Proof of Publication 05/03/2023PROOF OF PUBLICATION
(2075.5 c.c,p.)
State of California
County of Santa Clara
1 am a citizen of the United
States and a resident of the
State of California: 1 am over
the age of 18 years, and not
party to or interested in the
above -entitled matter. i am the
principal clerk of the printer of
Metro Silicon Valley's Weekly
Newspaper, 380 South First
Street, San Jose, California
95 7 7 3 a newspaper published
in the English language in the
City of San Jose, ancadjudged
a newspaper of general circula-
tion as defined by the laws of
the State of California by the
Superior court of the coup of
Santa Clara, State of California,
on April 7, 1988, Case No.
657274; that the notice of which
annexed is a printed copy
has been published in each
regular and entire issue of said
newspaper and not in any sup-
plement thereof on the follow-
ing dates:
May 3 - 2023
I certify (or declare) under
penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct.
Dated: May 3, 2023
At San Jose, California
Dave Miller
o a
City of Campbell
City Clerk's Office
City of Campbell
City Clerk's Office
GIVEN that the City
Council of the City of
Campbell has set the
hour of 7:30 p.m., or
shortly thereafter, on
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
in the City Hall Council
Chambers: at 70 N.
First Street. Campbell.
California, as the time
and place for a Public
Hearing to consider
the request of Loretz
Construction. Inc.
on behalf of David M.
Foulkes. Trustee. for
a Zoning Exception to
allow an approximately
666 square -foot
expansion (inclusive
of a 557square-foot
garage addition and 109
square -foot living area
addition) of an existing
accessory dwelling
unit ("carriage house')
previously approved
by a Conditional Use
Permit (UP 96-04). on
a Landmark Property
listed on the Campbell
Historic Resource
Inventory (HRI),
commonly known as
the Littleton -Martin
House. located at 1690
Ldtietan Place in the
R-1-9-H (Single -Family
Residential / Historic
Overlay) Combining
Zoning District.
including exceedance
of the maximum
allowable size for an
accessory dwelling
unit, an exception to the
expansion prohibition
for legal non-
conforming structures,
and exceptions to the
special provisions for
accessory dwelling
units located on historic
Interested persons may
appear and be heard
atthishearing. Please
be advised that if you
challenge the nature
of the above in court.
you may be limited
to raising only those
issues you or someone
else raised at the Public
Hearing described
in this Notice. or in
written correspondence
delivered to the City
Clerk at, or prior to.
the Public Hearing.
Questions may be
addressed to the
finance Department at
(408) 866.2111.
This public hearing
will be conducted
in person as well as
and is compliant with
provisions of the
Brown Act. Interested
persons may attend
electronically, to do
so please register to
attend at: https://
campbelica gov/signup.
After registering.
you will receive a
confirmation email
containing information
about joining the
meeting. The City
Council meeting will
be live -streamed
on Channel 26. the
City's website and on
YouTube (https://www.
CityofCampbell) for
those who only wish to
vitw the meeting.
in compliance with
the Americans with
Disabilities Act, the
City of Campbell
Filina Stama
will generally, upon
request, provide
appropriate aids
and services
leading to effective
communication for
qualified persons with
disabilities so they can
participate equally in
the public hearings.
including qualified sign
language interpreters.
assistive listening
devices. and other ways
of making information
and communications
accessible to people
who have speech,
hearing, or vision
Anyone who requires
auxiliary aid or
service for effective
communication should
contact the City Clerk's
Office at 10 N. First
Street, Campbell, CA
95008, (408) 866-2117
or ClerksOffice@ at
least one week prior to
the meeting- Hearing
impaired or TTY/TDD
text telephones users
may contact the City by
dialing 711 for California
Relay Service (CRS)
or by telephoning any
other service providers'
CRS telephone number.
calling about this
notice, please reter to:
1690 Littleton Place