendall replied both Members Blake and Moore were interested in serving on this Subcommittee. Member Blake told Member Walters that his technical expertise could be useful on this Subcommittee. She asked if he was willing to do so. Member Walters replied yes. Member Moore said she was okay if the appointees were Members Blake and Walters. Motion: Upon motion of Member Kendall, seconded by Member Walters, the Historic Preservation Board appointed Members Blake and Walters to serve as the Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee. (5-0) Historic Preservation Board Minutes for January 29, 2020 (Special Meeting) Page 3 Planner Daniel Fama said that the newly appointed Subcommittee will meet independently with him and Intern Michael Shwe and that staff would coordinate the first meeting. Member Walters asked if the Subcommittee should advise Planner Daniel Fama whenever they have a meeting. Planner Daniel Fama suggested just a quick email to make him aware would suffice. Member Kendall asked if the intent is moving forward with new contracts rather than impacting existing. Member Walters: • Said that existing contracts would be considered. • Reminded that it is possible to cancel a contract. • Added that most certainly the update would impact any new contracts moving forward • Concluded it would ultimately be up to the City Council. Member Kendall asked if she still needs to recuse. Planner Daniel Fama said that is a good question that he will clarify with the City Attorney. Chair Foulkes said that the pie is large now. Member Blake said that Intern Michael Shwe would be focusing on evaluating the existing contracts. Planner Daniel Fama said that the Council direction to the Community Development Director to reach out to the owner of 73 S. First Street to ask them to reapply. That one would be the last one through the gate before we move forward with any others Chair Foulkes advised the HPB that Mayor Landry is conducting a meeting with the Chairs of the Boards and Commissions this evening (January 29th) at 7 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned at 5:28 p.m. to the next Regular Historic Preservation Board meeting scheduled for February 26, 2020, at 5:00 PM, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbe , Ca . ornia. PREPARED BY: C nnne Shinn, Recording Secretary APPROVED BY: ATTEST: MichSe-L 4:Z*es;_-Chair ama, HPB Staff Liaison