70 Cristich Ln. (67-17) " ~N i' 1'1' '\ JV,I. ,) U. PLANNING DEPAR~1ENT CITY OF CAHPLELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA , J}í(-)~J ¡ (51) Date 3-7-67 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "s" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF Pete Cristich metal buildiniZ TO BE LOCATED AT: 70 Cristich Lane CONDITIONS: The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Cedes or Ordinances of the City which pertain to this development and have not been specified by Planning, i.e. Building Code requirement of 20' between building. .. .. .. .. * Section 9316.1 of the Campbell ¡.lunici}i:ll Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one llundred eighty (180) days aft~r tile date upon which such approval was granted, unless an ext9nsion tor such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Plannj:1g Commis:-ion at least fi:::teen (lS) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new ~pproval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 6th DAY OF March 1967 CITY OF CN1PBELL PLANNING CO~WISSION By: -......... . n . V. ! r, -<' n . ...' ,,¡i , . Secretary bt - PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CM1PBELL, CALIFORNIA TO: ~_I!PLICANr~J()R -~~~"- At?_~,,_~~,__~i\RI~'ÌCE OR USE PE R~H TS The name (5) and Recorder's N~rnber, of legal owner (s) of s~~j~ct property must be supplied as part of application. may be submitted for this information. A photo CO?y of deed Please fill in necessary information: C K/.5r/ðl/ Lc.. h- r,c~ aM» S~w Name (s) as shown on Deed Name (s) as shown on Deed # .:J / ~ '- 5"/.;2.. Recorder's Number For Office Use Only Filed as part of application for for hL ~~~ " rr s: '" 'f ,ç Ç"7 Filed ß/~7 / by /ßÆ"/ / Þ ../ .- --- --""-""" -_."'~, '\ \ , '- ';~"{J:'!r,,(.;?, I :,-J'~'¿-' '--...- , '>', ,.. . > ."{'Oç~,.~?>~"ø:",...i!""'.,o/>",,,m"'~",",.'j" ,k" "-1::"\ .~~:::~ ::.' :.::.~,~~~',:"'E:~;;~ ;.;-iC}..tíJ, v.. ~J.,.¡¡ ¡.""'~ IÁ.~':J-~~'..,ì~~.',...,... ", ,.~~': ..':.'::.. ..ò.1r..", " z., ..'.-; 1.,;;'; "¿:i,,dJÆ!'4! . !, . t~ .: ~. - --_.~ ~-~"'.:::::_,,-_.. 4 .. ,-- '1 t - --,. ---1._----,..... -- -'.'-, -.-- ,....-- ~ ¡;:¡,:i;;;';;;<;2~1) tJ"':':"'C;¡O: .d L:¡d'~\jJ ~;.'~,(jdi':@ ;"1. ï.Po.;;: ..vuiHì.V .,./ C~I,Ç};;¿jt\ ~7;~,;;,¡'t@ ,~1! C¡;)lfd[((~.[',~i!Í.ø ¡;j'::'~;,'~¡'H,'>Qd '::¡2 " ,,'-, ; ,':¡ ; \;,~;-¡:~ ",J~~ th<:? ¡¡'ìOS't SOI(;J't:.k¡O~:/ cor¡,'.,;;' of P.(;ì¡,cøl .. .".~",: "'-:."~~,.,,,", :"' ~,7' ""\"'IO"h~' "..~,'" ':--\'~'1> -","""1'" ;¡~, '.' ',""','.. 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