237 N. Central Ave. (68-38) 18288 Swarthmore Drive Saratoga, California 95070 July 18, 1968 Hr. William G. Wren Director of Public'dorks City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue CaIIlpbell, California 95008 Attention: Cruz So Gomez Gentlemen: We are returning the papers forwarded with your letter of July 5, 1968. We are unwilling to sign and have notarized these papers as they now stand. Very specific boundaries are outlined cover- ing a total of 2,471 square feet of our property which the City of Can~bell wishes us to dedicate to them. On several occasions we have had verbal assurance from various of- ficials that the City of Campbell, in consideration of the afore- mentioned dedicèition, would assume the cost for sidewalks, driveway entries, curbings, gutter¡" street paving and clearing premises of debris at such time as L&timer is cut through. Nowhere in the Grant Deed is provision made for this cost assumption. Vie must have docu- mentary evidence that the City of Cronpbell agrees to the assuming of these costs. ~fuen the Grant Deed includes such a provision, we shall be happy to make the desired dedication. Sincerely, ~ tcí a-Ltl"" J ¡(!Ju¿ ~ ~~alter J. Ballard WB:emb Encs. P.S. Your Grant Deed shows Walter "G" instead of Walter "J"o W.J.Bo --- July 23, 1968 Mr. walter J. Ballard 18288 Swarthmore Dr. saratoga, California RE: "s" 68-38 Dear Sir: Reference is made to your letter of July 18, 1968. Inasmuch as a misunderstanding appears to exist at this time, I shall restate the City's position in this matter: 1. The subject land dedication for street purposes i8 a condition of architectural approval imposed by the City Planning Commission in consideration of their approval of your application. There is no relation between this condition and the City's intention to construct street improve- ments along the extension of Latimer Ave. with public funds. 2. The proposed construction of Latimer Ave. Extension i. a part of the City's current six-year capitol ~rovement Program to be financed by the City's gas tax funds. You may be assured that this will . e accomplished at no expense to the abutting property owners. 3. The Grant Deed Document forwarded for your signature d~es not and will not contain any reference to the proposed construction for the reasons cited above. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS L i~~\. ,,--. by Bill M. ~lm8, Associate Civil Engineer BMH:cam - - ~ V'77 /) .. " /. (;'~ï.. C,? ) July 5, 1968 Mr. walter J. Ballard 18288 Swarthmore Drive saratoga, California 95070 SUBJECT: liS" 68-38, 237 North Central Ave., Campbell. California Dear Mr. Ballard: Enclosed please find the original and two copies of the grant deed for the dedication of the street right-of- way on Central Avenue and on Latimer Avenue for its easterly terminus to Central Avenue. Please return the original and one copy to this office after you sign them in the presence of a Notary Public. The only other condition which the Department of Public Works made of your application was the payment of $210.00 for storm drainage area fee. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC W:°RKS , \ ,tv U,j ¡ \)! \ u By Cruz S. Gomez, Civil Engineer, Jr. CSG:cam Enclosures .. dÌ<' Ñ- + -' 0) a .,..: "t (1\ fì 'i r(\. . '-I«)o r---: cQN:::L!' " " " ~fX<:j..J ~ :J Ù .' '/'- ' (J - "t '<:t -tgo ~ Qó(}l- (\ (ût<\ « « " ,/ ~a<LJ ~ ::1 Ù FutuV'1Z allgnme.nt 5GALE:: ¡'~50' . ... I f 41 <t. CENTQAL ----, , ,5', ',t 0 \f'. l- f; t- O ~.! - -~- - ¡", '\ ..~. Qr:..I..: J., \ . II (:¡'.p + x" --- . I I I of I Y \ \ P.o. 6. Lat/l'I1€.\'" Ave,-J \ \ \ \ \ \ ~~r (. Dr, By LCV Ck, ßlt C':>6 Con+ol('l!:> 2,471 59.Tt :t 10,OC) t- ~ ~ ~~.:t- I ('\1 It- 10 I -i .IU I ~I ~I 21 I Ùl -;R 'l¡) d:) \J) cQ \ \ \ \ a: \ 1Ù ~ ,\ _ÙJ ~~ ..J NÎav, 19Có8 MQl,), 19iô8 AVE-NUE '0 7/, "?2' -....... ~ (j 17' w --- 41.40' --- r ÑÕO/7'z:. Q <::> l{'\. ~ ~ . N !O ð' N' N 10 , ~ . r- .... (} .J rj -I i ¡ , ¡ "...\ . ", \" .~~ I ... , . '\ ".' , '. ". ',...' ,~..-(' .-::. .,,'" 1\ ....., ~ i' ,-~ : '", ¡ . ,., M ~, :', '-' ..- \.--.. \. .... ::", ,.,"'". -0 (~' \, ¡\ ~ 'i N' ~ ç:- ' ". ,...' <:".1." (', . ~> N DolT '¡;- LOT 7 uyr f~ ,"'\ -<. " \) ~., ( ~'-.. -. '" : "' ' ""', i ,> /YL ,ù~t . (ç 7) STAFF COllH,IENT SHEET - PLAN:-JING Cml~IISSION ~JEETlj\;G OF JUNE 3 ¡ 1968 "S't 68-38 Application of ¡\'alter J. Ballard for approval of a 5-ullit apartment on property located at 237 North Central Avenue (See Map #4 attacheù). This property is zoned R-2-S and will after construction be located on the sout!l'.';est corner of North Ccntral Avenue and the proposed extension of LaU,111cr Avenue. The ,lot contains 11,503 square fect of area. . 40% coverage allowed by ordinance = 4,601 square fect. Coverage proposed ~ 3,848 square feet. Recreation area required by ordinance at 225 square feet per unit = 1,125 square feet. Recreation provided = 1,178 square feet. The proposed development meets all Ordinance requirements. Staff recommends approval subject to the following conditions: 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Fajthful Performance Bond ill the amount of $1,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fcncing and striping of outdoor parking area3 within three (3) months of completion of cojlstructioD, or applicaut may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parking area prior to final building department clearance. 4. An enclosure consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six foot high solid wall or fence sllall be constructed to house trash container in aJl area approved by the Planning Director and Fi re Departmen t. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. 5. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance Kith Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 6. Underground Utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code "S" 68-38 Walter J. Ballard Page Two 7. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities, including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. 8. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. 9. O\':ner to dedice,te to 60 foot right of way on Central AVenue and dedicate to plan line right of way on Latimer Avenue extension. 10. Applicant to pay storm dTain area fee in the amount of $210.00. The applicant is notified that he shalJ comply with all applicable Codes or Ol'dinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and arc not herein specified. ,-.: ~'~ ~ ~', ,~- ;:;= :::'~:',~v ----. , (1 --n'";,. () """">';:":-F""~_~ ,"" .. "'" "- """-'1 ---w,,-- - "._"" -'--",~.... "II " -- ,---~_.".".-,. 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