100 Cristich Ln. (80-11) R. .t. ZIP 5 E CON 5 T Rue T 8 ...,'N GENERAL ENGINEERING CONTRACTOR 75 ÛUSTICH LANE P. O. Box 1025 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE 377.1510 Ft'l ~: l"1c (l(2..JD 1 ) CO. April 2, 1980 City of Campbell Public Works Department City Hall campbell, California Attention: Bill Helms Subject: Traffic Easement for properties @ 75 & 100 Cristich Lane, campbell, Ca. Gentlemen: This letter will verify my conversation with Mr. Helms regarding the subject easement. As owner of the property on both sides of the street on Cristich Lane, I hereby grant an irrevocable traffic easement for the purposes of ingress and egress to those properties beyond my properties on cristich Lane. The width of this easement shall be 40 ft. minimum and shall extend the full width of my properties. It shall tie into the adjacent 40 ft. wide right of ways at each end of the property so that the existing traffic flow will not be re-routed at these points. Very truly yours, d ~\/' ':::2--> R. J. Zipse ~ RJz/se ,-,,"--" . - ,/ . j{¡C (7 C::~ ( ) 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 951 TELEPHONE (408) 265-26, ~;.\~,~'" RECEIVED r:. . 1-, , . ~.' r 'is . L." - . J' "", ' " " [i,in, ' .,' 'G 1.. >\;¡I¡j-':'i¡ ¡~ April 2, 1980 Mr. Arthur Kee Director of Planning City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Attention Mr. Gerald Hobrecht PI anner I Dear Mr. Kee: We have reviewed the site plan for a proposed industrial building for Robert Zipse on Cristich Lane, File 580.11, sent to us on March 10. Under existing conditions, the site is not subject to flooding from any District facility during the one percent flood. The easterly property line of the site is adjacent to the McGlincey Percolation Ponds. Because it can affect the operation and maintenance of the percolation ponds, we request that grading adjacent to the right of way be done in accordance with District Detail Sheets 20-20B. The details of the grading should include the ,cross-sectional view at the right of way and should be shown on the improvement plans. . Site storm drainage cannot be allowed to enter the percolation pond and should be directed into an existing storm drainage system. In accordance with District Ordinance 75-6, the owner should now show any existing welles) on the plans and inform us regarding their proposed use. Please contact Mr. David Zozaya at 299-2454 for information about well permits. Please send improvement plans for our review. Sincerely yours, ORIGINAL SIGNED BY W. F. Carlsen Division Engineer Design Coordination Division cc: ./Mr. Joseph Elliott, Director of Public Works, City of Campbell Mr. Donald R. James, Consulting Engineer, 345 Phelan Avenue, San Jose, California 95112 AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER ( ì I CITY OF CAMPBEll 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378.8141 Department: P1anning Date: April 4, 1980 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF Mr. Robert J. Zipse an industrial bun di ng Campbell, TO BE LOCATED AT 100 Cristich Lane, CA 95008 COND I TI ONS: As per attached list: Section 21.42.090 of the Campbe11 Municipa1 Code reads as fo1lows: Any approva1 granted under this section sha11 expire one year after the date upon which such approva1 was granted, unless an extension for such approva1 is obtained by making written app1ication for same to the Planning Commission at 1east fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approva1. No bui1ding permit sha11 be issued after the expiration date of any approva1 unti1 a new approva1 has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 1st DAY OF April , 19 80 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION BY: ¿;f, tf. fØ.L-A- ARTHUR A. KEE, SECRETARY Id - - -. --...,----- / CONDITIONS or APPROVAL - S 80-11 App11cltion of: R. Zipse Page I 2 "' J 4 5 6 7 8 Revised elevations and site p1an to be IPoroved by the P1anning Director upon recommendation of the Architectural Advisor. Property to be fenced and landscaped as Indicated and/or added in red on plans. landscaping plan Indicating type and size of plant material, and 10cation of hose bibs or sprinkler system to be submitted for approva1 of the Planning Director prior to application for building permit. Fencing plan Indicating location and design details of fencing to be submitted for approval of P1anning Director prior to application for bui1ding permit. landscaping and fencing shal1 be maintained In accordance with the approved plan. Applicant to either (1) post a faithfu1 performance bond in the amount of $ 3,000 to insure landscaping, fencing, and striping of parking areas within three months of comp1etion of construction, or (2) file written agreement to comp1ete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking areas prior to final Building Department c1earance. Applicant to submit a 1etter, satisfactory to the City Attorney limiting the use of the property to: square feet of office use, 2,000 square feet of speculative Industrial use. and square feet of warehouse use. All mechanical equipment 10cated on roofs to be screened 8S approved by the Planning Director. 9 Concerns of the Public Works Department regarding use of easements to be reso~ved prior to issuance of building permit. *N/A. Not applicable to this application. COND I TI ONS OF APPROVAL - S 80-11 App1 icat ion of: R. Zipse P.ge 2 The applicant Is notified as part of this app11cation that he/she Is required to meet the fol10wing conditions In accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell and laws of the State of California. D E F G A A11 parking and driveway areas to be deve10ped in compliance with Section 21.50 of the Campbe11 Municipal Code. A11 parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. B Underground uti1itles to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbe11 Munlclpa1 Code. c Plans submitted to the Bui1ding Department for plan check shall indicate c1early the 10cation of a11 connections for underground uti1ities inc1uding water, sewer, e1ectric, te1ephone and te1evision cables, etc. Sign app1ication to be submitted In accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for a11 signs. No sign to be instal1ed unti1 application Is approved and permit Issued by the Bui1ding Department. (Section 21.68.030 of the Campbe11 Municipal Code.) Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Hunicipa1 Code stipu1ates that any contract for the c011ection and disposa1 of refuse, garbage, wet garbage and rubbish produced within the limits of the city of Campbe1l sha11 be made with Green Valley Disposa1 Company. This requirement app1ies to al1 sing1e-family dwellings, mu1tip1e apartment units, to a11 commercial, business, Industria1, manufacturing, and construction establishments. Trash container{s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located In areaCs) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) sha11 consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a s01id wa11 or fence and have se1f-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. AI1 enclosures to be constructed at grade level. App1icant shall comp1y wlth a11 approprIate State and City require- ments for the handicapped. N/A* Noise levels for the Interior of residential units sha11 compty with minimum State (Title 25) and local standards as Indicated in the Noise E1ement of the Campbell Genera1 Plan. *N/A=Not applicable to this application. CONDITIONS or APPROVAL. S 80-11 Appllcet ion of: R. Zipse 'ege 3 F1 Rt: DEPAR7MEt;T H. Post ð "No Parking - Fire Lane" sign on north side of building. The east-west driveway to be unobst~ucted at all times. Provide trash enclosure location on building plans, 1. J, Provide one "2A-1OBC" fire extinguisher. PUR I C \oJJ~f.:S DEPAF'.TME~;; K. Conditions to be determined by the City Public Works Department. The app1icant 15 notified that he/she sha11 comply wIth 111 Ipp11cab1e Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbe11 which pertain to thIs development and are not herein specified. ~. '1,.-_, Ú) ~ ~ ~ ~ " ¡:, "";~- .. .. a ~ I ,4. .. ~ ..' I'" ~. ': ¿ - . -,. /-. .', /t; , .. . .' ¡¿', ;1 ,~ .. ... . . .' 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