200 Cristich Ln. (71-53)
-~ --,.
Building Department
Public Works Department
The requirements of the Public Works Department
have been satisfied for the following development:
APPLICANT /¿'¿)~3E/¿T W/J¿~K-E/2
BUILDING ADDRESS -ZOO L/ 2/ ~7- / ¿~/:/ ¿,¿; A-J E
PARCEL NUMBER 4- /:5 .- / / - G ç ,:5:
'/~ ¡/ 7/" z-?
~ -- ~J
Wt '. ~ / ./
/t L. .:7/- //'-/ (~t-n- Y
By t,~W ~. ?JL.-
Date C(~'T. ¿. /9'7/
,l l /<7~
\(7 1 -
7J1c> /f /JU-L-jA/. - ¡Çk;d ~: . /Yl (G- !
-"'-/'J..;...t¡?jf ~ ~~( .
c2ðC:1 {!Ju~/ A:/I ( ro ?/
August 20, 1971
Robert Wðllker
, FOR CONSTRUCTION or two industrial storage
and parkin~ buildings
TO BE LOCATED AT 200 Cristkh La'l1e
A parking plan showing tandem parking spaces to be
submitted to the Planning Director for approval prior to
the issuance of a building permit.
The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all
applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which
pertain to this development and are not herein specified.
Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows:
Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after
the date upon which such app~oval was granted, unless an extension
for such approval is obtained by making written application for same
to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the
expiration date of such approval.
No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any
approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided
for in this Chapter.
MEET I NG HELD ON THE l6t.b- day of August , 1971 .
cc: Engineering dept. w/at.
Fire Qept./watt.
BY: //
- r"2
It 5' {I 71-.53
July 21 L.
In accordance with Section 9316, Chapter 3, Article IX
of the Campbell Mu~cipal Code of the City of Campbell, the
undersigned hereby nlakes application for approval of the
attached plans.
The said improvements will be located
described as follows:
(insert pr attach legal description)
~ ~r/f!
on land
The nature and purpose of the proposed improvements
(Applicant should attach a written statement setting
forth any information he believes will be helpful to
the Planning Conmlissioll and other Ci ty Officers in
considering his application.
The proposed improvements will cost approximately~
$ ~?q 06 ð ' ð~- . . .
Applicants must attach four (4) copies of the site
plans and elevations of proposed improvements. One
copy will be retained by the Planning Commission, one
by the City Engineer and one returned to the applicant.
The application shall beaccompaniéd by a $25.00 filing
The City of Campbell requires installation of all utili-
ties, including electric, telephone and television célblt:'.s
to be underground.
Plans should be made accordingly.
Filed in the Office of the
Planning Department on
~uly- 2l~_____~-, 19 ~
Crhtich lane,
Acfêfi:-ê-ss olApl)Tìcant
Ca¡,'rbel1. California 950Of:
eTty ----.- ---St-ÙTe ..--tíi1-'ro'tT6-----
377 J,ffu
'j'c'fii-1)E61l:c- -¡\t¡ÏI,l)~:~-r----------------
.. ..;.,,- .
~ c:Jûø~.~
BOCK 84 84 ~17B
Beginning at a point on the Southeasterly line of that certain
parcel of land described in the Deed from Joseph M. Reiter, et ux! to
Peter Cristich, et ux, dated August 13, 195$ and recorded August ~O, .
195$ in Book 4154, of Official Records, page 459; at the point of
intersection thereof with the Northeasterly line of that certain
pArcel of land conveyed in the Deed from James D. Griffiths, et ux, to
Richard Bressani et ux, dated ~~rch 1,1960 and recorded March 15,
1960 in Book 472A of Official RecordsÔ page lOa.; thence along said'
last named line N. 54° 35' 07" W., 2$ .19 feet to an iron pipe set in
the Southeasterly line of a right of way 40 feet wide, said last.
named line being parallel with and distant 20.00 feet Southeasterly at
a right angle from the Northwesterly line of that certain parcel of
land conveyed in the Deed from Peter Cristich, et ux, to James D.
Griffiths, et ux, dated November 28, 1958 and recorded December 30,
1958 in Book 4274 of Official Records,page 106; thence along the
Southeasterly line of said Right of Way, No 33° 19' 53" E., 150 feet
to the point of intersection thereof with the Southwesterly line of
that certain parcel of land conveyed in the Deed from James D.
Griffiths, et ux, dated June 6,1960 and recorded June $,1960 in Book
4817 of Official Records, page 46; ~hence along said last named line,
S. 54° 35' 07" E. 2$0.19 feet to a point 6n the Southeasterly line
of seid lan~ deèded ~o Cristich, hereinabove referred to; thence
alongæid last named line S. 33° 19' 53" W. 150 feet to the point of
beginning, and being a portion of the East 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 .
of Section 35, To 7 So R. 1 W., I~.B .&Mo, and also being a portion of
the property shown on the Record of Survey Map filed for record in
the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of
California on November 10, 1958 in Book 99 of Maps, at page 36.
TOGETHER WITH and as appurtenant to the above described parcel
of land, a non-exclusive right of way for ingress and egress and for
the installation and maintenance of public utilities over a strip of
land 40 feet wide, the center line of which is described as follows:
. .
." .
BEGINNING at the Northwesterly corner of that certain ~rcel
of landœscribed in the Deed from Peter Cristich, et ux, to James D.
Griffiths, hereinabove referred to; thence S. 33° 19' 53" W., along
the Northwesterly line thereof, 699023 feet to the Westerly terminus
of the hereinafter described easement, the Northeas~er1y terminus of
this 40 foot right of way being the Northerly line and the Westerly
prolongation thereof of the parcel of land so deedÑd to Griffiths
and the Southwesterly terminus thereof, being the orthwesterly .
prolongation of the Southwesterly line of the 40 foot .right of way next
herein described.
ALSO TOGETHER '.HTH and as appurtenant to the above described
parcel of land a non-exclusive right of way for ingress and egress and
for the installation and maintenance of public utilities over a strip
of land 40 feet wide, the cen~er line of which 18 described as follows:
(Cont'd on next page)
BCCK 8484 ~179
BEGINr¡:NG J a point on the Southeast 1y line of the above
id"'cribed rif,ht of way distant N. 33° 19' 53"En 20.00 feet from the
Southwesterly terminus thereof, s?id point also being distant S.
54° 35' 07" E. 20 feet from the Southwesterly corner of that certain
5.005 acre tract of land shown upon that certain Record of Survey
filcd for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of
S~'nta Cl,Jra, State of California on November 10, 1958 in Book 99 of
¡-;[IPS, 2t pf1.£',e 36; thence along the Southwesterly line of said 5.005
acre tr.1ct of land So 54° 35' 07" E. 300.20 feet to the Southeasterly
corner thereof, and the Southeasterly terminus of this right of way,
the Horthwesterly terminus of this 40 foot right of way, being
Southeasterly line of the abo~ described easement and the Southeasterly
ter~inus thereof, beinG the Southeasterly line of said 5.005 acre
trðct and its Southwesterly prolongation.
J~LSO TOGETHER vrI TH a non-exclusive riEht of way for the purpose
C': in ,'~::-'e::;'ì !lei eGress over and upon a strip of land 40 feet wide, 20
r,>,t (Hi f'~}ch side of <:snd measured at right angles to the following
described center line:
Be~innin~ at a ~ojnt on the Southeasterly line of that certain
3..:'/) ;),l~cel ~rla:ld cor.iveye~ bY,Joseph g. Reiter, et ux, to Santa Clara
\1,L..l.èY '¡é~ter von:3er,;¡,tlon D~5tr~ct, by Deed dated 1,:arch 19, 1958 in
l.~,)c\k 1..(;33 c:" Cffici :- R(.cords, pai'e 333, Santa Clp.ra County Records,
En);>:, \'iLich t~!~ South(,I~ly corner t.l;".l~~;of bears South 33° 45' VL 43.31
f (~ct and ,JOllt ;'; 510 1,.3 I ',¡ '! st 2ö7o 79 feet d i 5tH nt j running thenc e North
54c l~' ~. l5G.lO f~ct to a ~oint in th~ Northwesterly boundary of
:}:,1\1 :;.c~:.) éi,:;re ;'"rc"tl of l;'I'd distc,nt t.h~::-'eon North 33° 02' )0" Zast
310.13 fe~t and :~orth 33° 45' ~~st 29.Bb feet from the Westerly corner
tf, ;":.:j:', :,5 reserved in the Deed from Joseph ¡.j. Reiter, et ux, to
:;).,ntCi (;1.' r¿, V ",-.ley ..~'.ter C'Jnservation District, dated V.íarch 19, 1958
~:!.': n:~:"Je~~- ;':::rc~ li~, ltjõ in Book 4033 of Official Records, page
))), ~~nt~ ~l~rb ~oun~y Kecords.
,;.LSu '¡'u:;;.J'2r.,.... .i~Tr: a [¡on-exclusive right of way for the ~u.rpo8e
o~ in~ress ¿od e~r3SS, over and upon a strip of land 40 feet wide,
2ú [Bet ~easured at right angles on each side of the fo11owin~
center lice:
<~ r:,\,;:;,,:;, at a ¡);):1.nt in t.h~ Cf-mter line of Mc Glincey Road,
:ii:;L,..~ ',;~e:'e,¡r, ;¡o;"th 37° 2()T E;::,st 125.01 fef~t from a one i::ch iron
b3r at ~he ~oint of intersection o! s~id center line with the center
lire of 2u fout ro,:¡dvi:JY, SJid iron t;,i.1I' dlsc' beine" dt tr,~ Southerly
corner of th~t certain lb.6 acre tract of land con~ered by S. No
Hede~ard, et al, to ~~tteo Catalano, et ux, by Dced dated November
)0, 1925 and reJorded J~'~e:nber 12, 1925 in Dook 204 of Official Records,
P:'.,~~ 21,3, San;:;c' Clara County rlecordsj r:;r: in?; thence North 54° 10'
\¡est 292044 f~et to a ~oint on the Southeasterly bound~ry of th~t
Crr"l':-~;' J.e:i,'-' a=¡"~ fJarc-:::l of land CO:1ycYE'r: by Joseph Mo Reiter, et ux,
t,c' :j. c". CL,ri\ V"ll'::; ,idter C(>n~-f'rvation Di:1trict, by Deed déJted
Y'..'cq lC,C"'.,,(',~,, ';"1'-"".' 'l-) l°r...~i ,.-"..,(),.,') fOt~l~; '1
'.\"" ...;" ....7)u, .Hl .'.,cor'.d.( ".,.C:1 .1.. ,')" ",-n ,,)C~, ley ).) 0 J. ",-Cla....
~I""'or";'., ~."_.~ 3")" ,'.;,,",..t '\-'f~r>o~' ¡'¡or'th C10 '.!T ¡;'~t 2~'7 99 "net 'nd
.':V'U"I¡""C -"._'l.",,! IJ,,'L.I, ¡ij 4: ~.j,-> '-',. ..,.. ct
Ii Ci r t h :3 3 0 if.5' 1:>:] t 43. J 1 L' e c t fro In t n e L ') : t L>:" t ern eoI' n e l~ 0 f 1 and s
C~'r""r.~1 1..,; ': "ylTA. ~'" r'~ 'lX >-'0 '-"'1'" ;,' r'o"~""". nt ux 'l)Y Deed
\';¡""j,......).r..Jr;.-"~V"'j:"JI ,v v~"u..J.~..",-. .,
d ¿, t e J .) C:\>' ; ..;, ':: :~ 1.¡-) 1 ~i :) ~ " : , d n;~ 0 r ci cd Dee t' í'~ b ,~ r r. 1 (~) :¡ 1 i n 30 ;) (c 2 3 ;:' 9 0 f
Off.~ci<il ¡...':con~:.;, :-J: V>, ";dnta \~laréJ ~C>"dty !\.t"corJs, L\S r,r<;:lted by
Santa CléJ.r<.: 'Ialley;¡'ater Cof'~)ervat:ion District to Joseph, N. fi.eiter.z.
et ux, by Deed dòted April l?~ 195~ ond recorde..d)Ju1Y 31, 1958 in tiook
(~ont'a on next paLe
".38 of Official
3CUí 8484 ;:-180'
-,cord s, page 473, Santa Clo.- d County Records, r C
ALSO TO:';ET;-iE:( '.H'í'H the 5 following described rights of way:
(l) ;~ ri ')ìt of \;ay for ingr(jss and egress ünd the installation 2nd
:n';; Iì~,cnance of public utilities over a strip of land 40 feet wide
t,he center line of which is the Horthwesterly line of Parcel C is
SrìO\¡'¡ upon that certain Record of Survey for Pete Cristich filed
for reGord in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara,
SU,t':>. of California in Book 99 of IvT.:1ps, at page 36, records of said
COllnty. The Northwesterly and Southeasterly lines of said 40 feet
str'ip to be shortened and lengthened to intersect the Westerly line of
~did Record of Survey.
(2) A ri~ht of way for ingress and egress and the installationand
:~;:ntc~,~1 n,;':! of public utilities over the í¡esterly 10 feet of Parcel
G ¿;:; '~;;o'."n ü;J°n the He:crd of Survey hereinabove referred to. The
E~' ct~~r'Ly .:nd or :::>aÍ,: :',: foot strip to be sr,ortened to intersect the
;';)UL,ensterly line of ?arcel C, as shown upon said Record of Survey.
(J) A ri,;>:.t of ',¡<::y over rt strip of land 15 feet wide lyin,o: ','-esterly
~,,::d éci,;u.ii':"ni~ tlìC ¿:,::tt:i'ly JiLC of the \le"',t half of the Southviest
nu.rt,-,r of S'~ction 3:.') Township 7 South, l\.[in~e 1 \'¡est, M.D.B.& M.
'...: ,"""r..';:"'" '~""V' ~"~"l'; "'-'/ T""'f> '¡ 00 ..-,7' ,,¡ to tn' e Ol'nt f
<,'d',' '.f."".«dJ..d, ..~v.., L'lL-J. , '-~.~- "-"'d~, ". ... '0, p 0
jc:~:' :',/~::;,.~ ill tl',.reof>¡~:", ~ inf~ 1.;'at i3 parallel to 2nd Northv¡esterly
:':'.).(,0 .:>~(~\:. é:t rl>'ht ("d1_~>~:3 f:r,'1rn tr,i; ¡~orthwesterly line of Parcel C,
:_,5 ;.;¡,(;'.;:~ u;-,cn ,",hid ;\ 'cri of Survey hereinabove referred to.
(i,J i.; ,:t of ',";~\'J :',,~;' pit;';";;) <,f ~nCress ..r.d egress over the ',iesterly
l('.,~ ... t of thi."t cerl,ç¡2..n O.:;:f~ ¡,ere o/1rcel of land described in the
+".,. t~ ..... 0, tt... i"t" ','.A" to\... -"?~¡'Jr N. IJrown) et ux, dated K3.rch lS,
,)¡,,'i"¡ ~... .', "'. ,-. V) ,v . , ~
l';,~'.) ",;>; r,~cc<':;('(~ ¡<>ril ;~31 L.ìL¡.D in ¡jook 1351 of Official Records,
po."ë le,:>, r'eC,ìr'.:;; 0.:' 5ai~ Co-,nt,y.
(51 ¡\ r:,'Lt 0: "",'-;'01' raid ',~...n""~)O5,~8 over a :.;trip of land 10 feet in
v..<....t.n t.iie iô';s~~(;rly l.ine 0':'" ...:f.1Gh is described as follows:
>;;: .r~ir;~ ;,t t:'3 :))uthv:est corner of that certain 2.62 acre
oc.;;t, ,;" l, ::<:1 described i:ì t,he De/d ,'ro:T1 C. Co Ott, et ux, to Louts
. ':,""'f". .,,"( ,¡,,'1. "'j' l(445;,.(1¡econ;'~d¡:'-:ly15,1945ìn
" .'"' ,.u ", "')" ".
..<" 1.. :/4 u:' u:':'icÜ:.... :~~'còrcìs, par;e 54-3, SJntél Clara County fì.ecords,
1'; ,;¡,[": ~L(:~1C>:' :':::'0::" the '..';cstt"-rly-l:ne of s;:iÍd 2.62 ¡,ere tract N.
0 ".,'. 'C: ¡::-l i' . t +' ". t¡ t Corr:~r t"'ereof'
0..1..0 1/., .LDj.).:.,.t,~eL 0 ,~ne;~l'r./Ò.we5 '.t> "d. ....
AL:;O TO :7H::::¡l ";ITH a non-exclusive rlf-r.ht of ...,'my for the
i~st~ll~tion and ~aint~nance of public utilities over a strip of land
1(;.,0 ~1f;et in v¡id"t;h, the center line of '",hid: is described i3S follows,
to hit;
,:, ~,,~:irr <,' : .~,o~nt in the C!H,~,ec line of ::cGJincey Lane,
di:;~; ::~> ~'; :.r:>;r; ;;. ": ",':- ' E. 110cDl [ect frc., ¿ ont; inc', iron bar
"', t' -r' ,."tofl"n...)
..t ". .i. :');"""","'1'/ c(""r, ¡' ¡,..; tL¿,t cer ,é'1n L\)oC:' ere l.~c." " U
<cu,:;','., 'i,~:,,~J,j' ',' P;'i:' ;",i èt ;,1 to r>tteo ;:éi1.al;\no, et ux, by Deed
,...,'.""'",' .,.......'. '" ',.. . ,., "1 B "",Þ,
(1""', ~"',,: r'..-'.-.r .~C l';:)~, ,'[jd rec)rdf~;1 Jt~ce;r.oeI' .l..~, l.9,.5 in OOK 1,\.)4
'.' v' " ." ,J ..' /, . . ...... " 1..
0"' (.j"::':.,":.,ì ¡:""'or:i<¡)d"e 2)':, ~Jc~rït:¡ vJ.:..r~1 C:'l;n~:.v hecords, tj;ence
~ .._..~~q-,'~~ .,¡, ...., .
1,..;;:'1...[.'- 3,.':"(i cr;:ntcl' lint; of c:oid l;jne éJnd rû,:ni¡¡'~ along a line par.llel
with ¿nd uistant 5.00 feet Northeasterly at ri[ht angles ~rom the
(Conttd on next page)
8484 :-;181
Sc lthwcste~ly line of the 00904 acre parcel of land conveyed by
Cl'lr".nce at.) 'vr:L:3, et <11, to Santa Clar¿¡ ValleY~'¡ater Conservation
District, (~ w;\~',(;r conS'3rvtJtion district,by Deed dated March 24,
1958 in ~ook 4045 of Official Records, page 540, Recorder's File
;;0. 11,,55759, cmi the prolow'ation of said line, !~o 51..0 35' QT' W.
4L.? Q 53 f.-;t>t, more or les,:', t,o the Southeasterly line of the parcel
of :.,n-: fir;;t dc:scribed in the D:!..~-.i from Joseph M. Reiter, et ux, to
PeL~r Crj~tich, et ux, dated August 13, 195$ and recorded August 20,
2~5: in ~OQ~ 4154 of Official Records, page 459, Santa Clara County
;\'c:-:;;'.¡3.>:ceptinp; therefrom th.'Jt portion thereof included within
'~,.': ),¡'¡G:; o~' said j';cGlincey Laneo
':¡Y: ;:l'~,h';"est!;rly terminus of said right of way being said
.'3:,.,1'>/ ,;..-w of :;:-.':,: ;',1':f31 of lEma so r~"3cribed in said
.>;n: .:t.~.:., :~;-d '.~:.; ....'L.\:.:'.;<:Jster~y terminus thereof beín~ the
:""1',,, t;::;~"::;'<' linE:: o.:.~ ;<cC::'ince¡ Laneo
"'. ,
CJ. Biil 11'
Coda .A re"
~,~ ?(r¡ '1
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'...--.".-",-... .,.,.".",.----""
WHE.'j è'[:..CD"" fv1"íl
Mr. Robert R. Walker
200 Cristich Lane
Campbell, Calif.
(;R\!\T DEED
City &
i..,te .
"',"" (same as above
March 26,1969
., ..'
".. . i'
[3> this ~',ir:/'le' t ¡C"'.:
an unmarrì(~d Iltar
.. E~'.. C'. i-' A '.
.. n ,
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as his sole and separate property
C~ity of Campbell
,'anta Clara
fi .~(,'~
8-184 :"717i
8.4,-"-:4 . '1-'7
1-..; , , ,
$ '/ -7 .. :) 0
111, J~
For ae~criptlon of propercy See E~ i )1:
~n~ ma~e a part hereof.
"A" attacheu hereto
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The name (s) and Recorder's Number, of legal owner (s) of
subject property must be supplied as part of application.
pIloto copy of deed may be submitted for this information.
Please fill in necessary information:
Robert R. Walker, Jr.
Name (s) as shown on Deed
Name (5) as shown on Deed
Ii. '" ' 3593291
R:ê¿orciër 's ÑumbeT
For Office Use Only
Filed as part of application for
, Filed
by ---------
-"~ ------- -.--0 -~,---_...J,"'-"
A) 1 t r ash, d is" h 1 e d car s a 11 d deb r i s 1 0 c a V-' i n fro n t 0 f. the
existing fenct ! be removed. Metal bin mt to be relocated
as indicated in condition #2.
All enclosurè consistin¿~ of a concrete floor surrounded by a 6'
high solid \';3.11 or fence sh,1.11 be constructed to house trash
container in a location approved by the Planninr; Director and
Fire Department. Said container to be 8' x 12' with 6' wide
self-closing gates.
Screening to be installed on Cyjstich Lane frontage at time
other properties on Cristich Lane arc required to screen.,
The applicant is' notified as part of this ap]Ho\'<,-l that he is TC-
qÜirecl to meet the fol10l':ing aùclitiona1 coJìclitions in accorc1édlce
with ordinances of the City of Campbell.
AIl par k i 11 g a Jl d d r i v c \': a y are as to bee 0 11 S t r II C t e d i 11 ace 0 r d ,m c e
with Section 9319 of the Car:lpbe11 ~'¡unicipal Coele.
The éìpplicant is notified that he shall co1:1ply with all other appli-
cable codes or orelin<è.Jlces of the City of Campbell ¡\'Ìlich pertain to
this development and are not herein specified.
BEGINNING at a point on the Southe&8torly line or tho above
described right of way distant N. 33- 19' 53"E. 20.00 reet from the
Southwesterly terminus thereot, sAid point also being distant s.
54835' 07" E. 20 feet from the Southwesterly corner ot that certain
5.005 .cre tract of land shown upon that cortain Record of Survey
tilod tor record in the office of the Recorder of the County ot
Santa Clara, State of California on November 10, 1958 in Book 99 ot
Þ~pø, at page 36; thence along the. Southwe8terly line of said 5.005
4Qro tract or land So 54- 35' 07" E. 300.20 feet to the Southeasterly
corner thoreor, and the Southeasterly terminus or this right ot way,
tho Northweoterly terminus of this 40 foot right et way, being
Southeasterly line ot the above described ea8ement and the Southea.terlr
torminuø thoreot, being the Southeasterly line of said S.005 acre
tract and it. Southwesterly prolongationo
AL.t:~ 'l'OG!ZTHER WITH a llon-eaoluø1 Y8 rich' .r wa, IeI' ~ ~"
C"$. ~, ""',JrO. . C.:J and .£reo. OYOr. aDei \1"8, a nrip .~ la.. 40 tC0'6 wide, - 20
~cot on Hoh .1~e ot and ...nred a" ricIn usle. ~ ~Ml-ül
d..cribed center line:
Boßinning at a point on tho Southea.terly line ot tha, cortain
3.846 parcel orland conveyed by Jo.eph M. Reiter et ux, \0 Santa Clara
Valley Water Conservation District, by Deed datoA Parch 19,1956 in
Dook ~J3 .t ~ficlal aecorda. ~g. 333. ~nta Cla~ County a.CUda,
from which the Southerly corner thereof bears South 33- ~5¡ w. ~303~
toot And South 51- 48' We.t 2g7099 feet distøntj running thence Jorth
54.10' W. 150.10 teet to a point in the Northwe.torly boundary ot
oa1d 30846 acre parcel of land dist8nt thereon Horth )3- 02' 30" Ea8t
310.13 teet and North JJ. 45' Ea.t 29.86 feet from the Weøterly corner
thoroof a. resoryed in the Deed from Joseph M. Roiter et ux to
Santa cLara Valloy Water Con..rvation D1.trictJ: dated ~rch l~, 19"
and recorded )~rch 19,1958 in Book 4OJ3 of Of icial Reoord., page
333, ~nta Clara County Records.
. . ",.: ,
ALSO TOGITHER WITH a non-exclu8ivo right ot we, tor the ,-åpo.e
of iftgrocø and egreS8 over and upon a strip of land ~ teet wide,
20 toot coaoured at right angle. on each .ide et the tollowing
contor lin. r
BßGIHNING at a point in tho center line ot ~ Gllnaey Road,
diotan\ thereon North 37- 20' 22~t 125.01 teat trom a one inch iron
bar at the point ot intercoction ot aaid eont~r lin.'~ith the center
lino of a 20 ~oot road~~v, o~~d iron bar aleo boinß at tho Southerl,
corner ot that oort~~'_r. '",).6 ¡;¡cro tract of land convoyed by S. I.
Hodo~ard, et al, to 6~t~OO Cat~lan8 ot ux, by Dead dQ~od mOvoaber
30,192' and recoNod Doco~or 12,1925 in ~ok 204 o~ ~iou1 bo.~.,
~Go 248, Sonta Clara County RooOrdø¡ running thence lJorth 'It- 10'
~oot 292.44 toot to a point on tho 8outhoaøtorly boundary ot that
certain 3.846 acro parce¡ or land conveyed by Jocoph~. Roiter, et ax,
to ~~t4 Cl~r4 Valloy Uator Conservation D1otriot ~1 Deed dated
1.!arch 19, 1956 AM ¡'"(-,corded !.~rch 19, 19Sd in Boo' 4033 øt Ott1oål
ReCOrdal PC16° 333, d1otnnt. thereon North 51. 48' &\.'" ø' 2~.91 toot Altd
North )J. 4" na~ ~3.31 toot trom the c~ø' Baotorn CO1~er 01 lando
conveyed by B. Dyke tJalt;on,øt LL"t, to Crus". 'lorrou, °' &IX, by Do04
datcd DoocDbor 4,,19.'.1 and recorded DGo~bor 6~ 19'114 D.o~ 2J~90t
QUie1a¡ RocoÑo, ~g. 64 ~"Oan CoM~7 hC.~, .. £~~Ñ br
Santa Clara Vallo;, l1ahr 60n.onation Dhtrlct to J...ph M. Rdt.r,
~t ux, by D.ed dated April11~n~2~~ ~~d~~~~orde~\Ju1Y 31, 19~9 in .ok
\ ".
4138 of Official Records, page 473, Santa Clara Count~ RecordS9
ALSO TOGETHER ~rTH the 5 following described rights of way:
(1) A r,ight of \-Jay for ingress and egress and the installation and
maintenance of public utilities over a strip of land 40 feet wide
the center line of which is the Northwesterly line of Parcel C is
shown upon that certain Record of Survey for Pete Cristich filed
for record in the office of the Recordftr of the County of Santa Clara,
State of California in Book 99 of Maps, at page 36, records of said
County, The Northwesterly and 30utheasterly lines of said 40 feet
strip to be shortened and lengthened to intersect the Westerly line of
said Record of Survey.
(2) A right of way for ingress and egress and t~e installationand
maintenance of public utilities Over the Westerly 10 feet of Parcel
C as sÌLown upon the Record of Survey hereinabove referred to. The
Easterly line of said 10 foot strip to be shortened to intersect the
Southeasterly line of Parcel C, as shown upon said Record of Survey.
(3) A right of way over a strip of land 15 feet wide lying Westerly
and adjoining the Easterly line of the West half of the Southwest
quarter of Section 356 Township 7 South, Range 1 West, M.D.B.& M.
and extending from Mc lincey Lane, N. 0° 27' Wo, to the pointof
intersection thereof with a line that is parallel to and Northwesterly
20.00 feet at right angles frQm the Northwesterly lime of Parcel C,
8S shown upon said Record of Survey hereinabove referred to.
(4) A right of way for purpose of ingress c':nd egress over the \1esterly
10000 feet of that certain 0.243 acre parcel of land described in the
Deed from C. Co Ott, et ux, to Ray N. Brown, at ux, dated March 18,
1946 and recorded April 236 1946 in Book 1351 of Official Records,
page 105, records of said ounty.
(5) A right of way for road purposes over a strip 0
width the Westerly line of which is described as foi¿~.
Beg:,nning at the Southwest. corner of that certain 2.62 acre
trQct of land described in the Deed from C. C. Ott, et ax, to Louis
Sninazze, et ux, dated May 9, 1945 and recorded May 15, 1945 in
B',:;.)k 12/~9 of Official Records, page 543, Santa Clara County Records,
running thence along the Westerly line of said 2.62 acre tract N.
O' 16' W., 169.51 teet to the Northwest corner thereof.
ALSO TOGETHER WITH a non-exclusive ri~ht of way for the
installation and maintenance of public utilities over a strip of land
10.00 feet in width, the center line of which is described as follows,
to wit:
Beginning at a point in the center line of MCGlincer Lane,
distant thereon N. 37.20' E. 110001 feet from a one inch ron bar
at the Southerly corner of that certain 1006 acre tract of land
conveyed by S. N. Hedegard, et al, to r~tt.. Catalanot at ux, by D.ed
dated November 30,1925 and recorded Docembor 12, 192, in Book 204
of Official Records, page 248, S.nt~ Clara County Records, thence
leavin« said cantor line ef said lane and running along a line ~r.ll.l
with and distant '.00 t.et Northeasterly.~ right angle. tr8a the.
(Cont'd on n~ page)
. , .
Southwesterly 11ne of the 00904 Acre parcel of land conveyed by
Clarence de Vries, et al, to Santa Clara Valley Wat~r Cons£;rvation
District! a water conservation district,by Deed dated March 24,
1958 in ~ook 4045 of Official Record5, p2ge 540, Recorder's File
No. 1455789p and the prolon!rBtion of said line, No 54° 35' 07" w.
442058 feet, more or less, to the Southeasterly line of ~he parcel
of land first des-::rlbed in the .Qed from Joseph M. Reit',r, at ux, to
Peter Cri5tich, et UX, dated Au~ust 13, 1958 and recorded Augu8t 20,
195$ in Book 4154 of Official Records, oage 459, Senta Clara County
Records. Excepting therefrom that portion thereof included within
the bound5 of said McGlincey Laneo
The Northwesterly terminus of said right of way being 8aid
Southe~stðrly line of said parcel of land 80 described in said
Deed to Cristich and the Southeasterly term1nu5 thereof being the
Northwesterly line of McGlincey Laneo