Central Ave., N.(Ainsley House) CF0057-B R/W UG (2/84) THIS SPACE FOR RECORDER'S USE RECORDED AT THE REQUEST OF PACIFIC BELL WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: PACIFIC BELL RIGHT OF WAY DEPARTMENT 1531 PARKMOOR AVENUE SAN JOSE, CA 95128 ATTN: P. H. WALDE FILE: AINSLEYl [CAH] no DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX DUE. BY CONSIDERATION PACIFIC BELL- R/W AGENT GRAN!' OF PASmEN!' APN: CAT: JOB: 279-41-64 " E" N/A GEO: LOC: BK: N4-10 SNJS-12 MOULTON TRACT E, PAGE 133 The undersigned Grantor (s) hereby grant (s) to PACIFIC BELL, its associated and allied companies, its and their respective successors, assigns, lessees and agents (hereinafter collectively called "Grantees"), an easement to construct and maintain (place, operate, inspect, repair, replace and remove) such underground communication facilities as Grantees may from time to time require (including ingress thereto and egress therefrom) consisting of wires, cables, conduits, manholes, handholes and associated electrical conductors and necessary fixtures and appurtenances in, under and upon that certain real property in the City of Campbell County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as: A portion of the parcels of land conveyed to City of Campbell by the following: deed recorded January 23, 1969 in Book 8411 of Santa Clara County Official Records at page 32; deed recorded January 23, 1969 in Book 8411 of Santa Clara County Official Records at page 34; deed recorded February 7, 1969 in Book 8427 of Santa Clara County Official Records at page 432. Said facilities shall be placed within a strip of land of the uniform width of ten feet the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly line of that certain parcel granted to Ci ty by deed recorded January 23, 1969 in Book 8411 of Santa Clara County Official Records at page 32, said point being 61.25 feet, more or less, westerly of the intersection of said northerly 1 ine with the centerline of Central Avenue as said Avenue is shown on the "Map of the Moulton Tract at Campbell", filed in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara on February 25, 1892 in Book E of Maps at page 133, said point being at a Pacific Gas and Electric Company junction box; Thence South 000 10' 07" West, parallel with said centerline of Central Avenue, a distance of 140 feet more or less; Thence South 400 41' 58" East, 120 feet more or less to an existing Pacific Gas and Electric Company junction box on the easterly side of said Central Avenue; Extending and shortening the sidelines of said easement to terminate at the junction boxes; Containing an area of 2600 square feet, more or less. Pacific Bell shall not install any manholes, handholes or other structure wi thin said strip without prior approval of City of Campbell. Grantees shall be responsible for damage caused intentionally or by any negligent act or omission of Grantees, its agents or employees while exercising the rights granted herein. Executed this_ 4tL day of April 19 90 CITY OF CAIIPBEI.L ~~ ::::::n Ad~~? City Clerk: Barbara Olsasky P. B. COpy ----------------------------------- -------------------- County of SanTa r.lrlra } }SS. ----} STATE OF CALIFORNIA On this 4th _day of_A!;l.d.l.-------, 19.3.0.-' before me,_-E.EE-a~..:-Olsasky a Notary Public of the State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, personaliy appeared, John Ashworth ' x personally -known-tome; - proved to me on the basis of satisfactorY-evIdence; to be the_______________~ay;;~____________ of the______________ _ City of Carn,Ebell _______________-----a body politic and corporate of the State of Cali fornia, that executed the wi thin instrument and known to me to be the persons who executed said instrument on behalf of the district therein named, and acknowledged to me that such district executed the same. witnes~ my ,~and and Ofa~i~ia~ ~seal - / ~ _ . "dltqL~ '4d I ~.?: OFFICIAL SEAL BARBARA S OLSASKY NOTARY PUBliC - C,'I.li:'ORNIA SANTA CLARA co~m My comm. expires FEB 15, 1992 Ii. 1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LAND DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC SERVICES March 2, 1990 PROJECT SUMMARY DOCUMENT CENTRAL AVENUE ABANDONMENT PROJECT DESCRIPTION - Coordinate the relocation of the utilities in Central Avenue, south of Grant Street, and vacate this portion of the street. Coordinate the relocation of utilities with the schedule for relocation of the Ainsley house. PROJECT FUNDING/BUDGET - General Fund - Land Development & Public Services (715) It is anticipated that the costs of relocation for P.G. & E., PacBell, San Jose Water Company, Heritage Cablevision and West Valley Sanitation District will be borne by the individual utility companies under the provisions of Franchise Law. Costs for reconnecting the City Hall sanitary service laterals to the new main location, and for connecting future museum services to the newly relocated utilities will be borne by the Redevelopment Agency. Sanitary sewer lateral relocations Inspection services $15,000 1,000 TOTAL $16,000 SCHEDULE - March 12-16 Scheduling meeting to take place between Public Works, P.G.&E., PacBell, and Herita?e Cablevision. March 16-30 West Valley Sanitation District puts job out to bid. April 1- June 1 Joint trench work. April 16-May 4 Sanitary sewer relocation work. May 4 Agendize resolution of intent to vacate Central Avenue. June 1 Utility relocation work complete. June. 1 Begin formal vacation proceedings for Central Avenue. SCHEDULE (cont) - June 5 Council adopts resolution of intention to vacate Central Avenue. June 6-9 Post vacation notices and advertise hearing. July 3 Council adopts resolution of vacation. ISSUES - Who will pay for relocations may become an issue. Development of an integrated work schedule for all utilities. Construction coordination between utility companies. Plans for the Ainsley house will need to be far enough along for the utility companies to set boxes, manholes and trench elevations. In may become necessary to close Central Avenue, south of Grant to expedite construction. Weather may interfer with the schedule. Library access is an issue. Construction within the Police parking lot ~s an ~ssue. INVOLVED PERSONS/AGENCIES - Utility Companies - Pacific Gas & Electric Pacific Bell Heritage Cablevision San Jose Water West Valley Sanitation District Public Works - Michelle Quinney - project coordination Jim Penoyer - street abandonment procedures Gregg Eaton - construction permit inspection Frank Cauthorn - sanitary lateral inspection Art Maronek - maintenance coordination/parking lot coordination Recreation & Community Services - INVOLVED PERSONS/AGENCIES (cont)- Recreation & Community Services - Claudia Cauthorn - facility coordination Brett Stollenwerk - building maintenance coordination Police Department - parking lot construction Redevelopment Agency - Marty Woodworth City Attorney - franchise law interpretation Library - Central Avenue abandonment/construction schedule Interested citizens Civic Improvement Commission, Historic Preservation Board, City Council People to keep informed: Don Wimberly, Bill Helms City Manager's office MQ:HM2.PS MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL To: Marty Woodworth Redeveloping Manager Date: Harch 21, 1990 From: Jim Penoyer Engisneering Technician Subject: Ainsley House Parcel Map Museuum Site Attached is a red-lined copy of the final parcel map prepared by Jennings, McDermott & Heiss, inc. dated June 1989. In addition to the comments on the map the following issues are of concern. This map was prepared before it was decided to vacate Central Avenue. It might be more productive to abandon this map in favor of the one that will be needed to create the site currently proposed. After Central Avenue is vacated, a map that merges this parcel with Central Avenue and a portion of the Police parking lot will be needed. The remainder of the City Hall block will need to be shown on the map as a second parcel. The current map does not show sufficient street width to provide for meandering sidewalks as shown on the architects drawing. Public Works would prefer that the sidewalks be included in the dedicated street right of way rather than as part of the building site. There is no record in Public Works or Planning Department that a tentative map was €ver formally submitted and approved for this proposal. When a tentative map is submitted it should be presented to the Planning Department rather than the Public Works Department in accordance with the recently implemented procedure change. 8 I @ ffi '0 2 .. ~ - or- I 2C\J ~ U <l cr ~ ... Q. 0 ~ <l Z .. U -, <l @ .. '3NI ,. ,. '- .. ~ U <l " cr " ~ .J ,- 7 0 ., I- ... J J " 0 '" ~ .. fr: <' '" Q w ~ ,n "'15 v' -j~ ., ,. W , .lf~ -, ~W <l~ ~, UVI " W ~ u w .., u " 0 @ -t -1>____." . .~ . ~ o 1 .. ' 1.02 ("3M.. NOSIlHIVH'N ^'I'lJ) ----3Nt/- '__n._..___._._ ___n.....___... ...J ~ U ...J ex ... <T 1Il C1l Q. N ::;; ~I a:: <l W U I I- 0> '" '" '" .. '" N Z , r-1.... W .""1 -J,.. ~~ -........,. r J...,- n.'" U , !::! = 2 ~O> '" .... '" '" '" >- U ~ > + U u ~...., 0. -S 1.33Hl.S IN 1~1 &01 'Ii Ii 9L .-9 O. ". O. J. J< J. ~ Z... c:r ~ ~I !:! a:: ~ ~I ~I ~ ~ i;)1 ~I ~I ~C . ; ~I ~! 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