665 Division St. (1973) ORDINANCE NO. 922 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF TilE CITY OF CAf.\PHELL AMnmING THE ZONING i'lAP OF TilE CITY OF CAJ\IPHELL BY CHANe n.;c TIlE Z.ONE FROt-l R--J'.l TO P - D (PLA;-~NED DEVELOPi,lLNT)ON PROPERTY KNOWN AS 665 DIVISION STREET. ~V)- -;J c:- c-:3 ~ \)-. <<-~<1-1\G'" ~ ~ \ ) The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: Tlwt the zoning map of the Ci ty of Campbell being a POyt of the Campnell1'lunicipnJ. Code, together with amendments there- to, is Lereby changed and 3Jll(mded by adopting tlExhibit All entitled 'jJlan:, ~'l;d Flevati(JJls" and "Exhibit BtI enUtled "Development Scheduletl <oj n d 11 F x b :i b j t C tI ('11. t:i tIe d II l' i (1 P 0 f s aid Pro peT t)''' I asp e r t 11 e a p p 1. i Cl .. ticn OC:,Uli:13l' llevclopjiicnt COJilp2nr~n p-l'opcrty located at 665 Divi:;ion Strc,~t. Cornes Df said exhibits are on file in the office of the Planni.~g Department. Said approval subject to the follm'iing conditions: 1. ac1ded in. Property to be fenced and landscaped as "l'edlt 0;1 plans. indicated and as 2. Landsc;:.:pc pl('m indicating type of pl:li;t material) locaticn of hose bibs 0)' spi'inkler system end t.yre of fcncing to be sulntl:Ltt,cd for &Pv-:.'ova)o[ the Planning Director at time of appli~'3i::i on for build- i n ~~ pc lId_ t , 3. Lcl.l1dscaping shall be J;laintained in accordance I,d. th the apflTO\lCd hmdscapc plDn. 4. Faithful perfornlClnce bond in the nl1l0nnt of $2) 000.00 to be (" t ,-, ,.. ." C' 1 q . 1 (' " "-;), f . . Y IT ").-, ,,". ,-,' , ~ , '7" . J' '.. . " ., P?_'. ~\.. lU In,,U!C ..(.l:CL-,CapIJ.gt _ enc~^lb <.l~(t _,'-,l.p.d.g.(H pD). dJlg. ~[.;u "","r'Jll "J"'c'c' ell "",r-tlo" 0.[' CC']"l') "tJOl1 ot r-rll"c-""';lct)C-Y' ('1' "'I"')l"c""" H._ L J. ~ L 1;, ',' .1) j,,\.)ll. 11..) .L ,) JI j.t:::. _ '\..'-.-- 1.__"1-.....:.... '. J_.J, .1 ,--~...Jl ~- ,tI.J_!.... may ~fil(: '';Titte!! a~~rcement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of paTking area prior to final Bllildij;g Dcpai~tn'~(':dt clca-.r(ir~c(';. s. Either wooel shake or shingle roof ;;latcl'iaJ. to be used lJl;Jcss there is an ClBI'Cclj,ent betv;een the app1.icant~ ::lyc.hit.cctuTal adviso;-~ ant1 staff tJwt another matoricJJ would be appropJ~'i,;.tc. The applic,mt is notified a.s part of this applicati<)I"; that he is yaqui red to meet tll() follO\dng condi t:i ems in accordance \\'1 th Ordi WJl1CCS of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to he developed in compliance '-,l i t h See t ion 2 1. SO 0 f t. he C a iT: p b (: 11 ]'. [t\ n i c i p 8 1 Cod c; . A 11 11 (\ r L in g SF ace s to be provi~eJ Kit]l appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the CampbelJ r.Junicipal Coue. \ -I \1/ ~ C. Plans submitted to the Building Depart.ment for plan check shal1 indicntc clearly the loc(1tion of al] connections for under- ground utilities including \vater, se\ver,. electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with pro- visions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to he inst.alled until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Departmcnt. E. Ord~nance No. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse, garbage, w('t garbage, and rubhish produced \':i thin the limi ts of the Ci ty of Campbell shaD be madc with Green Valley Disposal Company. This re- quirement ap~}l:ics to all single f,mily dv:cllings, mult.iple apartment units, to all commercial, business, industrial, manufacturing and construction establishments. FIRE DEPARTMENT: F. Trash container(s) of a Slze and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted, enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self- closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. i G. Pfovide one street hydrant, GOI south of West Parr Avenue, on the east side of Capri. H. ptovide "2J\BC" fire extinguishers as directed by Fire Department: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: 1. Conditions as required hy the City Engineer. Applicant should contact Engineering Department for those conditions. The applicant is notified that he 5J1<111 comply ",ith all app]i- cable Caues or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 10th day of Decembel' by the following roll call vote: , 197~, NOES: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, Podgorsek, Ch3Jnberlin None j' AYES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Dean R.Chamberlin Hayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan , --rrty Clerk