Proof of Publication 08/26/20PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 c. c. p.) PROOF OF PUBLICATION State of California County of Santa Clara I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of California: I am over the age of 18 years, and not party to or interested in the above -entitled matter. I am the principal clerk of the printer of Metro Silicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper, 380 South First Street, San Jose, California 95113 a newspaper published in the English language in the City of San Jose, ontradjudged a newspaper of general circula- tion as defined by the laws of the State of California by the Superior court of the county of Santa Clara, State of California, on April 7, 7988, Case No. 651274; that the notice of which annexed is a printed copy has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any sup- plement thereof on the follow- ing dates to with: August 26 — 2020 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated: August 26, 2020 At San Jose, California Filing Stamp SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE N0.2266 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTYOF CAMPBELL AMENDING TITLE n ANDTiTLE 5 OFTHE CAMPBELL MUNICIPAL CODE TO ESTABLISH ANEW UST OF ALLOWABLE LAND USES FOR THE C-3 (CENTRAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT) ZONING DISTRICT INCLUDING RELATED TEXT CORRECTIONS AND REVISIONS, The City council of the follows: City of Campbell does orda in as SECTION L Stating that the intent of the ordinance is to encourage a compatible mix of uses in the Downtown and to reinforce East Campbell Avenue as a Pedestrian - oriented retait street, SECTION 2. Noting that the Ordinance is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEOAI pursuant to Guidelines Section 150 t-b-3, SECTION 3.Modifying Section 21.30.060 (C-3 (Central Business District) zoning district) of the Campbell Municipal Code as follows: 21-10.060,A - Purpose: Revises the purpose of the sectlor, • 2LI0.060.B - Land uses in the C-3 (Central Business District) zoning district: Adds a new land use table (Table 2-11) to replace the previous land use lists. ' 2110-060-C - Land uses in the Plan areas: Adds a new land use Area/Master e table (Table 2.11a) thatpphes to the area/master plan areas. • 21-10.060.0 - General development standards: Revises Table 2-nb for internal consistency • 21.10.060.E - Standards for alcohol sates for on -site consumption: Revises the provisions forthe sate of a(coholic beverages as they pertains to pedestrian - oriented activities, • 21.10,060T - Standards for live entertainment: Revises the provisions for live entertainment as they pertain to pedestrian -oriented activities. - 2Lt0.06o.G - Standards and permit requirements for outdoorseating and merchandise display. Revises the provisions for outdoor seating and displays as they Pertain to pedestrian oriented activities_ • 2110,060.H - Standards for parking in the C-3 (Central Business District) zoning district: Revises the provisions for parking as they pertain to pedestrian -oriented activities. 2L1o.060 H - Sign regulations for C-3 (Central Business District) zoning district; Minor corrections and clarifications to the Downtown sign provisions, SECTION 4: Modifies Section 2L46.uto (Special findings for liquor establishments) to reference the Downtown Alcohol Beverage Policy. SECTION 5; Modifies Section 5.2g,ino(c) f2) to revise the Live Entertainment Permit provisions to reference pedestrian -oriented activities. SECTION 6: Modifies Section 21-72.020.1) to revise the definition of live entertainment and/or dancing for internal consistency. SECTION 7 This is a summary version of Ordinance 2266. A certified copy of the full text of the proposed ordinance shall be posted in the Office of the City Clerk located at 70 N. First Street, Campbell, California at least five days prior 10 the regular City Council Meeting of September L 2020. This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days following its passage and adoption and a summary shall be published within 15 days upon passage and adoption in the Metro, a newspaper of general circulation irr the City of Campbell California, County of Santa Clara. City of CampbellAndrea Sanders. Deputy City Clerk NOTICE OF PUBLIC v idudingitualified sign HEARING languagetntefIlreters, NOTICEISHEREBY assistivelisten,rig GIVEN tljat the City r devices. and Other ways PROOF OF PUBLICATION Cooncrifortho0tyOt campwl Nis set file of making information andcommumcations 7g Stamp (2015.5 c.c.p.) hoar of 7,30 P'm, or soon thereafteronTuesdary, acoessible to people who llavespeecK lwarinl;" PROOF OF PUBLICATION Novembef2,2021. it 70N. RrstStreet. AnyonelvInorequirps State of California Campbell. Califorr-3, as auViary aid or service for the timeand place for a elfectivecommunicatton County of Santa Clara fora Pliblin Hear trig to should ountart the City am a citizen of the United cons der introduction ofan(Minwceadding Cle;WsOftrceatM. rinit Street, Campbell, State5and a resident of the Chapter2.50tothe CamplbeflMunicip3l CA95008.(408)866- 2117 or Cl o r k*Of It c0, State of California: / am over Coderetatling toalfuwmg cdaipb0cagavat electr(A lic filing of fisi5turw week pnot to the age of 18 years, and not stateirlents. fetb. hitineeting. Hearing party to or interested in the or forms required byChapler4offt Impalfredoi-TTVIDD text telephones users above -entitled matter. / am the Ptifitical Reform Act (conntrencinglvith inaycontalcttheCityby dialing 7U for California principal clerk of the printer of SectionS4100oli Government Code) and Relay Sei vice (CRS) or bytelephoningarvothe( Metro Silicon Yalley's Weekly Statement of Ewnurnic Newspaper, 380 South First IntentsK(Form700) Street, San Jose, California Members Of the public may attend the meeting CITYCOUNCIL CITYOFGAMPEIELL 95113 a newspaper published tripetsonat Campbell CAyWl Council in the English language in the City of Son Jose, and odiudqed Chambers.1fattendow, in person, face coverings and physical distancing DUSTY CHRISTOPHERSON, CFFYCLERK a newspaper of general circula- MI be required until fur flier notice. TheCity ity PLEASE NOTE: When tion as defined by the laws of CounclImeetingwilbe live - streamed on Channel colling about this, notice. please refer to Electi onic the State of California by the te 26,theCity�s,*bsandonYouTubelittfiv.// Filing Ordinance PUBLISH DATE: October Superior court of the county of lVV','W-yOutube,com/uw,' 20.2021 Santa Clara., State of California, CityofCarroell on April 7, 7988, Case No. This pubitc I waillg will bewlibeconducted 651274; that the notice of which opersonasvrellas annexed is a printed copy telecommunication andisromphantZh has been published in each provisions of the Brown flctandAs'"riblysill regular and entire issue of said 361allowinga virtual meeting process for and not in any sup- local jursdictions under newspaper plement thereof on the follow- adeclaredstaleof emergency, ing dotes to with: in,!y October 20 - 2021 regscteipr aetlecintrtohneZaolymparte oto I (or declare) ClW Council rocetif g certify under of perjury that the at vmwcampbi3Oca gov/signupInthe penalty foregoing is true and correct. event that the declared state Of emergency are modihedorsusperided before thedateof the Dated: October 20, 2021 meeting soas to require physical attendance by participants, the meeting At Son Jose, California will be held in thpCity CouncilChambefsat70 N- First Street, Campbell, -.ahfornia. Additional proceduresynilbe detailed in the published meebpgagenda:and ve Miller any updated inton nation YOH be posted to the (' ity's webscte at w,-, w Incornpliancewitt, theAmericanswitin NabilillesAct,the C,tyrifCampbellyvill gerietally,upon request. plovideapprocroteatds di id mvices leading to effectivecommuncati(Xi forqualifiedpersons with disabilities so they call participate equally in the public hearings,