Central Ave., N. (1959) r I .~ - 11 ....~ ----,. -... I: l ,1.J . H ( ] , I;""=~--:- .~..".,-... ~=te~--_.- . -- - .,. _. ". ..~..- :;1411 af~i(?f-L .- .~- -----..- 1 1/, - _. - - ------ _.._...~..__...._...._.,.. ~~~L(-= Nov...1' II, ItM '11.. Cup JUI.-".' Ckt. .S. f'Ppl'ovala ~ .--....------ ~ ,; N~. Cal'l J. MorteA.en Clty lAgi"..r Clty of Campoell 7S No. Canbal Avenue Campbell. California Deal' Carll '1'101' to lubmlttlng planl for an ~s~ Zone .pproval on the lou'Ulwe.t corAer of Heall toA and Cenual Avenu... the Standud 011 c...."I ...eel wbat to ...ct a. regarda . be.t 1mprov.ent X'equ rem.."',. 1., Service Sution. Sou""... ... t Cor"aX' of "'.11"ft .tl~ ~~~,l 1\'(""'._ Aa j)Z'evloully dilcu..ed with you, .e advi... them that tbe following would pl'olMbly b. required I 1) Inter into .. written agr..-.nt with the City Council. 2) Poat Faithful 'erfon.nce .Ad LaboZ'..nd Material loAd.. 3) Dedicate land to the louthel'ly H..llton Avenue Plan Llne. al .el1 al to . 11ne 30 fM. welt of 'the a.nual Avenue cMtel' 11". along wi th . 2O-foot property 11ne r.dluI. 4) In.tall curb, gutter, commercial sidew.lk. CurD in- let, 12- .to~ lateral, and one .lectrolier, .11 .. required by City Englnnr. t>) Submit improvement plan to City Engine.r for appro- val. Your, very truly, lJ,JV I it ec City Clerk E. R. McCausland AiL-\RK E. TH(JfAS '!,..ictant City Enf:rin..r City of Callpb.l .~..... .. \ ~ I' , ---:.., / (/CC/.")/I I" ., ('1 .;' ( I (;.... i ;1< (;1(('; ( L ,~ r / \,... I ::-, " j.\H.:.... .~)~: \. ~'>)\.~F. l\~~. ~:' 10";);';-:: L .~.. I ~'," > .. ~t ~., ~.- ,(' ...-?'; )1"< t:., .~. r ~... ;:> . -~ ('/ .' j~,/~t E .Lj {~,{ "l cl".... "I -# /48.2 -;;. /(~ ;'JJ /./: , ~ ',,\- ~ _~ i,'L' j / ~. .! C- ~--~- ! ->;f' ~~ . ~ CODITIONS AftACmm TO ftS" APPROVAL OP fLAIlS Ol'cSTAIIJ)ARJ) ~ILCOJIPAJiY) SBRVICK MiTIOR TO BE LOOATED ON '1'HJ: s/W COmo:R OlP CIII'lRAL All) JWIIII,'fOlf AVDTO'IS AS APPROVED BY '!'HE CAMPBELL PLA.lOfDO CCI8IIISIOlf AT 1ft RBOULAR JIIU"J:.1HO OlP 1/19/60. 1. Owner to enter into a written agre-.nt nth Cit7 Council covering dedioation ot 5 teet on Central Av_ue and 17 teet on Hud.lton Avenue plus required area tor return at comer, all tor etreet 1IItprovement purpoe.s. 2. Coneturct1on by omer, to City Standard. of sidewalk, curb" guttv and pavement bet... gutter and atable exist- 1ng pavement in area. ot ded1oaUon. Approval by City Engineer ot 1IDp1"Ovement plan prior to oonatruct1on. 3. Olmer to poat Labor and Jlater1ale Bond an4 l'a1tbtul Pertormance Bond, each 1n the uaount ot $4,000. 4. Provision tor pecSe.tl"1an traff1c on H.s.1ton Avenue IIlWIt be made to INCh etand&rd as requ1re4 by C1 ty Enaineer. 5. Diagonal tMOed portion at rear ot property to be paved to 80M stand&J:ld as balance ot property. CAMPBILL PLAJDlINO COJICISSIOlI Jan\a17 19.. 1960 - /~ ~ / ~ .- { .// j 1~ . ...~ ..~ :on" . ' . ~--. ~ m;~R v CITY COUNCIL January 25, 1960 ~. ~. '. '/.- . / ~ ~~~~~ari<