Notice of Public Hearing 5/5/21PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 c.c. p.) PROOF OF PUBLICATION State of California County of Santa Clara l am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of California: l am over the age of 18 years, and not party to or interested in the above -entitled matter. / am the principal clerk of the printer of Metro Silicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper, 380 South First Street, San Jose, California 951 13 a newspaper published in the English language in the City of San Jose, and adjudged a newspaper of general circula- tion as defined by the laws of the State of California by the Superior court of the county of Santa Clara, State of California, on April 7, 7988, Case No. 65 7 274; that the notice of which annexed is a printed copy has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any sup- plement thereof on the follow- ing dates to with: May 5 - 2021 1 certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated: May 5, 2021 At San Jose, California CITY OF CAMPBEU NOTICE OF PUUJC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Counetl for the cite of Campbell hasset the hour of 7;30p.m or soon thereafter on Tuesday. May 18, 2021. at 70 N. First Street, Campbell, California, as' he time and place for a fora Public Heanng to consider the application of Kurt Anderson fora Major Modification (PI N-202i-21} Ina previously approved Planned Development Permit (PO82.05)to atpowconstruction of a 1796 snuare-foot addition and fagade wnprovement s to an existing one-story medical office building, a Tree Removal Pei mitfor removal of flu ee trees: and an Authorization to Remove a Dead/Dying Tree for removal of pcur Ines, on property located at 429 Llewellyn Avenue. Staff is recommending that this dery be deemed Categorically Exempt under CEQA. While members of the public will not be able to attend the meeting of the Campbeti City Council physically, the Filing Stamp meeting will be live - streamed an Youiube at(https://www youtube cum/user/ CityofCampbelt). This public hearing will be conducted via telecommunicaticm and is compliant with provisions of the Brown Act and Executive Order N-29-20 issued by the Governor. Interested persons may fegiLter electronically to participate in the 7.00m City Caunat meatingat: https://usO2web zoom.us/ web rear/register/ WN_PLoWP1PYRQW- IdiPApyNiA In the evert that the provisions of Executive Order N-29-20 are modified Or suspended before the date of the meeting so as to require physical attendance uy participants, the meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers at 70 N First Street, Campbell. California Additional procedure will be detailed in the published meeting agenda: and any updated information will be posted to the City's website at www. :ampbellca.gov- to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Cityof Campbell will generally, upon i equest, provide appropriate aids and services leading to effective communication for qualified persons with disabiiities so they can participate equally in the publ,c hearings, including qualified sign language interpreters, listening assistive dev,ces- and other ways of making information and communications accessible to people who have speech, hear Ing. or vision rmpairmenm Anyone wlto requires auxiliary aid or service for effective communication should contact the City Clerk's Office at70N First Sheet: Campbeti, CA 9SCO& (408) 866.2117 or Cler ks0fficW -ampbelica.gov at +e<;st on week prior to the meeting, Hearing impaired or ITY/ TDO text telephones users may contact the City by dialing 711 for California Relay Serrice(CRS)orby telephonmgany other service providers- CRS telephone number. CITY COUNCIL CfTYOF CAMPBEI L ANDREASANDERS, DEPUTY CITY Cl. FRK PLEASE NOTE: When calling about this notice, please refer to 429 Llewellyn Avenue PUBLISH DATE: May 5,2.021