Notice Inviting Bids 06/15/2022PROOF OF PUBLICATION
(2015.5 c. c. p.)
State of California
County of Santa Clara
1 am a citizen of the United
States and a resident of the
State of California: 1 am over
the age of 18 years, and not
party to or interested in the
above -entitled matter. 1 am the
principal clerk of the printer of
Metro Silicon Valley's Weekly
Newspaper, 380 South First
Street, San Jose, California
95 7 13 a newspaper published
in the English language in the
City of San Jose, and adjudged
a newspaper of general circula-
tion as defined by the laws of
the State of California by the
Superior court of the county of
Santa Clara, State of California,
on April 7, 7 988, Case No.
657274; that the notice of which
annexed is a printed copy
has been published in each
regular and entire issue of said
newspaper and not in any sup-
plement thereof on the follow-
ing dates:
June 15 - 2022
1 certify (or declare) under
penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated: June 75, 2022
At San Jose, California
Filing Stamp
sawcutting; PCC sidewalk,
for assistance in free
the California Labor Code,
or, in the alternative,
and scope ofwork to
driveway, curb ramps,
membership, registration,
the City has obtained
may request the City
be performed and the
curb& gutter removal and
downloading, and
from the Department
to make payment of
quantities of materials
replacement; conform
working with this digital
ofIndustrial Relations
retentions earned directly
to be furnished, and as
paving, asphalt concrete
project information.
the general prevailing
to the requirements of
pavement, removal and
To be included on the
rates of wages in the
Contractor's expense.
these Notice Inviting
to Addendum No. i
replacement of pavement
plan holders list, receive
locality in which the work
Bids, instructions to
dated o6-07-22)
striping and markings;
notification of addenda,
is to e performed. The
10. Licenses. All
bidders, plans and
utility relocation; public
Contractor to whom
bidders, contractors
specifications drawings,
notification; adding inlet
bid, interested parties
the Contract for this
and subcontractors
special provisions, and the
and associated work
must download the
project is awarded and
shall be licensed in
for storm drain; and
Contract Documents
any subcontractors
accordance with the laws
13. Apprentices.
associated traffic control,
from QuestCDN. Those
must pay not less than
of the State of California.
Attention is directed to
including temporary
downloading the Contract
the specified prevailing
All contractors and
signing and striping. For
rates ofwages to all
subcontractors shall have
and 1777.7 of the California
additional information,
responsibility and risk
workers employed in the
and maintain a current and
Labor Code and Title8,
please contact City of
for completeness of the
execution of the Contract.
valid contractor license of
California Administrative
1. Date and Place of
Campbell, Public Works
downloaded Contract
This project is subject to
the required classification
Code, Section 200 et seq.
Opening Bids. Notice is
Department, Project
compliance monitoring
from the State of California
to ensure compliance and
hereby given that sealed
Manager, Fredrick Ho at
6. Bid Security, Each bid
and enforcement by the
throughout the course of
complete understanding
bids will be received at the
shall be accompanied by
Department of Industrial
this project.
of the law regarding
Office of the City Clerk
one of the following forms
Relations and/or the City
I n addition, the bidder/
apprentices. Contractors
of the City of Campbell
of bidder's security: cash,
of Campbell. Pursuant
contractor shall possess
and subcontractors shall
(City or Owner),70N.
This project is funded
certified or cashier's
to Section 1773.2 of the
a valid Class "N'General
comply with all such
First Street, Campbell, CA
by both federal and
check drawn upon a
Labor Code, general
Engineering Contractor
requirements concerning
95008-1423 until 3:00
state funds and is
responsible bank, or Bid
prevailing wage rates
License at the time of
the employment and
PM, June 16,2022, for the
therefore subjected to
Bond executed by an
included in the Bid
bid, except that on a
wages ofapprentices.
foregoing project. BIDS
the guidelines as noted
admitted surety insurer.
Proposal and Contract for
joint venture bid a joint
Bidder/contractor is
in the Special Provisions.
made payable to the City
the project shall be posted
venture license may be
responsible for the
The Contractor shall be
of Campbell. The bidder's
by the Contractor at a
obtained by a combination
compliance of its
responsible for complying
security sha 11 be in a n
prom inent place at the site
of licenses after bid
subcontractors with
with the federal and
amount equal to at least
of the work. Copies of the
opening but before
California Labor Code
Bid opening, which is in
state requirements
ten percent (10%) of the
prevailing rates of wages
award in accordance with
compliance with the Brown
and for completing and
total bid price and shall be
for this project are found in
California Business and
Act, will be conducted in
submitting all necessary
conditioned to be forfeited
Appendix G of the Project
Professions Code Section
14. State of California
person in the Doetsch
forms required under this
to the City of Campbell in
7029.1. Forafederal-aid
Department of
Conference Room
the event that the bidder,
Attention is directed to the
contract, the bidder must
Industrial Relations
located at City Hall (70
if their bid is accepted,
Federal minimum wage
be properly licensed as a
(DIR)Registration. This
N. First Street, Campbell,
Federal Labor Standards
does not execute the
rate requirements in the
contractor from Contract
project is subject to
CA)and will be held via
Provisions, including
Contract for this project
Contract Documents.
award through Contract
compliance monitoring
telecommunication at
and provide the required
If there is a difference
acceptance (Cal. Pub.
and enforcement by the
3:30PM, June 16,2022.
requirements ofthe Davis-
bonds (including, but not
between the minimum
Cont. Code§20103.5).
DI R pursuant to California
The bids so subm itted wi 11
Bacon a nd Related Acts
limited to, payment and
wage rates predetermined
Bidder/contractor shall
Labor Code Section
be publicly opened and
will be enforced. In the
performance bonds),
by the Secretary of Labor
maintain said license
read aloud at that time,
event of a conflict between
certificates ofinsurance,
and the general prevailing
throughout the entire
No contractor or
Those members of
Federal and State wage
and endorsements within
wage rates determined
project until Notice of
subcontractor may be
the public wishing to
rates, the higher of the two
ten (10) working days of
by the Director of the
Completion has been
listed on a bid proposal
participate virtually, can
the mailing to the bidder
California Department
issued. Failure to possess
for a public works project
access the meeting by
of the Notice of Award.A
ofIndustrial Relations
the specified license at the
unless registered with the
clicking onto the following
Bids are required for the
bid will not be considered
for similar classifications
time the bid is submitted
DIR pursuant to Labor
Zoom link or by copying
entire work described
unless one of the approved
of labor, the Contractor
shall render the bid
Code Section 1725.5 [with
the Zoom link and pasting
in the project plans,
forms of bidder's security
and subcontractors shall
non -responsive and shaII
I im ited exceptions from
it to a web browser:
specifications, and
is enclosed with it.
pay not less than the
act as a bar to award of the
this requirement for bid
Join Zoom Meeting:
contract documents, and
higher wage rate. Copies
Contract to any bidder not
purposes only u rider Labor
m ust be subm itted on the
7. Award of Contract. All
of the federal m inim u m
possessing said Iicense
Code Section1771.1(a)].
forms contained therein.
terms and conditions
wage rates can be found
at bid submission and
No contractor or
contained in the contract
in Appendix 0. The City
result in a forfeiture of
subcontractor may be
Time for completion of the
documents shall become
will not accept lower
the bid security. Bidder/
awarded a contract for
Meeting ID: 899 7806
a part of the Contract
State wage rates not
contractor is required
public work on a public
for this project. The
specifically included in the
to provide with its bid
works project unless
Contractor agrees to
Federal minimum wage
satisfactory proof of
registered with the DIR
Avideo recordin will
honor the submitted Bid
IicensuretotheCi .
pursuant to Labor Code
be available on the City
Bidders must submit
Proposal for a period of
includes "helper" (or other
YouTube Channel at:
Substitution Request
at least90-calendar days
classifications based on
11. Business
15. Resolutionof
for"or equal" products
after the opening of the Bid
hours of experience) or
License. All contractors
Construction Claims.
within 30 days of Contract
Proposal. ltisanticipated
any other classification not
and subcontractors
Each bidder is hereby
following the meeting.
that the Contract for this
appearing in the Federal
working in the City of
notified of California Public
In the event the provisions
project will be awarded
wage determinations.
Campbell must have a
Contract Code Section
of Assembly Bill361
"Or Equal" options for
to the lowest responsible
Where federal wage
valid City of Campbell
9204 (a copy of which is
are adopted by the City
Unistrut sign posts,
responsive bidder. Abid
determinations do not
Business License at
included as Appendix Hin
Council before the date of
and Overkote Asphalt
may be rejected if the
contain the State wage
the time the Contract
the Project Specifications)
Pavement Coating, are
City determines that any
rate determination
is awarded. Business
as such section relates to
require virtual attendance
not being considered.
of the bid item prices are
otherwise available for
Licenses may be
resolution of construction
by participants, any
The vendor was selected
materially unbalanced to
use by the Contractor
purchased at the Finance
claims. All provisions
updated information
in order to match other
the potential detriment
and subcontractors,
Department at70N.
of Public Contract
will be posted to the
of the City. To the fullest
the Contractor and
First Street, Campbell,
Code Section 9204 are
currently in use.
extent permitted by law,
subcontractors shall
California. Business
incorporated into and
the City reserves and
pay not less than the
License application can be
form an integral part of
2. Location of Work.
The City shall provide for
maintains the right to
Federal minimum wage
the contract documents
The work that is to be
the Contractor's use the
reject any and all bids
rate, which most closely
forthisproject. Failureof
performed is at Harriet
truncated domes on this
and to waive any bid
approximates the duties of
a public entity to respond
Avenue between
informality or irregularity
the employees in question.
to a claim within the
Westmont Avenue and Van
at its discretion.
Each Contractor and
12. Pre -Bid Site
time periods described
Dusen Lane within the City
5. Contract Documents.
Subcontractor shall
Review. Prospective
in Public Contract Code
of Campbell.
Interested parties may
8. Prevailing Rate of Wage.
furnish the records
bidders are required
Section 9204 shall result
view Contract Documents,
The work contemplated by
specified in Section1776
to conduct a review of
in the claim being deemed
3. Scope of Work. The
including, but not limited
the contract documents
directly to the Labor
the project site prior to
rejected in its entirety.
work to be performed,
to, the Notice Inviting Bids,
is a public work subject to
Commissioner, and the
bid. Thepurposeofthe
in general, consists
instructions to bidders,
prevailing wages under
City of Campbell, in the
site visit is to acquaint
16. Executive Order
of furnishing all labor,
specifications, special
California Labor Code
following manner: (a)
the bidders with the site
tools, equipment,
provisions, bid forms and
Section 1770 et. seq.
Monthly, and (b) In a
conditions and other
transportation, and
Contract may be seen on
Pursuant to Section1773
format prescribed by the
local conditions that may
Gavin Newsom issued
materials required to
the QuestCDN website
of the Labor Code, the
Labor Commissioner.
affect the performance
Executive Order N-6-22
atnocharge. Thedigital
general prevailingwage
9. Substitution of
and costs ofthe work
Contract Documents may
rates in tecountt or
Securities. Pursuant to
inresponset Rossi
be downloaded for $15.00
counties, in which the
Section 22300 of the
proposal. Thesubmission
aggression in Ukraine. The
by inputting the QuestCDN
work is to be done have
California Public Contract
of a bid shall beconclusive
ED is located at: https://
Project #8201223 on
been determined by the
Code. the Contractor
evidence that the
CML-5306(032). The
the websites'Project
Director of the California
may substitute certain
bidder has investigated
Ukraine -Russia. Bidders
scope of work generally
Search page. Please
Department of Industrial
securities for moneys
and is satisfied as to
are to comply with the
includes, but is not limited
contact QuestCDN.
Relations. In accordance
withheld by the City to
the conditions to be
economic sanctions
to the following: PCC & AC
com at (952) 233-1632
with Sections1770
ensure performance
encountered, as to
imposed in response
through 1780 inclusive of
under the Contract,
the character, quality,
to Russia's actions in