477 Division St. (65-30) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA RECEIPT CITY OF CAMP3ELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA NAME NAM E ;7 7 ~/C ¥' /¿ ç'; ?fi¿¿~~ & j7 ^ , /' /' ADDRESS ~~ /:h¿¿ ./ ADDRESS FOR tY~ ~J ~ I/)d¿,é ~.J Rß;~ r~/ftl~ de ,-~ ) (~~ F,OR " 'tt~/d \/ß' "~<'-:: ~ ðmc-/'-:: P ,;7; J 00 é1ý- REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~~ REVENUE ACCOUNT NO.~// FUND NUMBER ¿ FUND NUMBER 1 DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. DATE AMOUNT JUl 15 -65 JUL 15-65 005 ***1,180.00 66 DOSC ~*1,180.00 THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. AUG 18 -65 AUG 18-65 002 ***3,500.00 81 002 A **3,500.00 0 CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH No. Thanlr: You CITY M,CAMPBELL ... .,"" ¡..' ' T' ""-o",,,V 4 4 2 cITY F1'J8lt Jl1> ILt, ,,','j J ø CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH BY No. T"anlr: You CITY OF CAMPBELL 6 3 ocm EN~W:R F;LE copy BY ^"" ¿---- ~ CITY CLERK 'TY CLERK flfJ!1I P I- 3 3- C dO PLANNING DEPARLlENT CITY OF CAl"lPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 2 November 1965 Date CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Alois Crepinsek (777 Lock & Engineering,C~~.)CONSTRUCTION OF Addition to existing 477 Division St.-Campbell, California building TO BE LOCATED AT: CONDITIONS: 1. Parking area to be improved in accordance with Section 9319. 2. Provide a minimum of 33,9' x 20' parking spaces or one (1) per each employee, whichever is greater, for existing building and proposed addition. 3. Landscaping plan, to show continuation of landscaping started for existing building - specifying types of plants - to be submitted when applying for Building Permit. 4. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $500 to insure landscaping within 30 days after completion of addition. II Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one ilundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a nf'-V¡ approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COM;\IISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 1st DAY OF Nove.b..... 1965 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION RVH:bt att-l set Plans By: Q) M ~ a.-...... ~)M~, Se~tary R. V. Hogan ~ I C:TTY i<N D.. T1\T"!;,¡:;'Q -¡:;'TT ¡:;' rn LJ v PLANNING DEPART1-1ENT CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA TO: APPLICANTS FOR liS" APPROVAL, VARIA;\}_ÇE -2R USE PERtHTS The name (s) and Recorder's Number, of legal owner (s) of subject property must be supplied as part of application. may be submitted for this information. A photo copy of deed Please fill in necessary information: 77"7 to,,¡¿ l GLlb~/2-¡¿I~ Cò~/,,? Name (š) as shdwn on ueea . Name (s) as shown on Deed i# 2 ç; 4J/ 2. C::, ,~ Recorder's Number .' ., ' .i For Office Use Only :::ed ,X; °f,~:l::ati~ ~OT ( '" y a /,/ù ¿ I' ')-¿(~(- , / Filed ,/c"-/'? --:I.~.(-.---") ~ by x//)/ '"::--:J, J¡ / (:1/ PORTION OF LOT 10, "Map of the SC't-e";.vision of tèIe Mu W. J. Parr Tract", as shown on a Map recorded ~n Book """, paC'", 63 of Maps, and more particularly described as fo:lows: .--.-----...--.,.-...., ~~'BEGINNING at a nail set in the center 'ine of Dell Avenue. formerly East Parr \\ Avenue, at the SOUtheasterly common corner of Late 9' and 10, as said Avenue and Lots are sho~ ~on ~e ~p above referred to. ~hence fr= said point of qbeginning, S. 310 40' W., al~g said center line of Dell Avenue, 240.30 feet ~to a 3~ in~ iron pope set at an ang19 ccrner therein, ~ence al~ the ;;; center line of Div!si<>n Avenue, formerly East Parr Avenue, N. 760 35' 30" w.. Ô 319.00 feet to a nail- thence N. 310 41' E., and parallel with the ~rtmresterq 0 line of said Lot 10, for a distance of 340.31 feet to a 1 in~ ir~ P~e set on : the dividing line between lots 9 and 10; thence s. 580 19' 20" E., along said' last n~ed ~viding line, 302.85 feet to ~e pointof beginning. CITY ENGINEER FILE COpy ('~ ¿wi'e< k Augus t 17, 1965 MEMORANDUM To: Honorable City Council From: Administrative Staff Subject: DELL AND DIVISION AVENUE WATER LINE RECOMMENDATION: I t is recommended to the City Counei 1 that t¡¡e staff and City Attorney be authorized to negotiate an ag:eement with the San Jose Water Works for the instal1ation of a 12" water main on Dell and Div:sion Avenues for domestic and fire protection purposes. DISCUSSìON: At the regular meeting of the City Counei1 on May 10, 1965, the staff reported on the inadequate water supply on Dell and Division Avenues. This matter was brought to our attention as a result of the Locke Manufacturing Company's plan to 10cate their bui1ding on Dell Avenue. At that time, the Counci1 authorized the staff to investigate a11 possibilities and see what cou1d be done to work out a solution which would be equitable to property owners on Dell and Division Avenues. San Jose Water Works officials reported that the total estimated cost for the installation of a 12" main with hydrants would be approximately$30,500. Using this cost estimate the Public Works Department investigated the spread of assessment for this water line among property owners on Dell Avenue. This latter report from the City Engineer, dated August 2,1965, is attached. A separate account wi11 be required for this project, since there would be money reimbursed to the City for their participation in the original project as the area Is developed. Eventual1y the City would recover one hundred percent of their investment in this water 1ine. The next step ìs to negotiate an agreement with the San Jose Water Works which would, In turn, authorize us to negotiate separate agreements with the property owners on De1l and Division for their prorated contribution to the system. Respectfully submitted, ,) ,~ ( 9(¿~ c Atr~ ~obert C. Stephens City Manager RCS:kg Attach: Report Wi111am G. Wren Acting Public Works Director PW-l CITY ENGINEER FiLE copy /7 2 August 1965 MÆMO TO: City Manager FROM: City Engineer SUBJECT: DELL AVENUE WATER LINE We have recently considered the Dell Avenue Water Line installation in regard to an equitable manner of assess- ing the adjacent properties for construction costs. The attached tabulation and map show the individual assessments as based upon the water company's current estimate. It should be understood that it is, at this point, only an estimate and ultL~ate differences will be distributed proportionately to each property. The method of assessment is briefly described as follows: 1. The spread is based 70% on area and 30% on frontage since the benefit in this case ~aving to do primarily with fire service) is a function of maximum building area allowable on each lot. Such area is directly proportional to lot area. These percentages, also, tend to diminish the inequities which would otherwise result because of the odd-shaped lots having either short frontages and large depths or, conversely, long frontages and shallow depths. (Ideally, if all parcels in a district are rectangular and are of the same depth, a spread purely on a frontage basis is satisfactory. ) 2. Considering that minimum lot area by the zoning is 80,000 sq.ft., those parcels on the west of Dell Avenue (#1 - 4) can conceivably subdivide laterally as well as longitudinally, as did the Spivey parcel (#3). If this occurred, the new rear lots, in order to develop, would require a private water line extension from the street involving considerable additional expenditure. A line was, therefore, drawn through these lots parallel to the street and that area behind the line was excluded from the computations. All other lots, subdivided or not, would front on the street and, therefore, would theoreti- cally not become involved with a private ex- tension. CITY ENGINEER FILE COpy - 2 - Upon Council approval of this method of spread, we will undertake to cause installation of the facility and will immediately bill those properties which are obligated by previous agreement. We have agreements on parcels #3, 4, 6 and 7 and, again on the basis of the current esttmate, the City would realize $5980.00 fram their reimburse- ments. This would leave a balance in the amount of $24,520 which the Council has ~greed to subåidize until subsequent development occurs. It is presumed that sufficient money will be allocated in the final budget to cover this subsidy. I \) 'IV" 9t J- ~iíit~~'t: w~1' &{ \~A/\ Acting City En; ineer WGW: w11: bt atts u PLANNING DEPART:1ENT CITY OF CAl,lPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA July 21,1965 Date CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF A1ois Crepinsek TO BE LOCATED AT: CONDITIONS: , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF an industrial building and addl~lona1 fron~ & side setback N/h corner of Division Street and Dell Avenue SEE ATTAClIEl! FOP. CO.mITIONS Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 19th July, 1965 DAY OF CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By: Evelyn Adamson, Secretary CITY ENGINEER FILE COpy 10. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ATTACHED TO AMENDED PLANS (PLOT PLAN ONLY) OF ALOIS CREPENSEK FOR OFFICE AND INDUSTRIAL BUILDING TO BE LOCATED ON THE N/W CORNER OF DIVISION AND DELL. 1. Parking area to be paved in accordance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 2. Applicant to provide minimum of 17 spaces or 1 for each employee, whichever is greater. Landscape plan, indicating types of plant material, to be submitted prior to issuance of Building Permit. 3. 4. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $500 to insure landscaping within 30 days of completion of building. 5. Dedication to 33' from centerline on both Division Street and Dell Avenue. 6. 7. Storm Drain Fee in the amount of $1,180. Enter into agreement to reimburse City for portion of costs of water line to be constructed in Dell Avenue and Division Street, and post bond in the amount of 100% of proportional construction costs. Amount of reimbursement to be determined on front footage basis and actual construction costs. 8. Enter into agreement to construct street improvements and post bond in the amount of 100% of estimated construction costs to guarantee same. 9. Inspection fee in the amount'of 3% of estimated costs of street improvements. 4' to 6' ornamental fence to be installed around parking areas on the north and west boundaries. Approved by Planning Commission of the City of Campbell on Monday, July 19, 1995. PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL R. V. Hogan, Secretary CITY ENGINEER FILE COpy RESOLUTION NO. 1893 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF 777 LOCK AND ENGINEERING CORPORATION AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council by 777 Lock and Engineering Corporation, an agreement for the development of their real property in accordance with prescribed conditions; WHEREAS, by the terms of said agreement, and concurrently herewith they have submitted grant deeds of certain portions of their property for street purposes; NOW, THEREFORE B& IT RESOLV&D by the City Council that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of said City; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the grant deed submitted in connection therewith be and the same is hereby accepted. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12thday of July . 19~ by the following vote: NOES: Councilmen: Doetsch, McElroy, Rogers, Smeed, Rose Councilmen: None AYES: ABSENT: Councilmen: None CITY ENGINEER FILE CUr' { '-~- ,------- '1 '" .-', .' .'" '" .' ~ ".Q ~ "'"' o~ ~ ",",U\ -s.~ ~ 0 "'L. /(š)~'Ú\ 0 '" "ó ~. ..,. ~-ic. '" ~ ~.-'O VG\ "P ~~ ~~ CORPORATION ~"'"' \ '. 34.75' .., ,.,.".. .. .""'" '..' ,.'. .......,. ., N 31° 41' E ,/ ,..,.,. ,. . , . . .. ' ..,' ". .' ."', . , '. '",: 777 LOCK AND ENGINEERING Book 6956, PI¥3E /63 MAY 14, 1965 CI) (,JI Q) 0 - ~ ~: n, ~ = 7/°44'30" R = 20' , L = 25.0,? T = 14.46 , , " DELL AVENUE -- .' ~ 240.'0' S 3/°40'W ..<., tII b ..~-- \ PQB t LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL SCALE 1 "=60' . L\1nd ((; be granted to City 0.4023 Ac. DR, BY: H.R.F. DATE: 5-27-65 CKBY: T.5. P. ,,- /- ~5 Prepared by the Office of the City Eng,neer, Campbell, California .. - ¡::-, ,/ I !,I CERTIFIED COpy OF CORPORATE RESOLUTION I hereby certify to the City of Campbell that the follow- ing is a true copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors of 777 LOCK AND ENGINEERING CORPORATION, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Cali- fornia, at a meeting duly held on July 8, 1965 and duly entered in the Minutes of said meeting in the Book of Minutes of the corporation, and that said resolution is in conformity with the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws of the corporation, and is now in full force and effect: RESOLVED that ALOIS CREPINSEK, the President of this corporation, be and he is hereby authorized to execute any and all documents for and on behalf of this corporation re- garding the easement dedication to the City of Campbell, the future construction of street improvements and the reimbursement of water line expenses incurred by the City of Campbell. And the President is further authorized to execute any and all deeds and agreements necessary to the accomplish- ment of the aforestated matters to the City of Campbell. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said corporation this 7// day of July, 1965. , r" --,¿:E/:,¡ Æ¿¿,(' ?:;. '" 'í;;t~ ù~.¿: Secretary 777 Lock and Engineering Corporation -, r .IIIIIII8r" .... I June 29, 1965 Mr. Alois Crepinsek l30-B Sunnyoaks Campbell, california RE: ItS" Application 1965-30 Dear Mr. Crepinsek: In response to inquiries of your associa~es regardin9 a condi~ion of approval of subject applica~ion as imposed by the City Planning Commission, (condition No. 7») the following is offered. In order to pramo~e and facilitate development of this industrial area, the Ci~y has initiated negotiations with the san Jos. Water Works to have construc~ed a twelve-inch water line in Dell Avenue and Division Street to provide for adequate fire protection. The City intends to pay for thi8 construction initially with City fund8, which shall be reimbursed by the benefitting property owners at such t~ as development occurs on their individual propertie.. A tentative e.timate of costs bas been received from the san Jose w.ter Works in ~he amount of $30,500. This office is presently engaged in attempting to determine a falr and equi~able means of apportioning the.e costs. It is antlcipated,at this ttme,that the portion of costs to be assumed by your property will not exceed Wbree Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500.00). On this basis, a bond in that amount guaranteeing payment. upon demand shall be required prior to release of your building permit. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, ACTING DIRECTOR OF PUEl(,IC WORKS (ittL\ BMB: cb By Bll1 H. Helms, Assistant Civil Engineer CITY ENGINEEH FiLE C(;¡?Y ~ .4P' . .j~'. 9~ , tJ/, ///../~ ~ 11 /,,/ / PLANNING DEPART:1ENT CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date May 19,1965 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Alois Crepins'Jk , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF an office and industrial build- ing Division Street and Dell Avenue on the N/W corner TO BE LOCATED AT: CONDITIONS: See attached sheet Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one Ilundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a nRW approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chaptc}~. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF Cfu~PBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 17t.hDAY OF May. 1965 CITY OF CAjvlPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By: Ev CITY ENG1NEER J:.1LE COpy PORTION OF LoT 10, "Map of the Sv]v" i vision 0 f t'le Mu" W 0 J. Parr Tract", as, shown on a Map recorded ~n Book "-"', paC'" 63 of Maps, and more particularly described as ~o:Iows: -- ----------.---.------------------- ----- ---- \ (BEGINNING at a nail set in the center' ine of Dell Avenue. formerly East Parr ~\~. A~nue, at ~e Sou~easterly COWOOn corner of Late 9 and 10, as said menue and Lots are sh~ ~on ilie ~p ab=e referred to- thence fr= said point of Qheginning. s. 310 40' W.. along said center line of Dell ~enue. 240.30 feet ~to a 3ß in~ iron pope set at an a~l~ Ccrner ~erein, thence al=g the ;;; center line of Division Avenue, formerly East Parr Avenue, N. 760 35' 30" W., "'"' â 319.00 feet to a nail- thence N. 310 41' E., and ~rallel ~~ ~e ~rt~sterq' U line of said wt 10, for a distance of 340.31 feet to a 1 in~ ir~ pipe set on . the dividing line between lots 9 and 10; thence S. 580 19' 20" E.. along said last named _d_ï.r!ding line, 302.85 feet to the pointof !>eginrlinq. --- - ~ I CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR "s" 1965-30 BUILDING TO BE CONSTRUCTED AT DIVISION AND DELL AVENUES ON THE N/W CORNER 1. Parking area to be paved in accordance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. Applicant to provide minimum of 17 spaces or 1 for each employee, whichever is greater. 2. 3. Landscape plan, indicating types of plant material, to be submitted prior to issuance of Building Permit. Faithful Performance Bond ill the amount of $500 to insure landscaping within 30 days of completion of building. 4. s. Dedication to 33' from centerline on both Division Street and Dell Avenue. 6. 7. Storm Drain Fcc in the amount of $1,180. Enter into agreement to reimburse City for portion of costs of water line to be constructed in Dell Avenue and Division Street, and post bond in the amount of 100% of proportional construction costs. Amount of reimbursement to be determined 011 front footage basis and actual construction costs. 8. Enter into agreement to construct street improvements and post bond in the amount of 100% of estimated construction costs to guarantee same. 9. Inspection fee in the amount of 3\ of estimated cost of street improvements. \ ~ \,~ \ ~......... \'~ ~... ~ / ", \ ~ ~':~r'~ '.0("""-' F\J1"u(/.a W\f'e~\"'H.".. ¡ -'t /g -/? -ø \°\" / ~ ~, \ ~ - -.--'--- --,--,"-~2.~,": .3!":'~ ~_l\ '¡6 _::)-~,-- -- i!!! L " ' . ~ I ' \ \. ~ ¡ ... ¡ \~- .~...l _'d__Í; D~: \~\'~-~~'ê-O' ..... ::;.):t,'" \ / . / - \ ..,,;;) ~-:::. 4- '^-J ~ L-_,-~-~--- -',"- ..,,-------------_u.-- ----~~~._~-_.~_. -,_....-+ l ! (,,~...// : ',/ I / / ) ~/. ~ ~ .... , .... - H ~lJJ..,"', . ~,.,".. -11:-"", -_.è::--",'" +-"",~,.~,,' -4",~"-D~ ,',.',' '.,' I ¡ ,I . ' ' , . ¡: .1 I " . , " ,'ì" : II II' ~ , ..' j~ ,! ' " ¡¡ ~ 11 ìI.--+- l.--it- <7 í U'L.-O/ t ~,"', ~~~=-J , . -----, ¡ - ,~ "7 ".. .. "-"'~'--'- , ~~ .,,~..- - "..__..~._--~_._-_.. ".. ....' d,' .~.._~--'- .-----.. ¡ C;:.¡DE: E..-LLV&T\OL! --"~ ..-"." ._-~.:_,-'...~",.~.=~......."-,, .'.:"._."...:;.~:.':. z,d,Ø ¿! . .ø ¡} If; ;'-?/' c;¡O 4~ IØ~/b- I ~ ....--...."u- .~..4P..4-I~.. . U 3/- 4/ ~8,1-::;1'~r...:;! . '?c>:5" 5 b ~.- u" ..--." -, .- ....--~ , .. . ¿: 3&::/. :3 / '. ,- F"u"ùlLG. PA.Q..~\N<..r ~'IØo \ ç.~~v ~I' "ß ~~\ ~\V'" , , \I , I ,- - - --+- -.......-,J........ --.'- _..~- .,J""i"":. , ---,. ". : ~' C> (f _EE~-L 1 ~ .. .,,~ (À ~1 ¡ J ttJ ~:U'- I !.,j) \\J 0 \J' J} ~¡~. ~ ~ OJ~\J1 \) N \j)1 ~: --- ...:r -...2 L.9J:-.P ~ ~ w -~" c.40'-O'