511 Division St. (77-5) . ... 1# '- '- . I',~ --vi t / "'-~ /(£:C (,'¿-D . RECEIVED ') ~. t Lit rv~" e, ý r- lkì-- ) MAR 4 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING ~ f ! ¡ , I t ¡ PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAI1PBI;LL 7~ NORTH CENTRAL AVUIUE CAHPDELL, C.\LIFCRNIA D!\TE: ~1arch 4 1977 ----.-_---L.__,_-- -- f I . CONDITIO¡¡S ATTACHED TO "S!! AI>PROVAL OF PLANS or ------ 01 e'<l_A. Ll!bec¿~1 s_-------- , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF an industrial b~11ding TO BE LOCATED AT - -,--_._------------- -. 511 Div1s1on_Stre~Í-- ----- ..---------- ,.--------- CONDITIONS: conditions of approval attached Section 21.'+2.090 of the CampbeLl Municipal Code reads as folloHs: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after ~he date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to tl:,('; Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. ¡ ¡ i I t No Luilding permit shalJ. be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for ~_n this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY or CAMPBLLL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR I1EETHG HELD ON 'nIL day of , 19 Tsr---- -~ra) cc: Engineering IJept. w/attachments /~ Fir.e Dept./w Attachments CITY or CAM PBELL PLANN I NG C OH~n S S ION 77 BY'/-' . .- '. . -ft~7~/.'Å.~T:HU'i<"'~J;:-f;"'f-:k.-:~.'. 'C:}ZÎ:T ÄJï:Y--"-------- " . - 'A\Ii'f ~ - / CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - "S" 77.,5 !-J~þeckis, Ol.:::9_f:..:.._--_:_---- 1. The applicant is to submit a faithful performance bond in the amount of $5,000 to insure the removal of the existing structures. 2. Applicant- to provide one parking stall for handicdpped persons. 3. ~arking to be provided as indicated in "red" on the site plan. 4. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in IIred" - on ~lans. 5. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for buiìding pe~it. 6. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the ap~roved landscape plan. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $3,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final Building Department clearance. 7. 8. Applicant to sign agreement satisfactory to the City Attorney that the property will be used as indicated on the plans. 9. _All mechanical equipment located on roofs shall be screened as approved b~! the Planning Director. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following cond-ïtions -jn accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell . A. A.I parking and driveway areas fJ be developed in compliance with Section 21.50 or the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be-provided with appro- priate concrete curbs or bumper guards. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the' Campbell Municipal Code. B. C. P1ans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underg}"ound utïlities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and penJit issued by the Building Department. E. Ordinance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse,gal'bage, \'let ~arbage and rubbish produced \'Iithin the 1 imits of the City of Campbell shall he made \<Jith Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirement applies to all single family d\<Jellings, multiple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing, and construction establishments. D. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - "S" 77-5 . Lubeckis, Oleg A. Page Two F. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor - surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at g~ade level. . . G. Appl icant shall meet all State requirements for the handicapped. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT H. Provide grading and drainage plan. I. Obtain excavation permit for driveway relocation. FIRE DEPARTMENT J. K. Provide an automatic fire extinguishing system. Provide "2A-1OBC" fire extinguishers in each leased space. L. Building plans to show detail of trash enclosures. The fpplicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell \'Jhich pertain to this development and are not herein specified. . L APPLICANT~U=b Ll>ß..ECKJS ADDRESS ~Il PI VI 5tðN sr. "S" NUMBER 77-S" A.P.N.~-21 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS "'-- Proe-e::.::; dud rl.le a IlIdp-- >< Dedicate right of way ïnD 3'3' HA-LF- sT£eer - P~y Sr~rm Dr.iRa§e Lrca Pcc ... Provide COPy of Pre1imin~ry ~iLl~ R~port Enter into agreement for construction of street improvements Pay fees as noted in agreement plan examination and construction inspection - ('iilm~gll Hunicit-'al Li~htÜHJ Di c:::rri ct pro r~rn- - fire hyarant Leutù-l- ,j?o.t"booo--..as JKl,ted,:Î.p¡¡çp::eement. , .' Provide grading and drainage plan Obtain excavation permit ¡-'; ".~ I ' 1, J 1./~ - . r J- ~ <.:'1' - r.J., J : #", '~"; !f- í~) . -"vi« "'Y'...,.,..r'r . . -'.' . , .:.' ... '. !)~. .¡""~' . .": ' P,. L , ¡. 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