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07 Environmental Documentation
Santa Clara County-Clerk-Recorder Office .State of California County of Santa Clara coui�T File Number: ENV23015 Office of the County Clerk-Recorder \\ ENVIRONMENTAL FILING Business Division , No. of Pages: 2 Is • c' County Government Center Syr Im Total Fees: $2456.75 70 West Redding Street,E.Wing, Floor ` File•Date: 11/04/2020. San Jose,California 95110 (408)299-5688 Expires: 12/04/2020 REGINA ALCOMENDRAS, Clerk-Recorder CEQA DOCUMENT DECLARATION By: Patricia Camarena, Deputy Clerk-Recorder ENVIRONMENTAL FILING FEE RECEIPZ PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING; 1. LEAD AGENCY: City of Campbell,Public Works Department 2. PROJECT TITLE: San Tomas Aquino Creek Trail Project(Reaches 1 &2) 3. APPLICANT NAME: Fred Ho PHONE: (408)866-2156 4. APPLICANT ADDRESS: 70 North First Street Campbell,CA 95008 5. PROJECT APPLICANT IS A: El Local Public Agency ❑School District Cl Other Special District Cl State Agency Cl Private Entity 6. NOTICE TO BE POSTED FOR 30 DAYS. 7.CLASSIFICATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT IS/MND a.PROJECTS THAT ARE SUBJECT TO DFG FEES 0 1.ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT(PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE§21152) $ 3,343.25 $_ 0.00 ID 2.NEGATIVE DECLARATION (PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE§21080(C) $ 2,406.75 $ 2,406-75 - Li 3. APPLICATION FEE WATER DIVERSION(STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD ONLY) $ 850.00 $ 0.00 ❑4. PROJECTS SUBJECT TO CERTIFIED REGULATORY PROGRAMS $ 1,136.50 $ 0.00 Cl 5. COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE FEE(REQUIRED FOR a-1 THROUGH a-4 ABOVE) $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Fish&Game Code§711,4(e) b. PROJECTS THAT ARE EXEMPT FROM DFG FEES Cl 1. NOTICE OF EXEMPTION($50.00 COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE FEE REQUIRED) $ 50.00 $ 0.00 Cl 2. A COMPLETED"CEQA FILING FEE NO EFFECT DETERMINATION FORM"FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF FISH&GAME,DOCUMENTING THE DFG'S DETERMINATION THAT THE PROJECT WILL HAVE NO EFFECT ON FISH,WILDLIFE AND HABITAT,OR AN OFFICIAL,DATED RECEIPT PROOF OF PAYMENT SHOWING PREVIOUS PAYMENT OF THE DFG FILING FEE FOR THE*SAME PROJECT IS ATTACHED ($50.00 COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE FEE REQUIRED) DOCUMENT TYPE Cl ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ❑NEGATIVE DECLARATION $ 50.00 $ 0.00 c. NOTICES THAT ARE NOT SUBJECT TO DFG FEES OR COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE FEES ❑NOTICE OF PREPARATION El NOTICE OF INTENT NO FEE $ NO FEE 8. OTHER: FEE(IF APPLICABLE): $ 9. TOTAL RECEIVED $ 2,456.75 *NOTE:"SAME PROJECT"MEANS NO CHANGES. IF THE DOCUMENT SUBMITTED IS NOT THE SAME(OTHER THAN DATES),A'NO EFFECT DETERMINATION"LETTER FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME FOR THE SUBSEQUENT FILING OR THE APPROPRIATE FEES ARE REQUIRED. THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED AND ATTACHED TO THE FRONT OF ALL CEQA DOCUMENTS LISTED ABOVE(/NCI IIn/Nri agagS) SUBMITTED FOR FILING. WE WILL NEED AN ORIGINAL(WET SIGNATURE)AND TWO(2)COPIES. IF THERE ARE ATTACHMENTS,PLEASE PROVIDE THREE(3)SETS OF ATTACHMENTS FOR SUBMISSION. (YOUR ORIGINAL WILL BE RETURNED TO YOU AT THE TIME OF FILING.) CHECKS FOR ALL FEES SHOULD BE MADE PAYABLE TO: SANTA CLARA COUNTY CLERK-RECORDER PLEASE NOTE: FEES ARE ANNUALLY ADJUSTED(Fish&Game Code§711.4(b); PLEASE CHECK WITH THIS OFFICE AND THE DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME FOR THE LATEST FEE INFORMATION. '. .NO PROJECT SHALL BE OPERATIVE,VESTED,OR FINAL,NOR SHALL LOCAL GOVERNMENT PERMITS FOR THE PROJECT BE VALID, UNTIL THE FILING FEES REQUIRED PURSUANT TO THIS SECTION ARE PAID." Fish&Game Code§711.4(c)(3) (Fees Effective 01-01-2020) Print Form Notice of Determination Appendix D To: From: ❑ Office of Planning and Research Public Agency: City of Campbell, Public Works U.S. Mail: Street Address: Address: 70 N. First Street Campbell, CA 95008 P.O. Box 3044 1400 Tenth St., Rm 113 Sacramento; CA 95812-3044 Sacramento,CA 95814 Contact:Fred Ho Phone:408-866-2156 0 County Clerk County of: Santa Clara Lead Agency(if different from above): Address: 70W H riding St., East Wing, 1st Fioôr San Jose, CA 95110 Address: Contact: Phone: SUBJECT:Filing of Notice of Determination in compliance with Section 21108 or 21152 of the Public Resources Code. State Clearinghouse Number(if submitted to State Clearinghouse):___ Project Title: San Tomas Aquino Creek Trail Project(Reaches 1 &2) Project Applicant: City of Campbell, Public Works Department Project Location (include county):Campbell, CA, Santa Clara County Project Description: Construction of a 1.28-mile paved bicycle and pedestrian trail that will follow the San Tomas Aquino Creek on top of existing Valley Water levees and creek bank,starting from Westmont Avenue and concluding at Margaret Lane. The project also include a new pedestrian bridge over the creek. This is to advise that the City of Campbell has approved the above (❑ Lead Agency or❑ Responsible Agency) described project on 11/02/2020 and has made the following determinations regarding the above (date) described project. 1.The project[❑will 0 will not] have a significant effect on the environment. 2. ❑An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. ❑® A Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. 3. Mitigation measures[0 were ❑were not] made a condition of the approval of the project. 4. A mitigation reporting or monitoring plan[®❑was ❑was not] adopted for this project. 5. A statement of Overriding Considerations [❑was ❑® was not]adopted for this project. 6. Findings[©were ❑were not] made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. This is to certify that the final EIR with comments and responses and record of project approval,or the negative Declaration, is availaf3e to the General Public at: City of Cam bell, Public W rk De a nt, 70 N. First Street, Campbell, CA 95008 Signature(Public Agency)': Title: City Engineer Date: 11/4/2020 Date Received for filing at OPR: Authority cited:Sections 21083, Public Resources Code. Reference Section 21 000-21 1 74, Public Resources Code. Revised 2011 cAtiFORilC4 'State of California-Department of Fish and Wildlife 2020 ENVIRONMENTAL FILING FEE CASH RECEIPT DFW 753.5a(REV. 12/01/19)Previously DFG 753.5a RECEIPT NUMBER: ENV2R015 — STATE CLEARINGHOUSE NUMBER(If applicable) SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE.TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY. LEAD.AGENCY LEADAGENCY EMAIL DATE CITY OF CAMPBELL, PUBLIC WORKS 11/04/2020 COUNTY/STATE AGENCY OF FILING DOCUMENT NUMBER ISANTA CLARA ____ PROJECT TITLE SAN TOMAS AQUINO CREEK TRAIL PROJECT (REACHES 1 &2) PROJECT APPLICANT NAME PROJECT APPLICANT EMAIL PHONE NUMBER FRED HO (408))866-2156 PROJECT APPLICANT ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL CA 95008 PROJECT APPLICANT(Check appropriate box) ® Local Public Agency ❑School District ❑ Other Special District ❑State Agency 0 Private Entity CHECK APPLICABLE FEES: ❑ Environmental Impact Report(EIR) $3,343.25 $ ® Mitigated/Negative Declaration(MND)(ND) $2,406.75 $ $2,406.75 ❑ Certified Regulatory.Program(CRP)document-payment due directly to CDFW $1,136.50 $ ❑ Exempt from fee ❑ Notice of Exemption(attach) ❑ CDFW No Effect Determination(attach) ❑ Fee previously paid(attach previously issued cash receipt copy) ❑ Water Right Application or Petition Fee(State Water Resources Control Board only) $850.00 $ ® County documentary handling fee $ $50.00 ❑ Other $ PAYMENT METHOD: ❑ Cash ❑ Credit IX] Check ❑ Other TOTAL RECEIVED $ $2,456.75 SIGNAT AGENCY OF FILING PRINTED NAME AND TITLE Patricia Camarena, Deputy County Clerk-Recorder 41.1- x ORIGINAL-PROJECT APPLICANT COPY-CDFW/ASB COPY-LEAD AGENCY COPY-COUNTY CLERK DFW753.5a(Rev.12012019) GO C1;vl,�Y 14 85 1O ;PA C Regina Alcomendras Santa Clara County Clerk-Recorder (408) 299-5688 https://www.clerkrecorder.org Receipt: 20-243104 Product Name Extended CEQA ENVIRONMENTAL FILING $2,456.75 #Pages 2 Document# ENV23015 Document Info: CITY OF CAMPBELL,PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Filing Type N Total $2,456.75 Tender(Check) $2,456.75 Check# 280995 Paid By CITY OF CAMPBELL PLEASE KEEP FOR REFERENCE 11/4/20 1:03 PM pcamarena Donna Zapico of•CAM Engineering Technician AeP City of Campbell Department of Public Works - U - r 70 North First Street o !"" o Campbell,CA 95008 A. Phone:(408)871-5151 atio k • a ` Fax:(408)376-0958 E-Mail:donnazacampbellca.gov Transmittal To: Clerk Recorders Office Date: November 3,2020 Company: Santa Clara County Clerk Recorder Address: 70 West Hedding Street,E. Wing 1st Floor San Jose,CA 95110 Re: CEQA Document Declaration and Notice of Determination filing Urgent El For Review ❑Please Comment ❑Please Reply ® For Information&Use • Enclosure: 1. CEQA Document Declaration(original and 2 copies) NOV 0 4 2020 2. Notice of Determination(original and 2 copies) 3. Filing fees check for$2,456.75 2$®01015 P Cameréne 4. Stamped self-addressed envelope to return recorded copy • Comments: Hello, Attached for file recording are CEQA Document Declaration,Notice of Determination(both with original and 2 copies) and filing fees check. Please email me for confirmation of receiving these documents at donnaz@campbellca.gov. Please contact me if you have any questions at 408-871-515 or email at donnaz@campbellca.gov.Thank you! Regards, Donna Zapico cc: Fred Ho,Senior Civil Engineer 15-NN(7) S:115-NN San Tomas Aquino Creek107 Environmental Documentation\CEQA Filing\Transmittal Memo.docx