70 Cristich Ln. (65-9) ~tt "S" 1965-9 ~. 1 J ( 37 ") ~ ø., fUþ. ;;:¡ . ' / PLANN I NG DEPARn1ENT C ITV OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CM1P BELL. CAL I FORN IA Date March 17. 1965 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO IISII APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Pete Cristich . FOR CONSTRUCTION OF a~dition to buildinr TO BE LOCATED AT: 70 Crlstich Lane 1. COND ITa eNS: Applicant to conform to Section 9126 of the Campbell Municipal Code, including: a. Agreement to enter into future L.I.D. for street improvements. b. Post Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of 100% of the estimated cost of the street improvements. c. Half street dedication along entire frontage on Cristich Lane. Driveway width to be a minimum of 25'. Fence to be relocated on Cristich Lane to new property line except where interrupted by building. Fence along area indicated in red on plan to be cyclone with slat or other site-obscuring material. Property to be landscaped as indicated on plan. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $500.00 to be po£ted to insure landscaping within 6 months of completion of building. Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: 2. 3. 4. 5. Any approval granted under this section shatl expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRAtJïED BY THE CITY OF CAt1PBELL PLANNING COMfHSSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 16th DAY OF March r J965 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By: a Secretary ,,:1 Ii" URBAN DEVELOPMENï DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBE~L; CALIFORNIA TO: APPLICANTS FOR "S" APPROVAL, VARIANCE OR USE PERMITS The name (5) and Recorderfs Number, of legal owner (s) of subject property must be supp1ied as part of application. A photo copy of deed may be submitted for this information. P1ease fi11 in necessary information: ;',-"7 ~'?"',~C;T'::'~ .'.~':; .:~"> :U':." Name (s) as shown on Deed c " , , r:,.,y'" ; ::';' '('-'1' ¡" " ,., Name (s) as shown on Deed # ", 1'./,'-'1 ') ~~ecorder's Number For Office Use On1y Fi1ed as part of application for for Fi led by ~U,l1!ì~~'t ~$;¡;tt$~~ ~~;Jì'~-m~, ,~ ~"iJt'H¡¡ i!ì.t!\&1ß!"'1î., ¡;>J!.- ,!n~,,¡: ;,d ~~~;~ c.bl'Uh ~ít~t~ (fJ.~ C~ß,'tfi\'i<jf'I':;'i~~ d~fi¡fi;W'H;¡tfdj Ill'.\) f 0 11 ð~~¡ ~ B.ginni"Q .t the most erly {orner of P.rc~l C. ~\!1 ¡¡,¡¡¡ld )\JjiJfc(tìl C 1~ 'Thr;i¡)m~, Gn t~Htt cl\iI:¡:~~dn ~i4;t) of R.$j¡¡~(¡ of $v':<:"fi\'!)! fDr Pif't~ ~!iit'ict'í!! fl1~n {c,g %$cord th~ offle. of the Refaxd.r of e "ty of S.nt~ Cl!r~~ St.tø cf 1iforn1a in Book of ~.pl~ .t p~g. 36. ~t. Cl.ra C unti Records' running thenc. Ilon~ the uthMasterly Ind NOT ...terly line. of slid P.rcel C, the four follo.lng COUIIRI . ~t..~"P~. ~ ~1~ ,.~w ç, 1& e... w ~~. ,J......."""",'Ii'i'i '1", ",- """,.., ,.,.., ""0" ~,.~."..¡ ^"" ',""" 14~ ~. 309.14 feet. NG 338 }q. ~3. E. .B6 feet .nd N. ~4. 35' 07- W. 30GM20 feet ta tÞc ~o.t N rth~rlv corner of ..1d P.rcel C~ running ence .1Dng t NQrt~.elt.rly 11"~ th8reof s. 33~ lql 338 W. f..t to e point of ir,t¡¡¡1f'~~(;tt.n '~.h.1t!jtof th 10 :cth~'rÄ-1 11n1'" ;}'( ~,\t ef,lr~" ~}t¡,gel [) l~n".j ~f)!l)~f@Y$.d bv D;~nJ':(c\ H& Sli:hJtl!! ~t ~l" t;:, Pæ't.tH Ci'iit1.~hJ .~t UK, b)f D~lf!.ddæt'i'à.ci Ff. 5~ 1960 .nd.r.~orded F. I 11. 1960 in Book Offlcl.1 Ræcordli .t p... 1 i nt. Cllrl ~ty Rlcord,: running th~nc~ ~.cnQ II!d i.lt n.~ed l1n~ and the ~Drt.hM'frt~~ly prol()n\.J!.~tiDt¡ tìr'V!'H"'of¡ ND1Ith~!f'?t~Æl)! t'J tt;~.. ""'O~(/"!" Of J;i"It"""""G>4/t~"'" t""I!I!~'f"'!i,' ~1'¡'~. ,ií"'~, !!1\i Ie '."~' ~'~1""" .,~... r. ."".~, '~""""""",~"OiJ,: "H,!. :';",¡;."I"" ,,"/¡~" ~.:$\"e...!,,~. A.~,?%' of tb.t ._rtlln p.we.¡ ot 1. convoyed by Ulvld t. ~lt~~ to P«!\t.~:r Cld~~l I ¿'d:'!J}.í"bj¡' D~~d d~t~d i;G¡")¡~x 16 ~ ll\?ta $ind 'nH~:D.r~~d iN.nvl~ .;: 13,y ]',;1'5.8 .1. n Ð.(J ()~" ~?:i6 Df Official R~eord.t .t p~g8 476, Santa C11I1 County R8cord8; ~unning th@"c. Ileng the .esterly lin. of 1~1d l¡¡!.\It ~~_d F.hu.cel S"guthix:l'f to Ui@ Southwest corMI t~~n"..of th€,î¡o«iì4D l'W'uÜii'!JQ .$lD\'vJ. thik s.i)u'Ü'¡~rly 11.r.. of. fuid ~~~~i!'J!l of llilr.d Ie (';;i'}~~@}y~d by :':'~;,'th to Crlf.t1¡¡:h E&}fI\ttrly tt' t.h~ SouthilIJ8t CQ!r!l'(¡"¡:;:' t;)!!:n!,\::f 1.n thl Wðlttll'ly 11.,1"Þ.iÐ1 of 1f~id PucIl C; 1'\U1F4nij th§H'(~\Ï i~g 'lid 1.lt nllili'14j¡t~ ]~J¡.1i ~ ~~ ~~, ~ ~11. Q. $ffi.. An .h. P~4rt rf b~n'~ftl~~ ,)~., (/'.1 ...,~,4C ..U...."""",r,.""".",.~",~,.!..1 """",..t,.!!h14,. ind b.lng ill of 1~1d PITc.l C .nd a portion of Pa~c.l J~ i~ gahoWft ~pon ì!f,. i1d R~~())'J'~ of Surv@)f 1:f:CCIi/""Gl:-d i~ ~~~ f~ of BlMpl ~ !¥lit ~;Hí¡~~ij¡ 3~~ iìH'I,d ~ porUorl f>f Soiil{';tlo~ ~$ !~.h1p .., Sc~~th~ n$ì;~'i.Q¡¡¡ 1 '~.t~ Mç,'.;r!t Di,¡¡;;t;,L-, B~~!i &. .tlin..n~ .~".,",,- -.ø.' t..tfMr tri..~ all =-ttrMMt J<iont* ~')f Wilill if;;,?; ï.r¡o1:'*,¡¡~ <';~ t j 1. --,,~i¡;\!i}~N ,.11.. ....tt'.~,.:. " "",~ ~.\i.......-'"~.",,d. f,~.; ,;,:.;."}':>.,, ~-"" ."...."'A .0... - 'W" """-~ - ~ ø.:y. ~d ¿:{; /5'//,ðck Í;J!e - Fe CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ATTACHED TO PLANS OF PETE CRISTICH FOR ADDITION TO OFFICE BUILDING AT 70 CRISTICH LANE, AS APPROVED BY STAFF ON JUNE 4, 1965. "S" APPROVAL 1965-9 THE ATTACHED PLANS OF PETE CRISTICH ARE HEREBY APPROVED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: l. 2. Property to be landscaped as indicated on plan. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $500.00 to be posted to insure landscaping within 6 months of completion of building. 'J 3. Driveway width to be a minimum of 25. APPROVED BY: . '. fL ~' ,/ ~'.;¡ / /~ W. L. Mo.rser, Buildin~~t-- Set of Plans and conditions mailed to applicant May 7, 1965, and copy of conditions mailed to applicant's attorney, Richard W. Morton as of May 7, 1965. .