Proof of Publication Wireless Communication Facilities 09/6/2023 PROOF OF PUBLICATION Filing Stamp
(2015.5 c.c.p.)
State of California
County of Santa Clara
I am a citizen of the United -
States and a resident of the A.' be.
State of California: I am over
the age of 18 years, and not City ofCampbe! °erunao'G
party to or interested in the Ci Cte�tsor ce
above entitled matter, I am the
clerk of the rinter of FdoTiCE'OtPUBLIC.HEARING '
principal 'NOTICEISHEREBY GIVEN that th'eCity Counaof' '
Metro Silicon Val ey's Weekly .the City.of Campbell has set thehoureli30p,m.,or '
shortly thereatter,onTucsday,September,19,2023 in
Newspaper, 380 South First thet.ityHaliCouncii Chambers.at70N First Street
Street San Jose California _Campbell:Cabfornia as the time and piacefor aPubiic
t i Hearing to consider a.City InitiatedTextAmendment
95113 a newspaper published to theGampbedMunicipalCodebyAddingChapter,
11(3 for Wireless Communication Facilities in the
in the English IanguarQe !n the Public Right of/ay(Other Than Small Cell Wireless
City of San Jose, and adjudged Faciphas)AmendmgGtapter11l4of the Campbll
g kAurncipal Code farSmaliCell.WirelesOFacilitiesin ,
a newspaper of general circula- th'PubiicRightotWayandAdoptingResoluitonsto
Adopt a Wireless Facility Fee Schedule and the VVddeless
lion as defined by the laws of _facility PermdtingGurdelines. __ _,
the State of California by the Interested persons may apnea and be heard'at This
Superior court of the county of hearing-Please he advised that if you challenge:the
p 'nature of the aboveinMat you maybe limited to` •
Santa Clara, State of California/ raising only those issues you orsommiibr€l5eratsed •
i; al the Public-lean described in this Notice,'or in
on April7, 1988, Case No. rittencorrespondence delivered to the City Clerk at.
651274; that the notice of which or prior to,the Public'Hearing.
annexed is a printed copy Tflispublic 1155r111g%Jllt be Caiiductl.5 in person asll
as telecommunication and is compliant with provisions
has been published in each ut the Brawn Act;Intrinirsted persons may attend
electronically,to doso pleeseregister to attend at:
regular and entire issue of said electronically,
//carnpbelica. ou/si nu .
gp• g B P•
newspaper and not in any sup- ,will receive acenhrmatlon email containing information
about joining thcmeeting The City Council meeting
plement thereof on the follow- will be live-streamed on Channel'26,the(,ity's yiebsile
'andorfYou irbe(li1tps:1/wvrw,'
ing dates: 'CityofCampbell)forthosetrhoonlywishtoviewthe.
September 6 - 2023 meeting.,
I certify (or declare) under locoiripllaricewith the ArriericenswithDisabilities ,
•AcL the City of Campbell will generally upon request,
penalty of perjury that the provide appropriateaidsandser'vicesleading-to ,
fore Oln 15 trUe and COlrGCt. 'el m Native g 9 disabilities'satheycan.participateequatlyinthe
• 'public.hearings.including qualifiedsign language
interpreters''assistive.listeningdevices,and Other
Dated: September 6, 2023 `, ways of making information and communications
accessible to people who have speech,hearing,or-
• vision impairments.Anyone who requires auxiliary
At San Jose, California servicetgretfectfve communication should ,- .,
ct theCityClerk's Ofiiceat70 N:Firat Street:
. Campbell,CA 95008,(408)866.2117 or ClerksOyfice@ atieastoneweek prior to the meeting.
Nearing impaired orTTY/TOD.text telephones users
'may contact the City by dialing711 for California Relay
i 'Service(CRS).orby.telephoning any other service
D ve Miller providers CRS telephone number., '
'PLEASE NOTE:When tailing aboutthis notice,please .,
refer to:WjreiessComrriunication Facilities `
,°,PUBLISH DATES:September,6,2023,