Notice of Public Hearing 03/22/23PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 c. c. p.) PROOF OF PUBLICATION State of California County of Santa Clara l am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of California: l am over the age of 18 years, and not party to or interested in the above -entitled matter. 1 am the principal clerk of the printer of Metro Silicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper, 380 South First Street, San Jose, California 951 13 a newspaper published in the English language in the City of San Jose, and ad;udged a newspaper of general circula- tion as defined by the laws of the State of California by the Superior court of the county of Santa Clara, State of California, on April 7, 7988, Case No. 651274; that the notice of which annexed is a printed copy has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any sup- plement thereof on the follow- ing dates: March 22 - 2023 1 certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated: March 22, 2023 At San Jose, California Dave Miller C4.jr 2023,inthe City Hall iNowsionstodiscourage mpersotovntuallyal cur ' �'A� Council Chambers. 70N unpennittecialterations this hearing,. Register to t First Street.Canpbell. arid demolibonsolHistoric par ticipalevirtuallyinthe 0 o California,asthe time arul SIT uctures.(2)clanficatan ?corn City Council meeting place for aPuMicHeanng ofpemtitbngrequtrements at! https'.//campbelka. to consider a review of for Historic Properties. gcvlsignup.This meeting Historic Preservation and (3) establishment of Y.Abekvestreamed CITY ofCAMPBELL Board Recommerxlations, dNew Mills Act Program . oil You rube at (https:// Office City Clerk's O confAmationofdirection ThtspUbichearing will be wvrwyou tube.can/user/ and autttorrzationto conductedinpersonas t'ttyolCampbell NOTICEOFPffice proceed with drafting Netlastelecommunrrabon HEARING cfaZonngCude and iscmnpliantwith Please beadvised that it NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Amendment for the prov6ions of the Brown you challenge the nature that the CityCounctl Historic Pteservation Act ofIheabove incour1.ycu for the City ofCampWi ordinance Update (COD may be limited to razing has set the hour of7:30 FY2.3Work Plan),inclusive intaestedperso smay only thn,pissuesyou or p.m. or soon It tereafter of(Iicreation ofpenal ty appear andbeheaid orneone else raised at [he on Tuesday. April 4. Public Hearing dp_scrit>Frt in this Notice. Inrompliancewan Ite Amencans with Disabilities Arl, the City of Carlow; writ generally, uponrequasL provideappropriate aids and services leading to Olectrvecommunication forclualthedpetso ns wdhdisabdities so they canparbcwteepualK m the puf fic bearings. inducing qualified stgn tanguage interpietFfs, assistive frsten iv. demces. and other ways of making information andcommurllcahats accessihletopeople who have speech,heanng, :u vision irnpairments. Anyoilewho requ,res auKilw y aid of set vice for of fectwe cut to nunlcabon shoukicnnfart fire City Cei k's Ofticeat i'0 N. First Street. Campbell, CA 9'008. (408) 866-2117 ot Ck+ksorficezcampheilca gov at least one week prior to the rneeling.Hediing impalredw TTY/TDD text telephone users may contact the City by diarng 711 for California RP67 Service (CRS) or by telephon-ng any other service prove 1ei s' CRS teleptuxxnumb Y CtrYCOUNCIL CITYOFCAMPBELL ANDREA SANDERS, CITY CLERK PLEASE NOTE: When calling about this notice. Please refer to Historic Preservation Update ...................