65 Cristich Ln. (63-15) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA L t"1 /' I Date ,1' v} ,¡. 19~ Name / ~ d // ß(JL7. ¿h- Address .l,' aJ ;/'...) /XI';o{¡.[ ~j . ., ~ . ~~J \/(J £.. (/~./ ¿-/ -' .:/ t RECEIVED Dollars l. I. c.' //.:;S-;; ~ . ::::d¡;'! :~HL;~ <I~:~ [ Cents ~J¿) Ff i ~ <. :;.J c. Fund l~-I 6570 By- CI..-y CLEF;!K "I V ., . ~~, All that certain real property situate in the City of Campbellj County of Santa ClõLb, Stdt~ of California, described as follow~: PARCEL ONE BS::;INNING at the point of intersection of the Easterly line of '~'C' West 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 35, Township 7 South, ;,,', }'1 1 West, M.D.B. 8. M., with a line which is parallel with and d1~,t,; ~ Northerly 100.00 feet measured at right angles from the South~r!' line of that certa~n parcel of land described as Parcel One in t~ Deed to David E. Smith, at ux, recorded October 1, 1948'1n Eoo!.: 1685 of Official Records, page 70, Santa Clara County Records: tri.. ,,' from said point of beginning North 0° 27' West along the said E-::,.:~ i:" ',:.' line of the West 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 3~ for a dj' '" of 168.37 feet: thence 1eavinq said last mentioned U.'ne and run;" South 89° 11' West and parallel with the Southerly line of said:: 1:,',1 One for a distélnce o(-~ feet to an iron pi.pe set in the S() '...-¡ eastsrly line of thðt~ parcel of land desclibe~ as Parc~l ' in the Leed from David E. ~mith. et ux, to the State of Califoln5" dated Junf>. l2, 1956, recorded August 22, 1956 in Book 3585 of GILL ¡.d Records, pa')4=>. 363, Santa Clara County Recol'ds; thenc;e South 11° .,"; West al~ng +he Southeasterly line of Parcel One $0 described in tr Deed to said State of Califòrnia for ô oistance of 172.27 feet t,) iron pipe 'Nhich bears South 89° 11' West (along a line drawn pdT ( ¡ wi th the Soútherl y line of said Parcel One so described in the C,>¡,-, to said Smi th) from the said point of beginning; thence North 89r' ; ~ East alar\') said parallel line for a distance of 145.31 feet to t;:~" of befjinnln<j, as surveyed and monumented in December, 1962 by Jer)¡' ' , Me Dermott Engineering. , , PARCEL TI'JQ A non-exclusive right of way appurtenant to the above described ;-",-, One, over a strip of land l~ feet in width 1 ying Westerl y of and adjoining the Easterly line of the West half of the Southwest quèJr" of Section 35. Township 7 South. Range 1 West. M.D.M. and extendiny from the property hereinabove described a s Parcel One to Casey Ro,:'d. ,', . .. . .... I RESOLUTION NO. 1533 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF JACK M. FARNHAM AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council by Jack M. Farnham an agreement for the development of his real property in accordance with prescribed conditional and WHEREAS, by the terms of said aqreement, and concurrently herewith he has submitted grant deeds of certain portions of h1s~operty for street purposes; NOWu TdEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of said City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the grant deed submitted in connection therewith be and the same is hereby accepted. PASSED AND ADOPTED ~his 8th day of July 19 63 , by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: Doetsch, McElroy, Rogers, weitzel, Llco NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: . Peter B. Lico, Mayor ATTEST: ~/ /. v'-~ O'~' M<'" <\'\~ØØ ~ 6~. y,.' Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk J.I¡,_.1: cb 3/29/63 fETITION FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT TO SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AND ASSESSMENT BOND ACTS, Al.'lD WAIVER OF PROCEEDINGS UNDER DIVIS!ON 4 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE. CRISTICH LANE FROM MCGLINCEY LANE TO 1500 FT. NORTH OF MCGLINCEY LANE To the Honorable City Council of the City of Campbell Campbell, California Gentlemen: The undersigned respectfully petition your Honorable Body and shown as follows: 1. That they are the owners of the property set opposite their names. 2. That they respectfully petition you to take proceedings and issue bonds pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts for the following acquisitions and improvements. The improvement of Cristich Lane by acquisition of land and easements necessary to provide a GO-ft. right of way; the construction of base and pavement; concrete curbs and gutters; installation of a sanitary sewer line, manholes, and laterals to serve adjacent properties, with appurtenances; installation of storm sewer lines, manholes, catch basins, cross drains, and appurtenances; installation of street lights. 3. That you assess the cost of said acquisitions and improve- ments, together with the expenses incidental thereto, qpon the lands fronting on said ~rovements and benefited thereby. 4. That we authorize you to exercise your proper discretion as vested in you pursuant to said acts, to make changes and modifications in said work prior to or during the course of said proceedings. 5. That the taking of proceedings under Division 4 of the streets and Highways Code in regard thereto, is hereby waived. Respectfully submitted, . . ,~, ADDRESS ~ Je'.; /j¡J, ,1h< vyl¡.¡. , /53/7 1f",j,'"(Í".( Y;//j/63 (j{)#n~ j \hz~p¿ /;ii ~~ ~~~ "'I co "'I "- ., ClI I<) "'I Ii o' 14/ ~ ...J >- ...J Q:o 14/ ¡... '" q '" ~ ¡... ~ 0 en o..w 0/... OS, ~ I I E LINE OF W 1/2 S 8901l'W R/S 155 MAPS 21' J.M, aD J, FARNHAM O.R.5852/537 N 89° II E O.R,1685/70 I 109.90' 145.31 211. 84' 229.56' ~,"\AO ~ -... N 0 0 z r" I ... 5' ' \.,."C ¡£ G\."'~ .. - LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL I Land to be granted to City to- ... ., c ~ w . -... C III , . -' 0'. '! z u - too . - C U ~ ... N o 0 Z ,. ,) ~ \ì Prepared by the Office of the City Engineer, Campbell, California DAN 8Y J, J. 4, CHKD BY W¿/,' May 1. 1963 Mr. Jack M. Farnham 15572 Woodard Road San Jose, California Dear Sir: In response to your letter of April 22. 1963, the following points are offered as explanation to the qeustions you have raised: 1. It would appear that you are in error in regard to the existence of sanitary mains in the street. I'm sure that if you check further you will find the need for the inclusion of this facility on the petition. 2. In the case of the storm drainage, a figure of $765.00 per net acre is applied to all properties being developed or subdivided within the City, and i8 made a condition of their building permit applications or subdivision map approvals, as the case may be. This figure represents the average unit cost per acre for an in-ground storm system which will adequately serve a drainage area. complete, to outfall. In your case, an assessment was previously collected for the Union Avenue storm project. In that project. the assessments to vacant properties were not considered the ulttmate since the policy established by the County for that assessment district was that developed prqperties only were as.essed their full share and that vacant properties were assessed but a percentage of their full shaze. The $150.00 requirement which is now made a condition of your building permit represents the difference between the Union Avenue assessment and the $765.00/acre standard fee. The total of these will, of course. be credited to any future assessment which might arise out of the'formation of the McGlincey Lane assessment district. 3. The term of the bond is rather indefinite as far as the City is concerned, considering the nature of the area involved. A two-year bond would seem appropriate provided it was understood that performance upon the bond would be called if it were not extended beyond such time. Mr. Jack M. Parnham -2- May 1, 1963 An estimate of the costs involved has not been prepared as yet, however, that they would be $15 - $20 per front i8 representative ðf this figure. It is hoped that this clarifies the questions raised. Please contact the undersigned if further desired. in the full improvement8 it might be a8sumed foot. The bond amount you have di8cussion is Sincerely yours, MYRON D. HAWK, CITY ENGINBER By William G. wren, Assistant City Engineer WOW: cb .. ~-' April 22, 1963 City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Attention: William G. Wren, Assistant City Engineer Re: Commercial Development - 65 Cristich Lane Gentlemen: I am in receipt of your letter of March 29, 1963 relative to the development of my property at 65 Cristich Lane, Campbell. In accordance with your request, I have executed a grant deed of the front twenty-five feet of the property for street purposes. However, before the deed is delivered to you, there appears to be several questions in my mind relative to the agreement which you request me to sign, which I believe should be clarified. 1. The petition for assessment proceedings includes a request for sanitary sewer lines, manholes, laterals, storm sewer lines, catch basins and cross drains. We would like to have a clarification of the request for such improvements since the sanitary sewers are already in existence and we have already been assessed for storm drainage facilities. It appears to us that in those respects we should only be required to provide such connections and drains as are necessary for our property but not be required to be a part of a general assessment district for such areawide improvements. We would also believe it wise that we be furnished with the proposed assessment district costs in order that we can ascertain what the estimated costs will be before we proceed. It seems to us that the assess- ment district, if formed, should be limited to street improvements. City of Campbell Apri122, 1963 Page Two 2. In the agreement to be signed by us we note that we are required to pay a storm drainage fee of $150.00. We would like to know why you are requiting us to pay for storm drainage improve- ments in an assessment proceedings and also a storm drainage fee. 3. In the agreement we agree that if the assess- ment district is not successful prior to July 30, 1964, we will be required to install the street improvements when requested by the City Council and to give a bond to assure that we will do such work. There is no time limitation as to the length of time we will be required to keep the bond in effect and we believe that such a limitation should be specified, preferably a two-year bond. The reason we are requesting the above clarification is that we are granting to the City property of approximately 4200 square feet which is of a value of not less than $1.00". per square foot. Under thee ircums tances , we believe that since we are willing to grant to the City that amount of property of such value, we believe that we are being most cooperative and do not feel that we should pay for more than our fair share, especially in those cases where the property owner, while paying a share of the assessment district costs, will receive fair compensation forhis land taken, which will not result in our case. In other words, it appears we will be paying for more than our share of the improvements as it now stands and we therefore feel that a revision of our obligations to obtain a building permit should be modified. Sincerely yours, ./ .,- ,. ~ , ,'. ~ . ~/"'4~ÞJ ,~p ~r/ 9t( tJØ: I. 5' fJ " 1. COND ~TJ ONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF JACK FARNHAM FOR COHMERC IAL GARAGE FOR USE IN TRUCK1NG BUSINESS TO BE LOCATED AT 6S'~CLINt!¥ LAHEo (7 ~I srl'C:~ 1 . Dedication to Crlstlch Lane P18n Line 2. Agreement to enter Into future assessment ~Istrlct 3. 4. Improvement Bond in the amount of $2.500 StOMa Drain Fee In amount of $150.00 PLANNiNG COHHISSjON, C¡TV OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORN¡A March 2'. 1963 tY~þ~ Orville Overen. City Planner ~~ ..- & - '~ URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBE~L, CALIFORNIA TO: APPLI CANTS FOR EPR~ Uin I: II Ii -QR ~JI!I(j I'IlRJ\~S The name (s) and Recorder's Number, of legal owner (s) of subject property must be supplied as part of application. A photo copy of deed may be submitted for this information. Please fill in necessary information: Jack M. J'arDbam Name (s) as shown on Deed DODDa J. J'arnham Name (s) as shown on Deed # 2322458 Recorder's Number For Office Use Only Filed as part of application for for Filed ;¿k/w3 / by-&:{/ ""'.