800 Cristich Ln. ((66-35) PLANNING DEPARTAbNT CITY OF CAHPBELL 7S NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA I tV' /1~ ß \,,¡[ LiI' f( c:::; d C; C. - 3 ::5 FÅ,~ rY\ G- (-; (45) Date 4-5-66 Jack Horton CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "s" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF warehouse/office , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 800 Cristich Lane TO BE LOCATED AT: CONDITIONS: ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS 1. Area to be dèveloped in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. RECOMMENDATIONS 2. Building to be moved back to allow for 2' landscaped strip at corners of building. Landscaping as shown and as added on plan to be provided. 3. 4. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $500 to be posted to insure landscaping within three months of completion of building. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material to be submitted at time of application for building permit. 5. 6. Parking spaces to be rearranged to provide 8 on the east property line. ' Developer shall construct an enclosure with concrete floor to house metal trash container for occupants. 7. 4th vAt OF April 1966 HELD ON THE CITY OF CAHPBELL PLANNING COt-:lHISSION /~, ) By : /)// yf,.,- a J x~~ffXft, Secretary R. V. Hogan./;' r bt cc - Engineering Dept. ~ .,.. ~~,. '."" ~.;:..¡..;;:dNG DEPARnÅ’NT CITY OF CAi'lPßELL, CALIFORNIA 'ra : APPLICANTS FOR "_5"- AP~~L, V ARIA;,~CE OR USE PEì~~nTS The name (5) and Recorder' 5 Number, of legs 1 OWTler (s) Of ~l1b j ec t A photo CO?y of deed property must be supplied as part of a~plication. may be submitted for this information. Please fill in necessary information: Jack E. Horton & Nancy J. Horton Name (s) as shown on Deed Name (s) as shown on Deed # 2403405 Recorder's Number For .--9ffi~e~. On_~L--_- Filed as part of applica~ion for for Filed by