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30 S. Central Ave. (69-67)
: } l~.~) .'\ L'JI-, '. ' ~ 'l ) I ú -9 -L7 . l ~ . DATE: October 21,1969 . ----~._------ , PLANNl\T!:] UEPi\¡~T:'jj:..f C1 TY 0 F C:\¡¡PJ\EI. L 75 Ï\!.OWn¡ Cl~;~TI~AI. 1\VPiUE CJU.fPI;[LL, CAJ.IFO¡~;:I;\ I CONDl T J. 0:,i5 ATTJ\Cj¡l~U TO liS 11 APP lW'/AL OF PLANS OF Stanl~y Becker ------------.--..- . '. FOR CONSTRUCT ID~~ OF 2 doorways to i:b-e cut ----11tUStfx-I--n-tntCbul1ùi:q and approval. aT- plan~king are-a-------. TO BE 1.0CATED AT: :SO South Central Avenue ; ---~~ --¡------ I COND1TIOl~S: conditions of approval attached .~ Sectio,l 9316.1 of the Campbell ~!U1d:c_ipzl Code reads as fo110';,'5: . 1 . 1 ,. .1~'" 11". J~nl' 2-pprOV<l- granteCl unc.cr tnls scctloa S¡1a.u expIre one lUnetTe-a. el~i\ly (180) days after the date upon t,:hich such 2.11PTov21 \':as grantcù,unlc.55 an extension for such approval is obtained by r:¡aking i'rri ttCIl applicatic for saJ:~~ to the Planning-CormÜssion at lcast .fiftecn (15) days prior Í-() the expiration date of such approva1. . . . No building permit shall bE: issucd after the expil-ation date of any approv,~l tllltil a n~t\. v-pproval has been obtained in the manner p.'o'.'ièe::] for in this Chaptcr. . - . . GRANTED BY THE CITY OF c.:"ì.¡PßELL PLA?\NING COmIISSlm~ AT A REGULAR ;.tEE'fI:: . .' ., . - 20th' October, 1969 - HELD O~i THE DAY OF _._~ . CITY OF CA:.IPßELL PLANNING Cmr:,IlSSImi By: . ARTHUf~ -REE;-SLCf\}~T:\(~ y " '. . '. '. :. . .' cc: Lngineering )fJ/att.< ~ire »ept.- wIatt. -'. . . " 'i' C};': ¡ "":" t ". 'i, " ." "", , ",,', 'c" " " .: ~" ,.'". . ' .'/ .. \' .' <, ':,i" ,', :;", , e , " (, ... f,; ~. ". ... :' ;,' '. ~ .. .,. ': , :; .. '." .~¿ '.. ' ç J, 'i ;>, .. ,n. ,1 '., '" "ì C'.. :': ;( " "ie' ,i ' ." ,~ i'io! ",," " .' .~ ..,¡,. .iI ;1", ':: ", 'f '>, " ..:: ",è ',' :) ¡~ ..! ~;, '", C, 'I": ,1 '. ',' ~' ~ ,. ,~ ¡ ., ,,;, " 'I' :'~.9, 1. .". ; r,":, \.: ';"f' : \ ~ ,'ct:. i~ 1" ;: 'j!, " ,':" , " ~.., ) :1; '0 ' ! ,. ,~, :'; ¡, :"': t :- ','; .... ~" 1 ' ) "" ," ! 1.: >c~ " " {\ , " .~. : ~.~':fr. r f ,~ ? 'r , ' " ,. " ,"~ . .J('~:~;:""'...,"" '. .,'-; . .. » , '. " ':, Co " ';, ", ',,:.~ k' ::\ , .. . " ~" 'l, .' .. ! ! '"c" ,. .. " '; of j ::-, '~' "..;.; ',~ :~ >~ ~>'I ";' Co ..:' ¡ "?t i ," " .~ :". .:" . ; I': .. ,", 4 '.'. :,') .. ',; ". I, '" .', ..' i f'; ~" ,'. , .. . ,.,< ." 'J ,. ') '.. . . ,-;;:". í ";'..., t " t' " " (::.,t, x; 0;: " 'á:, .. " .. " .il ; I, " {i ;; :,'1