214 Cristich Ln. (1960) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIf'ORNIA Date Cr" / 3 , 19 (j Name ,¿- r r;?-//J ~/.-t'I:.?,A.'./ Add,... .. /) (J , b'", t'.v-i f (¿íl/r( ¡:y; e It. (j II J /' l: ¡; /r RECEIVED CHECK Cen" 1:,$ /f-~'- NO. \ Dollars,," ~' /," .-" c:. 0 ~J &-1C) ,- /' ' FOR ,,'//ñ .1--(' 4!:; t\. ~l / ,'¡~. {, (! /ti---H ~, .i' _/ (.~IL of / :t ' ~""å -~~? \ 6709 By - -I Thank ~ou, CITY', F,C,,' , ",',' EL"L ~, <? / , " - ,-I: /L/ CITY CLERIC t-/ ('2.- 'bJ ~ 01'V :" f:>'ìl :(>"1.'1"", I """""-' . '. <, ~ '...- ,."." "'. .. ; it ., .. ~ ¡ E,;:;"';; ViFLf; iPJE:..\ !j;'- '¡It ~:':1,F ,'. ,. 'L r r.lp~K ;d' ~",,:;o '"è' .{ r)O 'J" ,~\, . ..C ,-<"j t'.. ¿i'",d' ...l;, '/, 64 " ., , '" f -, ;,' :; . . ,-" ..., 'I 'T- (','; ~ L ::.~ ~- :"" -, ;:,'<nT"; ,f" 'l (',j;' 'j;, ? ,.¡Ç,;;"I"'~J:"t., 11\\ é1"C" 'C)); ;' '~ ,'1.." ". : ,'. ..ol, ,i."':", f" ' ':,i(!¡", ,u ,r ).-[,,~ "", '...-. -_""_-~-_'_"""_',-_...,_._.._......,.._-~ -..-..---""., ,.", H " , ô ... tß;;(~r" f> c': q;;- fr '~ 1644 ,,-'~ 70::)<',:: "")':"Í. ~ '>; (>., ,~ ;. )"u '~. :-v ;, 1" :. f" .. i:,l"A" d\~',¡,$':~ t);¡p't~l~R". ':: () if: ~ ,~ "He :P r if' :3 i ¡; O¡r:,!:;lt:L:t))/Î',~ f-<~',,€ <]. "'j:, <j:'T",,'i'~ ?; 3",,>'.':- ,~ ( ,. <', f' f- ., ¡c, il " f>\ 't- ',t..;.,: ~, g ,.9th 'I :. 1>. Ie ,I'" --,e: >, - ..J,~; " t jh? l; , " CP':; II ~,':', t1I..r.kh..... ""- ,- ""~-"--c"",- None Doetsch, McElroy, Rogers, weitzel, Lice None ,", ',- ~ - .. - ,'-~.-.- ~--" "'-"'. .. - ~ """'"#""-"'~""""'" " ---- MDlI:cb 3/29/63 PETITION FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS PURSUANT TO SPECIAL ASSESSMæa~T l~ND ASSESSMI:NT BOND ¡lCTS, AND ~'"AIVER O.r" PROCEEDINGS UNDER DIVISION 4 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE. CRISTICH LANE FROM MCGLINCEY LM~E '1'0 1500 FT. NORTH OF MCGLINCEY LANE TO the Honorable City Council of the city of Campbell campbell, California Gentlemen: The undersicpled respectfully petition your Honorable Body and shown as fo1lows~ 1. That they are the owners of the property set opposite their names. 2. That they respectfully petition you to take proceedings and issue bonds pursuant to appropriate special assessment and assessment bond acts for the following acquisitions and improvements. The improvement of Cristich Lane by acquls ition of land and easements necessary to provide a 60-ft. right of way: the construction of base and pavement: concrete curbs and gutters: installation of a sanitary sewer line, manholes, and laterals to serve adjacent properties, with appurtenances; installation of storm sewer lines, manholes, catch basins, cross drains, and appurtenances: installation of street lights. 3. That you assess the cost of said acquisitions and tmprove- ments, together with the expenses incidental thereto. upon tho lands front.1ng' on said ilftproveaaents and benefited thereby. 4. That we authorize you to exercise your proper discretion a8 vested in you pursuant to said acts, to .ake changes and modifications in said work prior to or during the course of said proceedings. 5. That the taking- of proceedings under D1viaion 4 of the streets and Highways Code in regard thereto, is hereby waived. Respectfully subm1tt~d. ~ -I~ ~~ ~ fj?L?<J~ ADO~S~ ;2 / ij ~zu¡ ~ DATE I {> /3/6_'3 BOND FOR FAITHFUL PERFOW~lNCE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: -"--'-::=:;':':':::"'-"""""" . '\ \ BOND No. 504284 PREMIUM .$16.88 . . ,.' , '. '.', That TANNER CONSTRUCTION, INC. as, Principal, and GENERAL INSLRANCE COMPANY OF AlvER ICA incorporated under "l:he la\.¡s of the state of \'¡Þ.SH I NGTON and author ized to execute bonds and undertakings as sole Sure'::y"" are held and firmly bound unto the City of Campbell, a mu,.nici1?al" ; ",: corporation of the state of California, in the sum of ONE THOUSJ¡;NÐ ONE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE AND NO/ IOOTHS - Ðollars ($ 1,125.00. . ' ) for the' .: payment thereof, well and truly to be made, saidP:r:incipal and" Surety bind themselves, their administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. .;:' The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that~ Whereas the above bounden Principal has entered, or is about to' enter, into a certain contract to install street improvements within dedicated rights of way in accordance with approved improve-, ment plans a true and correct copy of which is presently on file '. in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Campbell, which said improvement plans are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, if the above bounden principal shall well and truly perform the work contracted to be performed under said contract, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. No prepayment or delay in payment and no changes, extensions addition or alteration of any provision of said contract or in any plans and specifications referred to herein, and no fore- bearance on the part of the City shall operate to release the Surety from liability on this Bond, and consent to make such alterations without further notice to or consent by the Surety is hereby given, and the Surety hereby waives the provisions of Section 2819 of the Ci~Code of the state of California. '. ,. :{; Dated this 10TH day of SEPTEMBER 1963 ""',,' -~- -"-~---srA TE UF C7\Llr'UKNl1\, LVU1~ J. 1 VJ: -,an; ma.L""'~ - - --~- ----- ' -- ------'- On this 30TH day of SEPTEMBER , 19-.i~ personally appeared before me JOHN W. DAVIS . , the Attorney-in-fact of General In~uran~e Com~any of Am.erica, "':1th whom I am personally acquainted, who being by me duly sworn, stated, that he res1des 10 ,the City of Burltngame, 1n the State of California: that he is Attorney-in-fact of General Insurance Company of America, t~e corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; at he knows the corpor.ate seal of the sa1d company; that the seal affixed to the s i instrument is such corpor e eal; that it was so aff1~ed by the, order of the Bo~rd of Directors of said company; h t he signed his aAere s Attorney-in-fact ,under ltke authority, and that sa1d authority has not been revoked inded. . I .I UL.[ Notary Public in and for the ounty of San Mateo, State of California (SEAL) ,; S-7598-57 .. ~~:." -' ., ".~' '; ,', ::~ . . ,..;:, . '...' ,;:.. ,.:. ,; :; ~;, II.""" filii . .JtOf' .. 1/4 IU. U ", I * RIB 88/58 ... N 0 I " .t;. 0' "'r -t.... O> ' .td'.... li- I,; ">.t "- "" ~ ~E, GRANTED TO £TH E CITY OF C~ Land ttJ be granted to City Prer>ared by the Office of tne City Engineer, Campbell, Collforn!o DAN By..r.fA CHK BY ~ URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARïMENT CITY OF CAMPBE~L, CALIFORNIA TO: APPLI CANTS FOR "5" APPROVAL, VAR I ANtE OR USE PERM ITS The name (s) and Recorder's Number, of legal owne¡' (s) of subject property must be supplied as part of application. A photo copy of deed may be submitted for this i"formation. Please fill in necessary information: C/1I?L (! '1-14#1/ ¿/f' Name (s) as shown on Deed Name (s) as shown on Deed # ;¿ / f 9 ~ :2. -r- rJ? ~ ,t.;: <;"2 fC rh'---'je 4-- 3 I Recorder's Number (J ¡ For Office Use Only Filed as part of application for for Fi led ./j/,'.., , :.' , , / by r' ,-, cr' " , ' CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO liS" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF E. C. TANNER FOR WAREHOUSE TO 8E LOCATED AT 214 CRISTICH LANE, CAMPBELL, CALI FORM IA: 1. Agreeeent to enter future assesSMent district. 2. Execution of petition for assess..nt district. ~ 3. 4. Dedication to Cristlch Lane '1en Line Storm Drain Fee In amount of $365.00 ~ 5. 6. PerforMance Bond In amount of $1.125.00~ App11cant to provide 19 parking spaces on Interior of 10t for existing' proposed bu81dlng. CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION May 7. 1963 DES C RIP T ION All that certain real property situate in the C1t)' of Campbell, County of Santa Clare, State of California, described 88 fol1owSI Commencing at the Northeaster11 corner of the parcel ot land firstly described in the Deed trom Joseph M. Re1ter, et UXI to Peter Cristioh, et ax, dated August 1),1958 and recorded u¡ust 20,1958 in Book 4154 of Official Reoords, page 4~1 thence along the Southeasterl{ 11ne thereot S. l~o 2)' 5)8 W. 299.15 teet aDd S. ))O 19' 5) W., 22.79 feet to the True Point ot Beginnlng ot this desor1ptionl thence from sa1d troe point or be,lnn1n¡, continuing along sa1d Southeasterly line S. ))°19' '3 W. 150.00 feet, thence leaTin¡ said l1ne and ronning parallel witb the Southwester17 11ne of that oerta1n parcel at land conTeye4 1D \be Deed trom Peter Crist1oh, at ux, to James D. Griffiths, e' us, dated NOTember 28,1958 and recorded Deoe.ber )0,1958 in BOok 4274 of Off1cial Records, page 106, N. 54° )5' 07. w. 280.19 feet, thence parallel wlth the Northwesterly llne of sald la.t named parcel, N. ))O 19' 5)8 E. 150.00 feetl thence S. 54° rt 018 E. 280.19 teet to the polnt or beginning and being a rtlon of the East 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Aection 35, .7 S. R. 1 W., M.D.B. & M., and also being a portion of the property shown OD the Record of SurTey Map tiled tor reoord 1n the offioe ot the Reoorder of the County of Santa Clara, State ot Calitornia, on November 10,1958 1n Book 99 ot Maps, page 36. TOGETHER WITH and as appurtenant to the abOTe desoribed parcel ot land, a non-exolus1ve right at wal tor ingress and egress and for the installation and maintenance of public utlllties over a .tr1p of land 40 feet wide, the center l1ne of whlch is described aa followsa Beg1nn1ng at the Northwesterly corner ot that aert8ln parcel of land descr1bed in the Deed from Peter Cr1st1oh, et ux, to James D. Gr1ffiths hereinabove referred tol thence S. ))019' 53" W., along the Northwesterly line thered, 699.2) feet to the Westerly terminus ot the here1nafter descr1bed e8sem_nt, the Northeasterly term1nus of this 40 toot right of wal being the Northerly line aM the Westerly prolongation thereof of the parcel of land so deeded to Gr1ffiths and the Southwesterly term1nus thereof, being the Northwesterly prolongation of the Southwesterly line of the 40 foot right of way next here1n descr1bed. '" _. ;- (, , t ( { j, 't 1 .'" .:. ~~"~~. , ,~}.:, ' , . ':8ed.8aJ.u a' a ~., 1.. \he enter 11ne of MoG11ncel Road, 4!....' ibereaa ...\h )1° 20' Ia.' 125.01 feet from a one 18Û lnn bar a' U1e ,01.' of 11t'.raeot1en of sa1d center 11.e w1\b ~. ...'.r 1188 ot a 20 toot roadwsl. sa1d iron bar . la1ao belDa a~~. Soutber1, COrDer of \bat certaln 10.6 acre l"'~'"ot ot laDð. .....,ed " S. I. B:¡ed.8 aro. et al, to Matteo "eat.lau, et \lXt - Dee" da'ed K' r)O 1925 and recorded D80..b8r 12,192' 1. Book 204 orl01a1 Aeoords, iale 248, Santa Clara C~\7 Reoords, ruanl~'bence North 54 10' West =t~n t;~¡4~0 ~:rr~;o:~ :. ~~t.:::;~~ b:O~~~~ ~: l:~er, et UXt to Santa Clara Valle, Va'.r Couaer.at1on D1strlo', bf Deed aated Maroh 19, 19.58 and reooÑed ltaroh 19, 1958 in Book 40)) of Otf,101al aeeordsL page '33, d1s\ant thereoft Korth 5~ ' 48' &sst 287.99 teet and BOMb ))0 4" East 4).)1 teet trom the 80st Eastern COrDer of laads oonve1ed b1 H. DJke , Walton! et ux, to Cruz P. Torres, at us, bl Deed dat.d D....~r 4. 19.5 ..d rectorde4 Deee.be.. 6. 19n ln Book 2'29 of OttÞt.al, Records, page 68, Santa Clara CouaQ Recorda. as graft'." ..' , Santa Clara Valle1 Water Consens'lon D1str1o' \0 Jo.e,.~J.I.I, M. Re1ter, et us bJ Deed dated Apr11 17, 1958 and reooJl4W July 31, 1958 ln Book 41)8 ot Ofti01a1 Reoorda, page 473.' Saitta Clara Count1 Records. " ' ALSO TOGETHER WITH the 5 follo.1n¡ descr1bed r1ghts of..,1 (1) A rlght of wa7 for lagresa and egress and tbe 1..- .,; 18 ',\ eDd ma1ntenaRCe ot pub110 u\111tles oyer. str1p ot 1aut teet wide the center I1ne ot whloh 1s 'he 'or'~.s,..l,. of 'a"el 0, as 8814 Paroe1 C ls shown øn 'bat oert.l ' of Sune1 for Pe'. eria'1oh ~11ed for record ln the 0 ,t" :, tbe leoerder ot 'be Count)'. ot San. Clara. State of Call.: " ,a)<'; ln Boek 99 ot Jltspat page 36, reoords of .ald Ooun". !)a ,,;' øer'h.eaterl1 and 50uth..ater17 11nes at said 40 foot a . 'e be aberteaed and lengthened to lnter...' 'be Wester1,1.. ot 8ai4 Record of SurTel. ' f (2) A r1ght of wal tor lngre.s a8degresa and the 111S'.118'10. and ma1ntenanoe ot pub110 ut111t1es over the Weaterl,10 teet or 'areel C al 8bown on tbe Beeord of Surve, herein.bo.e ,.te..-4 '°. !be Easter17 lln8 ot ..14 10 toot str1p to be Ihort..ed \0 111te~8.ot the Southeal'erl, liae ot Paroel C. ss shown on a1d Record of Survey. ' () A riP' ot .., oyer a strip of land 15 fee' wide l11n¡ v..\erlr aDd adj01nlDI 'be "s'.r17 l1ne of the Ve.t belt of the louthw..t quarter ot Seo'lon 'Sf Township 7 Sou'~, Bance 1 Wes'. ".D.B. " ". and ext.dlD« trom MeG11n.e, La.e, N. 00 27' W. to the rotnt of l~'e~.eotlon thereof wlth a 111'1e that 18 paralle to and lor\b..ster17 20.00 tee' at r1lht 8l1ele. tro. ,be .orthw..'erll 11... ot raroel C, as shon 011 Reoord or s~., here1naboY8 reterred to. 'i~:;:¡, "i '~ t :','<Ì\ ;j",I' ,A(~,~ /,N!¿¡~ "T . ,'C"i~; , f,., , '~ -'1' l ~ 't ALSO TOO...tkD. WITH all4 .. ..wrtenant to the above described "1'081 0' lad a aoa-8x81ult. ript of w87 tor ingress and I -&re..8Dd for~. In.t.l1atlon and maintenance of pub1io utili'i.. o.er a .trip'of laad 40 teet wlde. the center line of ~ioh 18 desoribed.. tollowsl Beginning at a polet oa tbe Southeaster11 line ot the above 4880r1bed rl¡bt Or wa, dlstant N. 330 19' 53" E. 20.00 feet trea tbe S~tbwe.t.rll ter.lnus thereof, Bald point also being 41staat s. ,40 )'1 07- 1.20 feet from the South. we.terl, OOrBer of that certain 5.005 aore tract of land shown upon that certain aeoord or Survey filed for record in the offioe of 'be aeGorder of the Count7 of Santa Clara, State ot Calif.mia. oa NoT8mber 10.1958 in Book 99 of Maps, page )6, thence along the Southwesterly line of said 5.005 acre tract of land s. ;40 'S' 07- E. 300.20 feet to the Southeasterly Gomer thereot, and the Southeasterly terminus of thi~ right or wa7, the Horthwester11 teralnus of this 40 foot right of way, belng sbe Southe..'er17 llae ef the above described easement and the Southea.terl, teralnus thereof~ being the Southeasterly line of sald '.00; .ore tract and its ~outhwesterly prolongatlon. ALSO TOGETHBB WITH a non-exclusive right of way for the purpose ot 1ngress and egress and upon a strip of land 40 feet w1de, 20 teet on eaoh slde ot and measured at right angles to the tollowlng described center lines ' Be¡1nning at a polnt on the Southeasterly line of that certain ).846 parcel ot land conveyed b1 Joseph ti. Rei ter, et we, to lent. Clara Valle1 Water Conservation Distriot, by Deed dated Karcb 19.1958 in Book 4033 of Orf1cial Reoorda, page 333. S..\a Clara Count7 Records. trom which the Southerly còrner ~t bear. Sou\h 330 45' W. 43.;1 feet and South 51° 48' W..t 287.99 teet d1stantl running thence North 540 10' W. 1~.10 teet to a point ln the Northwesterly boundar7 of said ).846 acre percel ot laad distant thereon North 330 02' 3°. Ia., )10.13 feet and North 33° 45' East 29.86 feet from the V,ster17 corner thereot, as reserved in th~ Deed from Joseph M. Bleter, et ax, '0 Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District da'e4 larcb 19. 19~8 and recorded March 19, 1958 in Book 4033 of Offio1al Records, page ))), Santa Clara County Reoorda. ~o TOGETHER WITH a non-exclusive right of way for the purpose ot ingresl aad egres8t over and upon a strip Of,18, nd 40 teet .14e. 20 tee' me..ured at r1gbt sngles on each side of the following de.oribed center linea , 1 f , (4) A right of way for purposes of ingress and egress oyer the Westerly 10.00 feet ot that certain 0.243 acre parcel ot land described in the Deed from C. C. Ott. at ax, to Ra1 N. B~own et ax, dated March 18, 1946 and recorded . April 23. 1946 in Book 1351 of Official Reoords, page 105, Records of said County. (,5) A right Of wa1 for road purposes over a strip of land 10 feet in width the Westerly line of which is described as follows& Beginn1ng a t the Southwest comer of that certain £>.62 acre tract of land described in the Deed from C. C. Ott, et ux, to Louis Sp1nazze et ux dated May 9, 1945 and recorded May 1.5,1945 in Book 1249 of Off1cial Hecords, page .543. Santa Clara County Records, running thence along the Westerly line of said 2.62 acre tract N. 0° 16' W. 169.51 feGt to the Northwest corner thereof. ALSO TOGETHER WITH a non-exclusive right of way for the installation and maintenance of pubiic utilities over a strip of land 10.00 feet in width, the oenter line of which is described as follows. to wit. Beginning at a point in the center line of MoGlinoey Lane, distant the:reon N. 37° 20' E. 110.01 feet from a one inch iron bar at the Southerly corner of that certain 10.6 acre tract of land conveyed by J. N. Hed~gard, ~t al. to Matteo Catalano. et ux, by Deed dated November JO, 1925 and recorded December 12, 1925 in Dook 204 of Official Records page 248, Sputa Clara County Records, thence leaving said center line of said lane and running along Ð line parallel with and distant 5.08 feet Northeasterly at right angles from the Southwesterly line of the 0.904 acre parcel of land conveyed by Clarence de Vries et al, to Santa Clara Valley Water ConeerTstion District, a water conservation district, by Deed dated March 24, 1958 in Book 4045 of Official Reoords, page 540, Reoord,er' 8 File No. 1455789, and the prolongation of said 11ne, N. 54° 35' 07" w. 442.58 teet, more or less to the Southeasterly ~e of the parcel of land first described in the Deed from Joseph M. Reiter, et we, to Peter Cr1stich.!. et ux, dated August 1), 1958 and recorded AUb~6t 20,1958 in Book 4154 of Offi01al Records, page 459. Santa Clara County Reoords, Exoepting therefrom that portion thereot included within the boundar1 of said MoG11noe1 Lane. The lorthwe8terly 'erm1nus of sa1d right of -81 being said Sou~.a8ter17 llne or sald parcel or land 80 desorlbed 1n s81~Deed to Cr~1oh and the S~""þterll 'erm1nus thereof be1n¡ the Northwester1111D8 ot KoGllDOe1 Lane. 950- 3t-qo;: PinT'; 10-16 ~~ "" \ (-J I . ¡ , "'..~.".. C.#, 1- 7 ,"-...4/.1'" #,#' .,.", / /- I I,' . / loA¡ /1 I ~~ I¡~/. ~ I~~ /, 1 ~ , L.~ \J!.'},'I II'" ~'o .;, Þ ,~ I,} " " , -~ ~, ~{ ,(~ .- "'-.,\ I I~" ~ )0/, I / 3...~..~ '" :, ," - ~t ¡.' , - ~~ ~& ~ I~' I <- "'-, I/~,I\ j\" 1 "y 'J ~, .~, 1// /, ' i/~' .. "I' "-...., '! ,. "- /, '/ ~Q""" , 1 ;' ; .~~, , 1 1 -'- '- :' I; : ~o"- ~......~ l' I ~ .., , I' , "'þ - -:,'-.. -, ".~ 1'1 ~ "".~.}, ,..'-- II ~,-»'~' .- , I' ~ -- > ~"-"'-..~ ~ ~, .. .-.:-. I ~ ""~':-""'~ I' , I I ;. ~ - ;, '-..' '-, ',~ ~~ "~:::',, 1:,1 >- ""'......,~ Ii "~'~.;".....'/ , I II ~ . '- .::::. y / ,I I 'J./I~"411i'.L ý L¡.J16- '- .þç ~¡i ï¡ /'~ ~I! IT // ~I~I: " ~::i/ ~lllt~ / ;?fr? / ~~¡I l\(/ / ./ ír \ I / 1 / / I / ,/' I"TN' ~.v ~ .5£cr/"", J..r r '7 >, /1.(/ TOO'. ...... "08 "..e--..ee ..u-.e8 ONLY VALLEY TITLE COMPANY /7~ , I II / September 21, 1960 Basil R. Fishback 740 South Winchester Road Campbell, California Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Public Dmprovements. McGlincey Lane Industrial Area This office has been informed that the developmont of plans for construction of the water .;..j"stributiol~"ystem in the subject area is underway by the San Jose Water Works on the basis of an a-inch facility with two fire hydrants located as specified by the Chief of the Fire Department. It would appear that construction of this facility will begin ~ediately upon approval of such plans and preparation of appropriate dedications by this office. Under these circumstances, it' felt in order to remind you of one of the conditions.. "S" Approval for your development as stipulated in your agreement with the City Council concerning the ~provement of existing streets in the area. It is noted that the expiration date for such street ~provement varies in the case of the different owners involved and, in fact, has passed in certain cases. It would, therefore, seem logical to re-establi6~ a common expiration date for all parties. Such date is hereby established as February 3, 1961 which is the expiration date currently in effect on the latest of the agreements concerned. The ttme remaining is considered sufficiently liberal in view of the fact that construc~vn of the water facility appears to be ~inent. Very truly yours, CARL J. MORTENSEN CITY ENGINEER ¿, j(¡Z ' L>/t/I L' By William G. wren Engineer WGW: cb SUBDIVISI~R OFFSITE IMPROVEMENT BOND .. STATUS INQUIRY t"" ~j 1 L' NO AAC '~~~:Ñ ~:P:O~~~~AM' A' OA SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Yòur Nô. . Bond No, 5042~ Address of Surety: 4;0 SANSONE STREET Project Description: Dote: Description STREET IMPROVEMENTS AT 21 CRESTICH LANE .. ":~'f CITY ENGINEER CITY OF 'AMP.ELL CAMPBELL, CALleORNIA Principal TANNER CoNSTRUCTION, IN í Î L -.J Obligee CITY OF CAMPBELL Without prejudicing your rights or effecting our liability under the bond, we would appreciate whatever progress information is now available concerning this subdivision or offsite improve- , ment bond, A business reply envelope is enclosed for yaur convenience. Very truly yours, GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA Bond Amount Effective Date IF IMPROVEMENTS ARE COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: IF IMPROVEMENTS ARE NOT COMPLETE, PLEASE STATE: ], Date completed ], Percentage of work completed '"Z e /Z-D 2. Probable date of completion U, ~Ã..)OW IC..}, 2, Date accepted 3, Is progress satisfactory? - 7h'G ¿;O,UST/20¿;,,7'/ðAJ Or: T#.ð /~P/ZDVe/¿e-L/rS Remarks: (If any)/-r'4S ßeEIl..J D€,e:E/Z.I2eD. ?;;;Ie /SOÆ..Jb /5 rD' l2eM4/AJ /AJ €~,ee¿T. Date:~Io,uéZ~'1770 Signature, ~J.11 J'~ RETAIN THIS COpy Title Jp,{..)/¿;/Z.Úf//¿ ~ 5.716 R3 3/69 PRINTED IN USA. """""""""""'"0"""""""""""'" ,~......"."" ,. . . l CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "s" APPilOVAL or PLANS OF FISHBACK & TANNER FOR AN OFI'ICE BUILDING TO BI LOCATED NORTH or Me GLINCEY LANE AS APPROVED BY THE CAMPBELL PtANNING CCJ4MISSION AT A REGULAR. MEETING HELD ON THE 5th MY or APRIL. 1960: 1. That the applicant enter into a written agreement with the City Council covering the following: .) Submit evidence of right to use existing 40-foot right-of- way from property to McGlincey Lane. b) Be permanently responsible for maintenance of new 25-foot wide double seal coat pavement with 8-foot rock shoulders. c) Connect to s.nitary sewers when available. It is also recommended by Fire Chief Maxwell that the City Council make provisions for spotting of Fire Hydrants in this Area. At the present time there is no adequate water supply available. Fire Department cannot provide adequate fire protection under pre.ent set-up. A further comment from the Assistant City Engineer. Mark Thomas stated: "As referenced in my letter of April 6, 1959. relating to the Schrader application. this area is lacking in main line utilities. Besides the lack of water supply for fire protection mentioned by the Fire Chief. there are no adequate storm or sanitary sewer facilities. If the area continues to develop at its pre.ent rate, a Local Improvement District will be required in the near future. CAMPBELL PLANNING C<H-tISSION I~: .,". /,' ,/"',-// /) .~~,. ., ~';i;;: ~;on. -~ty éi.t; éíJk CITY CroNClL COMMENClliG at the Northeasterly corner of the parcel of land firstly described in the Deed from Joseph M. Reiter, et ux, to Peter Cristich, et ux, dated August 13, 1958 and recorded August 20, 1958 in Book 4154 of Official Records, page 453¡ thence along the Southeasterly line thereof S. 14' 23' 53" W.. 299.15 feet and S, 33 19' 53" W. . 22.79 feet to the TRUE pOlliT OF BEGINNING of this description; thence from said true point of beginning, continuing along sald Southeasterly line S. 33° 19' ,,3" W., 150.00 feet; thence leaving said line and running parallel with the Southwe3terly line of that certain parcel of land conveyed In the Deed from Peter CrisUch, et ux, to James D, Griffiths, et ux, dated November 23 1958 and recorded December 30, 1958 in Book 42ï4 of Official Records, page 106, N, 54;¡ 35' 07" W OJ 280,l~ feet; thence parallel with the Northwesterly line of said last named parcel, N. 33 19' 53" E., 150.00 feet; t~ence S. fA 0 2L' (J7" E., 280.19 feet to the point of beginning, and being a portion of the East 1'2 of tile Sout:YHest 1/4 of Section 35, T. 7 S., R. 1 W., M.D. B.';. M., and also bein'} a portion of the property shown on the Record of Survey Mao filed for record in the cUke of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on NovembœlO, P5B in Book 99 of i,,1ap~ page 36. TOGETHER WITH and as appurtenant to the abOve described r:arccl of Jan i, a non-exclusive right of way for ingress and eljress and for the in:.;tallation and ;;:aintenance of public utilities over a strip of land 40 feei wide, the center line of whkh \3 Jesc"i:'ed as follow s: Beginning at the Northwesterly corner of that certain parcel of land le:--,cril ,:d in the Deed from Peter Cristich, et ux, to James D. GriffithsMreinabOve I"f"rredto;~nec S. 330 19' 53" W., along the Northwe:;terly line tnereof, G~)3. 2~ feet to u<: .Jc::;tcrlj termi.mì.:3 of the hereinafter riescd cd casement, the Northea~~tcrly terrrj:n of this 40 foot right of way beinr. the Northerl} line and th(J \}j ederlJ prolon'Jatic> L1crecf of the parcel of land SO d~eJed to Griffiths and the 3ouhwc~terly term!JlU,' thereof, ",o\:;) the Northwesterly pr010n::ration of the SouthwesterlJ line of the 40 foot ri~ht of ,,:a:. Ylex,t h\:rcin descri1Jed. ALSO TOGE'IH ER WITH and as appurtenant to the abOve dcscri:ed parcel of larid a non-exclusive riqht of way for in<Jrc~ss and egress and for the i:l::Jtallation :).', ì Iraintenancc of public utilities over a strip of land 40 feet wide. L'w center li:" of w"ich i: ,'!c,,"n,ed as follows: ' Beginninca at a pOint on the Southeasterly l1ne of the ahove .!"sc,.c' .", -'-]'" ,,¡ ',a' dL::;tant N. 33 19' 53" E. 20.00 feet from the Southwesterl} ternÜnu~ LlCreof, :.;aid noint also being distant S. 540 35' mil E. 20 feet from the SouthwC'::;te: ',' ;" .l<-'[ uf L.<.I.t certain 5.005 acre tract of land shown upon that certain Record of S~r'¡e'J' filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of Cal ilor,:a or. ~~ovember 10, 1958 in Book 99 of Maps¡ atpage 36 ; thence along the Southwectcrlj line of said c. 005 acre tract of land S. 540 35 al" E. 300.20 feet to the Southeasterly corner thereof, and the Southeasterly terminus of this right of way, the Northwesterly terminus of tds " 40 foot right of way, being the Solltheasteriy line of the abcv" described eascrner,t and the . Southeasterly terminus thereof, being the Southeasterly line of said 5.005 acr.' tract and its Southwesterly prolongation. A LSO TOO ETHER WITH a non ;"exclusive right of way for the p~trpo~e of inÇTress and egress over and upon a strip of land 40 feet wide, 20 feet on each side of and mea:;ure at right angles to the following described center line: (Cont'd on next page) Beginnincr at a point on the Southeasterly line of that certain 3.846 parcel of land conveyed by Joseph M. Reiter, et ux, to Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District, by Deed dated March 19, 1958 in Book 4033 of Official Records, page 333 Santa Clara Count? Records, from which the So'lther1y corner thereof bears South 330 45' W. 43.31 feet and South 510 48' West 287. 99 feet distant; running thence North 540 10' W. 150.10 feet to a point in the Northwesterly boundary of said 3.846 acre parce.l of lam distant thereon North 330 02' 30" East 310.13 feet and North 33° 45' East 2(( 86 feet from the Westerly corner thereof, as reserved in the Deed from Joseph M. Reiter, et UX, to Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District, dated March 19, 1958 and recorded March 19, lSJ58 in Book 4033 of Official Records, page 333, Santa Clara County Records. ALSO TOGETHER WITH a non-exclusive right of way for the purpose of ingress and egress, over and upon a strip: of land 40 feet wide, 20 feet measured at right an'Jles on each :::;ide of the follow1nq described center line: Beginning at a point in the center line of McGlincey Road, distant thereon North 370 20' East 125. 01 feet from a one inch iron bar at the point of intersection of :;aid center line with the center line of a 20 foot rOadway, said iron bar also bein] at the Southerly corner of that c (:rtain 10. (5 acre tract of land conveyed by S. N. Hedc!Jard, et al, to Matteo Catalano, et 'IX, by Deed dated November 30, 1925 and recorded I;>eccwbcr 12, 192:' in Book 204 of Official Records, page 248, Santa Clara County Records; r~1nn:'l(J hence North 540 10' West 2J2. 44 feet to a point on the Southeasterly boundary of that c( :'tain 3. 846 acre parcel of land convcjed by Joseph M. Reiter, et ux, to Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation Di;.;trict, by Deed dated March 19, 1958 and recorded March lJ, lJ58 in Book 4033 of OfficialRecords, page 333, distant thereon North 510 48' Ea;:;t ~;87 .JG feet a:1d North 3:30 4~' East 43.31 feet from the most Eastern corner of lands conveyed by H. Dyke Walton, et ux, to Cruz F. Torrez, et UK, by Deed dated Decemler 4, lG5l and recorded December 6, IJ~l in Book 2329 of Official Records, page 68, Santa Clara County Records, as granted by Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District to Joseph M. Reiter, et ux, by Deed dated Aprill?, 1958 and recorded July 31, 1958 in Book 4138 of Official Rtcords, pallo 4'73, Santa Clara County Records. ALSO TOGETHER WITH the 5 following described rights of way: (1) A right of wa)' for ingress and egre:::;s and the installation and maintenance of puLlic utilities over a strip of land 40 feet wide the center line of which is the Northwesterly line of Parcel C, as said Parcel C is shown upon that certain Record of Survey for Pete Cristich filed for record in the office óf the Recorder of tile County of Santa Clara, State of California in Book 99 of W13.pS, at page 36, records of said County. The Northwesterly and Southeasterly lines of said 40 foot strip to be shortened and length- ened to intersect the Westerly line of said Record of Survey. (2) A right of way for ingress and egress and the installation and maintenance of public utilities over the Westerly 10 feet of Parcel C as shown upon the Record of Survey hereinabOve referred to. The Easterly line of said 10 foot strip to be shortened to intersect the Southeasterly line of Parcel C, as shown upon said Record of Survey. (3) A right of way over a strip of land 15 feet wide lying Westerly and adjoining the Easterly line of the West half of the Southwest quarter of Section 35, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, M. Do B. & M. and extending from McGlincey Lane, N. 00 271 W., to the point of intersection thereof with a line that is parallel to and Northwesterly 20. 00 feet at right angles from the Northwesterly line of Parcel C,. shown upon said Record of Survey hereinabove referred too .. (Col1t'd on next page) ... .; (4) A ri'Jht of wav for Pi. ¡'poses of ingress and egress Over the Westerly 10. 00 feet of that certah (. :'13 al'!" ~rcel ofland described in the Deed from C. C. Ott, et we, to Ray N. P -,,").:l, et UY., ' ,>d March 18, 194') and recorded A prll 23, 1346 in Book 1351 of /' (;[fic ial' , c r<1s, paC}' , , recbrn..; of said County. (~) A r, . . Jf way for ruad :) :. rposes Over a strip of land 10 feet in width the Westerly li:w of W:;l','l i::> descrbed a. 'ollows: \ Beginning at the Southwest COrner of that certain 2.62 acre tract of land described ~ in the Deed from C. c. au, et we, to Louis Spinazzel et we, dated May 9, 1945 and reeo May 15, Id'l~ in Book 12lJ9 of Official Records, page 543, Santa Clara County Records, runninc:r thence alon'" the W psterly line of said 2.62 acre tract N. 0° 16' W., 16Q~ 51 feet to th<... :-k>rtIl\.\. l.:....t ";(Jr.Jl.... Ll<...tooi. A LSO TOG ETHER WITH a non-excLlsive right of way for the installation and maintonan~. of pL.<dic utilities over a strip of land 10.00 feet in width, the center line of which i::: de: 'riL("l aG follows, to wit: !Jo'}inr.i:, at a point in the. center line of McGlincey Lane, distant thereon N. 370 20' J.,. 110.01 :nd from a One inch iron bar at the Southerly COrner of that certain 10.6 acre tract of lard convc:yed ty S. N. Hedegard, et aI, to Matteo Catalano, et \lX, by Deed dated Nove'l!: or ~r 1;:)2G and recorded December 12, 1925 in Book 204 of Official RecoTds, paCjo 24 ~ Santa C . a Cc'mty Records, thence leaving said center line of said lane and rt~nnir -i.lon~' : ~Ll,a;éi:: ,I with arul distant :J. no feet Northoa~tt:rly at rí.Jht an(}le~ from the SOL. '- 1WOst, '1~} line 0" "10 O. ~04 acre parcel of lam conve::ed b\' Clarl:nce de Vries, et aI, to Santa Clara Vallcv Wa~,:r Con~~crvation District, a water COI1scrvation district, b.l i)ecu dated ),.'." '. ';, 1 ,;')8 in Book 4045 of Official Records, page 540, Recorder's File No. 145~'7'L:J, a:10 thE' ! "olon?ation of said line, N. 540 35' 01" W. 442. 58 feet, mOre 0 r less, to he ;Jout)v'a.~terl/ line of the {Brcc,l of land first described 1:1 the Deed from JOseph M. H"i:e~'. et ~x, to Peter CriGtich, dux, dated ALlgust 13, 1358 and recorded Aui}ust 20, 1.1,> -' .., E-'.Ook 4154 of Official Records, pa]e 453, Santa Clara County Records. Exccpti~lJ t:lGr"from that po rtion tnerrot included within the bounds of sali McGlincey Lane. T"1e Nort'!westorl: terminus of said ri~Tht of way being said Southeasterly line of said parcel of lar~d so d~scribed in said Deed to Cristich and the SOutheasterly terminus thereof ¡..eir..' the Nor~d\Vl': LC:'t lb..] of McGlincey Lane. ;'".~; .. ~. (' ~j¡:"J;~ --:.,.--.--- -----.-- :z , :> ~, ~.- ~~ "- , , '.'~ ",',' . ,,' ~k ,. ; . é'fJp ,.,... "::' :--..;'" 1°. . ~ . I \~~/ ~'f ~ Jï ~ ~ / ~, '...J/~ '...? " " " "':0 ?Q. €' ..~- ' ~';'... -... ...:..;;~. '". -, - . Y' r. ' ;. ~' . i ~' ~ '-I,,~ ,""".- ,,\,,07'. <? <.:¥ .. , ~'",;~¿:,. '-','Q '" £¡i'~ ~I'~ ,~ ~/t , ". I~ 34945 --'-, - ¿ ,,'?r7 a ~" .:-r BHS/ s çr _ß{;AiT.iLVJ¿ i?N' bea.'l:~~ S 8985( r C '£ cllhe ~rlt¡ ¡,~ Ý 1.'J(f: c"e7ol!1 I() {)(J 4cr¡f parcel as shoH17 u¡:xy:lhul cerloll7 Il1qþ ~ntilled ;.~ ç/" Suri/ef.; of 0 pYllC!J of ~ lands r;;f ß.Uid...~ IWcord",! q' &;' .510/ MqD§. ~ ~ W-. , Clara Coorfr¡ R(?(:"olTb tVas' '~~"!f"'" ' f . r....~" . '" IJear,'ryq..~.:JS ~f7 Of'! :',is l!JI1JJ¿i~~Ì: ,. ~ ;" ~ .'~ ':. ' ,,~.!.,.¡.' ~ : .!,;', ..~ 4:,:'. ~' , ,"'" "". ',J:'>:,. , \ ~':::!/Ç'~"l-t ShOt1lJ7 ,~'t . If?¡ IÍ7c 11M fI 0 .. .~ . ,t. " ~, "', .,' þ",'~Æ/~~.;..' --' -","-"..._...".,..,.'~ ¡',' ..",."¡,]:...""",'~',:~.,.:<;,;";,.,,,::!.:,',,.'.' " I