Proof of Publication Ordinance No. 2298 10/11/2023 SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO 2298OFTHE CIIYjCOUNCiL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL AMENDING CHAPTER 1114SMALL CELL. WIRELESS FACILITIES IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT PROOF OF PUBLICATION ; . OFWAYOFTHECAMPBELLMUNICIPALCODE Filing Stamp (2015.5'c.c.p.) eat.). p PUBLICATION Afternetiticatienardpublichearing:asspecifiecibjtaw PROOF OF and ifierprasentation by Me Ot lice of the City Attorney.the- , , heatiniwas dosed. State of California , Afterlueconsideratienof all evidence presented.the City Csirual(if the'Cityof Campbell Maas hereby ordainisfolows: ; County of Santa Clara SECTION1.Chapter11.14of the Campbell Municipal Code I am a citizen Of the United (Small Cell WirelessFacilitiesin the PeblicRightmf-Way)shall beaMendedaslofty States and a resident of the 1. . . 11.14.020-Defu,ibeps:The"Small Celt WirefessPermlt"- State of California: I am over definition was changed to"WirelessVacitityPermit andnaw • appt istoapplicablework in Me publicrighAof•vrey tcsny the age of 18 years, and not varefesscommunicationfacify`irstealefjust small cell to or interested in the wuelessfacilities;Otherdefinitionswere amended toMatch • partyChapterlll3of the Campbell MupiapaiCode. above-entitled matter, i am the 1114.030-Applicabflity:Thissection wasamended principal clerk of the printer of triciaifythatChapter4.14 applies tdsmancelbabeless. . Metro Silicon Vally' Weekly facT6Esinth lothe wireless nd epChapterblight-of-es • Valley's eattoa0otherwirelessfacirtiesmthepublicnghtot- - • Newspaper, 380 South First way h shall beregulatedbychapter1113 of,thec is•, mun palcede.Ttussectionvrasatsaamendedtod dy ' I Street, San Jose, California • t,lt(iapterlLl3duesnotapplytoOvertileAirReeeptiorr De�ces(OTARDs). 951 13 a newspaper published • '--- in the English language in the • -:11.14.040-Pe[mitrequiremehts:Thissectionwas • timerdedfachangeany reference tea Small Wirelesspertntt ,, d City of San Jose, andadjudge to nob reference the Wireless FacdityPermit Thssectipn a newspaper of general circula- avcasa:sre teddtoosm establish the a'facilities eat : i tion as defined by the laws of 0,14. • the State of California by the n 14.050 RequfredApprovas Thssedfanwas `'" ` amended toaddan additional required approve!forsrna9cell Superior court of the coun4,of vsrde s'facilibesin the pubfrcnghtof*aytocompyvnthail ` applkablecenditionsofthe ielessFacaTityPermita redby Santa Clara, State of California, thedty: on April 1988, Case No. p 11.1d.660-Revi�dproces:Thfssecbanwasamended i 651274; that the notice of which !ode,etedetaits`ofthereviewpmrncstoraWiielessFacit>ty • Permit. . annexed is a printed copy has been ublished!n each • 114070 Approvalanddenials�notrces'Thissectronwas p . amended to danfyreferencestotheVrealessFapftyPeaMt, regular and entire issue of said and smelledfaalitjes u1.080 CondfronsofapprovatThisseetionwas newspaper and not in any sup •amended toestabf thatappficablepermitsmay plement thereof on the follow- autom tcalyexpueorberescindedifconstructionfs not completed pursuant to the Wireless F7rty Permit' ingdates: conditionssti�thin'orte(1)yearofth'e Permit apprbvafor October 11 - 2023 'ssriancedate i certify (or declare) under 1E4130 , ;Gty.Thrssecbe was am:andeilto' penalty of perjury that the estabrO thatifanysectionofchap 11.144s found tube' Itva6dtryacouitofcompetent urfsdictro'ri,theiemariderof foregoing is true and correct. the chaptersballebetinueinfull force andeffect: • SECT10N2:Theasasummary version,ofOrduiance229a-` ' Dated: October' 1 1, 2023 A certified*of thefulitextorthepiopposedordinarxe is postedeed available for public reviews t the Ct tyClerk s• Offine,Citycf Campbell,70N.First Street,Campbell. At San Jos California ,, , SECTtOI3;mtsOMmaneeshallbecomeelfeebyPturty ,,': @0}daysfalloVeiptspassageandaaepbonandshalibi - -'= pub'sled;orsummary thereof.on mew ffteéia(1 ' daysuponpassageand adoption in the Metro,Silicon Valley, a newspaperof&tem!circulation ter theCityatCampbelr. . Ave Miller ' CountyafSantaca . u PASSEOANDADOPTEDthis3rddagof October,2O23 0Vie