Proof of Publication Wireless Communication Facilities 9/13/2023 PROOF OF PUBLICATION
12015.5 c,c,p.) Filing Stamp
State of California
County of Santa Clara -
l am a citizen of the United
States and a resident of the
State of California: I am over
the age of 18 years, and not
party to or interested in the
above entitled matter. 1 am the ;� p `
principal clerk of theprinter of d' I rot.°a
Metro Silicon Valle ' r
�'}� S Weekly GityafCampbell '=r,.yo 4`
Ne'bvspaper, 380 South First Ctycle(1i'So fce
Street, San Jose, California
95113 a newspaper published ONOTIEtSHEREBYGVENthatF PUBLIC NGCffyCouncs(oi
in the English langu
age ua e in the NOTICEISHER BYGI ankh tthournf7:uncilo;or
City of San JOSS shortly thereafter.on Tuesday,-September14.2023in
, an adjudged the City Hall Gonncil Chambers,at 70 N.FirstStreet.
a newspaper pf Campbell,'the time and place for a Public
general clrcula- Hearing to consider.acity.l'oiliatedtextAmendment,
tioncas defined bythe Jaws of to the Campbell Municipal Code by Adding Chapter
the State of 11:131orWireless Communication Facilities inthe California by the Public Right-oIWay(Other-ThafSiiiallCell Wireless'
Superior court of the co Facilities)Amending Chapter 1114of the Campbell , •
Un o f MunicipatcodeforS iailCellwirelessfacibhesin
Santa Clara, State of California, the Public Right of•Way arid Adopting Resolutions to
1 988, AdoptaWirelessFacili FeeScheduie and the Wireless
on April7, Case No, FacibtyPermiftingGmdelines. '
651274; that.the notice of which interested persons may appear andbe heard at this
annexed is a printed hearing Pl theease be advised that if you challenge the
has been P ca nature ofabovein court,youmay behmitedto
published in each
regular and entire issue of said
raising only those isesyou or someone else raised
a blicll gdescribedio this Notice,
written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk A
newspaper and not in any sup oppriorto.thg Public Hearing. •
thereof This public hearing Will becondiictedin Person asWell
hereof on the follow- as telecommunicabon and is compliant with provisions
ing dates: of the Brown Act.Interested persons may attend'
eleetronically,de.dosoplease register to attend ai:.
September 13 Zd23 htlps://Campbellca.govlsigribp.After registering,you
I Cert� - will receive a confirmation email containing information
�Y for declare) under about joinirigthe meeting..TheCityCouncilmeeting
penalty of per u will be live-streamed onChanne126;theCity'swebslte
j ry that the and anYouTubo(
foregoing is true and correct. CityofCampbell)for those who only wish to view the.
Dated. September 13In come CityowiththeAniericanswlly,th upobilities
C7. ' 2023 Acl.theCityofCampbell.wiligeneraily,uponrequest,
- provide appropriate aids and services leading to
effective communication for qualified pelsanswlth
At San Jose, California disabitittessotheycanparticipate.equallyinthe
public hearings;including qualified sign language
interpreters,assrstive listening devices,and other
' __ , ways of making'informa bop and communications
• accessible to pegplewho have speech.hearing,or
--vision impairments:Anyone who requires auxiliary .
_aidorservice1preffectivecommunicationshould- - . .
Dave M Jler contact the City Clerks Office at70N First Street.
Campbell,CA 950.03,(408).866-2117 or ClerksOftice@
-campbeilca.govat least one week priorto the meeting.
Hearing impaired orTTY/TDD text telephonesusers'
may contact the City by dialing 711 for California Relay
. 'Service(CRS)orbytelephoninganyotherservice
providers CRStelephone'number. -
i pre COUNCIL., `
PLEASE NOTE: calling about this notice:please
refer to:Wireless Communication Facilities
PUBLISH DATES:September 6,2023 and September