Notice of Public Hearing 2/17/21PROOF OF PUBLICATION
Filing Stamp
(2015.5 c. c. p.)
_ ._._........
State of California
Count of Santa Clara
NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN that the City Counci! for
I am a citizen of the United
the city of Campbell has set the hour of7:3op.m.or
States and a resident of the
soon stretheret, C amter nTuesday, California,Marcas the time
First street, CampbetLrnia, as the time and place
State of California: l am over
fora for apublic Hearingtoconsider City-btiiiated
Zoning Code Amendment (PLN zo18-163) Adding New
the age of 18 years, and not
Chapter zt_45(Temporary Use Permits) tothe Campbell
party to or interested in the
Municipal ndean 5oftheCampbng Campbeous ll
of Title z1 and Title 5 of the Campbell Municipal
above -entitled matter. 1 am the
Code Pertaining to the PermittingartandRegulation
property the oOiated
principal clerk of the printer of
Temporary fCity(Prlvil (Approval Of
Rescission of city Cmsncii policy 9.8 {App
Metro Silicon Valle /
Y s Weekhl
Temporary Permits for Christmas Tree and Pumpkin
sales). Staff is recommending that this item be deemed
Newspaper, 380 South First
categorically Exempt under (EGA.
Street, San Jose, California
While members of the public will not be able to attend
951 13 a newspaper published
the meeting of the Campbell C ity Council physically, the
meeting will be live -streamed on YouTube at fhttps!H
in the English longuae in the
City of San ,Jose, an adjudged
This pu blic hea ring will be conducted via
a newspaper of general circula-
telecommunication a nd is compliant with provisions of
the Brown Act and Executive Order N -29-20 issued by
tion as defined by the laws of
the Governoc
the State of California by the
Interested persons may register electronically to
Superior court of the county of
participate in the Zoom city Council meeting at:
Santa Clara, State of California,
gNiXAioWS2KjXoWpoeM-Cw.Inthe event that the
on April7, 7988, Case No.
provisions of Executive Order N-29-20are modified
or suspended before the date of the meeting so as to
651274 that the notice of which
require physical attendance by participants, the meeting
annexed is a printed copy
will he held in the City Council Chambers at 7o N. First
Street, Campbell,California. Additional procedure will
has been published in each
be detailed in the published meeting agenda; and any
updated information witlbeposted tothe City'swebsite
regular and entire issue of said
newspaper and not in any sup-
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities
plement thereof on the follow-
Act, the City of Campbell will generally, upon request,
provide appropriate aids and services leading to
ing dates to with:
effective communication forqualified persons with
February 17 — 2021
disabilities so they can participate equally in the public
hearings, including qualified sign language interpreters,
certify (or declare) under
listening assistive devices, and other ways of making
information and communications accessible to people
penalty of perjury that the
who have speech, hearing, or vision impairments.
foregoing is true and correct.
Anyone who requires auxiliary aid or service for
effective communication should contact the City Clerk's
Office at 7o N. First Street, Campbell, CA 95008, (408)
r� r�
L Dated.' February 77, 06 1
866-2117orClerksOffice�lcampbetica.govat(east on
week prior to the meeting. Hearing impaired orTTY/T00
text telephones users may contact the City by dialing 711
forcalifomia Relay Service (C RSI or by telephoningany
At San ,lase, California
otherservice providers'CRS telephone number.
Dave Miller
PLEASE NOTE: When calling about this notice, please
referto PLN2018-163 Zoning Code Amendment
PUBLISH DATE: February 17, 2021