Proof of Publication 8/23/2023PROOF OF PUBLICATION (2015.5 c. c. p..) PROOF OF PUBLICATION State of California County of Santa Clara i am a citizen of the United ' States and a resident of the State of California: l am over the age of 78 years, and not party to or interested in the above -entitled matter, / am the principal clerk of the printer of Metro Silicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper, 380 South First Street, San Jose, California 957 13 a newspaper published in the English language in the City of San Jose, and adjudged a newspaper of general circula- tion as defined by the laws of the State of California by the Superior court of the county of Santa Clara, State of Calitomia, on April7, 1988, Case No. 65 7274; that the notice of which annexed is a printed copy has been published in each regular, and entire issue of said newspaper and not in an yy sup- plement thereof on the follow- ing dates: August 23 -- 2023 I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Dated: August 23, 2023 At San Jose, California Filing Stamp Cityof Camxbeli i C,kj[61eiE['sOitice � - - NOTICE OEP686C REARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that,the City Council of the City of Campbell has set the tiour� of 7.30 p.m., F ry Street Qompbelt Califgrnta as the ti riear d niarafnraPiiN4�r'Haarir:vtornncirla�tfiaannaar` " oiAlJTrier gyLLCofthe`PfannrngCommission`s- , denial of a Gonditrdrial Use P.ermrt with Site anri ArClnfectuta{Revrev�to�ltawraconstruct+op`ofa_ Shell gasalineservice station tivithanexpanded conveniencestore,,irictudingoftsiteaicohol r beverage'sales, a iirive•th'rougli carwash; andzn- ' " hoRroperatianplhours: and aTreeR6movatPermit, s to allow rematiat of all on=s+te trees; on property' ; tocatedat579E Hamilton Avenue The Planning " Con missian leeineii Statutorily Exempt,under ,EQk,File iVo` PLN 2022-44" CITY COUNCIL CITY bf CAMPBELL , ADREA SANDERS; CITY Ci'ERK` �.: PLEASE NOTE: When caning about this natii:e. " y piease'referto::570 E: Hanfiiton Ave: . PiiBLiSH t7A7ES. Augusi23 2023