Weed Abatement 1/11/2023PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 c.c.p.) PROOF OF PUBLICATION State of California County of Santa Clara / am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of California: / am over the age of 18 years, and not party to or interested in the above -entitled matter. / am the principal ricipal clerk of the printer of Metro Silicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper, 380 South First Street/ Son Jose, California 95113 a newspaper published in the English language i . the City of San Jose, and adjudged a newspaper of general circula- tion as defined by the laws of the State of California by the Superior court of the county of Santo Clara, State of California, on April 7, 1988, Case No, 65 7 274; that the notice of which annexed is a printed copy has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any sup- plement thereof on the follow- ing dotes: January 11 - 2023 / certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated: January 17, 2023 Filing Stamp City of Campbellwill olsand larlds from Which. geflerally. upon,ociue5l. 114 or from threft(Altolf real "r late" ids parrod`jde�le, Ofilrrh such landstimbf 1),Prd,,g paid audmilbeeolleCtfd ellectiveconimumeathon the next tax (61 Poll forutialifieliptrIOn' which general Illunicipal with dwbillbes so they taesafecoilected-All call participate equallif proper ty, owner S having in the public helt IV- ClTy of CAmPBELL any cibi ectrons to thf,' oposed destructoll Of IncludingetwIthed sign language interpreters.city ciervis Office pf removal oisuch weeds are assistive listervirig NOTICEOMBUC felebyrictilled to attend devices, and other ways HEARING imeebirgat said City of making intor"13tion I 1C)VICF IS I tERE BY GIVEN that on Dmember 7.2021. to be hold IntileCounaM ChambersOftbeCrei` 3ndcomilluntcabon, accessible to people Who pursuant to theix OVisions of r*choii 17,54 Of thf-' Hall. located at 70 Nor 11, First Street. Campbell, irlavespeech. hearii ig, Or visionimparr merits Campbell Municipal Code, the Campbell City Council Caldo(ritra.coMOMIJ-4. january23 ' 202,at7,3,j Anyon e Will]) I eqUIT es auxiliary aid of service for adopted Resoluboo 12 784 declal Ing that all Weeds p.m.. Of aswo, I thereafter as he matter cafl ur, heard. effective communication should contact the City " 4ing upon any private or inany public vherr t h ei r obi K b 0 cis, Wl I I be heard 3nd9h'eu due CWk*sOffiCeal7(K first Sheet.CampbPlf CA P;;ty street or alley, as del ined corlsidecartIO0 95008'(408)866 2137 of in Section 17,54.0loot the, Gampbell Mur%apal Intel esled Per suits may CterksOffice�czvipbellca- gov at least one veek pno,- ',collshfulteapublic Cock. nuisarice. svhjeh nuisance appearandbeheald in person Or vit tllallY 31 todreme eling.Hearing iinpliredur"FTY/TDD must be abated by the destfuCtiOn Of leme`vBl this heart ng. Register 11) participate vir tually in the 1 ext telentione 115121 S may contact ,his City by theleol, Zoom City COu n"t "c' ling at- hIllisWcal nPbell"a dtaling 711 for California Relay Service (CRS) (A NOTICEIsFURTHER GIVEN that pro�rerty go,lsignup Thel"ILLbOg vAlIbOtive-Streamed by telephoning any other service pro%,Ider2; CRS Nners shall vo-ithout delay 11� On YouTube at (I'ttPs:// telephone riumbet - I 71.11allsuchweedS www.youttbe-cxn/iuerl ,WW' hIomtheil plof)ETW, Will CittiolCampoell. CITYCOUNCIL CITY 01TCAMPBEI L the abuttinghaltofthe street in ftDntand alleys. it pi(,ase be advised that it any behind such Property, a4 between I the lot toles y ou challenge Ole nature of the above in court. Yot I ANDREA SANDER& CIT _Y thereof a, exterided maybelirrittedlofaising CLERK y suchweeds0lbc Ztory,d or r emoved and only those isst tes you or someone else raised at the PLEASE NOTE When �ucjh nuisance abated by the county Agricultural Nblc Hearing de-obed in this Notice. calling about this nOuce pleinserefef toweed Commirssioner's Office, in which case the cost of such Incetinpliance with Abatement puBt-ISH DAT F: Janu aly del tructiOl I Of cemorvi)l theAmericanswuh 11.2023 ,,vill be assessed upon the Dwbiliheskt,the