Guadalupe Disposal1 WASTE DISPOSAL, YARD WASTE AND 2 CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS 3 PROCESSING AGREEMENT 4 BETWEEN 5 GUADALUPE RUBBISH DISPOSAL COMPANY, INC. 0 7 THE WEST VALLEY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 8 9 10 11 12 13 JANUARY 1, 2006 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2021 14 15 TABLE OF CONTENTS 16 17 +. IL/EFINMVNS............... N..................p9M.....................................r1...............MOA........NI.............2 18 A. ADJUSTMENT DATE.......................................................................................................... 2 19 B. AGREEMENT......................................................................................................................2 20 C. ANALYSIS PERIOD............................................................................................................. 2 21 D. APPLICABLE LAWS............................................................................................................ 2 22 E. ASH....................................................................................................................................2 23 F. AssiGNMENT.....................................................................................................................2 24 G. AUTHORITY.......................................................................................................................3 25 H. AUTHORITY FRANCHISE AREA ........................................................................................ 3 26 I. AUTHoRTTY REPRESENTATIVE......................................................................................... 3 27 J. BENEFICIAL USE................................................................................................................ 3 28 K. BIOMEDICAL WA m......................................................................................................... 3 29 L. BOARD OF DIRECTORS...................................................................................................... 4 30 M. CHANGE IN LEGAL REQUIREMENTS................................................................................ 4 31 N. CITIES..................................................................................................................................4 32 O. CITY...................................................................................................................................4 33 P. COW'OSTING....................................................................................................................4 34 Q. CONTRACT RATE.............................................................................................................. 4 35 R. CoNTRACrOR...................................................................................................................5 36 S. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS.................................................................... 5 37 T. CONSTRUCTION AND DEMoLTTION DEBRIS PROCESSING FACILITY ............................. 5 38 U. DEBRIS BOX....................................................................................................................... 5 39 V. DESIGNATED HAULER...................................................................................................... 5 40 W. DESIGNATED YARD WASTE COMPOSTER........................................................................ 5 41 X. DESIGNATED YARD WASTE PROCESSOR......................................................................... 5 42 Y. DISPOSAL...........................................................................................................................6 43 Z. DISPOSAL FACILITY.......................................................................................................... 6 44 AA. EFFECTIVE DATE............................................................................................................... 6 45 BB. FRANCHISE CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS ............................................... 6 46 CC. FRANCHISE YARD WASTE................................................................................................ 6 47 DD. FRANCHISE SOLID WAgrE................................................................................................ 6 48 EE. GUADALUPE LANDFILL.................................................................................................... 7 49 FF. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE................................................................................................ 7 50 GG. HAZARDOUS WASTE........................................................................................................ 7 51 HH. LEGAL REQUIREMENTs.................................................................................................... 7 52 H. ORGANIC WASTE.............................................................................................................. 9 53 JJ. PARTY OR PARTIES............................................................................................................ 9 54 KK. RECYCLABLE MATERIALS................................................................................................. 9 i 55 LL. REC`rCLING........................................................................................................................9 56 MM. RUBBISH............................................................................................................................. 9 57 NN. SELF -HAULED SOLID WASTE........................................................................................... 9 58 00. SOLID WASTE .................................................................................................................... 9 59 PP. TERM................................................................................................................................10 60 QQ. TON.................................................................................................................................10 61 RR. YARD WASTE..................................................................................................................10 62 SS. YARD WASTE PROCESSING FACILITY.................................................................. ..10 63 IL EFFECTIVE DATE, TERM OF AGREEMENT, EARLY TERMINATION AND 64 OPTION TO EXTENDN..N.......... N..... N...... NN... NN.......... ...N.N.NNN........ NN.....NN...NN...NN... 10 65 A. EFFECTIVE DATE.............................................................................................................10 66 B. TERM................................................................................................................................11 67 C. EXTENSION......................................................................................................................11 68 III. CONDITIONS TO EFFECT VSS OF AGREEMENT ..N..N............................ .... 11 69 A. CONDITIONS TO AUTHORITY'S OBLIGATION TO PERFORM.........................................11 70 B. CONDITIONS TO CON'TR.A,CTOR's OBLIGATION TO PERFORM......................................12 71 TV. OBLIGATIONS OF AUTHORM......NN................NN..N..........N..NN...............NN............12 72 A. HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE PROGRAMS ......................... 12 73 B. OBLIGATION TO DIRECT SOLID WASTE, YARD WASTE, AND CONSTRUCTION 74 AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS TO THE GUADALUPE LANDFILL.......................................13 75 C. No L mT ON SOURCE REDUCTION...............................................................................13 76 D. ENFORCEMENT OF FRANCHISE AGREEMENT AGAINST DESIGNATED HAULER ......... 13 77 V. OBLIGATIONS OF CONTRACTOR N.NNN.H.NN....N..NN.N.N.N....N...N....NNN....NN.N.N.N..14 78 A. RECEi r OF FRANCHISE SOLID WAsTE..........................................................................14 79 B. RECEIPT AND PRoCFssING OF FRANCHISE YARD WASTE...........................................17 80 C. RECEIPT AND PROCESSING OF FRANCHISE CONSTRUCTION AND DEMounoN 81 DEBRIS............................................................................................................................ 24 82 D. PERMITS FOR USE OF DISPOSAL, YARD WASTE AND CONSTRUCTION AND 83 DEMOLITION DEBRIS PRoCFssiNG FACILITIES............................................................ 30 84 E. NOTICE OF CLAIMS......................................................................................................... 30 85 F. DISFUSTTIoN of UNAUTHORIZED WAsTEs................................................................... 30 86 G. DAYS AND HOURS OF OPERATION................................................................................ 31 87 H. WEIGIIING.......................................................................................................................32 88 I. SIGNS...............................................................................................................................33 89 J. SITE ACCESS.................................................................................................................... 33 90 K. RECORDS.........................................................................................................................33 91 L. INSPECTION OF OPERATIONS......................................................................................... 33 92 M. LABoR FORCE................................................................................................................. 34 93 N. No PREFERENCE............................................................................................................. 34 94 VL AUTHORIZED DISPOSAL AND PROCESSING FEES ........................................... 34 95 A. GENERAL.........................................................................................................................34 96 B. CONTRACT DISPOSAL RATE ........................................................................................... 35 ll 97 C. NOTIFICATION OF ADJUSTMENT TO CONTRACT DISPOSAL RATE ......................... 98 D. DISPOSAL CPI CHANGES............................................................................................... 38 99 E. ALLOWABLE DISPOSAL COST CHANGES....................................................................... 39 100 F. REGULATORY DISPOSAL COST CHANGEs..................................................................... 43 101 G. CONTRACT YARD WASTE PROCESSING RATE ................................. ................... 43 102 H. NOTIFICATION OF ADJUSTMENT TO CONTRACT YARD WASTE PROCESSING RATE.. 45 103 I. YARD WASTE CPI INCREASES....................................................................................... 46 104 J. ALLOWABLE YARD WASTE PROCESSING COST CHANGES .......................................... 47 105 K REGULATORY YARD WASTE PROCESSING COST CHANGES ......................................... 49 106 L. CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS PROCESSING RATE .............. 49 107 M. NOTIFICATION OF ADJUSTMENT TO CONTRACT CONSTRUCTION AND 108 DEMOLITION DEBRIS PROCESSING RATE..................................................................... 51 109 N. C&D CPI ADJusTMENTs .......................... ............... ...................................................... 51 110 O. ALLOWABLE CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS PROCESSING COST 111 ADJUSTMENTS............................................................................................................... 52 112 P. REGULATORY CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS COST CHANGES .............. 54 113 Q. COSTS FOR ADDITIONAL SERVICES................................................................................ 54 114 VIL BILLING AND PAYMENT PROCEDURE ............ .................. »....... ............................. 55 115 A. INVOICES......................................................................................................................... 55 116 B. AUTHORITY NOT LIABLE FOR PAYMENT...................................................................... 55 117 VIM BOOKS AND RECORDS.................................................................................................. 56 118 IX. COMPILATION OF INFORMATION FOR STATE LAW PURPOSES .................. 56 119 X. DESIGNATED HAULERS................................................................................................. 56 120 A. REQUIREMENT TO COMPLY WITH LAWS....................................................................... 56 121 B. INSPECTION OF RECORDS............................................................................................... 57 122 XL INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE .................. »............................................................. ». 57 123 A. BASIC INDEMNIFICATION............................................................................................... 57 124 B. HAZARDous SUBSTANCE INDEMNIFTCATIoN.............................................................. 57 125 C. No INDEmNrrY WHERE HAzARDous WASTE PRoGRAMs NOT IN EFFECT ............... 58 126 D. NO RIGHTS OR BENEFITS, ETC. REGARDING DESIGNATED HAULER .......................... 59 127 E. INDEMNIFICATION PROCEDURE.................................................................................... 59 128 F. TYPES AND AMOUNT OF INSURANCE COVERAGE........................................................ 59 129 XIL RIGHT TO DEMAND ASSURANCES OF PERFORMANCE .................................. 60 130 )ML COMPLIANCE WITH LEGAL REQUIREMENTS .............. ».......... ............................ 60 131 )IV. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF CONTRACTOR ..........................61 132 A. CORPORATE STATus....................................................................................................... 61 133 B. CORPORATE AUTHORIZATION...................................................................................... 61 134 C. STATus OF DEPosAL FACILITY...................................................................................... 61 135 D. AGREEMENT WILL NOT CAUSE BREACH...................................................................... 61 136 E. NO PENDING LITIGATION.............................................................................................. 62 137 F. NOTIFICATION OF MATERIAL CHANGES...................................................................... 62 138 XV. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF AUTHORITY ............................... 62 iii 139 A. STATUS . ........................................................................................................................... 62 140 B. CORPORATE AvTHoRIzAnoN...................................................................................... 62 141 C. AGREEMENT WILL NOT CAUSE BREACH...................................................................... 63 142 D. NO PENDING LmGATION.............................................................................................. 63 143 XVL RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES......................................................................................... 63 144 XVIL SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS......uuu............................................................................ 64 145 A. ASSIGNMENT BY CoNTRAcroR..................................................................................... 64 146 B. ASSIGNMENT BY AUTHoRrry......................................................................................... 65 147 C. ASSIGNMENT NOT A RELEASE....................................................................................... 65 148 XVIII. REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PARTIES ..N.N........ ........ .......... NN.N ................................ 66 149 A. RomEsENTATIvEs OF AUTHoRm................................................................................ 66 150 B.�REpRESENTATIVEs of CONmcroR............................................................................. 66 151 7 XDL NO ICES................................................................................................................................ 66 152 A. IF To CoNTRAcroR........................................................................................................ 67 153 B. IF TO AunioRrrY............................................................................................................ 68 154 XX. WAIVER..................................................................................................................................68 155 XXL OVERRIDING FEDERAL AND STATE LAWS........................................................... 69 156 XXIL AUTHORITY'S DEFAULT.................................................................................................69 157 A. DEFAULT DEFINED......................................................................................................... 69 158 B. CURE................................................................................................................................69 159 C. RIGHT TO TERMINATE UPON DEFAULT........................................................................ 69 160 D. CoNTRAcroR's REMEDIEs CUMULATIvE..................................................................... 70 161 XXIIL DEFAULT BY CONTRACTOR...HbHM.......NNN.............N.................................................. 70 162 A. CONTRACTOR DEFAULT................................................................................................. 70 163 B. CURE ......................................................... :...................................................................... 71 164 C. AUTHORITY'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE PERFORMANCE UPON DEFAULT ...................... 72 165 D. AUTHORITY'S REMEDIES CUMULATIVE; SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE ............................. 72 166 E. NOTICE, HEARING AND APPEAL OF Aumomy BREACH ......................................... 72 167 XXIV. FORCE MAJEURE....................................................... «..................... ....... ......... ....... ........ 73 168 XXV. PARTIES IN INTEREST................................................................................................... 74 169 XXVL DUTY OF CONTRACTOR NOT TO DISCRIMINATE ►...... ..................................... 74 170 XXVIL OBLIGATIONS SURVIVING TERMINATION .»..................................................... 74 171 XXVIIL APPLICABLE LAW.........w.................................................................................................. 74 172 XX L JURISDICTION .......................................... «.... ........... »............................................ .......... 74 173 XXX. TIME OF THE ESSENCE..............................4NNM.....M...NL.N...... ..N.H.N...........U........NHN. 174 XXXL EXHIBITS ................. ..................... ..... ..„.......... ....... ....... ......... »........ ...................................... 17�4'' 175 X)DU EN ........ NN.N..M...... ..NN.H...... NN................M............................................................... "/ 7/5 /5 176 XXXIM ADVICE OF COUNSEIINEGOTIATED AGREEMENT........ .................................... 75 177 XXXIV. HEADINGS............................................................................................................................ 75 178 JXXV�.. TIME PERIODS ............................................................................................................. 75 179 Y+V_. VEVERARILITJ....................................................NNN................... .............. ................ .... /6 180 XjVI L AMENDMENT ..... . ......... . .......... . .. . ...... ................ . .................................... ...................... 76 iv 181 182 183 184 185 Exhibits 186 187 A Insurance to be Maintained 188 B City Household Hazardous Waste Exclusion Programs and Policies 189 C Contract Rates 190 D Disposal Fee Costs Responsibility of CONTRACTOR 191 E Schedule of Required Reports 192 F Yard Waste Processing Operations Plan 193 G Yard Waste Marketing Plan 194 H Construction and Demolition Debris Recycling Plan 195 1 Construction and Demolition Debris Marketing Plan 196 j Guaranty Agreement 197 K. Guadalupe Landfill Permits 198 L Hauler/Contractor Contract 199 200 201 202 203 This Agreement may be amended or modified only by written agreement duly 204 authorized by CONTRACTOR and Board of Directors and executed by their 205 authorized representatives. V 206 WASTE DISPOSAL, YARD WASTE AND CONSTRUCTION AND ) 207 DEMOLITION DEBRIS PROCESSING AGREEMENT 208 209 This Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of December 14, 2005, 210 by and between The West Valley Solid Waste Management Authority, a joint powers 211 authority organized under the laws of the State of California (hereinafter "AUTHORITY") 212 and GUADALUPE RUBBISH DISPOSAL COMPANY, INC., a California corporation 213 (hereinafter "CONTRACTOR"). AUTHORITY and CONTRACTOR shall be referred to 214 collectively as the "Parties." Other defined terms used herein are defined in the Section I, 215 Definitions section of this Agreement or upon the first appearance of said term. 216 217 Recitals 218 219 WHEREAS, AUTHORITY desires to make adequate provision for the final 220 disposition of Solid Waste and the diversion from landfill Disposal of Yard Waste and 221 Construction and Demolition Debris collected within its incorporated limits to protect the 222 public health, safety and well-being; 223 224 WHEREAS, AUTHORITY was established by the cities of Campbell, Los Gatos, 225 Monte Sereno, and Saratoga pursuant to the provisions of the joint Exercise of Powers 226 Act (Title 1, Division 7, Articlel, Section 6500 et seq. of the California Government Code) _,227 to arrange for and manage the waste reduction, collection, reuse, Disposal, recycling and 228 diversion from landfill Disposal of Solid Waste originating in the participating 229 municipalities 230 231 WHEREAS, AUTHORITY is acting under clearly articulated and affirmatively 232 expressed policies of the State of California empowering cities to regulate the final 233 disposition of Solid Wastes under powers expressly granted to cities in Article M, Section 234 7, of the California Constitution, and pursuant to Sections 40057, 40059, and 49200 of the, 235 California Public Resources Code, and 236 237 WHEREAS, CONTRACTOR owns and operates a waste Disposal Facility known 238 as the Guadalupe Landfill located in the City of San Jose, California, 239 240 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the AUTHORITY has found and determined 241 that the public health, safety and well-being of the AUTHORITY will be preserved and 242 protected by the execution of this Agreement, by ensuring the availability of a suitable 243 site for the Disposal of Solid Waste on a long-term basis. 244 1 244 WHEREAS, AUTHORITY AND CONTRACTOR have negotiated the following 245 term and conditions, 246 247 Agreement 248 249 NOW, I ZEFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals and of the mutual 250 promises, covenants and conditions herein, the Parties agree as follows: 251 252 I. DEFINITIONS 253 254 A. Adjustment Date. 255 "Adjustment Date" shall have the meaning set forth in Section VI.C.I. 256 257 B. eement. Agreement. 258 "Agreement" means this agreement between the West Valley Solid Waste 259 Management Authority and the Guadalupe Rubbish Disposal Company, 260 Inc. 261 262 C. Analysis Period. 263 "Analysis Period" shall have the meaning set forth in Section VI.C-2. 264 265 D. Applicable Laws. 266 "Applicable Laws" means all existing laws and governmental regulations 267 applicable to the Guadalupe landfill as of the Effective Date, including 268 existing provisions, if any, which become effective on or which require 269 compliance by a date after the Effective Date, and also including existing 270 written interpretive rulings or guidance by public agencies. 271 272 E. Ash. 273 "Ash" means the material remaining after incineration of Solid Waste, 274 including bottom ash and fly ash. "Ash" does not include ashes from 275 residential burning, such as fireplaces, barbecues, etc. 276 277 F. Assignment. 278 "Assignment" shall include, but not be limited to: (i) a sale, exchange, or 279 other transfer of substantially all of CONTRACTOR'S "sets dedicated to 280 service under this Agreement to a third party; (ii) a sale, exchange, or other 281 transfer of outstanding common stock of CONTRACTOR to a third party 282 provided said sale, exchange, or transfer may result in a change of control of 283 CONTRACTOR, excluding stock transfers among the existing shareholders; 284 (iii) any dissolution, reorganization, consolidation, merger, re -capitalization, 6 )85 stock issuance or re -issuance, voting trust, pooling agreement, escrow 286 arrangement, liquidation, or other transaction to which results in a change of 287 ownership or control of CONTRACTOR;, (iv) any assignment by operation 288 of law, including insolvency or bankruptcy, making assignment for the 289 benefit of creditors, writ of attachment for an execution being levied against 290 this Agreement, appointment of a receiver taking possession of 291 CONTRACTOR'S property, or transfer occurring in the event of a probate 292 proceeding; and (y) any combination of the foregoing (whether or not in 293 related or contemporaneous transactions) which has the effect of any such 294 transfer or change of ownership, or change of control of CONTRACTOR. 295 296 G. Authority. 297 "AUTHORITY" means the West Valley Solid Waste Management Authority 298 and the geographic area of the Cities. 299 300 H. Aujhpri ft Franchise Area. 301 "AUTHORITY Franchise Area" means and includes all the territory lying 302 within the boundaries of the Cities as it is presently constituted and as may 303 be added later by annexation. 304 305 I. Authority Representative. ,306 "AUTHORITY Representative" means the Executive Director of the 307 Authority or his designee. 308 309 J. Beneficial Use. 310 "Beneficial Use" means the processing of Yard Waste for top dressing, weed 311 suppression, irrigation and erosion control, soil amendment, mulch, fuel, 312 etc. (in a manner that is not classified as Disposal by the California 313 Integrated Waste Management Board and is not otherwise subject to the 314 City of San Jose's Disposal Facility Tax or implementing Ordinance No. 315 27512) but does not include composting or landfill disposal. 316 317 K. Biomedical Waste. 318 "Biomedical Waste" means waste which may be reasonably considered 319 infectious, pathological or biohazardous, originating from hospitals, public 320 or private medical clinics, dental offices, departments of research 321 laboratories, pharmaceutical industries, blood banks, forensic medical 322 departments, mortuaries, veterinary facilities and other similar facilities and 323 includes equipment, instruments, utensils, fornites, laboratory waste 324 (including pathological specimens and fornites attendant thereto), surgical 325 facilities, equipment, bedding and utensils (including pathological 326 specimens and disposal fornites attendant thereto) sharps (hypodermic L40 327 needles, syringes, etc.), dialysis unit waste, animal carcasses, offal and body 328 parts, biological materials (vaccines, medicines, etc.), and other similar 329 materials, including all wastes which constitute "Infectious Waste" as 330 defined Health and Safety Code Section 25117.5, and -Medical Waste- as 331 defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 25023.2, or the 332 regulations promulgated thereunder, as amended from time to time. 333 334 L. Board of Directors. 335 "Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors of the Authority. 336 337 M. Change in Lea Requirements. 338 "Change in Legal Requirements" means changes to Legal Requirements, or 339 with new laws and new governmental regulations (including new written 340 interpretive guidelines by public agencies interpreting existing Applicable 341 Laws) enacted or promulgated after the Effective Date. 342 343 N. Cities. 344 "Cities" means the cities of Campbell, Monte Sereno, Saratoga, and the 345 Town of Los Gatos collectively and includes all of the territory lying within 346 their boundaries as presently existing or as such boundaries may be 347 modified during the Tenn of this Agreement 348 349 0. civ. 350 "City" means the City of Campbell, Monte Sereno, Saratoga, or the Town of 351 Los Gatos, which is organized under the laws of the State of California and 352 includes all of the territory lying within its boundaries as presently existing 353 or as such boundaries may be modified during the Term of this Agreement. 354 355 P. COMR21tR& 356 "Composting" means a controlled biological decomposition of organic 357 materials yielding a safe and nuisance free compost product which shall be 358 used in a manner that qualifies for diversion under the rules and regulations 359 of the California Integrated Waste Management Board. 360 361 Q. Contract Rate. 362 'Contract Gate Rate" shall have the meaning set forth in Section VI.B for 363 Solid Waste, Section VLG for Yard Waste, and Section VLL for 364 Construction and Demolition Debris. 365 In R. Contractor. 366 "Contractor" means Guadalupe Rubbish Disposal Company, Inc., a wholly 367 owned subsidiary of Waste Management, Inc. 368 369 S. Construction and Demolition Debris. 370 "Construction and Demolition Debris" means construction material 371 resulting from construction Remodeling repair, or demolition operations as 372 part of a total service operated by a duly -licensed demolition contractor or 373 town/City, including rocks, soil, tree remains and other yard debris, which 374 normally results from land clearing or land development operations for a 375 construction project Construction and Demolition Debris shall be source 376 separated from Solid Waste at the site of generation and contain no more 377 than thirty (30%) by volume of residue. 378 379 T. Construction and Demolition Debris Processing Facility. 380 "Construction and Demolition Debris Processing Facility" means that plant 381 owned and operated by CONTRACTOR and located at the Guadalupe 382 Landfill for the temporary storage, separation, recovery, conversion or 383 processing of Construction and Demolition Debris and the transfer of the 384 remaining residue for Disposal at the Disposal Facility. 385 386 U. Debris Box. 387 "Debris Box" means a roll -off container with a capacity of 6 to 50 cubic yards 388 used to collect and transport Construction and Demolition Debris and 389 similar materials. 390 391 V. Desigpgted Hauler. 392 "Designated Hauler" means an entity operating under a franchise agreement 393 or contract with AUTHORITY to collect and transport Solid Waste, Yard 394 Waste and Construction and Demolition Debris generated within the 395 AUTHORITY or by AUTHORITY. 396 397 W. Designated Yard Waste CMRoster. 398 "Designated Yard Waste Composter" means a company designated by the 399 Authority to Compost Franchise Yard Waste. 400 401 X. Deggnated Yard Waste Processor. 402 "Designated Yard Waste Processor" means, a company designated by the 403 Authority to process Franchise Yard Waste for Beneficial Use. As of the 404 Effective Date, the "Designated Yard Waste Processor" is the Guadalupe 405 Landfill, which is currently authorized to receive Yard Waste and process it 406 for beneficial use under applicable laws and regulations of the State of 5 407 California. 408 409 Y. Disposal. 410 "Disposal" means the final disposition of Solid Waste as provided 411 hereunder at the Landfill. Disposal does not include the use of Yard Waste 412 as alternative daily cover (ADC) so long as City and State regulations 413 consider ADC use of Yard Waste as Diversion under the Act. 414 415 Z. Disposal Facility. 416 "Disposal Facility" means the site known as the Guadalupe Landfill, San 417 Jose, California, Solid Waste Facility Permit Number 43-AN-0015, located at 418 15999 Guadalupe Mines Road, in the City of San Jose, California, and 419 currently authorized to receive Solid Waste for Disposal under applicable 420 laws and regulations of the State of California. "Disposal Facility" may also 421 refer to whichever alternate facility is designated by CONTRACTOR and 422 approved by AUTHORITY as the Disposal Facility under this Agreement 423 pursuant to Section V.A.1. 424 425 AA. Effective Date. 426 "Effective Date" means the commencement date of the Term of this 427 Agreement, as set forth in Section II below. 428 429 BB. Franchise Construction and Demolition Debris. 430 "Franchise Construction and Demolition Debris" means Construction and 431 Demolition Debris generated within the AUTHORITY Franchise Area and 432 delivered to the Guadalupe Landfill by the AUTHORITY'S Designated 433 Hauler. 434 435 CC. Franchise Yard Waste. 436 "Franchise Yard Waste" means Yard Waste generated within the 437 AUTHORITY Franchise Area and delivered to the Guadalupe Landfill by 438 the AUTHORHYS Designated Hauler. 439 440 DD. Franchise Solid Waste. 441 "Franchise Solid Waste" shall mean all Solid Waste produced, generated, or 442 accumulated in the AUTHORITY Franchise Area, other than: (1) Self -Hauled 443 Solid Waste, and (2) Solid Waste collected by a person or entity and hauled 444 directly to a transfer site or Disposal site where such collection is incidental 445 to the principal business of such person or entity (Le, by means of trucks, 446 drop boxes or roll -off containers owned or operated by self -haulers such as 447 landscapers, tree services, bulky item haulers, and construction debris self- 448 haulers). 3i Flyluf W-A 450 "Franchise Solid Waste" also means all substances or materials that are 451 discarded or rejected as being spent, useless, worthless or in excess of the 452 owner's needs at the time of discard or rejection including, without 453 limitation, all putrescible and non-putrescible solid and semi -Solid Waste 454 including garbage, Rubbish, Yard Waste, bulky wastes, industrial wastes, 455 demolition and construction wastes, and other activities which are not 456 otherwise restricted in Class III landfills by state or federal regulations for 457 the Disposal site. 458 459 "Franchise Solid Waste" does not include: (1) Hazardous Substances, 460 Hazardous Waste; (2) Biomedical Waste; (3) Ash; (4) materials which are not 461 set out or otherwise offered for collection by waste generators; (5) Recyclable 462 Materials which are source separated by the waste generator or segregated 463 for recycling, including Yard Waste, or (6) Construction and Demolition 464 Debris which are source separated. 465 466 EE. Guadalupe Landfill. 467 "Guadalupe Landfill" means the site known as the Guadalupe Landfill, San 468 Jose, California, Solid Waste Facility Permit Number 43-AN4M5, located at 469 15999 Guadalupe Mines Road, in the City of San Jose, California, and ,�70 currently authorized to receive Solid Waste for Disposal, receive and process 471 Construction and Demolition Debris, and receive and process Yard Waste 472 for beneficial use under applicable laws and regulations of the State of 473 California. 474 475 FF. Hazardous Substance. 476 "Hazardous Substance" or "Hazardous Substances" means all substances 477 defined as hazardous substances under Title 42 of the United States Code, 478 Section 9601(14), Section 25316 of the California Health and Safety Code, or 479 the regulations promulgated under such statutes, as amended from time to 480 time. 481 482 GG. Hazardous Waste. 483 "Hazardous Waste" or "Hazardous Wastes" means all substances defined as 484 hazardous waste under Title 42 of the United States Code, Section 6903(5), 485 Section 25117 of the California Health and Safety Code, or the regulations 486 promulgated under such statutes, as amended from time to time. 487 488 HH. Legal Requirements. 489 "Legal Requirements" means Applicable Laws, permits and approvals 490 pertaining to CONTRACTOR'S performance under this Agreement, 7 491 including but not limited to environmental laws, permits and approvals as 492 they maybe enacted, issued, or amended during the Term. 493 �93 IL Organic Waste. 494 "Organic Waste" means Yard Waste plus fruit, meat, or other food waste. 495 496 jj. Fla or Parties. 497 "Party" or "Parties" refers to the ALTrHOFX17Y and CONTRACTOR 498 individually or together. 499 500 KK. Recyclable Materials. 501 "Recyclable Materials" means any material source separated by generator or 502 pulled out of the Solid Waste stream by CONTRACTOR, prior to placement 503 in the Disposal Facility, including domestic, commercial or industrial by- 504 products of some potential value which are set aside, handled, packaged or 505 offered for collection in a manner different from Garbage4 Rubbish or other 506 forms of Solid Waste. "Recyclable Materials" shall mean to include those 507 items so defined in Cities' Municipal Codes, as they may be amended from 508 time to time. 509 510 L.L. Recycling: 511 "Recycling" means the process of collecting, sorting, cleaning, treating or 512 reconstituting Solid Waste materials prior to placement in a landfill, and 513 recovering them so that they may be used in the form of raw material for ,514 new, reused or reconstituted products. 515 516 MM. Rubbish. 517 "Rubbish" means all waste wood, wood products, printed materials, paper, 518 pasteboard, rags, straw, used and discarded clothing, packaging materials, 519 ashes from residential burning, floor sweepings, glass, and other Waste 520 materials not included in the definition of garbage, Hazardous Waste, or 521 Yard Waste, and Construction and Demolition Debris. "Rubbish" shall also 592 include those items so defined in Cities' Municipal codes, as that definition 523 may from time to time be amended. 524 525 NN. Self -Hauled Solid Waste. 526 "Self -Hauled Solid Waste" means Solid Waste hauled directly to a transfer 527 site or a Disposal site by the person or entity generating the waste. 528 529 00. Solid Waste. 530 "Solid Waste" or "Solid Wastes" means solid waste as defined in California 531 Public Resources Code Section 40191 and regulations promulgated 532 thereunder, as amended from time to time, with the exception of: (1) 533 Hazardous Waste, low-level radioactive waste, Biomedical Waste, 534 wastewater treatment byproducts such as sewage sludge, and special wastes 535 requiring special handling which CONTRACTOR or Disposal Facility is not 536 permitted to accept, and (2) any materials collected by curbside residential 537 and commercial Recycling and Yard Waste collection programs where such 538 materials are not Disposed of but are actually Recycled. Notwithstanding 539 any provision to the contrary, "Solid Waste" may include de minimis 540 volumes or concentrations of Hazardous Substances (as that term is defined 541 in 42 U.S.C. Section 9601(14)) of a type and amount normally found in 542 residential Solid Waste after implementation of programs for the safe 543 collection, recycling, treatment and Disposal of household Hazardous Waste 544 in compliance with Sections 41500 and 41802 of the California Public 545 Resources Code. 546 547 PP. Term. 548 "Term" means the term of this Agreement including, but not limited to, 549 extensions provisions if granted in accordance with Section II. 550 551 QQ. Ton. 552 "Toe means a unit of measure for weight equivalent to ZOOO standard 553 pounds, where each pound contains 16 ounces. 554 555 RR. Yard Waste. 556 "Yard Waste" means grass cuttings, weeds, leaves, prunings, branches, dead 557 plants, bush, tree trimmings, dead trees (not more that six (6) inches in 558 diameter) and four (4) feet in length, and similar materials generated at 559 premises within AUTHORITY Franchise Area. 560 561 SS. Yard Waste Processing FacftL. 562 "Yard Waste Processing Facility" means the site known as the Guadalupe 563 Landfill, San Jose, California, Solid Waste Facility Permit Number 43-AN- 564 0015, located at 15999 Guadalupe Mines Road, in the City of San Jose, 565 California, and currently authorized to receive Solid Waste for Disposal, 566 receive and process Construction and Demolition Debris, and receive and 567 process Yard Waste for beneficial use under applicable laws and regulations 568 of the State of California. 569 570 571 11. EFFECTIVE DATE, TERM OF AGREEMENT, EARLY TERMINATION 572 AND OPTION TO EXTEND 573 574 A. Effective Date. 575 This Agreement is made as of January 1, 2006 (the "Effective Date"). 10 P,76 B. Term. —577 Subject to the early termination provisions set forth in this Agreement and to 578 the satisfaction of the conditions set forth in Section 1H, the term of this 579 Agreement (the "Term") shall be fifteen (15) years, commencing at 12:00 a.m. 580 on January 1, 2006, (the "Effective Date") and expiring at midnight 581 December 31, 2021 582 583 C. Extension. 584 AUTHORITY and CONTRACTOR may elect to extend the terms of this 585 Agreement on mutually agreed to terms and conditions. 586 587 111. CONDITIONS TO EFFECTIVENESS OF AGREEMENT 588 589 A. Conditions to Authorit y's Obligation to Perform. 590 The obligation of AUTHORITY to perform under this Agreement is subject 591 to the satisfaction of each and every one of the conditions set forth below, 592 each of which may be waived in whole or in part by AUTHORITY. Waivers 593 are limited to those expressed in writing, and are in the sole and exclusive 594 discretion of AUTHORITY. 595 596 1. Accuracy of Representations. 597 The representations and warranties made by CONTRACTOR in Section 598 XIV of this Agreement shall be true and correct as of the Effective Date 599 and shall remain true and correct through the Termination Date. 600 601 2. Furnishing of Insurance. 602 CONTRACTOR shall have delivered to AUTHORITY the insurance 603 policies and endorsements required by Section V and described in detail 604 in Exhibit A. 605 606 3. Furnishing of Evidence of Closure and Post -Closure Financial Assurance. 607 CONTRACTOR shall deliver to AUTHORITY evidence of financial 608 assurance for landfill closure and post -closure responsibility required by 609 Section XIV.C. 610 611 4. Financial Gugan U A 612 CONTRACTOR shall have delivered to AUTHORITY the fully executed 613 Financial Guaranty Agreement presented in Exhibit J. 614 11