581 Division St. (69-68) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA ""~ /, , // NAME "/ø:-~-4.J ADORE S ~~ ð /. ." . J ~ ,;:;; , ..,L- ~9 C1 ~<' REVEN E ACCOUNT NO. J71 07/0 ~ C ECK FUND UMBER 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH DATE AMOUNT THtS ECEIPr MUST MACHINE VALID ED AND SIGNE BELOW. MAR 20-73 MAR 20-73 1117 ****~90.00 611117 A ***~90.00 ~s 507 '4 ~/.'" ./ .' ~~, ' ~/' / Thanll You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITY CLERK CITIZEN OPY ~~M/ " 7 ) C2- ~y " c..... --- ~ PLANNING DEPA TMENT CITY OF CAHPB LL 75 NORTH CENT AL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CAL FORNI A DATE: June B, 19"". CONDITIONS AT ACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Warren J. ,1apt~S FOR CONSTRUCTION OF warehous<..;; , TO BE LOCATED AT 581 Division Street CONDITIONS: conditions ,f approval attached Section 21.4 .090 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval g the date upon for such appro to the Plannin expiration dat anted under this section shall expire one year after hich such approval was granted, unless an extension al is obtained by making written application for same Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the of such approval. No building pe mit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Ch pter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR ME E TIN G HE L DOT HE 5 t h day 0 f J U 11 e , 1 9 '1 ').. / cc: En~ineÐri g Dept. w/at~. Fir~ Dept wiatt. CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION BY: -- ARTHUR KEE, SECRETARY CONDITIONS OF AP ROVAL - "S" 72-30 Mapes, W. J. 1. Property to in "red" on e fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added lans. 2. Landscape pI hose bibs or mitted for a cation for b within 4" to n indicating type of plant material, location of sprinkler system and type of fencing to be sub- proval of the Planning Director at time of appli- ilding permit. All planter areas to be enclosed 6" raised concrete curbs. 3. Landscaping hall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape pI n. A. ormance bond in the amount of $500.00 to be posted dscaping, fencing and striping of parking area (3) months of completion of construction, or file written agreement to complete landscaping, triping of parking area prior to final building earance. er(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve nt shall be located in area(s) approved by the nt. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence -closing doors of a size specified by the fire The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the foIl wing conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell 4. Faithful per to insure la within three applicant ma fencing and department c All parking nd driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50.010 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spac s to be provided with appropriate curbs or bumper guards. B. Underground tilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. Plans submit ed to the building department for plan check shall indica e clearly the location of all connections for underground tilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone an television cables, etc. Sign applica ion to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign rdinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until applic tion is approved and permit i3sued by the building department. E. Applicant to enter into agreement and post bond for construction of street im rovements on Division Street. F. Storm draina e area fee in the amount of $490.00 to be paid. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinan es of the city of Campbell which pertain to this development and re not herein specified. 5. Trash contai the developm fire departm consist of a and have sel department. C. D. .; (»w~ C b ~7 J. . PLANNING DLY¡\! T:.1c-:-r CITY OF C/I.;,¡PB: LL 75 t\O[(J'l[ CL:iTl At 1\ V E~; UE CM.j?J;L:LL, CALI I:Oi;:dA II :;)f {;; 9 - 1 <t D~T¡:' ' .. .~. --- Dc tob"",'~l-."-l%9--'- , , CONJJ1THX'iS AT11\C¡ŒU TO "Sf! ;\P1'1(O\TA1. OF PLAr;S OF -L....:L...-Map., ',--,~._----- ------,---~-----,-----,-----' FOR CONSTRUCT I ON OF -1ndustrlal bJ-t'lli.nL_- 1'0 :BE LOCATED \1': 581 Division Street -----------'- -~ -----'. COWJITIO;,;S: conditions of ap'l'oval attached'~ "" .~ SecU,o,l 9316.1 of the Campbell ~!Uld:c,ip3.1 Code reads as {0110;-:s: Þ.ny éliJP ro\'2. 1 g (180) clays aft an extcn:::.lon f for s <'U::~ to th the expjn~tion anted under this section shall expire one hundrcd~i~hty r the date upon ~"¡1ich such approval \\'z!.s gr,lI~tcc1J wÜes5 r s u c 11 a p p r' 0 val i sob t a i n e db)' r:t a kill g ';! r i t tell a p p 1 j cat i c :. Planning'ConuÜssion at least .fifteen (15) days prior to date of such approval. . . ' No building pc 'Edt shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a ncI'¡' B,pproval has been obtained in the manner p:'ovi¿ç;:~ for in this Ch ptcr. ' . , GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CA(.rPßELL PLA~NING COmlISSIO;~ AT A fŒGULAR :,ŒErL'::,~ , , - , '.. - ' HELD O~¡ THE Oth DAY OF ~ctober, 1969 .. CITY OF CA~,lPßELL PLAN~ING Cml~.¡rSSION cc: Engineerin wIatt. ~ , Fi~e Dept. latt. By: .. A-'Rï1-;'--¡U !. -'--ï:.f:--'-S"':,,"¡, r; ~1"T! ,'y--- Î ,::-"L1.., L\..f\,L ."" ¡ " , " " :. ., , . , , , . -.