951 Crockett Ave. (1979) r., . .. Pub 1 i c Horks Mr. Floyd Raynor 1484 Saratoga Ave. Saratoga, CA. 95070 Re: Lot Line Adjustment 951-959 Crockett Ave. Dear Mr. Raynor, Your lot at 959 Crockett Avenue does not conform to the current City Code. Presently the Code requires a rear lot must own the access strip to the adja- cent street. The title reports you sybmitted indicate that you have an ease- ment across the front lot rather than owning the strip. Since your lot ~/as created prior to the adoption of our present standard and since the land had not yet been annexed to the City, the present configuration is allowed to continue as an existing non-conforming use. But the change in configuration that you have requested will not be approved unless you also acquire fee t't1e ownership of the fifteen feet \'ide strip you use for access. Very Truly Yours, BILL H~HS, Engineèring Manager By JAJ1ES L,. PENOYER EngineÆring Technician I / cc: ~~s Esther Gonzalez £55 Ironwood Drive San Jose, CA. 95125 'I, , ~LP:mf 1484 Saratoga Avenue Saratoga, Ca. 95070 March 30, 1979 I Building Department City of Campbell 75 North Central Ave. Campbell, Ca. 95008 Re: Certificate of Compliance Gentlemen: We are the owners of the property at 959 Crockett Avenue, Campbell, Ca. (APN 403-10-66), which is situated to the rear of 951 Crockett Avenue (APN 403-10-55), We wish to purchase a 14-foot strip across the rear of Parcel 403-10-55 to be added to our Parcel 403-10-66, providing additional turn-around room for a recreational vehicle. The owners of APN 403-10-55 are willing to sell and we have agreed on a purchase price. o-F_~ .:2/v ð¿J, C:)ð d (I //c; r S ~ Enclosed are preliminary title reports covering both properties. Will you please issue a Certificate of Compliance so the transaction may be completed and the transfer recorded? Very truly yours, 1£~¿Yrt~ - ~'"'~~ /1 ÆCV//?'-<:?~ Eve 1yn . . Raynor I 855 Ironwood Drive San Jose, Ca. 95125 March 30,1979 Building Department City of Campbell 75 North Central Ave. Campbell, Ca. 95008 Re: Certificate of Compliance Gentlemen: We wish to sell a 14-foot strip across the rear of our property at 951 Crockett Avenue, Campbell, Ca, (APN 403-10-55) to Floyd R. Raynor and Evelyn R. Raynor, to be added to their property at the rear of our lot, known as 959 Crockett Avenue, Campbell, Ca. (APN 403-10-66). ,- ;7 o-f -'2J 000 ..øø d <.') ) I eft, r " ~~~4I We have arrived at a purchase price(which is mutually satisfacto~- Will you please issue a Certificate of Compliance so the transaction can be consummated? Very truly yours, ~_ß~ a./J~ isther Gonzalez ~' - ' Nestor L. Gonzalez ,"{ "totEIt, .." (' , '1 '~ S First A merican Title Guaranty Company MAIN OFFICE 0 675 North Forsl 51 SIIn Jose, Ca"l Phone 286-6353 SUNNYVALE 0 866 Old San FranCISco Rd Sunnyvale, Ca'" Phone 245-9661 LOS ALTOS 0 175 S San "nlonlo Rd Los "ltos, Calif Phone 941,3320 CAMPBELL 0 2020 South Bascom "ve Campbell Cal,' Phone 377,2992 PALO ALTO 0 550 HamIlton "ve Palo "lto, Ca"l Phone 326,5050 CUPERTINO IJ 10370 So De "nn Blvd CupertlnC', Calli Phone 252-7000 SARATOGA 0 14440 BIg BasIn WlY SIIratoga. CIIII Phone 867-0567 BLOSSOM HILL 0 495 Blossom HIli Ro San Jose Calif Phone 227.5111 . SubjeCt to a minimum charge required by Section 12404 of the Insurance Code PRELIMINARY REPORT. issued for Sole Use of . Buyer . Your No. Our Order No, CD 12-2361 Form of Policy Coverage Requested: In response to the above referenced application for a policy of title insurance, this Company hereby reports that it is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued I as of the date hereof, a Policy of Title Insurance in the form specified above, describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against . loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception below or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations of said policy form, This report (and any supplements or amendments thereto) is issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby, If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance, a Binder of Commitment should be requested, Dated as of February 1, 1979 at 7:30 a.m. JUDI HART JOANNE GALLOWAY ESCROW OFFICER TITLE OFFICER Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: FLOYD R. RAYNOR AND EVELYN R. RAYNOR. husband and wife, as joint tenants The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Report is: A FEE AS TO PARCEL l; AN EASEMENT AS TO PARCELS 2 AND 3. At the date hereof exceptions to coverage in addition to the printed exceptions and exclusions contained in said policy form would be as follows: 1. General and Special County taxes for the fiscal year 1978-79, First Installment $119.80 delinquent. Penalty $7.18. Second Installment $119.80. AP~ 403-10-066, Code Area 10-052. The above includes Weed Abatement charges amounting to $33.98. Taxes shown above may be subject to reassessment and increase. CU 12-2361 Page 2 2. Right of way granted by Mrs. M. L. Cook to Orchard Irrigating Company, a corporation by Deed dated December 16,1904 and recorded December 17,1904 in Book 287 of Deeds, page 2, and reference is hereby made to the record thereof for further particulars. 3. Right of way granted by Mrs. M. L. Cook to Santa Clara Valley Water Company, a corporation, by Deed dated December 20,1904 and recorded February 28, 1905 in Book 289 of Deeds, page 559, and reference is hereby made to the record thereof for further particulars. 4. Notice of Appropriation of water made by Mary E. Devitt and Fred R. Smith, dated January 15,1930 and recorded January 16,1930 in Book 494 of Official Records, page 598, and reference is hereby made to the record thereof for further particulars. 5. Deed of Trust Dated: Trustor: Trustee: Beneficiary: Address: Loan No.: Recorded: to secure an indebtedness of $10,000.00. October 19, 1977 Floyd R. Raynor and Evelyn R. Raynor, husband and wife Lampliter Realty, Inc., a California corporation Elida Yebra, a widow 1475 Elam Avenue, Campbell, California 95008 None Shown October 21, 1977 in Book D 224, page 529 of Official Records 6. Any and all unrecorded leases which may be disclosed by an inspection of the premises. the amount herein stated and any other amounts due. Municipal Court of Calif., County of Santa Clara San Jose-Milpitas Judicial District 177216 G C Services Corporation Floyd Raynor dba Raynor Trucking Company $978.97 October 8,1975 April 8, 1976 in Book B959, page 635 of Official Records Carl T. Windell, 510 San Mateo Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066 Telephone: 415/871-1316 7. Judgment for Court: Case No.: Creditor: Debtor: Amount: Entered: Recorded: Attorney: NOTES: a) According to described in date of this the public records, there have been no deeds conveying the property this report recorded within a period of six months prior to the report except as follows: NONE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See Attached EXHIBIT "A" LENDERS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT: Any facts, rights, easements, interest or claims which are not shown by the public records, but which could be ascertained by making inquiry of persons in possession of said land and disclosed by a physical inspection thereof. c 2-2361 EXHIBIT "A" All that certain real property situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: PARCELl: Beginning at a point in the Southerly line of that certain 21 acre tract, more or less, conveyed to Maude D. Smith, by Deed recorded December 28, 1936 in Book 805 of Official Records, page 184, distant thereon S. 830 05' W., 521.64 feet from the point of intersection of said line with the Westerly line of the San Tomas Aquino Road; thence along the center line of a 40 foot right of way known as Crockett Avenue, hereinafter described N. 6° 40' E., 356.64 feet; thence along the Southerly line of that certain 1 acre tract of land conveyed to Wade H. Whitton, et ux, by Deed recorded October 1, 1943 in Book 1167 of Official Records, page 89, S. 89044' W., 158.71 feet to the true point of beginning of this description; thence along said Southerly line of said 1 acre tract of land S. 89044' W.. 95 feet to the Westerly line of said 1 acre parcel; thence along said Westerly line N. 6053' E., 86.63 feet to the line of that certain .50 acre parcel of land conveyed to Bennie L. et ux, by Deed recorded February 14. 1949 in Book 1745 of Official page 290; thence along said Southerly line of said .50 acre parcel of land N. 89049' E., 95 feet; thence S. 6° 53' W., 86 feet, more or less. to the true point of beginning, and being a portion of the premises marked "Cook Tract", as shown on the Map of the Lovell Tract recorded in Book Fl of Maps, page 5 of Santa Clara County Records. Southerly Puckett. Records. Excepting therefrom that portion as granted to the Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District, State of California, by Deed recorded November 20,1968 in Book of Official Records numbered 8341 at page 392. PARCEL 2: A right of way for ingress and egress and the right to install and maintain public utilities under, over and across a strip of land 15 feet wide the Northerly line of which is described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of right of way 40 feet wide known as Crockett Avenue hereinafter referred to with the Southerly line of that certain .50 acre parcel of land conveyed to Bennie L. Puckett, et ux, by Deed recorded February 14,1949 in Book 1745 of Official Records. page 290; thence along \J., 158.44 feet described. said Southerly line of said .50 acre parcel of land S. 89044' to the Easterly line of the parcel of land hereinabove firstly Page 1 of 2 CD 12-2361 Exhibit "A" Page -2- PARCEL 3: A right of way for ingress and egress over a road 40 feet wide, known as Crockett Avenue, the center line of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of E1am Av~nue 50 feet wide, distant thereon S. 890 44' W., 510.78 feet from the Westerly line of San Tomas Aquino Road; thence S. 6040' W., 725.98 feet. Page 2 of 2 ,<..'--- ,uu.'",-,-, ,,'" 't AMEIII ~~ (' ~ '~~~ 8 First A merican Title Guaranty Company MAIN OFFICE 0 675 North First St, SIIn Jose. Calif, Phone2Ø6-8353 SUNNYVALE 0 866 Old SIIn Francisco Rd. Sunnyvale. Calif. Phone 245-9661 LOS ALTOS 0 445 S. SaD ADtoUo J.d. Lo. Alto., Calif. Ph0D8 941-3320 CAMPBELL 0 2020 South Ba8com AYe, Campbell. Calif, Phone 377-2992 PALO ALTO 0 550 Hamilton AYe, Palo Allo. Calil, Phone 326-5050 CUPERTlN~ 10370 So, De Ann Blvd. Cupertino. Calif. Phone 252-7000 SARATOGA 0 14440 Big Basin Way , SIIratoga. Calif. Phone 867-0567 BLOSSOM HILL 0 495 Blossom Hill Rd, SIIn Jose, Calif. Phone 227-5111 . Subject to a minimum charge required by Section 12404 of the Insurance Code. PRELIMINARY REPORT. issued for Sole Use of . Buyer Floyd and Evelyn ~aynor Your No. Our Order No, CD 12-2506 Form of Policy Coverage Requested: In response to the above referenced application for a policy of title insurance, this Company hereby reports that it is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a Policy of Title Insurance in the form specified above, describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception below or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations of said policy form. This report (and any supplements or amendments thereto) is issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance, a Binder of Commitment should be requested, Dated as of March 15, 1979 at 7:30 a.m. Judie Hart Joanne Galloway ESCROW OFFICER TITLE OFFICER Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: ESTHER GONZALEZ, who acquired title as an unmarried woman by Quitclaim Deed from Nestor L. Gonzalez dated February 5,1979 The e~tate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Report is: A Fee as to Parcel One; Easements as to Parcels Two and Three At the date hereof exceptions to coverage in addition to the printed exceptions and exclusions contained in said policy form would be as follows: . 1. General and Special County taxes for the fiscal year 1979-80, a lien not yet due or payable. 2. Second Installment of General and Special County taxes for the fiscal year 1978-79. Amount $153.44, APN 403-10-055, Code Area 10-052. The above includes Santa Clara County-Weed Abatement èharges amounting to $33.99. Taxes shown above may be subject to reassessment and increase, CD 12-2506 page 2 3. RIGHT AND PRIVILEGE OF LAYING UNDERGROUND PIPE LINES AS AND WHEN AND AS OFTEN AS THE SAME MAY BE DESIRABLE IN THE OPINION OF ITS OFFICERS} T9GETHER WITH ALL FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS REQUIRED IN CONNECTION THEREWITH} FOR THE TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION OF WATER} AND ALSO THE ,RIGHT OF MAINTAINING AND USING THE SAME FOR SUCH PURPOSES}" AS WELL AS FOR THE PURPOSE OF RELAYING} REPAIRING AND RENEWING THE SAME} USING PIPE} FITTINGS AND/OR CONNECTIONS EITHER OF THE SAME SIZE OR SIZES AS MAY FIRST BE USED} OR OF ANY OTHER SIZE OR SIZES AND ALSO A RIGHT OF WAY ALONG THE SAME} UPON} IN, THROUGH, ALONG AND ACROSS THE EASTERLY 20 FEET OF SAID LAND, AS GRANTED BY MAUDE D. SMITH AND FRED H. SMITH, HER HUSBAND AND Ar"1ERICAN SECURITIES COMPANY, A CORPORATION, AS TRUSTEE UNDER THAT CERTAIN DEED OF TRUST RECORDED JULY 15} 1938 IN BOOK 883 OFFICIAL RECORDS, PAGE 230, TO SAN JOSE WATER WORKS, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION BY INSTRUMENT DATED OCTOBER 25, 1938, RECORDED NOVEMBER 28, 1938 IN BOOK 902 OFFICIAL RECORDS} PAGE 321, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS. 4. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING'!HAT PORTION OF PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN} AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, AS CREATED BY '!HE FOLUDWING INSTRUMENT IN FAVOR OF : PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION - FOR : A S INGLE LINE OF POLES RECORDED: NOVEMBER 30, 1938 IN BOOK 906 PAGE 159 OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS: THE EASTERLY 20 FEET OF SAID LAND 5. AN EASEMENT AFFECTING'!HAT PORTION OF PRfMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES STATED HEREIN} AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, AS CREATED BY '!HE FOLLOWING INSTRUì>lEi'IT IN FAVOR OF : ANTHONY SCAGLIONE AND CHRISTINE SCAGLIONE, HIS WIFE FOR : I NGRES S AND EGRESS AND THE RI GHT TO INS TALL AND. MAINTAIN PU8LIC UTILITIES : JUNE 6, 1957 IN BOOK 3814 PAGE 415 OFFICIAL RECORDS : THE NORTHERLY 15.00 FEET OF SAID LAND RECORDED AFFECTS 6. AN EASE'.,ENT AFFECTING '!HAT PORTION OF PREMISES AND FOR THE PURPOSES S T ATE D HERE I N, AND I NC I DENT AL PURPOS ES, AS CREATED BY '!HE FOLLOWING INSTRUMENT IN FAVOR OF : ANTHONY SCAGLIONE, ET UX FOR: INGRESS AND EGRESS RECORDED: JUNE 6, 1957 IN BOOK 3814 PAGE 415 OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS: THE EASTERLY 20 FEET OF SAID LAND 7. AND AS GRANTED IN SUBSEQUENT DEEDS OF RECORD A DEED OF TRUST TO SEaJP-E A:¡ INDEBTED:1ESS OF $24,OO~.OO DATED: JANUARY 2, 1979 TRUSTOR: NESTOR L. GONZALEZ AND ES'!HER GONZALEZ, HUSBAND AND WI FE TRUS1EE: TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST CCMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION BENEFICIARY: JAMES F. GARCIA AND SHIRLEY A. GARCIA, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS 2126 ABBEY LANE, CAMPBELL, CA 95008 JANUARY 8,1979, IN BOOK E 212, PAGE 611, OFFICIAL RECORDS. ADDRESS : RECORDED : æ 12-2506 PAGE 3 8. 1HE EFFECT OF INS1RUMENTS, PROCEEDINGS, LIENS, DECREES OR 01HER MATTER WHICH 00 NOT SPECIFICALLY DESŒIBE SAID LAND BUT WHICH, IF ANY EXIST, MAY AFFECT 1HE TITLE OR IMPOSE LIENS OR ENCUMBRANCES 1HEREON. TIffi NAME SEARœ NECESSARY TO ASCERTAIN 1HE EXISTANCE OF SUCH MATTERS HAS NOT BEEN CCMPLETED AND IN ORDER TO 00 SO WE REQUIRE A STATEMPNT OF IDENfI'IY FRa.1 1HE VESTEES HEREIN. 9. ANY AND ALL UNRECORDED LEASES WHICH MAY BE DISCLOSED BY AN INSPECTION OF 1HE PREMISES. NJTES : A) ACCORDING m TIlE PUBLIC RECORDS 1HERE HAVE BEEN NO DEEDS CONVEYING THE PROPERTI DESCRIBED IN TIns REPORT, RECORDED WI1HIN A PERIOD OF SIX MJN!HS PRIOR TO 1HE DATE OF 1HIS REPORT, EXCEPT AS FOLLOWS: GRANT DEED: m: NESTOR L. GONZALEZ AND ES1HER GONZALEZ, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS TENANTS IN COMMON FROM: JAMES F. GARCIA AND SHIRLEY A. GARCIA, HUSBAND AND WIFE DATED: JANUARY 2,1979 RECORDED: JANUARY 8, 1979, IN BOOK E 212, PAGE 608, OFFICIAL RECORDS. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED LENDERS sUPPLEMENTAL REPORT: 1. AN INSPECTION OF SAID LAND DISCLOSES IMPROmffiNTS 1HEREON DESIGNATED AS 951 CROCKET AVENUE, CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008. 2. aJR ALTA POLICY, WHEN ISSUED, WILL CONTAIN CLTA INDORSFMENT NO. 100. CD 12-2506 EXHIBIT "A" ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN 'liE CITY OF CAMPBELL, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; PARCEL ONE BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN 20 ACRE TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED BY EDITH A. SMITH ET VIR TO MAUDE D. SMITH BY DEED DATED DE¿EMBER 24, 1936 AND RECORDED DECEMBER 28, 1936 IN VOLUME 805 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, PAGE 184, DISTANT THEREON SOUTH 83° 05' WEST 521.64 FEET FROM THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF SAID SOUTHERLY LINE WITH THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE SAN TOMAS AQUINO ROAD; THENCE ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF A 40 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY KNOWN AS CROCKETT AVENUE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED, NORTH 6° 40' EAST 356.64 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THIS DESCRIPTION; THENCE RUNNING ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF SAID 40 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY, NORTH 6° 40' EAST 86.585 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID CENTER LINE AND RUNNING SOUTH 89° 44' WEST 253.435 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID 21 ACRE TRACT; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE SOUTH 60 53' WEST 86.63 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89° 44' EAST 253.71 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. BEING A PART OF THE PREMISES MARKED "COOK TRACT" AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF THE LOVELL TRACT OF RECORD IN BOOK "Fl" OF MAPS, PAGE 5, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PARCEL OF LAND GRANTED IN THE DEED FROM BEN F. PUCKETT, ET UX TO ANTHONY SCAGLIONE, ET UX, RECORDED JUNE 6, 1957 IN BOOK 31~ PAGE 415 OFFICIAL RECORDS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN~ING AT A POINT IN THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN 21 ACRE TRACT, MORE OR LESS CONVEYED BY EDITH A. SMITH AND GEORGE THOMAS SMITH TO MAUDE D. SMITH BY DEED DATED DECEMBER 24, 1936 AND RECORDED DECEMBER 28, 1936 IN BOOK 805 OFFICIAL RECORDS, PAGE 184, DISTANT THEREON SOUTH 83° 05' V/EST 521.611 FEET FROt'\ THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF SAID LINE WITH THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE SAN TOMAS AQUINO ROAD; THENCE ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF-A 40 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY KNOWN AS CROCKETT AVENUE, HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED NORTH 6° 40' EAST 356.64 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN 1 ACRE TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED BY FRED H. SMITH AND MAUDE D. SMITH TO WADE H. WHITTON, ET UX, BY DEED DATED SEPTEMBER 10, 1943 AND RECORDED OCTOBER 1, 1943 IN BOOK 1167 OFFICIAL RECORDS~ PAGE 89, SOUTH 89° 44' WEST 158.71 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THIS DESCRIPTION; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID 1 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SOUTH 89° 44' WEST 95' FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID 1 ACRE PA~CEL; THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE NORTH 6° 53' EAST 86.63 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN .50 ACRE PARCEL OF LAND CONVEYED BY BEN F. PUCKETT ET UX, TO BÈNNIE L. PUCKETT, ET EX, BY DEED DATED FEBRUARY 11, 1949 AND RECORDED FEBRUARY 14, 1949 IN BOOK 1745 OFFICIAL RECORDS, PAGE 290; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID .50 ACRE PARCEL OF LAND NORTH 89° 49' EAST 95 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 60 53' WEST 86 FEET MORE OR LESS, TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, AND BEING A PO~TION OF THE PREMISES MARKED "COOK TRACT" AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF THE LOVELL TRACT RECORDED IN BOOK F1 OF MAPS, PAGE 5 OF SANTA CUŒA COUNTY RECORDS. ' - CONTINUED- CU 12-2506 ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PARCEL OF LAND GRANTED IN THE DEED FROM BEN F. PUCKETT, ET UX TO CARL ABNER, ET UX, RECORDED MAY 21, 1962 IN BOOK 5581 PAGE 370 OFFICIAL RECORDS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE CENTER LINE OF THAT CERTAIN ROAD RIGHT OF WAY KNOWN AS CROCKETT AVENUE WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN THE DEED FROM BENNIE F. PUCKETT, ET UX, TO BEN F. PUCKETT, ET UX, DATED FEBRUARY 11, 1949 AND RECORDED FEBRUARY 14, 1949 IN BOOK 1745 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AT PAGE 289, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS, SAID POINT OF BEGINNING BEING THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN SAID DEED TO BEN F. PUCKETT, , ET UX; THENCE ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF SAID RIGHT OF WAY NORTH 6° 40' EAST 10.07 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION OF SAID CENTER LINE WITH A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 10.00 FEET MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGL;S NORTHERLY FROM THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED IN SAID DEED TO BEN F. PUCKETT, ET UX; THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT OF WAY AND RUNNING ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE SOUTH 890 44' WEST 158 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT IN THE EASTERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND CONVEYED BY BEN F. PUCKETT, ET UX, TO ANTHONY SCAGLIONE, ET UX, BY DEED DATED MAY 23, 1957 AND RECORDED JUNE 6, 1957 IN BOOK 3814 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AT PAGE 415, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL OF LAND CONVEYED TO ANTHONY SCAGLIONE, ET UX, SOUTH 60 53' \-lEST 10.07 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL'OF LANDDESCRIBED IN SAID DEED TO BEN F. PUCKETT, ET UX, THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LAST MENTIONED PARCEL OF LAND NORTH 89044' EAST 158.71 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, AND BEING A PORTION OF THE TRACT OF LANDDESIGNATED "COOK TRACT" ON THE MAP OF THE LOVELL TRACT, WHICH MAP IS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN BOOK "F-l" OF t-\APS, AT PAGE 5. PARCEL TWO A RIGHT OF WAY FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER A ROAD 50 FEET WIDE KNOWN AS ELAM AVENUE, THE CENTER LINE OF WHICH IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE WESTERLY LINE OF THE SAN TOMAS AQUINO ROAD, DISTANT NORTH 6° 40' EAST ~65.11 FEET FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF LANDS SO CONVEYED TO MAUDE D. SHITH, HEREINABOVE REFERRED TO: THENCE SOUTH 89° 44' WEST 763.09 FEET. PARCEL THREE A RIGHT OF WAY FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS OVER A ROAD 40 FEET WIDE, KNOWN AS CROCKETT AVENUE, THE CENTER LINE OF WHICH IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT IN THE CENTER LINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED 50 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY, DISTANT SOUTH 89° 441 WEST 510.78 FEET FROM THE WESTERLY LH1E OF THE SAN TOt-\AS AQUINO ROAD; THENCE SOUTH 6° 401 \oJEST 725.98 FEET. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION LYING WITHIN PARCEL ONF ABOVE DESCRIBED I- UJ - ex cf <{ 'fl . ' . ' L_þ~'- . i WESTMON--: ': TR, N~ 6220 caMPI Of T I DW ( '\ @ ,.. o~rj(f CLARA COUNT'(. CAlI~ORNIA Of é..JUNTy " SANTA A55E550R .. fl 4°03 lu' OE ~ @ Ow 8~ ~~ 20 / @ PT N l.[)T 2 kQ~Ag flAM --.- ~ AVE. 2'2113 flAM X '1511677 - - - - - ~-::-----..:.- I y 265<'-1-3 0 I( .K '/571200 y, 4"$2)6 - - , AVE - / 82 IlJJ9 ?7 I & -k g, w .J Z LLJ > ,~ <{ ~ 51 63 51SQ '!1Q r. 71 '2~2 JJ .. 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IT IS NOT TO BE RElltD UPON FOR ANV PURPOSE CTHER TIIAN ORIENTATING ONE'S 11m All T(} THt: GENERAL lCCATION CF THE PARCEL OR PARCWi OF I NUKtltf, FIRST AMERICAN TiTLE COMPANY ASSUM[J NO blAllLIfY '0" J,DSS OR DAMAGE RESULTING fROM UUANC( f"_N, II 4°03 lLi o~ ij X '/571200 - - y, 21S1J6 @ , AVE 82 lLHi IP !it ?Þ ,f / M J ~ - !J ?7 :s.s iI B ~ @K 405 25H9 -----=-- Ï86ãð- -'- y I I ~ '------~--- !II -- ,~ ,'- 'B .' :) :,4 AC l,f 190"11 r,t\ t [ ,~ .sc'O¿E I /~/l\? I I ~ /