142 N. Central Ave. (78-22) MEMORANDUM @ r ; \ .¿> CITY OF CAMPBELL To: BUILDING DEPARTMENT From: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Date: t ill Subject: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------- . The requirements of the Public the following development: APPLICANT BUILDING ADDRESS COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER APPROVAL NUMBER PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER I' ,,0 r<) --, '-:; .J (~ .J Ý w ~ mz ¡r ~ a. 0 a.:E~ w « 3 0 U.J UJLL~ cr 0 æ >-~ t-U - U Works Department have been satisfied for \ '\ ' \ i i __I /, , r'6 '1. (Q ~ 'J- --...... , JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By: Date: / \)\ t> Cj !'-- "'-..., ~~r t- --~ 0 <:::> 0 c:> . . 0 0 r- r- f- ..- ..- z -tc ill I ::J ill -tc IJ) 0 o C .. 4: ::;: * () 4: <1: D N N 0 0 V¡ '0 c:: , UJ 0 0\ C\ c:: t- t- o . , >- 1"1 1"1 UJ N C\.l z = ;;Z 0 UJ <I: -c:: ::;: f- """' -. 4: D 0 >- III " 0: UJ -' U >- f- Õ :I @ " r ..J ..J UJ ID ;, [l. 0 ::¡¡ >- <í ~U 0 u. ;: 0 >- f- U ',tl) (~ 'd \j ~ ~ ,-" 0 Z I- Z ::J 0 U U <í UJ ::J Z UJ > UJ ¡r ¡r UJ ID ::¡¡ ::J Z 0 Z ::J U. ~" f1)~ . I ,U "Ò, .., Z 0 ' ....j;Z~ !!:U«O "'«0": ~~~IO 01:..,«0 "'100'" j;....::;Z ....",«~ ::;»V; ~ 0") 0 (D t 0") 8 M æ N ~ U -' , ('4'-((":3)) , 1I'i'~'d rràr TJ!-()lJ,c"j'I")"-'t'-'¡'¡'A'l'It ,-'l"YJ"'J"'J'Up!]("-'J'(I"""'" '¡'(-»)" """,j", 'I..\~,:\'."',,L , ),' J\..,'.>,ì ",~,j,I.-..\t,~"", d,,' 1979-1980 ,','-' "", ", "r.. '",.. "¡r"r" r'~-""""','i(!,' ..,- -----'--------- ACQ,)!.,¡jJ(J" L"J1I,¡, 1\.¡,\L".[I). (I J/',/\.I\J.(", t,'OIJI'_' "l",J {,,; ',I,,\) I',) SLQ, 1)"" v[;'Cl'lic"tiol1 4-12-/9 _..._-_u_,--- -------,------ ----------.------.,. ,------------ --------------, TO: HO/d',D OF SUi',;':H,'vlS()¡~~; of ;;,<.:I(a Chra CUUllty, 5t;tlc of L.tJifur¡¡i;¡ Gcntl"n.f',¡ ; The llII,b ,;:~ }(d author i/l~d ag¡;nt of tin: ,--Ç¡Jy'--Qf..ÇAMPJ~J~,k--_-- ---------"---------- -----------------------, (public agency) b:rcb)' Il'ijll'_"'t,; tkit you con',en! to the ¡;,¡¡ceJbriOll (If \;"'10$ against rliC' [oh",ir:" dnCiih(d 1' ,{)P(~i!Y) ~1J('ci(jc dc~rilJtioll at- t;:d,,'J, I"'{'lt¡~", of ;]l'ljlli,.:ti{)11 by I/¡,' ~",;d pllUJiC ;\I:"II<'}' wr;U;HII to lit";"",, c,:, '1';,;":;1(;';11 C(ide Su_tioll 4'![!G ct ~;('C¡" dud lwlcLy (kd;¡:cs under Jcualty of p~rjlll)' on oehalf of (L,- ~Jicl puIJ!i,: :<;l'll')' tl,;;t thc ÎJ,[o¡'jnatio:l her.;;: is truc and cunceL ------- ---------- ---------.--- Nall¡c or l'U,UlS:iIit, Ar,c',cy CITY OF CA~1PBELL SigH:;(~~ lil ~\~¡tl,Zi;~JJ~~;:~t-------------------- --.-.-- ------'--"-------_H S;glltJ ;d ------------ Phyllis O. Acker, City Clerk -D~~~-'.-¡"". ;j;'iI~;3~ ~ ~~.;, ~--- .tP.§f, i§, ;',~'~-Sl','rI3~oh~d. :~);, A\~;~;~lt~, -, -- ".G-i ì"ber1:--Õ"--. -~õ-r.ona arid --ùO\;:'~~;- :¡ ~~'-;---[:'l---------' Ässï:~;;-\:il:l\T-Ño,(Al';~ )-----. ..--.w.r:jl-r'OÎ>~IRï;ï~'------ O.I.P. ~ toy." Ie> [J""Al. rmOLR 279-40-21 -----,- -- ------------------ ---.-------------------------------- --- ------- []Rl'fuud 11) (;""'1 OHler. (I'I""-_Ie «U.tcÍ\ "Ieln for ¡"'TIBen! In ]JlII) ic ;"IW-Y'ì --- -------- ------ --------------'----- ------------- --,----, ----,-------- ------. ---'--'------- ------ L/,NlJ IMl', PERS, PH.OJ'. EXEMPT NET l'O'J'AI. OTHER --...------------'------------- -- ,- -- -------_... - --- -- --'" --- SEE A '1'1' AC HE]) f",~ 'r-::'~"",--i~¡" t.,~"-,,..,',~ '.. ...Ii# ò J : l~ 19 ¡'lbt..ÌIJ ~~uHKS EN G I N_EERlNG ~\l1I IIn 1/17 O-¡ 't",\L,' ;':;(;d[;::) ,":i,', ;"",';OU,'iT'i I ~ f- We, GILBERT D. CORONA, a married man as his sole ~nd separate property, and GARY ZUCCONI, an unmarried man, hereby grant unto the CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, for public street purposes and to become portions of Grant Street and Central Avenue, all that certain real property within said City and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of that certain parcel of land described by that certain Grant Deed recorded September 5, 1978, and filed in Book D 929 of Official Records at pages 706 and 707 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California; LJ ~-'{ ¡;~~- C~~r/H:J,-,¿LL .-J! 7'.] ~~'- ,<'(¡-I C£::NTRr'\L AIlE, t':AMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 TOP..:;'~ r<-:!"':~\".',;-':'~Trc:: ~=: 1:_1'; r- ;' r ,~: -: ;-,f ,,-" ".,-,::" ,,--,- . , ' - - --- - "::"_1 '-,..',¡--,,-~L E 355?!~: 3?- ,,~' ']<", C (}f.~3 v""-~'O.. ~:J E 3S5~~ 320 ¡jr GRANT DEED t I ~,F¡ ¡-, i :", . W AI JŒ,..~_~, \..r: dffi,,1~~ <- I' ,- ..' , " ,- ~ 1':;'" j ~"i ,'" Ii . . " ::"1,1 rd I] , : "i.. '. r ¡; THENCE, along the southerly line of said parcel of land, Westerly 140.00 feet to its intersection with the easterly line of Central Avenue (50.00 feet wide), as said Central Avenue is shown upon that certain Map of the Subdivision of the Moulton Tract at Campbell filed in Book E of Maps at page 133 in said office of the County Recorder; THENCE, along said easterly line of Central Avenue Northerly 27.00 feet to its point of tangency with a curve that is concave northeasterly and has a radius of 20.00 feet; THENCE, along the arc of said curve southerly, southeasterly, and easterly through a central angle of 900 00' 00" a distance of 31.42 feet to its point of tangency with a line that is parallel with and 7.00 feet northerly, measured at right angles. from aforesaid southerly line; THENCE. alonq said parallel line Easterly 120.00 feet to its intersection ~th the easterly line of said parcel of land; THENCE. along lastmentioned easterly line Southerly 7.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 0.025 acres. more or less, and being a nortion of Section 26, T.7S.,R.1W.,M.D.B.&M. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we haye placed our names this 19~ - , \ \J' (.1 , \, I \, '1 ( ... I Y ,-- II ,) ~ (,):;{,\N~ ~:tr~(,~el.;,~L~)t~,?J~~~'~(');:¡G) ~ t" ( ¡"'I '1,\1 'j' 'L G C) ¡;i,;.;~\ ) 'I' l , .:"" ~ ~ ", " 'j MARIL ì'¡'>1 J LUKES ;- :~ \', ,'// NOI/,Rí eU¡;~IC'(i\~¡;,-,,;N A r, :; "-"'/ ~AhIALL¡\RACUU¡"¡IY ~ ;~; My CUIIlI1l'~\'UIl bpIIl'\ Api d 1'), 1982 ~~ ;..: .;¡ t;,.:J(;\:jï;Z'JC.ûC ,',G <éJG <JC û(; uCûC\:jCZ')CeûCÛCiD( 23rd day of January 11 {iJ¿ t?i if LBERT D. CORONA - ----'hl- ~ I~",,:;,- -""'~GARY ZUCCON I ZìC?J --4-0 -2./ /4-2. A.J. êeví -hëÀ- I 41ft 1 of 1 "----~'~,. . ü \ a r ('\..5,--(../\..-~ tITY Of CAMPBELL 75 N. Centr,1 Avenue CI"'Pbr1 " CA 95008 APPLICATION: Appl1cetion is lIt~by _de for In eacav,tion pennit in Iccord,nee with ClIIIPbrll "'nitip,' Code. Sect10n 11.04, A. Tilt lotltion Ind nltu~ of the work to be clone is:... -S-I UIJIJ()( /'17+-/ c:.. .5/ p~ W -4 C-K- ER/JU n/ç- U. E ~¿)/êJJF/( ~,eANT -ST: <f AIð. (lJt=N / Me ,4JJE'Ç. 140/ G"A.sr 'p,4~ez::..'- I. Atuched Ire ., top1es of I drlwing showing the 10tat ion, eatent end dimens 10ns of the work. The drlwing shows the rt1lt1on of the proposed work to ex1st1ng sur"'ee Ind underground i"'Provtmtnts, When IPproved by the city eng1nter, u1d drlw1ng becomes I pert of this pennit. C. Tilt IPpllelnt hereby Igrtes by Iffh1ng his Signlture to this IPpl1tltion to hold the C1ty of Cimobtll , its officers, 1gents, Ind tftIP10yus fret, Uft, Ind hlnnless frQIII Iny el11111 or demlnd for cIIm'!JtS resulting frQIII the work covered by this pennit, D. Tilt Pemit Fer is $25,00. This 15 to help cover the cost of inspett10n. lime Tele. 110. ~ ptCAVATION PERMIT pennit~~ ;;~ till 378-B x for 1nspect 10ns, Address Sign'ture of Appl1 nt PERMIT : This pennit to exclvlte is issued subject to the fo11owing cond1tions: 1. NOTIFY the city eng1neer 48 hours before beg1nning work. 2. WlJrlTAW SIft pedestriln and wthicuhr crossings and free Iccess to private driveways. fire hydrlnts , ,\)7\ Ind wlter velves. "'" , ~ ~ ' .' . 3. Any STREET CLOSING .,st hive prior. specific Ip!'rovll fl"Olll the city tnginter." r ~.\ ,. ~ .. CONTROL OF TRAFFIC in tilt IIOrk I~I shl11 confo"" with the Work Arel T,..ffic Contro1 Hlndbook. ',' '-, " . 5. REPLACE IN KIND Iny dlNged or relllOved existing i~ro"tllllnts or phntings. 6, $AI/CUT for III P.C.C. or A.C. rtIIIOvl1s. 7. P.C.C. REPLACEMENTS shl11 confo"" with cur~nt City Standll'ds. 8. A.C. REPLACEMENT shill bI tither: - . intllts A.C. on 12 incllts R-78 baSt rock or 9 incllts A.C. *,p strength¡ or. .:::- "'(.,-Vol';: t w ~ hv--oP/u,"1' v~p ,:;1.> o!l/"'lC"/"t) , I 9. "htt11lneous conditions: - I~orted. st1ect backfill is "qui...d. - The hours of work I'" ltllited to bltllten and ----WOrk to be staked by I 1itensed Lind Surveyor or Civi1 Enginttr and three copies of the cut sheets sent to the Public Work' Dtpartlent befo... starting work. ---- Open cutting of PlVØltnt wi11 not bI l11owed¡ 111 pipes or conduit Iha11 lit jltked under ' tisting plvtllllnt. L ~I'Aov{" ex/',>+rv,~ L-iArh dl~y(,~~(~ -t-yrr{"d':Ã.' ..tulf Vi.(yb, '" ~fAfJl,ak C{{t~ èlvcflj,..¡ D-v1.f-d ,¡jv~: k Ik-O,?-{"...--I¡ I ,. 10. ~~~~I~:u~;:~ :~c:~~:~~:-:f1:-to::;~~yO~~~~ ;~~~~~i3 .~~Cb - 11. REQUEST I fina1 inspection Ind acceptance in writing upon COIIPl,UOfl of tM tIOrk. 12. Atcepuncr of the Pe",it by tilt IIIlIItd Penllitttt constttutas Icceptante of Iny Ind 111 conditions ~on ""'ich this Pennit 15 grlnted. This Penllit does not ...11e"e the 'e""ittee of Iny obl1gation to obtain Iny other Pennit requi...d b,y llw. Penllit 11 ftOt trlnsferlble. Mork 811St bI Plrforwtd by Dlnllittte or Plrlllitttt'S 1gent. . , ~ÎCj \..J . ,'~ ,', ,,'>~;"'- _,~.r\:h\"\Jo ~ " ,':" ~'\...' . t.,:'S-::'I.'- - TRlNCH FEn not bien checked and 11 IIOT U~LIED with thiS Pt!'llit. For ",t!'llit to bcnlte- ta. Stlte of Cll1fomtl Division of Industrial Slfet¥ ÐePln.nt of Illdustril1 Relations (408-277-1260) ~ AtCEf'T ~ - I-I:? - z:? : gnat nil Ute (Date) L "-" ..,...... ~ 30 =~ :::.": "'ROVE~ '-- I-Jl.(-7C¡ DIpositlKliød? .ta Iust.1S LtCllftIt' PERMIT lOT WALlO IIITIL APPROVED IT em EJl5tllEn. - hk.\ ê,~' _9:-{ CL I,.~ - c:~':ct,-, _'78 ~l~~,~~ \~~ om, 50.00' I ..J c:(LU ~::> t-Z ZUJ L&J> U~ ~ Q£ 11J ~ I- Q£ 0 Z PC-:;;. 70(: :~: {'cn E:¡'<"D')Z::::C.F~:, l' + GRANT STREET t M ./\ P (} F 'r ¡...¡ E.:; U E~ D ¡ \./ ¡ :;; ¡ 0 ¡'..j OF 'fHE ~.j¡C)ULTC)r".J Te/..c'r AT C:¡:\r..A PH ELL. E-~.\{, "E.:" ~.li PG. ¡'~';'::i SCALE: 1"= 3D' LAND TO BE GRANT ED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL Dr. by LM.S. Ck.by J. P. JAN. , 1979 JAN. , 1979 E":2'i Land to be granted to \~"~'i',~.; City Contains O,O25:t ac, ~ Q£ ILl X .... :;) 0 <I) <b. O. <l. ~ ¡ Prepared by the Office ot the City Engineer, Campbell, California " -----..-. ....:?/ r 6--"1 6IL ~ ORDINANCE NO. 1217 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ADOPTING PLANS, ELEVATIONS, AND DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE FOR THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL (APPLICATION OF MR. GILBERT DALE CORONA, PD 78-22). The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell is hereby changed and amended by adopting the attached Exhibit A entitled "Plans and Elevations", Exhibit B, entitled "Development Schedule", Exhibit C, entitled "Map of Said Property'., and Exhibit D, entitled IIConditions of Approval", as per the applica- tion of Mr. Gilbert Dale Corona for approval of plans, elevations, and develop- ment schedule to allow conversion of part of a residence into offices on pro- perty known as 142 N. Central Avenue in a Planned Developffent Zoning District. Copies of said exhibits are on file in the Office of the Planning Depart~~nt. The applIcant Is notIfIed that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the city.of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED this following roll call vote: 18th day of December 19.1L, by the NOES: Councilmen: Doetsch. Hammer. Paul. Podgorsek. Chamberlin Counc I I men: None AYES: ABSENT: Coun ell men: None APPROVED: ~~ "'èhß~ ~i1:ll/ k ATTEST: Phyllis O. Acker, City Clerk r: ,." r: q f ~ " """ ,,' i '" ;:; D EFFECTIVE DATE: / -I f- 77 , u' ",/8 , -,J ..,:G R/'~, íVd !tIc.. 5 October 12, 1978 EXHIBIT B To: lip lanning Department" City of Campbell Re: Proposed Restoration and Conversion of an existing two family dwelling to a combined use of Residential and Professional Office uses. Project referred to as "Watson House", a professional office building. DEVEWP MENT STATEMENT We, the owers of the two story, two family "Victorian Style" structure located at the add-ress commonly knO'WIl as: 142 No. Central Ave. Campbell, California, a-re presently renovating one of the more attractive older homes in the City of Campbell. We obtained a building permit on the 20th of Sept. 1978 to build a concrete foundation under the existing structure, replacing the old -redwood mudsils that were rotting out with age and causing the building to sag. That work has begun and is expected to be completed qy October 30, 1978. The balance of all necessa-ry construction will begin wi thin 30 days after City Council approval and completion of the entire project is expected nine months later. In addition to the complete restoration, the O'WIlers of the property are wanting to use the 1330 sq ft. bottom level of the structure for an office, probably Law Offices, Real Estate, Accounting, etc. The top floor of the building will remain residential and may be occupied,when finished,qy one of the O'WIlers of the property. The top floor has separate access from the exterior and the interior stairway will probably be locked so no access can be gained between interior floors. The owers plan to go to great length to make this a building that the City of Campbell and its inhabitants will refer to with some feeling of pride. I don't expect many Victorian Style office buildings within the city limits of Campbell, but I would e mine :0 be one. -'- , .- co-ower ~ Œ,~ ~3n'::8~ ~ CITY OF' Clot. .it ....,,:l.L P~N~I~C D£:PAR' I/.::NT EXHIBIT D CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PD 78-22 Application of: Corona, G. Page 1 A. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and/or added in red on plans. B. Landscaping plan indicating type and size of plant material, and location of hose bibs or sprinkler system to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director within 60 days of City Council approval. C. Fencing plan indicating location and design details of fencing to be submitted for approval of Planning Director within 60 days of City Council approval. D. Landscaping and fencing shall be maintained in accordance with the approved plan. E. Applicant to either (1) post a faithful performance bond in the amount of $5,000 to insure landscaping, fencing, and striping of parking areas within three months of completion of construction, or (2) file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking areas prior to final Building Department clearance. F. All mechanical equipment located on roofs to be screened as approved by the Planning Director. G. Eastern parking spaces to be relocated 31 to the north. H. Applicant to provide two covered parking spaces. location to be approved by Planning Director. Elevations and I. Color scheme to be referred to the Planning Director for approval. J. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. K. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. L. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. M. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. (Section 21.68.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code.) CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - PO 78-22 Application of: Corona, G. Page 2 N. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, wet garbage and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single-family dwellings, multiple apart- ment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. o. Trash container(s} of a size and quanti~necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level. P. Applicant shall comply with all appropriate State and City require- ments for the handicapped. Q. Noise levels for the interior of residential units shall comply with minimum State (Title 2S) and local standards as indicated in the Noise Element of the Campbell General Plan. BUILDING DEPARTMENT R. North exterior wall shall be min. 1 Hr. Construction Table SA, Section 2203. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT S. Pay storm drainage area fee of $170. T. Dedicate an additional 7 feet of right-of-way along Grant Street with a 20-foot radius return at the corner. U. Obtain an excavation permit to install a 4.S-foot monolithic sidewalk along Grant Street and a handicap ramp at the corner. The applicant is notified that he/she shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified.