Proof of Publication 5/10/2023PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 c. c. p.) PROOF OF PUBLICATION State of California County of Santa Clara 1 am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the State of California: 1 am over the age of 7 8 years, and not party to or interested in the above -entitled matter. 1 am the principal clerk of the printer of Metro Silicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper, 380 South First Street, San Jose, California 951 13 a newspaper published in the English language in the City of San Jose, and adjudged a newspaper of general circula- tion as defined by the laws of the State of California by the Superior court of the county of Santa Clara, State of California, on April 7, 7 988, Case No. 65 7 274; that the notice of which annexed is a printed copy has been published in each regular and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any sup- plement thereof on the follow- ing dates: April 26 May 3, 10 - 2023 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated: May 7 0, 2023 At San Jose, California Filing Stamp z1-55 OD-A�U- Puente on page 13 ctftious 95035, Kukuna Fremont 2450Samantan0r., San mote ut rwtnes Inc. This business is Jose. CA, 95124. LYS. n.Above enhty bengconducted bya Professional Licensed ffnthestate Corlxrabon.Regwuant Cfinicalsocwtworiter i./s/Michaei began business urrderthe Cmpcwatran Thisbusne hiefFo arofal fictitious busnessname isbe%conductedtfya 46082U, . or names fisted herein Corporation. Registrant will was filed on04/78/2023.Above began business under untyclerkof etttywas tot mednthe Die fictibousbrr.,una" ss ICouait}ron stateofCaMoriv /s/ naneo nameslisted ?3 (pub Metro Marco 9udifta.Manager _ here4non0l/01/2010. 2fi.05/03. #4550402. This statement Aboveermtywastormed 3) was filed with the County in the state ofCakiornia. .... — —1... Clerk of Santa Clara /s/Litutray Smith, us County on04/18/W23. Owner.#C3464316. tS NAME (pub Metro04/26,05/03, Tf sztatcnten#wasfilot -NT 05/10,OSP7/2023) withfheCountyClerkof 7 — ................... SantaCfaraCountyon ingperson(s) FICTITIOUS O4120/2023.(pub Metro ng business BUSINESS NAME W26. D9/03.05110' (k6/17 2023) Cn;ldrens STATEMENT 92G' Biscayne #693793 .................. . ... neLucreba Tteicdkx+nrvgjyeasrgs)k; FICTITIOUS Vood. This to e)d ngty sou sas BUSINESS NAME being alyssaBTherapy. LCSW. STATEMENT by an 10621iroomAve,#1094, #694701 ReRistranl SanJoe- CA. 951L5.Ayssa The tuitownW;san(s)s tnessunder BtyyrnThe;husrmrsss (ace) doingbusirnessas us business being conducted by an Forever young Skin Care, imesltsted individual. Registrant has 1000'00rinorDT..Suite )5/14/2018. rvtyetbegunbuskness 31. San Jose. CA. 95128, ,LMcadory underitnencbtious Chris Shin Chiropractic ;statement bfusw-'snuntrunames trx_.This btw sss iththeCounty listedhtrn./s/Alyssa bempcamductedbya ma Ciao BxgettThisstaternent Corporation,Regstrant 04/12/2023, was Ned with the Courtly bats. not yet begun business, iO4/19. Der kof Santa Ciao aCounty under theh6tious /03, on 0312012021 (pub businessnameornames 1 } Metro04126.05VO3. listed boo en.Above entity 0500.05/17/2023) was formed in the state of US 1 - 1— ....... California./s/ChrisShin, .SHAME FICTITIOUS Presideirt.#2210,671. -'NT BUSINESS NAME Din. statementwasfffed 3 STATEMENT with the County Clerkof igpwcnn(s) #694M Santa Cara County not gbusiness irrinikwungpe7sons)is 04/13/2023..(,pubMetro 04/26, O5103.05/10. Sushi. 75s. (Are) doorbusiness as- (yj/1J/202d) Mlpdas.CA, FamlvTherapy Center, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT #693944 1 he toflowuig Petsnn(s) is (are) doing business as: Northvfew At Production Studio, 18091 Virginia St. Redwood Estates, CA, 9`AII3, Tom Norton. This businoss is being conciurtod by an Individual. Registrant tins not yet begun business under the fictitious business name or names listed hereon - /s/Thomas I Norton Thisstatement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on 031211202.3 (pubMetro 04/76, 05/03, 05/10. 05/1712im) P O "" —9 CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS NOTICE INVITING BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CAMDEN AVENUE RESURFACING PROJECT NO.21•SS i DateandPlaneof Cipening8ids, Noticeis hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the OfficeoftheCftyClerk of the City ofCa mpbell (City or 70N. Firststreet, Campbell, CA uy -1423rntti3:00 PM. May 24th 2023, for the foep%project. Tlze bids so submfttedwllbe publicly opened and read aloud at ihstbine. (BIDS RECEIVEDAFTERTHE DATE AND TIME STATED ABOVE WILL BE REJECTED AS NONRESPONSIVE. IT IS HiCHLY RECOMMENDED THAT ALL BIDS BE HAND DELIVERED), 2. LocatkondWrA T hework that is to be performedisatrNYg Cainden Avenue from w0chestcrr Boulevard to the end (i ul de sac)afnd towards me west to 00 Ateruie wlfdntheCityof Campbell. 3. Swipe of Wm k The work toile tx?rtrxmed. in general. consists of do rlshtu>g aUtator, trwb, ec jtiiprrferrt, it rrrsPor;atran. xxf ntartrNiasrtrp ra eri (n coiritp ,le theCAMDEN AVE NUE R F SURFACING PROJEC I NO.11-SS, The scopeotwortcgemaby irrcfudes'tutiy-tut limited totheftlkxvirrg: tee remov4' corvete improvement-s such as, sidewalk. driveway, coo maoval atic replacetieritut new inst�ahoi, rrrlxwaf and replace entofexstetg h a#fic striprtg, pavement markcvs, aril fttekir�; astalkntion of tilt mix aspt>,att concrete overt ny: Publicnohlicatioins Including street postings and cleiriery of advave nohtfratiin to residenls aril buusn—,,?,: nhhty coor6roatinn: adjustment of ublity and other appurt"rices to finished grade where rioted, dssa fated 441fiCC001101 orJtirWVailmrIMru&W clgtiSafYterp �ijxrr!nt. Daggers, temporary signing artdstri�ig; aril ati otfter rta@i nua:essar y to ctaTrpk:$P ttw- wur'k Addrhveatteirote bird items ofwork inrkx3eit* for towing' adjus Ping utility Cotripany4fyurtendrices tugoEide. Bids areregrifred For the erttve work de%aibed in the proect plans, specifications. and contr act documents, and rnustbes lirnrttedrnthe tcorms contaainrXl tfksc, Time for coripletion of the work is 50 WORKING DAYS foraiiwork. 4. Proprietary Products. Bodersmustsubmit Substitution Request for 'co egti;l" prodUCtsvattroz 30 days o#Contract Award- '0r Equal, options for the tintstrut sign posts. The vendor was selected in order to match offxr pi odur_ts/ecµaipment c rrenffyknnse 5, Contract Documents. Interested par tie, may view contract OoCrnroeo its. nxJridirrR. but not tirtited to. the Notice Irnwtirtg Bids, tnstrucbons to bidders, spec tications, special prowwr' bind toms and Cohhact may beseen or, the Quest websde at nocharge. Thedigital Contract Documents may be downloaded tot $15,00 by inputting the (XiestCDN Project 98444154 onthewebsttes Protect Search page. Please contact Qt esiCDN. canat(952)2331632 o "llo rqurestcdn.con for ass stance unfree member�hp, registration. down4oading andworkuig with this dgftal project information fobetrochrtled din the, plan holders list, r et:eivP notification of addenda. and to be elgfbfe to bid, interested par bes must duwrnba;ri "reCuitrantDonnneits fmmQ'hiotstCDN Those drmirzfna^arg ttw Ctntrart Do curneritsassume i e:4iarsibilify a YJ i sk fin completeness of the titwmhu'rrh?d {`xnffr:4:t W'uments. (� BidSearrity. 1whbid small be accompartied by orneofthefollowing forms oftikfda*Sr;_urity, cash, cer tilledux cashier'sche6 drawn uprn a resprmible bards, orBid Bond executed byaradrrdttedsirety at anei, neute kiayirtdo it) theCityofcarnpheff The hiddrr's sPCurrty 4t4bP in an amount equal to at least lenpercer t (10%) of the total bind price and shah becxxxktiored fc P,eforfettedtotheDty of Campbelt in the event that the bidder, 4 their bid s accepted, roes not executetheContractfor it to ujei t and P ovidethe regri red bonds (inrhrdittg, but not iinitedto payment and performance bonds). Lei ilficatmof ins sore. aKierttkrse mentswithin ten (Ki) "tug r$ryt of the rw*ltm to tl-hwer of f he Idntce of Awaml A trdwlS not be considered uotlessorenftkter�ip ovetl frrmso#biddcr'ssecurfty s b+r;knecfwithil, 7. AwavinfCrntrad All terms andconditions cwttainedin thecontract documents shall decor* apar trNth e"'ontract for thiswilect. The Contractor agrr!es to hwuothe submitted Bid Proposal fora period of at least 90 Calerokir -lays afte* the Operzntgof the Bid Proposal. It is anticipatied !hat the contract fix this protect widbeawarded to the lowest responsible responsive b;ckier. A, bid may he rejected it Die City determines that any of the biditem prices Lae materially unbalanced to the potential detriment M the City. To the fullest extent pecrnitted by law. the Co reserves and maintains the right to reject any andall bids and to warve any bid nfomalityor irre ulantyatitsdiscretiaz. 8. Prevailing Rate of Wage. The work conterVatedty Die conti act docui bents isa Pub1C work sulijed tb fxevailirrgwages urvler California Labor Code Section 1770 etseq. Pursuant to Section 1773 of tfie Lafxx Cude, tote genet at prevailing wage rates in the county, or counties, in *toch the work stobedonehaw been determined by the Directu of tire Cakfor; ore Departmentof frodusti uti Relations- Inaccordance with Sections 1770 tluoug i 1780�Jusrteotthe California Labor Code. the City nasrintaine;f 17nm the Departmerd of Inchishiat Relations the general prevailing rates of wages in the locality in wfncirthe Woo k is to he pet formed The Contractor to whom the Contract for this project a awarded art azny siubcodr actors must pay not less !ban [tie Specified fir cv,id a'g rated of wlfget'tn all workem employed in the. exec Minn of theCo itract This(aoject s w*ctto cotmJtwa mo itoridg and Collor cement byfix, Defiar btred of kkhttitrd Recto ,Arrcf/rorthe.City of Campbell, Pursuant to Section 1773.2 of the Labor Code. general prevailing wage rates included in the Bit Pi-riffsaf and (:ortrar t for the project shall be posted by the Cot actor at a pi ardnent place at the slteottheworio. Copes of the fit raft -;of wages for Uus ktrojeLl ai e found in Apperxtix G of the Prrited Specificahnns. Each Contractor and Sub coiihactut st tai ruo Phil therecorrfssian, diedin Sr?C.tltn I776rkrectby to the Labor Commissiorfer. arid:;* City of Campbell, n ,Die following manner: (a) Mooithly, aril (h) In a foriiat prescribed by the Labor Coatmissioner 9. Substitutonof Securities. Pursuant to Section 22300 of the Cakforrha Public t iantract C:ocfp, the Ca,hzctor may substitute certain securities for moneys withheld by the City to ensure performance under the Contract, or in the afterinatrve, t-rwy request the City to make payment of refenboris eared directly to ail escrow agent at C xrtracto's expense- 10 Lictrises. All hkkWSrcontrartorsand sub, ontractorsshailbe licensed in accordance with the fawsr4 the State of C alihx roar Ail our dractur, arwskocrntractnrs shall have and maintain acwrentarndviAd contractorkeenseefthe requtr ed ckn5rtrcatirr t frotnDie Stile of Cahforrla throughout the caitse of this protect. in addition. the bidder/ coniractor shad possess a valid Class "A" Gerica al E�ineeroy,Contractor ucense at tl� time of b ,exceptthatonajoint venture bid a joint vettiu'e license tn ybeobtainedby a norrohmtiem of IKeri"—z after NO, open rig but before awa<d in accordance with California Business and f r ofessions C't, eSection 7029.1 Fix 4fedeial-aid contract the bidder must fin. fx�rrl y ticenserf as a contractor from Corrtrvt award IN ough Contract acceplarice(Cal, Pub. Cont. Cafe§20103.7). BWdei/ r ontractor staff maintain -,aid license fMoughoul the entire project until Notice of completion has been 15G,ted, Falnretop05se-as "the siWified iicerlse at the time the bids submitted shall render the Pod ruin resporsivcand shift act as a bar IC'• award of tore Contract inarrybidde not prissessngsakf II I r errsPat brl submission ado result ilia for fedure of tfw dud security. Brddedcontracl r is required to P ovide.with his txd satsfactay ptnxtf of Ixensuretothe ity, 11. Business bcerse. Alcontractos andsubwntractos workinF in die Cityof Carmibetl rrusttiave a vald CityofCa pbelt&sires. License of thetime tfir Contract sawarcied. BusinessLcensesmayhP he DIR This business is stiould not be gi anted. Ave -San Jose, CA. Petition of: Chungwel Ll, 1 is (are) 601T bti�jness Planner. 25 it Code being conducted 11nowrittenoblechort 96126, Malakai Laraky, foradecfaechanging P-,;, Homenetmen kit by an Individual. is timely tried, the court This business is betrig i ones as follows: Chapter. 5911 Fliet T his fx Ntc beat Ing of Registrant has not may grant the petilrot i conducted by an Present name: a. Yon St-W lose. CA, will be conducted VIMS, yet begun business the fictitious withourtahearing. NOTICE Or HEARING: Individual. Registrant begartus bti-tess under Han Lin. aKa, Yun-Han Ltnb I-IsinHanLIna.kar 95120. Homerretimen. This busmx-ss is 0 t per 5041 as WJI af mic-cornmunicationand is .reby RVI under businessnameof August 22,2023 at 8:45 thefictit"ishustritiss listo-HariLin. Proposed being conducted hya compliant with 0 ovisturis code names listed herein- am.roan: Probate- filed nameornamesksted 1ome.a,YunhanI.in,b Corporation. Registrant uf0*8;ownAct. /s/Felix Enow. This on April 5.2G23 (pub heratnonW20/2023. Hsinhan Lin THE COURT e- begoinbusinsisunder "i he 0,iternpnt was Mail dattes: 05/03. 0"Vlo, /Vkiladuit Laraj. This ORDERS thatallpefsons Interested per sons i i qyy 4atestotion with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County o5/a o5/24/207:3) ........ 1.11 ...... statementwas fiW it Aerested in this matter appear before thiscourt name or names listed rei ein on 04 1.5/2023 appear and be heard 4 1 person (a vil WAY at Istruc on 04/19/2023. (pub Santaclara County on at the hearing indicated Above entity was formed ibis hear ing. Register to C) otor"15 ct Metro 04/26,05103, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME 04/27/2023, (pub Metro lielow to show cause, if it I J ie statecif Califorml /VArtf(hachatiinan. Parkipartewrtuagyn the Zoom City Colincil .1J N '04 are 05110,05/17/2023) STATEMENT 054105/10,05/17 OW4/2023) an the changeof name should Treasurer. #CO539214, meding ab hirtrr'# 0and ....... #694993 This fileil campbell-gov/ q \Iil part, Of ORDER TO Tle followiting FICTITIOUS notbagranted.Any per �,ol I objecting to the statei nont was with me County Clerk of ntirc PC�gnup. This,x- F6 ruivents Fagaeof SHOW CAUSE FORCHANGEOF NAME. CASE NO. fs(afe)doiogbusiness 8S:GinkgoCurty&Wi Or K-22. San BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT narnechangpdELmribee above must file a mitten Santa Cla; a County oil 0411il'2023. (pub Metro will ne liw-strearned an YouTuba at (hW/ ot-porld 949 Ruff #6959 05/03.05/10.05/17, wwwyootube com/user/ the".. 23CV411213 fo%e,CA.95U0.MUvS the reasons for the 05/24/2023) TOALLTOAti PERSONS essis LLC,Thisliusine being by The following person(s) onfertionatteasttwo - ... 11.1- ......... Plis-se that Code IN I fRFS1 ED conducted a court days before the NOTICE OF PUBLIC be advised if at tell reniult Petibot, ot Audrey Crary NA. Registrant has not a s: Rod id Real Fs, I art, Croup. 2187 Bentley matter is scheduled to be HEARING ,drag g deen wd Loovois for a decree yeWusotessuriderthe heard and must appear NO I ICE IS HEREBY natureciftheaboven alety changingnaniesas Present fichbous h Nness name Ridge Drive. San lose. CA, 95138. M4guel ai� Ute hearogto show GNENthatthePlainning cow 1, you troy be limited follows, name. a. Audrey Grace Lcoinis� ornatheSkslet1hereiri. Above ent.,ty war, formed Rodia, This business is cause why hv pebt bon should not begrantod. Commission Of the City toraisirtRonlythose issues -you or ba netir W 3 All b, Mculi Ruben Camposs inthe.stateofCaliforria. beirgconductedtivan if Itio written objection of Caripbell ha�. set 5 ie c1seralsedatthippuh1w. to Fit oposed name a. /s/yusong 00%, Om tel, individual Rc.pisnint Istimelyfiledthecourt 1nuiurof?:3Gpm or Hearingdescribedin re Lott e Audrey Grace Moroyoqut. 4202201910122 Thi,,; begaribusinessunder m4granturiepettion shortly trereafter, on 1 " 23,2023. N AW a b MetzhRubpn Moroyoqui. P gE COURT statementwastiled withthectitifflyClerkof name or names listed willioutahear-Ing, NOTICEGFHEARNG, in theQty Hall Council 'Orrespctidorco derveredtithePlanrung \1, writing later ORDERS ttiatall persons �anfa Clara County on heremon04/27/2023- September 5, �073 at Chambers. 70 Not 01 first Sbeet, Campbell. Omsiotiat or pro to. the interested in this matter 04/25/2023. (pub Metro /s/Miguef Rocha, This R-45airt,momProbate, Public Heanrig. Questions y 5th. 6ppear before this courf, 05/03alifornia. filedorclitay2.2023 for 3 Public mW be addres 5 snag tx, at the liearing inrlicated 0512412023) withaecountycerkot (pubdate&05/IO.Cn47 Hearing to considet try,. totheCommunrly belovititshowcause.if Santa Clara County on 05/24.C651/2023) follow?, item: Development any, why the petition lot FICTITIOUS 04/27/2OZ3. (pub Metro ......... Depaftrrteritat(40181) cIwfw J! flarop, should NA BUSINESS N) 05/,O,05/17,05/24, 091,310023). FICTITIOUS FUKICHEAIOWSS I.P-N-?O22,14OPublic 866-2140, 1 N, patrnentpei not "anted. Any ublectingtotlie STATEMENT #695036 BUSINESS NAME Hearingtoconsider In curopliance with 5(M- name. change described above must file a written Thefolrowingn er-ArKsI FICTITIOUS STATEMENT #695315 theierfuestirfouirmy for the, Am itricans w i th Disabilities AcL the objection t1ut it xJudes is(am)doirigbusiness 812 BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) is prop'" located at 2201 I city of Carripbell will ick Ho the, reasons for the at� La-riv SoL Runningwood Circle. #694960 (are) cloing buaintii�; as. AudkoVideoEvolution S,BascomAvenue to allowsIttermprovements gerierally. upon request. I I Ire" oblectionatleabilwo coui t days before the MourrtainViewCa, TbA., following per son(s) 371 F Mc Glincy Lane and the remodel of the provide apprup iaW aids and services leading to hone matter isscheduied to be heard and must appear �9040. LawrPrice. Ching, This business is is(arecloftbusiness as: C4tticlet i Pia ta. 1548 Suite C. Campbell. CA, 95008. This business exteriorofailexisting comirnercialbuildaigancl effec9oacommuritcation fix sci Vi at the hi, aringtoshow being conducted by a Puerto Valletta Or .San isbeiripconductedbya qualified p" VA t h d K 3 b M PS 3 0 t h-e Y, cause why thepetition lorlividual Registrant lose, CA. 95120. Ashwint This buisnxt;s Corporation Regittiatit achviti-I (open ?4 hours. CA n r a r tic tpa le eq ud I ly, 3ELL shouldnotbegranted hasnotyetbeguin business under the Dect, is being conducted by an beigiribmin m-underthe daily). The application trithepublicbeartrigs, lfrio written objection fstirn*10tiathecourt fKlitious business name IndividuarRegistrant fictitious bti&rt,--, name orrornes listed herein under comi ation includirsaCondboml including qualifreo sign lariguageirtleipreter& City maygrantthepetition hearm or narnes listed herein b".hustnessunder thetiCb4DUSbU5ineSS on 03/06/2013, Above enlitywasfunnedmthe Use Permit with, Site at id Architectural Ravxv. fisming assishve without a NO I ICE 01' HEARM: Thissiatementwastiled natrivoi nannesitsted herein 04/01/2023. state of Uforinta AS/ File No.: PLN 2=440, devices,andotherways. of t naking information 216. K123 June 20, 702.1 at 845 am. room: Probate- witriffieCountyClerkof Santa Ctara County on on /s/Ashmnt Deo. This Bran Priger, President/ CEO. #355,1-159 This Staff is recornmenrling andrommuninAKins accessible to filed on:FCbruary 04/26/2023.(pubMeLTv W01 05/10.05/17. statement was filed with the County Clerk of staterytentwas toed categorically Exempt tinder GEQA. Planning people who have sprech. 17,2023 (pub dates: Santa Clara Countyrin wittitheCountyl-lerkof hearing,orvis�on ... 04/26.05/03.0,5/10, 0517412023) ......... 04/24/?023, (pub Metro SantaclaTacountycin CoMMISSIGnaChontS rmPai!mett5.ArWie r OF AL 05/17/2023) .......... ......... - FICTITIOUS 05/17 ,. 05/24. 05/10totheC 05/03/2023. (pub Metro 05110.0MZ05/24, final unless appealed inwritingity who requires auxiliary aid or service for effective ORDERTO BUSINESS NAME 0 5 / 3 1/20 2 3 . .... ... ob/31/2023) Clarkwithin 10 calendar coritru- itcatkinshould NI, 41P SHOW CAUSE STATEMENT 1 . . . . ...... ........ days. ProjectPlanner: Larissa Lomen, Ass start rontact"Community Eeaetotxr rITIOUS FOR CHANGE OF #695M Tile FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS Planner erit Depamnerit at X N. First "ME NAME. CASE NO. 23CV414495 tolkwrig person(s) is (are) doing business as: STATEMENT BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT 2?LN-2023-34Puttlic Street, Cantfabeg. CA Success With Cliti, tine. #696228 #695411 Hearing tocomder trie ISINESS RENTING TOALJOALI INTERESTED PERSONS: 4297Houndsbrook Wy., San Jose CA. The follaming person(s) iss Thefollomrigpertw(s) r,(aM)diMgbusV)esS request of AT&T Mob lit fix piopei ty located *flnH)g�-C3campWk--a govat learstone� week I PebtionotThir", orn 95111 Christine Rios I st Class Realty co- 618 3t1630W.Campbeff pnortotherneebrig. Apt 2. Singard for a decree crianging names;r, Hermack. This business Blossom Hill, Suite 201, as:Mukta(sNubibon Kilitchen, 1.346 The Avenue triallow for the removalandreptaicemerit HeenrigirripairedorTTY/ 94087 taclara f0flomi- Present name: Thirroakorr. 6 being miducted bv a individual. Registrant San Jose, CA. 95123, Ivan Caballero. This businiess Alameda STE #511, San lose, CA, 95126, Muktar of TOO text teleptiories users I nay contact the W112020 Strigard, P't upos,,d i iam-, Jon begaribosiressurcJer rs be a ig c u,,,J ucted by &-Akari Trm business "upola to la"Able, the installation of a new Citybydialing7E[for 15,5295 Singard. THIE COURT U*ftchbousbusine-'s an Individual. Registrant is being conducted by luoltwCarealed Caitlornia Relay Set wo, r drawing ORDERS that all persons name ornamesksted heregionO,1127/2023. began business under the fictitious txiqrw-,�s an incirate. Registrant � nications, wt-ek"scon" , (CRS)orNtelephaning anyotherserxe IN, slick /s/Pattick tritefested in this mafter appear t*fore this coot /s/Chnstine Res Hermociflia This name or names listed hereinon04/01/2007. the fictitiaus business facility stop an existing Murb-t11FWtc01T Irno'ciar p(ooders'CRStorephone number Fredom atthehearingaidicatud was filed lsllvm Caballero. This name or name� listed rtitirriting,Theapplicabon xodatm, bdowtoshowcarse,if any.whythepeftionfor statement with the County0prk of statement was filed County Clerk hetritin on 03/08/2018, rhis includes a Cond honal Fo(uraterforn-otion NN 05/10. change of itaine should SantaClaraCounlyon 04/21/2023 (pub Metro with the of Santa Clara Courity 0 si4teinentwaslified the County Clerk or Use Permit with Site a; id youcanconlact thecon"unrty N`1 ....... notbegranted-Any person _ objecting to the twinechangecle5criberl 05103, WID. 05/17, 05/24/2023) N/01/2023,(pubMetiru 05/10.05/17,01)/24, with Santa ClaraCountyco 05/05rA-)23, (rx in Metro Arrhitectiral Review. File No, � PLN-20273 -34. Staff is recommending Devvtaphialt DewtrTteat(408) 86E-2J4Oufl0iiwV@ NAME aboverriustfileawritten ....... .... 05/31/2023) ... I ..... 1. - � ...... 05/10, OM7,05/24, that this item bedeemed -Tilathelli-a abjection that includes FICTITIOUS 05i3l/2023) (]Aegoncafly F _mpt PLANNING the r e, asiins for the objelionatleasttwo BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE ......... underCEQA.Pb-V9 COMMISSION person(s) business court days beftwe the matte r rs scheduled to be #695M FOR CHANGE OF NAME. CASE NO. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME finmulessappeafed CITYCIFCAMPSIF1 L ROBEASTWOOD rnHome The following person(s) STATEMENT inwrilioglotheuty SECRETARY rinney heard and mustappeat is(are)donigliuskiess 23CV415236 #694766 Clerk mthin 1,0 calandar Publish one time, e.CA. at it W fwaf log to show aslhePoseGarderr 1`0 ALL fO ALL I he fo4owtrqW!,,1X$) days. Project Planner. Wednesday, May 10, now. cause why the petition Bath Co.. 1357 Hester INTERESTED PERSONS: Lanssal,orrw.Assisfant 2023