60/66 Dillon Ave. (71-3) PH-55 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public \'Jorks Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT c"J l~t£lL.\LJ~~ L- l> \c \ {2.~- BUILDING ADDRESS (-~C, t C-' (~:. D \ L LC ~ -- ~ \~ <::kl r-- COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 4 l'--!~-- (j . ('/ -~-1 liS" APPROVAL NUMBER TI~~ '--~ fJ. D 1 ¡ - 2> PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER D l '-- U'/!---..j 4- 4- WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC tIlORI:S By ,ç£/ ?- - 1~ / 6--22- 7/ , Date RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME td ADDRESS FOR (?- ¿J 7/-3. ~-h¡ øm=- ~~- 1}1~-1.e -~ , ~I /7 ¿J ¿¡-Z) REVENUE ACCOUNT No.3 r; I FUND NUMBER /1-- ~HECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH .-;tt: '77 =< i-.", .;)-.-I~ DATE AMOU NT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. JON 18-71 JUH 18-71 , 12 ****170.00 61 112A ***170.00 @, ~ '7Æ¿,"" 5047 BY CITIZEN COpy Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA NA M E \ (;' þþfl/aÝ '- (ß~~rVß~ t11~ ADDRESS Ál¡- /. by. .319-/3 &aLdz;,~) Yv ~ -,/ ) )óz9~ .Z¿{' COR ~ ~a ~ . ~k'~~~ (l-D - 7/- 3 ¿;ú- ~ç; ~llh^-, ~~ .CzJ NAME 9k/iJu I ~~<:/ J? U¿ 'OOR'" ']?¡ ~ X £¿¡J ~)/) FOR (.F- . ~ 7/-3 jj;-6( 4d/~ '~&o4J/.r~~ k r!'lP¿.J ¿0S3 AJ ~ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO.¿$'S ç REVENUE ACCOUNT N°'~5' FUND NUMBER A- FUND NUMBER A- ~ECK 0 CASH ~ECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH -¡Þ375tf DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT I .AJN 18-71 MUST BE MACHINE 113 *****76.00 VALIDATED AND I SIGNED BELOW. JUN 18-71 56 113A ****76.00 ~3733 THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW, @, 5045 U/ i?~ ózfo"" 5046 BY CITIZEN COpy Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITIZEN COpy 0 MONEY ORDER DATE AMOU NT JUN 18-71 JUH 18-71 114 ****133.00 56 114A ***133.00 @, 'vC ß¡ J.. 1",," BY Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL ~ this docw ,t has nðt be~ compared with the origh IdS. SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER 12007107 NO FEE (]1 Fi.L.ED FOR R£CoRo AT REQUEST OF NOTICE OF RELEASE BY CITY OF CAMPBELL l\' I l Jul2B S (H AM '93 OFfìCAL FŒ.CG¡~:t)S NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN concerning the real property 10cate&wlrttr1ê~~ COUNTY of Campbell, Santa Clara County, California, and described specifically as fOIlO~~~~R~:~E Lots 9 and 10 in Block 2 as shown on that certain "Map of Rucker's Addition to the City of Campbell" Recorded May 20, 1895 in Book F of Maps at Page 39 Santa Clara County Records. That the undersigned City of Campbell granted conditional approval of certain improvements on the above-described real property on June 17,1971, pursuant to a Deferred Street Improvement Agreement entered into between the City and the Owner recorded in the official records of the Santa Clara County Recorders' office in Book 9419, Page 737. That Sherrel D. Kirk, et aI., Owner of said real property, executed a petition for the formation of a special assessment district created pursuant to any special assessment act as provided in the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, and participated and became a part of that special assessment district. That special assessment district No. 30 entitled Dillon-Gilman LID #30 was in fact created and included the real property described above. That as a result of the creation of this special assessment district, Owner will not be responsible for, and is hereby released from, the construction and/or installation of the street improvements delineated in the Deferred Street Improvement Agreement of June 17, 1971, recorded in the Official Records of the Santa Clara County Recorders Office at Book 9419, Page 737. CITY OF CAMPBELL Dated: ~¡A3 I BY;~~ ;VI¥,¡ - t1.!'l(C:-J ßØLc ~ (Title) ""-Lr--,¡_:-I:C-"'r..~.:,~"T,."t Parcel #73 l"-['",";"-~'T"C>T"-,-, ,",~... c. v-:: " _. ,'f-'-,- DGRELSE.FRM(20)(DG DISK) ~",'-".--""""--','_C',"'-''=',""'-,' '.i" -~ " ',,->.. - .'--- - .... :'-'&.;,~~~')~~~ (~C\~!t. ~'i\ [) .:-i.~~\~-,--_. .----- -- ~~ ~ RELIANCE UNITED PACIFIC SURETY MANAGERS ik: tJ. ~ b ~\i rd ÞJ ì ~:; ~J Public WC':"S/IC. . "". "nQ/!1Qormn CITY OF CAMPBELL Dept. of Public Works City Ball Campbell, CA RE: SUBDIVISION BOND NO. U95 67 01 - Peter & Edith Moosman Construction Of Industrical \Jarehouse on property. Locations 85 Gilman; Ordinance NO. 1065 Under date of 6/21/77 Insurance Company became Surety on the above captioned Subdivision Bond. In order to bring our file up-to-date, we would appreciate your noting at the bottom of this letter the present status of the work, A stamped, self.addressed envelope is enclosed for your convenience in replying. Very truly yours, PlF.ASE COMPtM.SfGN AND ~ErURN PROMPTLY t2J /~/J / By: ------/- f)Þ ¡ 'Jþ f} /1 j PACIFIC INSUR CE COMPANY UNITED ------------ --- - --------- ------------------- U95 67 01 DATE: Has the work been completed and accepted? If completed and accepted the date upon which our bond was exonerated: Resolution No. IF NOT COMPLETED, is it progressing satisfactorily? Percentage completed to date: Probable Date of completion: (SIGNATURE) (TITLE) 80-2151 ED. 2I8S 580 CALIFORNIA ST.. SUITE 1300 . SAN FRANCISCO. CALIFORNIA 94104 . AC (415) 989~0 STATE FARM State Fa rm Insurance Companies A INSURANCE May 11, 1990 City of Campbell City Hall-Div of Lic & Permit 70 N 1st St Campbell, CA 95008 Centralized Bonds 112 E. Washington St. Bloomington, II 61701 RE: Bond Number: 97-82-8167-3 Principal: Kirk, Sherrel D ReCEIVED MAY 2 ~¿ 1990 Public WorluJEn,lnoerintt The purpose of this letter is to rescind cancellation letter dated April 25, 1990 advising cancellation has been made effective June 8, 1990. The above bond continues in full force and effect according to the printed terms and conditions. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely St,~e Farm Fire and \<H;'~~/1:~~ -;«/1'7 Theresa MIller Attorney-In-Fact Casualty lc:A8 cc: Karol L Powell, California Agent, #2827 Kirk, Sherrel D 146 Di lIon Ave Campbell CA 95008-3002 HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS 61710-0001 STATE FARM State Farm Fire and Casualty Company & INSURANCE Apri 1 25, 1990 Centralized Bonds 12N 112 E. Washington St. Bloomington IL 61701 City of Campbell City Hall Div of License & Permit 70 N 1st st. Campbell, CA 95008 R E C . , V ~. :; MIl.Y \)1 1990 Public Wor,"'EnginÐ8rin~ RE: Bond Number: Principal: 97 82 8167 Sherrel 0 Kirk On the 17th day of June, 1971, THE STATE FARM FIRE & CASUALTY COMPANY as Surety, executed a(n) Surety Bond in the penalty of Three Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars/$3,250.00, on behalf of above named principal, in favor of City of Campbell, as Obligee. The bond, by its terms, provides that the Surety may terminate its liability by giving notice of its election to do so to the Obligee. In accordance with the terms of the bond, we hereby elect to terminate our liability and shall, as of the 8th day of June, 1990, consider ourselves released from all liability by reason of any default committed thereafter by the Principal. Sincerely, STATE FARM FIRE & CASUALTY COMPANY Lù~W~ Wilma Weinzierl Attorney-In-Fact cj:A5 P.S. This bond is being cancelled as requested by the Client. cc: Powell #2827 05 Sherrel D Kirk 146 Di 11 on Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 HOME OFFICE: BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS 61701-1001 June 15, 1971 CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR SHERREL D. AND PRISCILLA KIRK 60 AND 66 DILLON AVENUE INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE BUILDING PD 71-3 1. C1earinq and Grubbinq: AC Removal: (11)(76) = 92.9 sq.yd. @ 1.50 2. Earthwork: Excavate: (1)(7~~(20.5) = 58 cu.yd. @ 3.00 3. Asphaltic Concrete Pavement, Type B: (76)(0.33)(18)(0.075) = 34.17 tons @ 12.00 4. Class 2 Aqqreqate Base Rock, 1 1/2" Max. : (76)(0.67)(18) (0.070) = 63.87 tons @ 4.00 5. Class A PCC Curb and Gutter: 76 1in. ft. @ 3.25 6. Class A PCC Driveways: (23.5)(9.5) = 223.25 sq.ft. @ 1.25 7. Class A PCC Sidewalk: (54.25)(9.5) = 515.38 sq.ft. @ 0.75 8. 250-watt, Mercury Vapor, IES Type II E1ectro1ier with Photoelectric Cell, 240-Vo1t, Underground Serviced: 1 complete 250-Watt @ 500.00 = $139.00 = 174.00 = 410.00 = 256.00 = 247.00 = 279.00 = 387.00 = 500.00 10. 11. 12. 13. 9. 1 1/2" Rigid Galvanized Metal Conduit with Two #8 AWG Solid Copper Conductors: 76 lin.ft. @ 2.75 State No.3 1/2 Pull Box: 1 at 40.00 ea. Standard WOod Barricade: None 2" X 811 Redwood Headerboard: (2)(26) = 56 lin.ft. @ 2.50 Street Trees, Five-Gallon Size: 2 @ 17.50 ea. Sub Total: 15% Contingencies: TOTAL: Use $3,250.00 for bond amount. Plan examination and construction inspection fee = $113.33. = $209.00 = 40.00 = -0- = 140.00 35.00 $2,816.00 422.00 $3,238.00 ~:f~ h9h, C ) ORDINANCE NO. ,,<:; "J '\ \/ -'\ 776 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF T~E CITY OF CAMPBELL BY ADOPTING PLANS, ELEVATIONS, DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE AND MAP FOR A PCRTION OF THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE AS ESTABLISH~D BY ORDINANCE NO. 730 ADOPTED ON THE 25TH DAY OF MAY,1970. (Application of Sherrel Kirk) The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follo.v1s: SECTION ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell being a part of Chapter 3, Article IX ~f the Campbell Municipal Code, as referred to in the Appendix of said Code, together with amendments thereto is hereby changed and amended by adopting the attached "Exhibit A", entitled "Plans and Elevations", "Exhibit B1!, entitled "Development Schedule", and "Exhibit C", en tit led" Map 0 f sa i d P r. 0 per t y", asp era p p 1 i cat ion 0 f She r reI Kirk, on property located at 60 and 66 Dillon Avenue. Copies of said Exhibits are on file in the office of the Planning Department. Said approval granted subject to the following conditions: . 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "l'ed" on plans. 2 . Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $500 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. 4. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 5. An enclosure consisting of a concrete floor surrounde~ by a 5 Ix foot high sol id \ora 11 or' fenc e sha 11 be con- structed to house trash container in an area ôpprovcd by the fire department. Said enclosure to have six foot self-closing gates. 6. All parking and driveway areas to b~ developed in comrliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 7 . Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 8. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connec- tions for underground utili~ies including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. 9. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. Applicant to process and file parcel map. Applicant to dedicate to 30 foot half-street right of way on Dillon Avenue. Applicant to enter into agreement and post bond for street improvements. Applicant to pay storm drainage area fee in the amount of $170. Applicant agrees that the building will always be used as a warehouse and is to sign an agreement to that effect. Said agreement to be prepared by the City Attorney. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all appli- cable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 7th day of by the following roll call vote:---- May ____,1971, AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Doetsch None Rogers, Smeed APPROVED: Ralph Doetsch, Sr. ~IftIK~K Havor ATTEST: D õr-õtl1 y---Ti~eŸ-ët h an, C i t y -cl e r k .:. CY)¡ , \\ / '---,- -j:~~ ' I' -----,_____'\'-I _\_-- " I'> ~,jl t ~I ( ::: z -- . ,- -J-- --,] ~) "051: Z, c; « I ~¡6! 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"! \~:' ;; // \ ,'~ ( );70'<.>"- \.. \.>/ I I ,ý .-,...1\,,/ I, '{V ,>-,,~ ,/ , \ ' : /- c r // : / ,/// i/ / ./; ,// /'.. / cD ~ - n '!, r,-..J !::: ~I ::. ; , ,.- -- t -- .,- I ~l 'L N r- -n '-- - -- - ~! ~ ; ~~ ~ ---J ------------,- I gJ I::'!: I _..- cD ~I ~, o- Ld ---J ~ '; I '.;, -:< en ç-J 1 crJ !.. 0- C'<J I "" Î ." ('-.J cr) I .-, ~I r- --' '. " ~ ,;; ~) '\! oJ :'\":: \~ <D t .. -', ...:) '1..~ ~ 'Ù" Lr') ,-'- " ., 0 t"" ,-,> ¡ <.ü' -'1 "-'I I ~i i ~ -¡ ~ll ('-' ,", '.- M ',:,.;- ~ g, >i ~~<Ò 'tJ -- -- '--- -----..i1- ' j 5~8'", c.'\f ,Lu "tl , ;;- I < SL B')¡ ~ EXHIBIT "C" ORDINANCE #776 (Shcrrel Kirk) "MAP OF SAID PROPERTY" ~ r ' ~ @ ~I 'P l(JI '" Cr¡ ~ ' ,1 (') ~ ~ - - \1:-, .. -~.- [, ~""" "" - ~ çn. .-- Ç1', - - - - 'n ~ ';I , <4. t::.- " ~~, .-- , .", (\d ?'.' (J I if1 r .. Ni - "' -:7..£"-'-:.~1' " c'" ,.¡ - - - '. --; ~I-- co ~'h <.D' c "~------~~-- "',.: '--. <i ---;1 m_---h--- '~I r- ~} ~ <.D ~ cD "1 ----- ---------- ,- '" "' t", \"¡ I 0::> M -.- - --- . 'n- - n -... en ~ !";J' z () ..-1 --J 0 u..., ~¡ -X' .~ ! ,r, ~'ÒL:' ~ f ~ \ I 1 i \ L I" ,<" ,:n ie; Ir¡ :"- > ~ ::> ,"'. I I , V r- ço'\~) r~ L~J . \~ ~\