HPB Mins 01/22/2020 - Regular MeetingHistoric Preservation Board REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, January 22, 2020 1 5:00 PM City Council Chambers, City Hall, 70 N First St., Campbell, California CALL TO ORDER The Historic Preservation Board meeting of January 22, 2020, was called to order at 5:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California by Acting Chair Kendall, and the following proceedings were had to wit. ROLL CALL HPB Members Present: Yvonne Kendall, Vice Chair Susan Blake Laura Taylor Moore Staff Members Present: Daniel Fama, Senior Planner Corinne Shinn, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF MINUTES HPB Members Absent Michael Foulkes, Chair Todd Walter 1. Approval of Minutes of December 16, 2019. As there was not a quorum available at this meeting to adopt the draft minutes of the HPB meeting of December 16, 2019, they will be continued to the next meeting when a quorum is in attendance. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (ITEMS NOT AGENDIZED) None BOARD/STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS, UPDATES AND REQUESTS 2. Certified Local Government (CLG) Annual Report— Resumes Required Planner Daniel Fama: • Advised that he would need to secure updated resumes from each HPB member for inclusion with the annual CLG Report that will be submitted. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for January 22, 2020 Page 2 • Reported that the owner of The Courtyard will be painting the rear building (old house) and has placed paint samples on the building in case the HPB would like to see them. PUBLIC HEARINGS None NEW BUSINESS 3. Election of the 2020 HPB Chair and Vice Chair Member Blake suggested continuing with the current leadership until after the Mills Act update has been completed. Motion: Upon motion of Member Blake, seconded by Member Moore, the selection of new leadership for the Historic Preservation Board will remain as is until the work on updating the Mills Act program has been completed. (3-0-2; Members Foulkes and Walter were absent) 4. Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee Formation and Appointment Planner Daniel Fama: • Reported that at the last meeting the HPB decided to form a Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee. • Added that it is proposed that this special committee be dissolved once its purpose has been accomplished. • Advised that since this is a subcommittee without a quorum of the Board, subcommittee meeting noticing is not required. • Said that he had prepared a resolution for the HPB to adopt establishing the Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee. • Stated that the ad hoc Subcommittee would provide monthly reports to the HPB. • Announced the recent hire of an intern, who will start on Monday, January 27, 2020. He is a graduate student at San Jose State University and will work eight -hour days on Mondays and Wednesdays and will work with the ad hoc Subcommittee. Acting Chair Kendall: • Suggested that there be no Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee formed. • Recounted that per her previous experience serving on the Planning Commission and including its subcommittee, SARC (Site and Architectural Review Committee), she finds that after SARC had reviewed an item and provided the PC with an overview of its review, the PC was less intense in its own deliberations and heavily relying on the report and recommendations made by SARC. • Added that since HPB is already a small Board, the work of an even smaller subcommittee could be more biased. Member Blake reminded that the Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee would be providing reports at each regular HPB meeting. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for January 22, 2020 Page 3 Acting Chair Kendall: • Stated that SARC's impression of a project is respected by the PC so it limits a follow up discussion at PC meetings. • Concluded that the PC simply supports the SARC recommendations. Member Moore: • Admitted that she is confused. • Pointed out that the goals for the Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee are very focused. • Stated that there needs to be additional attention paid to the Mills Act that can be better served with the appointment of this proposed Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee. Member Blake: • Reminded that the staff supporting HPB is stressed with workload and the HPB has volunteered to help. • Assured that there will be a variety of opinions even though we area very small group. • Stated that the Mills Act is a complex issue based on State law. Acting Chair Kendall: • Stated that both Members Moore and Blake have provided valid arguments to support the appointment of a Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee. • Concluded that their points made sense. Member Moore pointed out that follow up and progress on updating the Mills Act Program can be done more immediately with the additional time put in by the Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee. Planner Daniel Fama said that the Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee would provide more flexibility to get work done. They will check in monthly with the HPB. The entire HPB will forward its final recommendations on to Council. Acting Chair Kendall asked staff what action should now be taken. Planner Daniel Fam said that a motion and second to adopt the resolution establishing a Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee should be made and voted upon. The next action would be to select the two HPB members to serve on the Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee. Member Blake: • Said that it seems awkward to make these appointments with two Members absent from this meeting. • Asked staff if the Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee could draft a letter of outreach to the current seven Mills Act Contract property owners. Planner Daniel Fama suggested that perhaps another HPB meeting could be set in the next week or so to plan out what will be done before empaneling the Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee. Acting Chair Kendal pointed out that Member Walter has architectural expertise. The rest of the HPB Members own historic homes. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for January 22, 2020 Page 4 Motion: Upon motion of Member Blake, seconded by Member Moore, the Historic Preservation Board adopted a resolution establishing the Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee. (3-0-2; Members Foulkes and Walter were absent) Acting Chair Kendall asked who present was interested in serving on the Subcommittee. Member Blake said she was willing to serve. Member Moore stated that she would like to be on it. She added that since Chair Foulkes would continue to serve as HPB Chair until the completion of the Mills Act update, he would likely prefer not to be appointed to this Subcommittee. Acting Chair Kendall said that given their longevity serving on HPB and the fact they both live in historic homes; she has no objection to both Members Blake and Moore being appointed. Member Blake said that she'd like to ask Member Walter prior to officially appointing this Subcommittee. Acting Chair Kendall suggested that perhaps he could serve as the expert. Planner Daniel Fama cautioned that a Subcommittee for the HPB cannot consist of a majority of the HPB. He suggested continuing the actual selection to the next meeting. Member Blake suggested the scheduling of a Special Meeting with all five HPB members in attendance in the next week or so. Acting Chair Kendall advised that Mayor Landry has scheduled a meeting on January 29th for all Chairs of Boards and Commissions. Planner Daniel Fama recommended the making of a motion to continue this appointment to a Special Meeting. He added that he would conduct a Doodle Poll to find a meeting date where all five members are available to attend. Motion: Upon motion of Member Moore, seconded by Member Blake, the selection of the HPB members to serve on the Mills Act ad hoc Subcommittee will be CONTINUED in order to schedule near -future Special HPB Meeting when all HPB can be present and participate. (3- 0-2; Members Foulkes and Walter were absent) 5. 2020 HPB Meeting schedule Planner Fama: • Said that it makes sense for the HPB to plan its meetings around holidays during 2020. • Advised that his recommendation is for the cancellation of the November meeting due to its proximity to the Thanksgiving Holiday. • Suggested that the December meeting be held earlier on December 9t", due to the proximity of the normal meeting date to the Christmas Holiday. Historic Preservation Board Minutes for January 22, 2020 Page 5 Member Blake said she appreciates Planner Daniel Fama's work with the HPB. Motion: Upon motion of Member Blake, seconded by Member Moore, the HPB adopted a resolution setting the HPB meeting dates for 2020. (3-0-2; Members Foulkes and Walter were absent) OLD BUSINESS None ADJOURNMENT Adjourned at 5:28 p.m. to the next Regular Historic Preservation Board meeting scheduled for February 26, 2020, at 5:00 PM, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, Ca ifarnia. PREPARED BY. orinne Shinn, Recording Secretary APPROVED BY: Yvon endall, Acting air ATTEST: - iel Fama, HPB ttaff Liaison