200 Dillon Ave. (68-67) PLANN ING DEP ;\r~Tì-m~<T CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NO¡nH CENTRAL ;\ VENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFO]:;':lA Á~J£}1} (.J8) qs~ ti- 1\5'// (.,8 ..t;, 7 DATE: November 20, 1968 ---.-----------.----- CONDITIONS ATTACIIED TO "s" APIJJWVAL OF PLANS OF ~-.L..--~¡ art in -r-J..r--.----- -------------------------' FOR CONSTRUCTION OF -w.are.hou.S-a_----~-- TO BE LOCATE JJ AT: ---------2..O1L.J1.illOJ1 Ave'\U<,._._-_. -- ---_._~-------_._-- CONDITIONS: conditions attached Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as folloh's: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unlc;;s an estension for such approval is obtÐined by making \'Tritten applicatio;ì for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No bui1cUng permit shall be issued after the expiration date 0'; any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAr.lPBELL PLANNING COM~IISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON TIlE 18 DAY OF ;"iovember J 1968 -~- CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION pka cc: Engineerin¡¡ Departmentw/att.~ By: AR 1'11 U rCKET~-Sl c RE TAÍ~ Y ~he applicant is n~~ified as part of this application'that he is r;qul::ed to meet the:f Lowing conditions in accc mce \-lith Ordinances of tne CIty of Campbell. a. All ,parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 1. Property to be fC'!1cccl and landscaped as inrljclted and as added in "red" on pI; 2. Lo.ndscapc plan indicaLÍIu' type of plant material, location of hose bib S 0 r ~ pr i Jl k 1 c r s)' s t e ;1: C, an II tv lJ (~ 0 [ fen c i n g to be s u LnTl j t t e d for approval of the Planning Direci~r a~ time of application for building penlit. 3. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $2,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fendng, paving and striping of outdoor parking a..:eas. This bond \\;oulll include the neh' site as :\;('11 as the allditiollal parking area at the re31' of the exjsting building to the nor tl1 . b. Underground ut.!.. -' ties to be provided as n . Aired by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell :.lunicipal Code. c. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and tele- vision cables, etc. d. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Departmen t. e. Applicant to dedicate to 60-foot right-of-way on Dillon Avenue. f. Applicant to enter into agreement for the construction of street improvements. g. Applicant to pay storm drainage fee in the amount of $670.00.' h. Applicant to process and file parcel map of properties as one parcel. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specifieÜ. ¡ í. 1 ì , . ¡ , .-- t .--.-.- ~ . ;Z- t::~I,~TIN(ý :.ìAJ.¡..$ "i"; ,! t t 'r., ~i! TI wCr \~ ¡~I -- ;~- ., i l ._,~_.,--_._--_.._.._.,- -'-'- """"-7'Ii. ,-, .,.---- .----,..."...._..,-,' \j~ ", J ¡: / ----~ '~"'-"'---~~'_-----'-'_'~'~'_":""~-"~'"'" _..,,-~._..._.~-=--~.....-.......-......--- ~ - - - -""..~"" .~-----~--=-=,-~-,,~..1, t ¡~- , ,.'-.... ' "--- -" I ' ..." "i -IN(.. I I L" , I-r-! j ¡ 1_---._.. I ';r"-~=c-,,"'--- V¡:¡wF 22.' .' ............ ~ ~ dJ \:: ~ It'N€LV Rf{-t\....,~! ..C"E,,;;,- Jlì. ~ :~~~ ~~~ ~ [;,\1':-1'1;,;,-; 1//I'~'io(i""IG.. CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA r,- ;..-.... : " 7' : ~ ,', "5" APPROVAL OF THE PLANS OF II b Æ- ~(V!Z~ 8z-- HAS BEEN' -,RANTED BY THE PL:NNING CO/.1. MISSION OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL. CÞUF. ORNIA .AT J~E REGULAR MEETlN.G HELD oN ~ (" THE It DAY OF2:1f¿zJ._19:-(i>. SUBJEC"t TO THE FOLLO\-VING CGI\!DITHY¡S: /7. "~E;E ATTAC~-;ED LE~..rER Uf:.m¿Þ;V ~/ 6 t/ ~ I \ . b<'CR~TìHty ¡ . -; /; . ' ~ ¡ ,- !~L_- , 4-0 A; J~ 'i) ~: , [) .f- ,1 Pj v ~ 7000 ¡þ FLooR F! R FA . f \~"I\. f Iff ! .1\ " 'J7 é , ' ,,~ t~ 1 I If 1-'111< I, I ^! .. :: T A ,- l)" j) ~ \ ~ "..~ ~t 0 " [¡, ~I} Y,' ~ J v / /1. tJ ...~\~~\'{~ J ~y W I~~ )~ -~ - ,,-.. .'...-.. -.,- -----..----.--- -,--- ,Ii /.. , .. ...-......, ,.....---- ~. ExI5ííN(,r f.)vf¡...OIN(r- " N !Y) ~ -.--.--.-- I I "1 ! r =- ,- .--- -, .,... ..' . .' , / \ Ex iSTII-:c;... . 'R~.(.,L./Ó~: -~:~~~r:-'-"'."_cC;,~,~,-'-c""c"':""":I ;/ ----.-..:..-::;&. _._-~_._. ._"-- .':..", I /I fr' . ! i r . 'V' (- -.. -~ £\4!,Ff Q ;,LJO(} 0 f E,~~~£ .- c; 'ji¿. i MA TCH LINE ~ t ! I . " () ~ I ..---1.-. t x' I 5'7 ì þ.,i G 1) LOG- NEW 'ßj.D6- n.-"fo:JëfO TO71J. L l' I? r<. ifl,\ 6.. f3 00 k 4 -; 'p A Go {Ç a 'PAR,CEt... 2...<:1 1.. loT g!;" ;JNrJ LOT 7/ SHEEr ON!? c(' íHRPF I S{,OQ ~<'q Fr 7 () O()-;Ç FT 3' (;, S Tit L L j-