477 Division St. (69-44) i .. }>LANNING DEP¡\n1ï'¡L~':T , CITY OF CAi.IPBEJ.L , 7S NOWrH CE:'¡T]~AI. AVGWE CAMPÜELLJ CALI FOI~NIA r ' &(J;b)' I )1 , -S' 69-'::¡t¡ "<>. "'," VAT 13 : ----------~~----:-----~\" > Juné 3, .1969' '\ CONlJITIO:-iS ATTACJILD TO liS" J\Pl'Iw\r}.L OF PLAr;S OF Sterl ing-ïlo~f~-;-Ìnc-:-- .------"---------'------------' FOJ( CONSTI(UCT I ON OF - addTt I onãl c)'ftlce ---- build.!!!K for Omega Bui!?~~~--l--~--_-_. 477 Division Street I ,\ TO BE J.OCATEIJ AT: CONDITIO¡~S : conditions attached Section 9316.1 of the Campbell f.Iunicj,p3.l Code reads as £0110'.':5: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eight)' (180) days after the date upon \dlich such approval \ý~S granted, unless an extension for such approval is obt¿¡incd by r.ìaking written applicatio:, £01' s 3.1:13 to the PI anning' COJ:lJ:1Ìs 5 i on a t Ie as t .fi fteen (15) days p ri 0 r to the cxpj ration date of such approval. . No building permit shall be issued after the expiration d::.te of any apprové!l until a net'>' ",pproval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. ' . , GRANT~D BY THE CITY OF CAì.!PßELL PLANNI,~G ~OM:\IISSION AT A REGULAR MEET¡r:C HELD ON THE ~nd DAY OF 'JU{}~$ 1969- '. CITY OF CA~.¡PßELL PLANNING CO~H.IISSION pka ~- cc: Engineering wIatt. By: . /J , -. ~r-A¡(PHU!~ -KE-cri¡( ,.sL~CRET.;¡.!~ y .. , The ~pplicant is not ~ied as part of this appli tion that he is requIred to meet ;~ following conditions ir ~ccordance with Ordi- nances of the Ci,- of Campbell. A. A~l parki~g and driveway areas to be developed in compliance wIth S~c~lon 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code, (including an addItIonal ten (10) parking spaces. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, t{11ephone and television cables, etc. C. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with pro- visions of the sign o~dinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. 1. Plans of addj tio~ '. landscaping as requj ~ed r conformity of existing ld~caped areas to be pres ;ed ~o Planning Director for approval. Landscape plan, if changed to indicate type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system to be presented for approval of Planning Director at time of application for buildi~g permit. 2. 3. Faithful performance bond in the amount of.$l,OOO to.be.posted to insure landscaping;and striping of.parklng are~ wIthIn three (3) months of completion of constructIon, o~ appllcant.m~y file written acrreement to complete landscapIng and strIpIng of additional ~arking area prior to final building department clearance. - ~---~-.._- -"'---.." PLA~'t.JI;'¡G i)i.~PI\RT:'H;¡.n CITY OF CA:iP:jELLJ Cr\LIFOIC'H!\ , -- "J'O: ,'r;:)'L-'l'~'\:""'-.: T-~r, n,::" '~-)"(Ì""\! \"¡IT,\\Tcr-' Or) UC'\-~ f)t "'J!..... ~..:.-.:.!:._,'.'.'~~:: :'- ,I~.:'..:~_..:'._~~~,:::;_:..:-,_,'.__...:.:.:..~,~~,~.':"':.._, 1\ ),.!. ..::_¡.;:.:~~;¿ T¡H~ n~'.1:ìC (5) z¡n¡J RC'(:çr<.h.::,-'s N~t!~li;Cl'J of le:,:.al O\V;-lCr (s) of subjc(:t pì.-(;p:~l.ty I:ì~t:,t b;; 5t'.ppli~d as p~rt of ap~lication. ^ photo COJY of deed 1:1:'.Y L~ sut¡;¡ittecl. £01' 'UÜs inion.1atien. Please fill in ncc~ssary information: '--_,:S__2~':"'~~r ~~- (~-_TI,~~,~=,_:""l -=t ~ ~ , Nanie (~) as sno~;¡. on DeeJ 1 c . c¡ -_tl~-"ê~.__~,r~-L&AN '-r ì? ihlLle (Sj 3::; $ilO~m, on Deed {} '3 '-7 ~ ¿i- C\ C7 ~ ¡:f(~'(feP s'Nur:¡1J¿-f 1) 0 1-, 2, 4 ~~ l þ -,-' 4- L. \~ :J For Office Use Only -~"'-" "--" -'-'-~--""'----"-'- --------- Filed as part of application for for ----------- Filed --,--- .------- by___._..--