599 El Patio Dr. (Tr6945) "C ~ Ö1 .,... "C :::I ..... 0'" co C1.I ~ 0 +oJ +J ~ Co 8. æ C1.I 0::: ~ 0 VI ..... >. .,... Co 0 0 V) U TRACT NO. .genda deadl ine ~ ~ I Council meeting_4.u1- U Items needed to meet City Council of Final Map: ""4-5 ~genda deadline~ Council meeting ~. z5 Agenda deadline for approval Date Rec'd Letters: Sanitation District No.4 (release) P.G. & E. (easement approval) P.T. & T. (easement approval) Improvement Plans (signed by San. Dist. 4) Final Map (signed and notarized) Agreement (signed and notarized) 8-1z.-80 ~ 84-PD g-t-z..-BO 8-\ 7--80 Bonds: Faithful Performance , Labor-amt ilia led a 1 s C. ,C. and R. 's Amount 8 - t4--Ro .3~.ð~ . ~J 6eD- .--'7- -~ I'?~ Fees (payable to City): Amount Final Map filing I~ Plan exam. & const. insp. 1330 B-l,--~o " Storm Drainage area ~5B '( Total Fee (payable to County): Recording Sz,z8 ß -#7 , r 0 Items needed before Final Map can be recorded: Tax letter from County Tax Collector P>-I~ 'B -\ 7~-Bf) ß -I -¿-l3'ô Tax Bond Subdivision Guaranty TO: Acct. 3372 3370 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3373 3373 3373 3374 3374 3520 3520 3520 CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: P . W. F i 1 e No. toJ . c-, . ( --¿S) . ~. Amount ßS"Cõ 1,3'30 Items Pre1iminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($50.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee ($765/acre--$170/1ot minimum) Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of va1ue Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($50.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Fina1 Tract Map Fi1ing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Pub1ic Streets and Easements Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment for first p1us $60.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($100.00) Certificate of Comp1iance ($100.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Contro1 Handbook ($2.00) Project P1ans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit App1ication Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value less $25.00) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit ($200.00) ($200.00 TOTAL 100 $ '2. I L..8 R Name CA~L F R..A N ILL' "-> ß t,f) tL<;. I kJC . Phone $\ r-. &. ~ z.B I Address~/)., CtfESTF:f2... I+V6) S~ip ~S-D,ð FOR CITY CLERK ONLY /1 r f..í ~ . .r t J' It -~ . V % -/,).-¥O Receipt No. Amount Paid Received by Date February, 1980 Recording requested by Lester Ikegami When recorded mail to: County Surveyorls Office 70 West Hedding Street San Jose, CA 95110 Attention: John Atwood ------------------------- (For Recorderls Use Only) CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the certain Tract Map filed September 10,1980 in Book 470 of Maps at Page 43 and 44, Santa Clara County Records, being a map of the lands entitled Tract No. 6945 is corrected as follows: The distance along the northerly line of said Tract No. 6945 shown as nEast 150.001n shall be changed to nEast l55.00In. The names of the present fee owners of real property affected by such correction is as follows: W. G. & Jane L. Wood Randall M. presuhn, et al Miles L. & Charlyne Dennis Mark & Jennifer Sheredy Ottis W. Jr. & Warene D. Waters William L. & Helen M. Nelson, et al John L. & Michelle M. Ceglia Robert H. & Tomasine A. Amaral CERTIFICATE OF ENGINEER THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the above certificate of Correction was prepared by or under the direction and control of the undersigned registered civil engineer. (:,9/90 ¿~¿~ ' 30520 Reg. Number Exp. 3-31-92 CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF CAMPBELL ENGINEER THIS IS TO CERTIFIY that the above Certificate of Correction has been examined and shows that it corrects an error in the distance shown on the above referred tract map. \\/611:\0 ~ Donald C. Wimberly City Engineer 25770 Reg. Number Exp. 12-31-93 MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL To: Donald C. Wimberly Public Works Director November 6, 1990 Date: From: Jim Penoyer ~ Engineering Technician Subject: Certification of Correction Tract No. 6945 Boundary Dimension ---------------------------------------------------------- Please execute and return the attached Certificate. I will correct our map and send the certificate to the City Clerk for recording. The Certificate amends a recorded map to correct an erronous boundary dimension. As shown on the attached sketch, the sum of the northerly lines of Lots 8 and 9 plus the half-street of EI Patio Court sums to 155.00 feet but the tract boundary dimension for the same length erroneously calls 150.00 feet. Section 66469 of the Map Act prescribes Certificates of Correction to correct an error in a distance shown on a map when that error is ascertainable from the data shown on the map. Such is the case in this instance. <' l T"ACT NO, 6945 CON5ISTIN(; OF TWO SHEETS BEING ALL OF LOT 9 AND A PORTION OF LOT 18 OF TRACT NO. Z. RANCHO DEL PATIO, FILED FOR RECORD IN BOOK flY" OF MAPS, PAGE 26) SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS. CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIF ORNIA SCALE: 1"= 30' JUNE, I ~SO /~ I/,-/~ /' " -~". --------- ~ &:JbI1.C~[Q),D L~GZŒ('\¡~~c!~[~l'~\JFj(t.\ ~@n U. A QIV,S,ON OF KUmAR ".c CIVIL ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS a LAND PLANNERS ;..1""-"- <:>'i /,,' ,,"-' /'7 35,00' '- (,3;- I:' -, . EASTllQ.~O :¡ 10 ~o 00 -xv S 3800 ~O FT C) 1° 0 IV EAS¡ 9SC'J I L,.-- 100/! ----- 93.:' .:' L' : t.' u,1 _Q, g ,") ",' - <'), 7 :I' 0 ~- 0 '" '" ~i'" 3~, ¡ c,) p L___~~S' n:~ -1' Æ> It) , /~'%Ò ~~ O() "\t- "'- , 0) .:::- ) "'v, s ,<sac .;: ~------ 10 ',1~, 00 ~ ' --., £' - ,~~,'>s, '? COM,\1U'J LOT 8 P S E 1;<) /" <;>S;'--.L -, ',1' ~- ,T ,9 t\. '0;--') - -,0 ~ \0 'I E A.S'" A..- , q,/ ,'~;~ 391C'C'1 ;;:;I~r -/ - 1'-'> :: r'."" >4Jï \0 I'" c.;~ ::~ ST - i <:-II~ -'M q p I_, ~.J," "-;;' ^ "'I '1" 0" 3616 SO ' - ~' '" ~ ~ <:> ~7 c ~: t".) ¡,EAS, ~I I Eo ~'I Vi ~ ' '", ~: - !-u).'39,iB i i mi '?/ 3792 SOFT Ñ/,:, i , 359IS0FT_I- :J::',,~ ~. ,-1--... '" <> >--"~ ! "1-( "61g 5 -:° '~~'I~ / 0; !I. °1- <00 :z-. '- .. -' 00 «>0 if' ," ~ .5 - N ,- a- ,0 -- 0;, ,~, - ,ö - I'D 4C23 <0 FT ¡- I 0' -;:; s~ '2" -, :r ~:1 c> I ' 's",,- 'i"" 1 1--- ~'I-- u',~"" S---"" ~o' ¡U)... ~ -:, ~ ...Í>-- k'~ S8~~' , :z:' q:, '-"0 7' ': ~ ",\~- °L"'~'" t'i \~ ,- -:'ú', ~ .0::;' , - .\--::.~ L/,'---. -I ,,", ~ <" ~"'-~ø I: '---z ,i r, ? .~,~ 0" '\i. ': '..,; ;. /; "'r -~- ý ~';o"', ":.- - <" 6" ~~~, ~ ,<:,t-- ..~ tI ~ -b';;,o, \'11< ,'<:: -'" '.' ~ ~.- ,.,,~~,I ,0 I' ., '-'~c. ".\o""""óõ ~u'\<'.- 1./.,~.~~ (1',\ '". v' ~,~ "~ <-ot;),,- "'t.~, po o~ \ ~ ð' -> 7- .>.., - .. .. 47 DB EAS- 9292 SO FT I .5~ S, c> Ð 25,00' I 25.00' t ..- tL. :::> a u 0 '" r: N ('I, a :x: I - ~,;I I- ~ ~ CL I 1 I [J -<0>'1 W \-.- L{) à:ó'1900 r--> ',7~aB. .;-4 EAST :',- ( I CI'TY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Public Works Department: TRANSMITTAL FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER Reference Date: Self All te¿ í= n5int'er,'n.5 (.D. 3lìD viOl/am:; Ko~J Sc.\1l )0 ~C ,. CA Q,1I7 l.e.s-Ter \ k~~am; Cer-t-{íMR °1 Corm--T'Ðq 1-5 /9'10 , To: Attention: SUBJECT: We are forwarding via: mail messenger---- separate cover---- enclosed ~attached---- other The following: Remarks: ¡h ~ ~ LD-t- ~, ~ cry i ÃJ" ~~ c:Jf~ j~ ~ ~ \ Recordl~ requested by Paul E. Fontaine '!hen recorded mail to I County Surveyor's Office 70 West Heddi~~ Street San Jose, CA 95110 Attention: John Atwood --------------------------- (For Recorder's Use Only) --------------------------- CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the certain Tract Map filed November" 5, 1979 in Book 453 of ~¿ps at Page 13 and 14, Santa Clara County Records, being a map of the lands entitled Tract No. 6608 is corrected as follows: ( Tract number to be changed to 6829.) ] The names of the present fee owners of real property affected by such correction is as follows: Barre L. Barnes '¡{anda J. Barnes Ronald J. Laffen Marleen M. Laffen James E. Langley Patsey Jean Langley Al Chanda Carol Chanda ------------------------- CERTIFICATE OF EN:; INEER THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the above certificate of Correction was prepared by or under the direction and control of the undersigned J"~ t;~e~ 9 '81;11 e ng 1neer . ~ C ¡ ~ 12128 Date . ignature Reg. number ------------------------------------------ CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF CAMPBELL EtCINEER THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the above Certificate of Correction has been examined and shows that it co~cts an error in the Tract Number shown on the above referred to tract map. ~£~ ~os h Elliott Cl ty Engineer 18730 Reg. number Çcuv. 1; /9' /t1 Bate ( ---,-,,- CITY OF CAMPBELL : ft' ,¡ '--. : '"" It." ' í f;.. '. ,'..--""--------, /..,- " " .', "..' '.' "'-~-i Þ~== i " ,',;== ~II , c-, !, - ,'-"'-, -"", '.--- ~~----..-I- -' '-0"" ---'-- '--- ,i I LL___- " I - " --'- ---____1 ,í '""..-..L.. ""-~ r-'--I 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Department: Public Works June 3, 1982 Carl Franklin Builders 14407 Chester Avenue Saratoga, CA 95070 Subject: One Year Maintenance Acceptance Permit No. 80-325 (N.C. 25) Location: 599 El Patio Drive Gentlemen: We have made a one year maintenance inspection of subject public works improvements and find that no maintenance is required. By copy of this letter, we hereby release your maintenance bond. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT Director of Public Works !ytV' , DAVID N. VALKENAAR Project Engineer DNV: cc: Norm Samson Bond Co. Surety Insurance Co. of America, P.O. Box 2430, La Habra, CA 90631 Bond No. 550829 ~ ./ ~ / .:. (") r.¿ ~"r.~...-:..., \' '.., """'r , '" r:- ...- C ü:. ~.. -' "-'J t...: -.., ~H AMPBELL Sf:': !'~" . ,_. ....,..".f,~T CODE !iSf\;IbtttH CENTRAL AVENUE 0' A1 ¡.¡f UQ:2U,\ U é.l1'Y m CAM~aEU. EilAMÞB&:LL. CA 95008 ',. NOTICE OF COMPLETION í()L NOTICE is hereby given that CITY OF CAMPBELL as OWNER ~. and Joseph Elliott -;J It ' . 711Z337 ",.~ ,),O(t (cq'¡ç' "'"' ,..- -'-,-, -,;..",'\r~¡¡ ~t!,f'i! : i .',\ t'.',\.,\ i ,U I ,- ,,-. ,,"..,' .. ¡' ¡\~ ' 11 U L\ 5 A 9: 3 0 r" -., "": ;..l ¡ ') ,-' ,'-,: '1:1,{ \, ',:- "" I \,', \ ¡" " ,,' . ,.:¡ Above Space for Retorder-' the undersigned, as City Engineer caused subdivision improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said subdivision improvements was actually accepted on the of June , 19 81 That the name of the subdivider said owner is Carl Franklin Builders G 214 ;'!G~ 634 22nd day for That the nature of title of said city to said subdivision improvements is that of owner in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all owners of said property are: REC, ÆE MICRO LIEN NOT NAME ADDRESS SMPF City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, Ca. 95008 That the property herein referred to and on which said subdivision improvements are located is situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: Tract No, 6~N.C. 2~ --~.... .. , .-/ and having the following address: Dated July 1 , 19 81 1 of 2 ~~ JÍs E lott City Engineer NOTICE OF COMPLETION }h ' {" 9 '-I S.- . j¡Ú.~l ",J C . ( 'z;;) NOTICE is hereby given that CITY OF CAMPBELL as OWNER and Joseph Elliott the undersigned, as City Engineer caused subdivision improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said subdivision Above Space for Recorder improvements was actually accepted on the of June , 19 81 That the name of the subdivider said owner;s Carl Franklin Builders 22nd day for That the nature of title of said city to said subdivision improvements is that of owner in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all owners of said property are: NAME ADDRESS City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, Ca. 95008 That the property herein referred to and on which said subdivision improvements are located is situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: Tract No. 6945 (N.C. 25) and having the following address: Dated July 1 , 19 81 1 of 2 ~~~ s E lOtt City Engineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ss. I, Joseph Elliott, being duly sworn, says: That I am the City Engineer for said City of Campbell, the owner of the property described in the foregoing notice; that I have read the foregoing notice, and know the contents thereof; and the facts therein stated are true of my own knowledge. ¿:y/ "r4fß oseph Elliott City Engineer Subscribed and sworn to before me this fL day Of~' 1981 0Jw~ ~L 7YJ" C~ Notary Public in and for said County of Santa Clara, State of California. ~-" ~-"'-"-" OFFICIAL SEAL I CHARLENE M CASE NOTARY PUBLIC - CAlIFOI<NIA SANTA CLARA COUNTY I My comm. expires OCT 1, 1983 ~._~-:-" . ." 2 of 2 ,/ .... EX C A V A T ION PER M I T Po-3::L) 7ji<: ~ ~~ 11/ / /, - ~-? ~.~ ~ I ,., C:TY OF CAMPBEll DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 75 N. Central Avenue Clmpbell. CA. 95008 (408) 378-8141. ext. 220 APPLICATION Pe",1t No. Ref. fl1e App. dlte Issue date Expires ! ;: u ... VI VI ~ ... t; i ~ !Ë c: ~ .J A. A. c: Appl1cation 11 hereby lllde for In excavat1on pel"llit in accordance with Culpbel1 Munic1p11 Code. Section 11.04. A. location of work: ~ç ¿ p)(? I/o .i) æ!. J'IIB" B. Nature of work: 17 {' ilê ¡., ~ .(.i..u, fftt/5 - ~"dd Ù/K I K - /lA:/,¡:l -51- £I:E,£ r C. Attach three (3) copies of a drawing show1ng the location. extent and d1_ns1ons of the work. TIle drlw1ng shall show the relation of the proposed work to ex1lting surface and underground 1l1Provlllents. When ap- proved by the City Engineer. slid drawing becomes I plrt of this permit. D. The Generll Conditions for 111 permits Ire listed on the reverse side. Spechl Provisions for this permit are l1sted below. Fll1ure to abide by these conditions and provisions ..y result in job shut-down and/or forfeiture of Flithful Perfonlllnce and ClSh Bonds. (See General Conditions 1 and 2.) ....:. E. An Ippl1cat1on fee of $25 IIISt accOlll )any this appl1cation. This is non-refundable and w111 be Ippl1ed toward the total permit fee if the permit is cons_ted. F. See Generll Condition 5 regarding cOll lletion and acceptance of the work. ? or 7- ~ ) '17 flue of ApPl1cant--=::;:r-~,M tr> #c ~;-II/Kb~ Telephone: 377- D177 1./ <;J L N--o t.. J4 K- rt,--r; it: K'/ ':;..! Ad.:! 1 ¡/ ~ Ar J {!. f~' t¡4-òf 1 *Name of Contractor C ~ k? j F£)t(l, IV K L ¡J/t- 1SJ¡/~ ::j::'11Jt:,.. Telephone: Y ~fc,- I>d <¡ I Address /<¡<'.f-(1 -¡ (2 #IÆ~ '¡a:;~ ¡í! 1/& ~ .s~JI' JIf. Iv 'hI!- . ed-. State Contractor license No. 3.s / :3 '? 7 City Business licens: No.~9;;' y *MOTE: The Contractor ..st have I current State Contrlctor's license and City of Clllpbe11 Business license. Jv13/l>At Address .... SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. Street :;hlll IIOt be open cut for uncIe"J"OUlld hlsta11ations. ,""i- cuts 8V be a11owci for COftIW'.ct1nn~ or explorltion holes. s.ch cvts 8115t lie spec1fica11y 8f) f'Ovcd by the I"SllCCtor. 2. hv_nt construction or restoration shall be: ~--v-' ~~-~ a. As shown on p1lns. b. Existing section plus 2-1nches A.C. with 4-1nches A.C. on 12-1nches R-78 base rock or 9-1nches A.C. held IS I lIin1- section. c. Mote - Existing chip seals shall be replaced to conform with the surrounding plvelent surface. 3. The hours of work are 11Mited to outside the hours of 7-9 a.lI. and 3-6 p.lI. 4. Work to be staked by I 11censed Land Surveyor or Civl1 Engineer and two (2) copies of the cut sheets sent to the Pub11c Works Departllent before starting work. ...... ! ;: u ... VI ... ~ ~ i ~ 5. NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN TO THE CITY AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. PHONE 378-8141. ext. 220. If" Receipt No. 's '8 .~ 011(; 6 y- 4.-.¿¥ -¡'I? ' 6 Cf if ç/" I {¡ PaC/f ¡;, lv ¡""'~ CASH DEPOSIT REQUIRED n{ -r -,;(# 'j 7 ;2 7 ~~ ( ) ~ $ (tA iJ /-v4 vI--, /~v ~), ßvu- :~~:~E:or ~:s::n:~P ;2 ~ ~ ~ - ¡ 0' 7 - ~ ~ or ty ng neer Date The Pel"ll1ttee hereby agrees by Iff1x1ng his signature to this perll1t to hold the City of Clllpbell, its officers. agents and employees free. safe and harmless from any claiM or delland for d8lllges resulting 'Á::(J;;:'; th~:~¿~ it /1 /v - ~: ;l ¡) ¡'ola/JtJ - ?, -uVP' Mount .. .... - ~ $ 25.00 $ $ J. ;(), ¡JO PERMIT APPLICATION FEE BOND FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE /t-{¡--%ZJ ~ 4!' 9 0 ~' 1 '/f rl$ ~CL ¡- Subject: PUBLI C WORKS DEPARTMENT REQU I REMENTS \-- '2 -\D D¿ ---------------------------7---------------------------~\V The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for ~ 0 the to 11 owi ng development: u.. a2. APPLICANT i /~i--.t Ç:-t:"'/\t-~" It,; ~':'~-(...I-<.', /' 'v ~ ~ BUILDING ADDRESS ~--(7:: ~:: I íl'T I <' î~ - ~ - COUNTY ASSESSORIS ~ . PARCEL NUMBER ~~ -1 '-'" -- /t-.5 - "7 ~ APPROVAL NUMBER T - Tt ~ ':' '+¿~ ~ ([ tD PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER l: I í / -, ~ ~ -:2 . \..- :r LJõSEPH ELLIOTT \ ~ 2 8 <:.J. 0 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS 6 \D \.Ù W By : ¡.. /,¡ ~ <t aL oJ. If ' -- - j.. ~.-+- Date: ./~. ..... '" CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMORANnUM To: BUILDING DEPARTMENT Date: il.,V~ 0)';' -¡-- ~=_6, ¡ )[::0 From: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT L 2 )- ..J. I J? 'j C> C> ~ ~ If) If) ~ N N o tI o tI " ~\ o tI o tI 4 I- o tI o tI z o tI i' \j I ::J * If) 0 « :;: « u « r- r- .J ~ ~ 0 0 0 .J '" W4: l/) mz I- D..~ (Y) ~ a: 0\ 0\ :!:~ I UJ r- r- a. 0 " - «4: a: '- .- LlJ 0 r') M l> U~ >- u UJ u Z LJ.J u.J LlJ u.üJ = <=> a::: 0 UJ oæ :;: I- « >-~ 0 0 0 z t-U r- - z U ::> 0 ... U a: zo . U lJ.J C"" ...:z~ 4: ID ~~ ~v.eo lJ.J ~ "'.eo": ::> ::> \ I :rl~~a:I Z Z _u 1II:....eo lJ.J 0 l:1. "'l1li0'" :...::;z a: > z """.eCl 0 lJ.J ::> i>¡;¡ LL a: LL '" a: "' .J U >- >- ü ..J ..J lJ.J ID ~ a. ~~ ...4: c: U jLL ...0 >- I- U 111 \Ø \Ø "I:t "'1:1' 0 01 Z P. W. Fit e No. TO: CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the fol1owing monies: Acct. 3372 3370 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 1372 _.J72 3373 3373 3373 337.2 337-~ ' . ~~2t 352~ 3521 Items Prel iminary Environmenta1 Impact Report Fee ($50.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee ($765/acre--$170/1ot minimum) Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of va1ue Tentative Parce1 Hap Fi1ing Fee ($50.00) Tentative Tract Hap Fi1ing Fee ($100.00) Fina1 Parcel Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Fina1 Tract Hap Fi1ing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Pub1ic Streets and Easements Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment for first p1us $60.00 each additiona1) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($100.00) Certificate of Comp1iance ($100.00) Hap Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and P1ans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Contro1 Handbook ($2.00) Project P1ans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit App1ication Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value) Cash Depos t t ~ Faithfu1 Performance Deposit MaIntenance Bond Deposit ($200.00) ($200.00 TOTAL Name ~~;:¡~~.~ Address J ~ l/ 6 7 ~ c.ê-v-< J ~ Phone Zip FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. 87;;l 7 Amount Paid ~02.s-ð d----ß Rece Ived by c¿H Date /6- 8'- ðlO go-3:2.~- Amount .,:2 .r-o . crD $ ~çõ,ð() li 6 b -it.r? / 9 ¡õ 7 è> February, 1980 TO: Acct. 3372 3370 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 ')~72 ..)72 3373 3373 3373 3372 3372 3521 352~ 3521 P . w. F i1 e No. CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: I terns Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($50.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee ($765/acre--$170/1ot minimum) Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of va1ue Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($50.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Pub1ic Streets and Easements ($200.00) ($200.00 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment for first p1us $60.00 each additiona1) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($100.00) Certificate of Compliance ($100.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of va1ue) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL , Na~~L~ Addres 4~~ ~ . ~ ð ò..- 3~) /" Amount ,;¿ ,C, p-[) $ 2. r, ¿;r¿) 73 JI -::2/ f'~ 57¥' -477 c¡'t/og 7 . Phone Zip FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. 0 ?? C:, ~ go Amount paid~J ~ Rece i ved by c:l-;'/ Date /t) - 6 - Çð February, 1980 v1'," if LJ) \. March 4, 1981 EllIO;; I ' ."~.o,, "'~-n .. ..~~¡ HELMS-.-.t "'..'.""'.'" -.-".'-..'-,'.:.,~. ..1 - ."" - # , ~~' "'~,....,.(."'-"<=="-J' ~ -- ii;';-~_o. :, 'Ii ¡ If --',._I¡ I II ' J; 'i CITY OF CAMPBEll 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Department: Pub 1 i c Works i\í.,----- '--_.- .. Mr. Gerald Marozick Pacific Gas & Electric Company 325 Saratoga Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 . RE: CAMPBELL MUNICIPAL LIGHTING DISTRICT ENERGIZING OF ELECTROLIER Dear Mr. Marozick: The following electrolier was recently installed as a part of Tract No. 6945. The electrical contractor was Butcher Electric. Please energize it and add it to the billing of the Campbell Municipal Lighting District. Luminaire Location 55-W., loP.S. 240-volt North side of El Patio Drive 155 feet west of El Patio Court Thank you; should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, James Penoyer Engineering Technician Lynn M. Snyder Engineering Aide LMS!l e I SPEEDOMETER <¡TOP START TOTAL DIAl ~ ?'ò - ~~ DATE 3-<l-y:' I E/ßhð PAGE NO. CONTRACT LOCATION 17? ~ 9- ¥...:=>- WEATHER TEMP. MIN. MAX. p~~~* Pl-~E .~ ~J~}-~ ~d A~ ,. 1- cç/!s~tJ ~,P~ ~~ .£ / ßþJ V,e ~ £/ ~~ 61-. ~~-~-, ~~~a MBF WORKING DA Y NO. SIGNED INSPECTOR HOURS WORKED --- ~ct9 ....... ...... ~?ø'" ~c,...."'" . +'~j, ~ , .,. // . <7~ c . ','" "'éiÞ ~ ~ .~ :-..¡ ~ ..... .. ~ I \ \ ---::' , -. -'. + \-a--S?- .... 'i't- -, --- U' ~ <;>~' .;¡;;-- -::> '::!> .- .~~ " ~ --- ) ,~~ ~~ \ \\~ \ \\. \ \~ \\ \\~ V"~~ ~.š.! ;,¡¡.. "éP. ~- ~ . . <.» ,\I) ~. (.) , <;.). ~ ~ \0, ~ \ IS' ~ +", , ' 83. /G I ~~ /00.0 \ I.. rr'.4127 \ 6\ ~ . ~ -d"~ C) .s- C) .... /0 \ , ~ ~ . --. '- " , //8 , 2f:, b for ol;Jw '.. o~ C;;C;; c;;<V ~c;; "\'" :\)'" (.0 ';)<c ~ ~ I'r) II ~~ " V) ~ ~ c~. í "1 ( D '\J J :J ~ J ) , I¡ 9, IS- 4- 1'/)0 IJ'f,.s-/ .st-51) l?tJ, tJt/ I g1'Oo \ 19°, /7 2-t5° /9/,5'1 2-roo LPI?/.;" \ /"'.$7) J ~ I::: I t Co N C- (~f>'~; PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY ~ I 6402 SANTA TERESA BOULEVARD. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95119 . (408) 225-9450 . September 9,1980 .T£f.iF:t " E I \.t.t'> ""\' ;.. ',I [~fP- .Mr. Joseph Elliott . Director of Public Works .75 N. Central Ave., .Campbell, CA 95008 PUB!" F I""'" ..tv, , ., """: j Subject: Junction Box Locations forlTract 694~ El Patio Ct., Campbell . Dear Mr. Elliott: Enclosed are prints of our estimate drawing showing the proposed electric junction box locations for this tract and suggested means of serving the proposed electroliers. If you have any questions, please call Mr. T. J. Me Andrews 225-9450, ext. 245 Sincerely, c?,,~¿"'()[q~?:.- J. H. Roberts District Electric Superintendent E D ~- C B A _om o~".. 1 I~ -.' r -' _'n._.o~_o...~~o_'_.~ 2 °1 ~I "I 3 4 5 ~i "' 7 8 :1i '! Q-' Ck' Q' ~. V _.__.J '--'" ,I / /"ì / / 1 ! ( / ) I I ~ I ~-~ ! ~ '\ , E'ÙSTI~ Go \ KF--,>IDu-JCL , \0 ¿'OJJo.A'~ ,,~? ,<, ~O"M '00'" ì '. ---"'\ /' , -~-:~~,,~C~ ..~) ~;::, 0'° PT~ 0_"'- '," ,; '"I. ""1' U-~(; ~ ÔU?G"- '0"£ ~.,~ """,-;H""E) ':.ú. ""'TM,-£CL'-""'" {rl .' /' c ; ..: ,: I ~I ,'J. ~<T ~ ",' ,'- G-";> ( "'" D.o" 6 J I . J1L.J'~-r-- ,--- ¡ I i ö '-.! ! 0 -----...~~ ! ~ -----'- r¡; " ~ \~!?) .)¡ ~.7'5' 'l-l@ ¡.: \J (J ¡::: to? ~ - .j ~ \¡J e '--- I t- .....J ,--Î C:> ; ! " I c' b J r- + ( I I ! ,i ~ ----- ,-----r -2.1A 7G ,0 , ,<~ . 'i ~ I ' "A..'" ".o.H I <; < ~. " .' v., 'k .. ----...... ~ ~ ' 1,'- .. <0' ,.<m, ~., . . . ,,' .. - -~ ----~~ ' ~ ! .: .s',,~,'I""""o,c ,;;;;:;;;>:::"\, " .'T4""'-P,""," *~-".",..-.,,'., ..~.~~ , ~..., ~.... /" ,_U"IW~! 'r" it. (I) ~ ---,C- ,- " v..,/, /// '~.JA\P"""I,"~L~'~':""",i:"-"",, 1 ,", .',1 , >' - ..f. " <. ,.,...... ~ ,,' ,..< ,",0" --- t I ..... ----/f..}-~í" \" nh.. " ".m. .. ' .. / \ ~ ",., ""c,,, ,""MC.'" ^' ...,..,~, ~,-,,/=, \ ," 'H";:'<~;';'" ":::<~,;o,, .:-"::'; ';4::::: "'=_",0 0 <- - - '0" '0_0,.. ' -«« ' 7 < ,-'- ,'- - ~m - <"°5 -~-' """ C", - ..""" ' ,-", ", ~ , ",¿' è ,," ~""",'~ ' " '""0' çþ"'O ~ ~CC 5",~ r- /\,.- '/ ,------------ Ir '"L"~ 9 ',- r- ~ ,~' . " " ,,',<j I r . J)':, ) I "--cc- -^, ~I~J b,ICC"-;,'_'L"I.. * '-,ll_'" (I Ú..'d,<'r"') I-\\_L -,El'lirE=. '/of'L- éc,?-'J \ 1--) A. -- ù,::. \Jì~Yr)( .::;-r. ; ¿ -¡~ f'C /' I / / ",'" I c,__.rLnJr , Î'---.. N'~' / Ie.... IV\. ," ~ \ 'L. 0 / ZYti~ -..J I Y CLA,:;'~ ~ \ ¡ I AE.E:Hr "~'. "9\;,,"-'C'f \ 1.. 1<.../ Ir->"¡ùL, ',J To ,é,rr 1'2" /2D-1Ir-JD FACE. oFcJ,-o,'. ",,'- ".~--'iJ-"'<' ".ce:, I -r¡---: I ,---r---r- B1'¡.'J"""""'~1 [SUey, . " DSGN OWN. CHKD, . -' 0 K. ' ,,' c~ ~oA!E._~ I SCALES L.-. - -- - ! I il -- , I +---+ OM ,"EC I DNN. i CHKD I SUP\!, AND. aT "'-'>::>.- COo "" ,,",C' ~ "".x: ,cP, APYD, aT "" OATE DESCRIPTlOI< REVISIONS - . , S I ~ " il ~' ~o óCHI>JD .:... .:.t,>,~_.<' c' - PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA " l \1 ("-'. \ë) ! \ "1\'" II" " ,to "",\'o.J ,"-107""'\' "" ~w, i I ¡ 'Î I i ~ , " I '~'ICROFILM I !.!"L~O~MATL_,__.. .- ..DWG ,LIS,! ..--- -,,-- .2L'PSD,s_--__- .s.Uf'S~Y_._-_..,- SHEET NO, ,,' SHEETS ,- "--'--,RE'i, "\ ',' -I- I ì I I INCH r.-- .. ... 1 STATE 01" CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS DISTRICT IV ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO p, O. BOX 3366, RINCON ANNEX SAN FRANCISCO 19 150 OAK STREET SAN FRANCISCO 2. CALIFORNIA UN DERHILL 3-0222 July 17, 1963 PLEASE REFER zvr.r¿ ~ 5..c mb Relinquishment No. 31319 Honorable City Council City of Campbell 7~ North Central Avenue Campbell, California Gentlemen: Attached for your files i$ a copy of the resolution of the California Highway Commission, IS recorded on July 9, 1963. relinquishing to the City of Campbell of a public road connection at £1 Patio Avenue, Road IV-SCl-5-Cmb. Copies of this resolution are also being transmitted to the City Planning Commission, the City Manager, City Clerk and City Engineer. Very truly yours, J. P. SIN:LAIR Assistant State Highway Engineer Ohh..... I'l.Ac ""'¡"""r¡n "y H. B. SMITH Supervising Right of Way Agent MKlco cclClty .Planninç Co-isslon, City Clerk City wan&çer, City ~~Jlneer BOO~ 6096 f'G trJ , 'f':'L;)U'J\;(~:':R-tl~' [ , , ,, 1)\/ C'. ¡ (. <" V' "i , I I I ' ) i ,~ 24iJ66!~:3 RELINQUISHMENT OF HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY IN THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, ROAD IV-SCl-5-Cmb RELINQUISHMENT NO. 31319 WHEREAS, the California Highway Commission on November 11, 1951, adopted a resolution declaring certain sections of State highway in the County of Santa Clara on Route 5 between 0.5 mile south of Los Gatos and Hamilton Avenue and on Route 42 between Route 5 (new) and Santa Cruz Avenue, road IV-SCl-5,42-C,LGts,D;LGts, to be a freeway; and ^ WHEREAS, a portion of said freeway now lies within the City of Campbell; and 0 WHEREAS, the State of California has acquired right of way for and has constructed a public road con- nection in the City of Campbell ,at E1Patio Drive, road IV-SCl-5-Cmb, in connection with said freeway; and WHEREÀs, by freeway agreement dated June 28,1954, the City agreed to accept control and maintenance of said road connection upon relinquishment thereof to said City by the State of California; and' WHEREAS, this Commission has found and determined, and does hereby find and determine, that it is desirable and in the public interest that said road connection be relinquished to the City of Campbell for use as a city street; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS VOTED by the California Highway Commission that it relinquish, and it does hereby relinquish to the City of Campbell, effective upon recorda- tion of a certified copy hereof, with the Recorder of Santa Clara County, said road connection in said city, together with the right of way and appurtenances thereof, described as follows: '\-') '-------, ~ BOOK 6096 fu100 A public road lying westerly of the main traveled ways of State freeway, road IV-SCl-5-Cmb, being described as follows: All of that parcel of land described in the Deed No. 15158 to the State of California recorded June 29,1955 in Volume 3180, Page 317, Official Records of Santa Clara County. The length of road hereby relinquished is 0.04 of a mile, more or less. The purpose of this resolution is to vest in the City of Campbell as a city street all of the State of California's right, title, and interest in and to the public road hereby relinquished. , :¡ ~~" .~~> ;,~':~'""~',~ :'~:.'::.;~;~ " '. :', .1 i -- '., ',. ;' i: :::,:' , - " ," 'J .. : ' <' '" THIS IS TO CERTIfY That the foregoing is a full and correct copy of the original resolution passed by the California Highway Com. mission at its meeting regularly called and held on the 27th day QL----J:1J.D.fL__., 1963, in the City ofS_Q.,QP£II1en tQ., a majority of the members of said Commission being present and voting therefor, Dated this.__,~ng-__,day otm~_--,~'lJ,J~L,_--_--,-_.., 196,3 -- ----Ø-~&« :L,L!lf.if!~,4~:~__- -- " , ROBERT T, MARTIN ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY COMMISSION ... '. (- " , ,- , ; ., , ( , ' , . , . EST, ..,., 044'612", OM SPO ( ') 2!\(~h\)J,) ~t ,} / 5GU GO Df; ;l ~lJ " /" ,+-\.;" \ l!.-,j i ') ,I f ' c:, ( C'!'-- " ,vl, ,,~ ¡;J:'~:~ 0 i ì - \, i i '/".J J I,. J r :' , - " .:: ',:; =- ') ::~:¡",":', ," ,',,:,í": s:, ' ; '. , , ,¡ , , ,; , " " r---T-~ ('~ . ------ .J~4i' ("q</) RESOLUTION NO. sq fJ8 -694~ BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVIN~ FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 6945, EL PATIO DRIVE, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE PROPOSED AGREEMENT WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 6945, El Patio Drive, for approval; and WHEREAS, an agreement, approved by the City Attorney as to form, which covers certain conditions of approval of said map, has been presented; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has certified that the map conforms to Subdivision Map Act and City Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be and the same is hereby approved and that any real property offered for dedication for public use is accepted on behalf of the public in conformity with the terms of the offer of dedication. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th by the following vote: day of August , 1980, AYES: Counci lmen: Paul, Doetsch, Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Hammer NOES: Counc i 1 men: None ABSENT: Counc i 1 men None APPROVED: Russell J. Hammer Mayor ATTEST: Phyllis O. Acker City Clerk 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378-2407 SERVING RES/DENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY August 12, 1980 City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Re TRACT 6945 El Patio Drive This is the Districtls "clearance letter" for the recordation of subject development. This District has reviewed and approved the plans for the sewer system servicing this development. Fees due this District have been paid. Bond, adequate to insure subject sewer system installa- tion, has been posted with this District. In short, all of the District's requirements for tract recordation have been met. Very truly yours, stephen H. Goodman ~~ïI~ By P. R. Nichols Assistant öistriét Engineer PRN~ San~o Clara Valley Wcler Dishid G - FLOOD HAZARD REPORT FC 59 (08-10-77) 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOSE, CALI FORNIA 95118. (408) 265-2600 July 29,1980 State of California Division of Real Estate 185 Berry Street, Room 5816 San Francisco, California 94107 RECEIVED JUL l) 1 h tJ - 1!:J80 PUBLIC ~ £NGINEEÆ~~S Gentlemen: A request has been received from Santa Clara County Title Company r:':;:::::~ - 'a!ive!c Tract 6945 located within the City of Campbell to prepare a flood hazard Watershed. in the Los Gates ("-reek The following report is based on data available to the Santa Clara Valley Water District and is not intended to supplant any required report from the federal Insurance Administration, fK-J The site would not be subject to flooding in the event of a 1% flood flow from a District Facility under either present or foreseeable future conditions, (This is a flow having a 1 % chance of being equalled or exceeded in any year.) D The site would be subject to flooding from Creek in the event of the 1 % flood flow, It is estimated that the channel has a present capacity to pass a flow which has a % chance of being equalled or exceeded in any year. No assurance can be given as to date at which flood protection will be provided. Any information available to us regarding possible future protection is given below under "Additional Comments", 0 A flood hazard to the site does not exist under present conditions. A 1% flood hazard to this site may develop as conditions change, Additional Comments: For information concerning the hazard from and disposition of local or surface storm water within and adjacent to this site, please contact the City of Cœøpbcll, Department of Publio Works cc: Santa Clara County Title Company 701 Miller Street San Jose, California 95110 Attn: Ms. Valerie Botar Subdivision Services Mr. Joseph Elliott, Director of Public Works, City of Campbe~! - - Sincerely yours, ORIGINAL SIGNED BY W, F.Carlsen Division Engineer Design Coordination Division COP'. ,.-'/ f) / ere;, Tíð PACIFIC a-.AS AND ELEcrrRIC c a ~11: F -"-A:... N Y + 10900 ~¡U, BLANEY AVENUE CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014 (408) 253-2']10 .July 29, 1980 <RECEIVE/) JUL :), í::J80 RUB LIe w £NGINEE~X~S .Mr. Joseph Elliott Director of Public Works 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA. 95008 Subject: EaseI:lent Approval for Tract 1/6945 Dear Si:2: The Public Utility Easer.1ents sho'..;'.1- on the fine.l copy of the tract present<3d. prior to recording, ere adequate and satisfactoI7 for the installation of tr...is c Gr.1p any I s gas an:i electric distribution facilities. Should you have any questio~1s, please call i,Il~. Don Dixon at 253-20íO. Sincerel;y, A. STEVENSON j~. Stevenson _---is tri;;t .c.:le ctri:; :3 U:;::;erinterlC~3n-¡:. PT&T APasquinelli Allied Engineering Co. Tract File @ Pacific Telephone 1333 Lawrence Expressway Building 300 Santa Clara, California 95051 July 28,1980 Mr. Joe Elliott City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA. 95008 RE: Tract 6945 Dear Sir: We have no objection to the P.S.E.'s as shown on the attached map. P.S.E.'s do not, however, constitute "an easement acceptable to the utility," as described in our Rule 16 1. C. 2b. It may, therefore be advantageous for the developer to grant our Company a Right-of-Way for a portion of the telephone facilities to be placed on the property served. Any arrangements for such an easement will be made directly with the developer. Yours very truly, J.O.m. ~ð-~d~ .~ fr'W. R. Jones Engineering Manager WRJ:pal cc: Allied Engineering, Co. 3170 Williams Road San Jose, CA. 95117 STRù,-i'URAL SECTION DESIGN WORKS.- --ET TI = R = PROJECT T/<.o #- "'='45 ~ b ZD Source: DATE 7- (7-80 So { L.~ g€ PoR.l FO R- ,12- . ~ C:, 34' 7 -+ AC/ROCK ALTERNATE (p ~ ¿-z. AC THICKNESS CALCS: GEAC = 0.0032 (TI) (lOO-R)~ Þ4-ZZ~ Cl 2 Agg. Base R Value = 78 .L- It GEAC (...4'2-24-)-:- GfAC ( 2-.32- ) = cr ì8Z1 ft. thick A.C. 3z = .Z-<317 Rounding up to inches (min.3~ inches)A.C. GEAC=('¿')X2,3Z)~ D,bT7 TOTAL SECTION THICKNESS CALCS: GETot = 0.0032 (TI)'- (lOO-R)8D ~ " 53G:. Native material R Value = .~ GE (I, 53~ ) - GEAC ( ."1"1 Tot GEAB ( . 8S~ )-:- GfAB ( 1.1 AC/ROCK ALTERNATE: .3 ~ II AC on (Do not use if A.B. is less than DEEP STRENGTH ALTERNATE ) = GEAB ( , B 5~ ) = . °761 ft. thick A.B. ;:: ~.~" ~t II Cl 2 Agg. Base 4 inches.) (Using Asphalt Concrete Thickness Guide attached.) DEEP STRENGTH ALTERNATE: ~" A. C . --t Port 7 -Design PLANNING MANUAL 7-604.4 ~---- . '" - ........ -'" Apro! 16, 1<-70 TAGLE 7-604.3 Grovel Equivalent, of Structural Layar, in Feet ASPHALT CONCIŒTE Ccmc!ht-treated ---. ---- 8G8C Traffic Index (TI) Aure- :; DT8 Cl- Aggre- gate and 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 10.5 ]1.5 12.5 13.5 and gate 8Ub- below 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 LTB A D base base Actual 1-. thicknc811 Gravel F.quivaicnt I'-scw!" (Gr>I'f" GI Gf G!.¡g GI of layer feet 2.50 2.32 2.14 2.01 1.89 1.79 1.71 1.64 I.S7 I.S2 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.1 1.0 0.10__---.--. 0.25 0.23 0.21 0,20 0.19 0.11\ 0,17 0.1t> 0.16 0.15 0.12 ...---.------- --.----- _--_--00 0.15___00---' 0.3S 0.35 0.32 O.~,O 0.28 0.27 0.26 0.25 0.24 0.23 0.18 --..-----.---. ---. - - - - - - . - - -.. 0.20._------- 0.50 0.46 0.43 0,40 0.3S 0.3{j 0.31 0,33 0.31 0.30 0.24 --_--00----'-- --.----- 0.2500 - - --.-- 0.63 0.58 O.M 0.50 0.47 0.45 0.43 0.41 0_39 0.38 0.30 --_"-n .-...-.------- -------- . O.:tO_------.- 0.75 0.70 0.64 0.60 0.57 0.54 O.St 0.49 0.47 0.46 0.36 - - - -- - -- -......------- -.. - - - - - ---.---- O.as_-------- 0.88 0.81 0.75 0.70 0.66 0.63 O.GO 0.S7 O.SS O.sa 0.42 .,,-....------ 0.39 0.35 0.40- -- - -- --- 1.00 0.93 0.86 0.80 0.76 0.72 0.68 0.66 0.63 0.61 0.48 ___00_'_--_-'- 0.44 0.40 0.45_- -- --.- - - - - - -- 1.04 0.96 0.90 0.85 O.SI 0.77 0.74 0.71 0.68 0.54 0.77 0.54 0.50 0.45 0.50__--__--- "--" 1.16 1.07 1.01 0.95 0.90 0.86 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.60 0.85 0.00 O.SS 0.50 O.bS..--__--- _--__--_n-- 1.]8 1.11 1.04 0.98 0.94 0.90 0.86 0.84 0.66 0.94 0.66 0.61 G.bS 0.60__------- --u-------.--.--- 1.21 1.]3 1.07 1.03 0.98 0.94 0.91 0.72 1.02 0.72 0.66 0.60 0.65_.--_--_- ------------------ 1.31 1.23 1.16 1.11 1.07 1.02 0.99 0.78 1.11 0.78 0.72 0.6.'> 0.70_-------- ------______n_-----_--- 1.32 \.25 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.00 0.84 1.19 0.84 0.77 0.70 0.75_--_--_-- ------------------------------ 1.34 1.28 1.23 1.18 1.14 0.90 1.28 0.90 0.83 0.7S 0.80- -- - - - -- - -------------------------'---- 1.43 1.37 1.31 1.26 1.22 0.96 1.36 0.96 0.88 0.80 0.85____----- n-___--- - - ---. ----- ----. - --- - 1.62 1.45 1.39 1.33 1.29 1.02 1.,(5 1.02 0.94 0.85 0.90--____--- ---------------------~--------_._--- 1.54 1.48 1.41 1.37 1.08 I.sa 1.08 0.99 0.90 0.95____--_-- ----.------------------------------------- 1.55 1.,(9 1.4-4 1.14 1.62 1.14 1. OS 0.95 1.00----~---- ------------------------------------------ 1.64 1.57 1.52 1.20 1.70 1.20 1.10 1.00 1.05-__--__-- -----------------------.------------------------ 1.65 1.60 1.26 1.79 1.26 1.16 1.05 ) G~ NOTJo;S: nTH is bituminous Ireal('cl b:l!w. "Tn iR lime trented b4~. )o'nr th.. d..si"n of road-mixM .sobalt surf.cia&!. Ulle (1.8 of tbe ,.¡{,,?S- ~ t ' . .~~ C)'.., "", .,,', "'C' "'" - '\ bSPIW~T CONCRETE THICKNESS GUIDe " , , .. . " ASPHALT CONCRETE THICKNESS (F'!'.LF'R0I1 TIIICKNJ:SS DESIGN MANUAL C!'1S..1) ~ 7th EDITION, ' ,- " , , . ". " ' -" " I DL:;1 ~~ -I~" -- , TRAFfIC TRAFFIC N~~~~K t ~~~~) ,,' , , '" .. , ' , , "--.- --- --- R VALUE (CALIFORNIA) OF U~~ERLYING SOIL, . . ' 5 10 15 20 25 30 .' 35 40 45 50', 55 60 65, 70. 75 8l 0.14 4.0 0.40 0.40 0.35,0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.3~ 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.:35 0.33 0.39, 4.5 0.50 0.50 0.45 0.40 " II II II II II .. .. , II .. II II . ',:' , - 0.95 5.0 0.60 0.55 0.50 0.50 0.45 0.40,0.40 " .. .. . .. .. 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II "', 1..150 13.5 1.45 1.40 1.35 1.25 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.05 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 0.70 0.65 0.60 It 5800 14.0 1.50 1.!'5, 1.35 1.30 1.25 1.20 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.85 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.60 .. , , 10 }:OTE: To use Chart. use JI to left - R-Value across - at intersection, read thi~kness' of asphalt' concrete required. - ~!hen no further r~duction in thickness Is in~tcated", it may be ass~œad the minimum reco~~ended thickness has bee,1 rea~hçd. :, ", " F; \ (: Ï'( L C:!:- ~) ALLIED ENGINEERING COMPANY A DIVISION OF KEN MAR, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS 3170 WilLIAMS ROAD SAN JOSE, CALIF. 95117 AND lAND PLANNERS (408) 241-1960 MARSHALL J. CUFFE KENNETH J. IWAGAKI WERN ER KAH LEN June 16, 1980 File No. 7918 Mr. James Pinnoyer Assistant City Engineer City of Campne1l 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 RE: El Pati~ Car Fra~r City of Campbell 9 California Dear Mr. Pinnoyer: Circled in red on the attached approved Tentative Map for Carl Franklin are two existing joint power and telephone poles. Since these poles service several homes on the south side of El Patio Drive, Pacific Gas and Electric Company needs a decision on these poles. They feel that they probably can remain or be relocated to behind the new sidewalk improvements. Mr. Franklin understands that he will be required to underground the services to all of the units of his subdivision, but a decision on the two existing poles are requested. Also, please advise us as to the location of any street electroliers that may be required. "R¿ \c c..4+~ f,pl '! > FO L -tp b<. """2D/ fhO,.", 11-, fr"Dnt 0 t ~ ~ < ,<1'$ h;, ì +~ Yours very truly, ,~--- A 11.,1. En 1 n...~. pony J. ny .. K. J. I -- . f::tL...' ,?/ . /./ ,¡/"" /- ;' , (J beh,n /~i:Ll~. 4:-.. e.,x G~F+- r- Co- s ,'d e. l" ~<- . KI:k Structural Engineering Mobile Home Park Engineering land and Topographic Surveys Subdivision Engineering land Planning Site Development Engineering Construction Management Municipal Engineering and Reports ~ HMH, INCORPORATED CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS KENNETH H, HANKINS, R,C,E, EDWIN J, MILLER, R,C,E, JAMES T. HARPER ~ ~ ~f~1 ... 1415 KOLL CIRCLE, SUITE 107 SAN JOSE, CA, 95112 (408) 294-3232 November 28, 1978 Job No. 437-78 Mr. Bill Helms City Engineer City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Dear Mr. Helms, Pursuant to our phone conversation on November 28, 1978 this letter is to request the City of Campbell to initiate abandonment proceed- ings, if necessary, for the roadway shown traversing Lots 18 and 19 of Tract #2, Rancho Del Patio. Attached is a copy of a portion of the Tract map showing Lots 18 and 19, and the Ownerls Certificate. It may very well be that abandonment proceedings may not be necessary if in fact the stip- ulations contained in the certificate have been satisfied. The City could best attest to compliance with the certificate. In addition to the Tract map enclosed is a copy of the title report, a tentative site plan and topo map. If you need any additional data or have any questions please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, HMH, Incorporated 2~~' JS/cm Enclosure cc: Rev. Frayer RECE\VED' ~: '. .. ':""'1 , ',', r,...J-'" ':",',-;: Lì~,~,..,...;_i\\'\U J .... .  . ~OLDEN STATE TITLE COMPANY 01 Santa Cldra County 41 North F1fst Street, San Jose, California 95113 (4ü¡3) 990-4646 PRELIMINARY HE PORT "suaJ~cr to A CANCiLLATION CHARGE AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 12404 or THE INSU~ANÇt CODE & RULE 2 or THE DEPARTMENT or INSURANCE BULLETIN 74-2" ù.lr No. : j1r.)3bS )\oih 'tour 1,0.: óuyti!r In re8~On&e to the above referenced app11catlon for a pol~cy of t1tle 1nsur~nCÐ, GOL~EN STATE TITLE COMPANY of Santa Clara County nereby rQ~ort5 that 1t 15 prepared to issue, or cause to b~ issued by f~oneer National Tltle Insurance Company, as of the date hereof, a Callfor¡lid Land Title Association Standard Coverage form ?olicy at Tltle Insurance d~~crlt)ing tne land and the estate or interest tber~ln her~lna£ter set forth, 1nsuring ðgd1nst loss WbiCh may be SU~> ta.lneJ t:'j reason of <tHY {1efect, 11.en or \.?ncufllbranc.~ not shown. or retÐrr~~ tD as an xce~tlon below or not exclud.~ fro~ coverlye ,.ursudnt to t!¡t!: frliltad Sct.Hdul(1s, ':ond.ltlons and Stipula.tlons ot ~d~J POLlCY torffi. This r~~ort t~nd ~ni bu~plements or amendments thereto) lS 1s9ued ~olely tor th~ furpose of facilitating the lssuance of a policy of t~tle lnsurance ünd no liability lS assumed hereby. If It 1S jeslr~a that ll~b.lllty be a~sumed pr1or to the lssuance of a .policy of tltle lnsuranco, d Blnder or Co~mitment should be requesteJ. UJtei at ]:30 A.~.# dB of August 14, 197b Tltle Ott...c.:r: Ji,t¡,.:, [¡[I\LL- The estðt~ or i¡¡terest 1n the land nerein1fter lescr1bed or referred to covere~ ~y th1s ~~~ort 15: A FH~ Tltle to Sdld estate or lnterest at the date hereof is vestvd in: ~AL1~R ~. BOSTON anJ tLLA E. BOSTON, each ð '/2 und1v1d~d l¡.t.H,.~;t At th~ jðt~ hereof~xceptions to coverage in add1t1on to the prlnted exc~pt1~ß~ dnd exclus1ons contained in said POllCY torm would bd ":is 1.0:;'.1.010'.>: JB/.i/j PAGE 1 .  . . , ESCROW NO. 310365 1. Taxes, bonds and/or assessments (see Exhibit I attached). 2. Recltals contained 1n the owners certificate as to thdt porti~n ~~tb~n the "Future street line" as shown on the recorJeJ Mat. J. An ea~ement affecting the portion of said land and for the pur~oses st~ted herein, and incidental purposes, 4$ contaIned ~a t h;~ lnztrU,¡\'i! nt from !dnah Auth Smith fo . . Pacific Gas and ElectrIc Company, a Calltornia corporation for a 11ne of poles ¡;¡ecçràed : November 2q, 1931 1n Book 591, pa;e 372, Offlcial Records 15 tolloWi:>: Af!pcts Route 2. Be~lçnin9 at a point ~n the South~rly boundary lIne of Sdld Lot 19 distant thereon 15 fe~t Westerly fro~ thO Southeast corner of said Lot 19 and running thence South 73 d&jrees Q4 minates Wast 105.0 fQ€t, ~ore or lESS, to d polnt In the Southerly boundðry line of Sð1d Lot 19. The Grantee is also hereby '1r(~nted the right to install, replace, ~ainta~n and use, for the purpose of guying its pole dnd wile electric trans.isslon lina to be erected upon adJacent lands, two (2) anchors of such .at.rial, siz~ and/or shapa as the Grantee may determine, one thereof to be located dlong the ~est~rly boundary 11oe of Bald Lot 18 n€ùf th~ Southwest corner of said Lot 18 and the other to b~ located 410ng the westerly boundary line of Lot 8 near t;.€ Nor t hwe~~ t corner of 5,'11.\1 Lot ß, as said Lot B 15 dolln~ated dnd ~o designated upon said Map, includ1ng the rignt by means ot w~res of connecting said anchors with pol~s in th~ last m~ntlQnod 11ne. 4. A¡, ease; ent 11 ffect i ng tne port ion ot Sd.ld land d nd for the pur~o5eü st~ted her.ln, and inc~d.ntal purposes, as contained In the lnstru~~nt from : B. J. Swlth and ?dnah smith, husband an,j wife 'f,; Paciflc Gas and Electr1c Company, i1 corporatl.on f QC Electr.lcdl transmission s.lngle pole line FecorJ.el November 24, 1931 1n Book 592, Page 231, Official Records PAGE 2 . ~ --. þ . ESCRO. NO. 310365 AffectE ,:tS follows ¡ The route of said line of poles and wires across said land shall be as follows: BoJinnin~ at d point 1n said land from which the Southwest corner of lot 10, as Sd1d Lot 18 delineated and so designated upon sd~d ~ap bears North 1.7 feet distant and runn1ng tll~nc(: South 57 degrees SO aU. au tes West 199.7 feet; thence ~outh 78 degrees 32 mlnutes West 153.7 teet; thence West l~O.O feet; thence South 85 degrees 35 minutes ~est 150.0 t~et; thence ~outh 73 degrees 44 minutes West 306.0 teet, more or less, to a point 18 the Northwesterly boundary 11na of said paye Street, excepting therefrom that portion thereof lying North of the Northerly boundary line of said street d8si}ndted II PallO. Tne grantee i8 also hereby granted the r~ght to erect, md1nta1fi and USti at SUCh places on s&1d land as the 9rantee ~aj select (subject to the approvcil of the grantor) two (¿) gUt stubs for the purpose of guying sail line of poles and wlr~s, ~nçludin9 the right by means of W1res of connecting Sd1d Juy stubs W1th ~ole8 in sald l~ne. r. ...! . wecital and convQ}ance of all dam4ges to grantor's re~aininJ property contlguous to the property hereby convey~d by reason of the location, constructlon, landscape and ~d1ntendnce of said highway in the Geed from ~iles c. Abbett, et ux, to the State ot California recorded June 29, 19S5 1n Book 3180 of Official Records, page 317, Santa Clara Countj Records. NO!}::: ¡hE rOLLO~ING IS FURNISHED fOR INFORMATION vr:. Y : The only conveyances affecting Sðld land recorded wlthin ~d.X ¡Hont hs ;,r lor to the dd te of t hi;;:> report are as :. allows: ~H;NE PAGe 3 8 a . E~CROW NO. 310365 SCHEDULE C The land referr~d to here~n is described as follows: All that certa~n property situate In the City of Campbell, Coun~y of $ant~ Clara, Stóte of California, described as follows: Lot (s) 18 and 19, Tract No.2 Rdncho Del Pa tio, filed februðry 17, 1931 ~n ilook r of Maps, at pag9(s) 26, SAnta Clara County ~ecords. EXCEPT ING 'Iii f:¡';Ef HOM t he Easterly 50 tuet of Lot 18, as granted b) Jeed trom M~les c. Abbett, et ux, to the State of Callfornia record~d June 29, 1955 In Book 31~O of Oftic~al kocords, ~agQ 317, Santa Clara County Records. PAGE 4 .J ' . 8 .. . EStRO~ NO. 310)65 fXHlðIT I 1. Taxes for the flscal year 1918-1979, a lien not yet payable. General and specldl taxes tor the fiscal year 1977-1978. A3sessment No. : 279-45-7 2. Cod\:' NO. : 10-041 F~rst Installment : $561.91 paJ.d S~con~ lnstdll.~nt t $561.9 t paid Asses~€d valudtJ.on of ~€rSOnd¡ pro~~rti (rlOp~rty tdX on il,750.00 of assessed value, .xe~pt. };X(:11f¡t.:. or.) Hol7le PAGe; 5 v ':'i ,H_,~ of the ReVCIiue anJ LL\.at ion 1C Effective Date ~lar. 1, 19ï DWIQIT L. ~tATIHESEN - ASSESSOR c . [ I ' , :'- . @ / / / / / /..:t //~ / OFFICE vF COUNTY ASSE.:::::CR ) \ 'J ~ A CL"RA COUNT'r, l,ALt F oJ R~' \ \/ / ./ / / / / II / / / / -, " 8 , -;/ I,~ ' /~ ; '", '1" ~, . ",- .;.~!!"" 4,25 AC. NET " ., 9 610 !17 '1,\ ~ c,4. q'f ; O't '~ ~ , ,,~ '" " " ~ ,,~ ~ ',.;:-. 1.:."c'lb \ u /~ ;'~'/ ;' / "'11,/; f?,/ ' ,I ~ / c / ,,!! II / -J / I ~ / / , "" / / /' " I~q;. ¡f:/ . ' ~, () /:" ' ~, ;' u'" " "" .' Q. /,: /.,'f" .-" 25 I IPTN 18 17 ".. ---¡ I 15 I 14 (f) !! Õ N .§.. 16 5 4 ~ ~o:! 7!1 -... 1 ,I N )..9~ t,-- EL 'PATIO ---~---- ~ ~... 7, - . RANCHO DEL PATIO \ o::w ( "on ~ TRACT N~ '2 15,~ "-; " "----. Q .J ~I~ ~ " ':::::; Q.~/~ er'- 134,81 -:015 715 þ' ~ 0 13 0 ~ ~ ~ ,':II) \0 ','1.1\ \ \- '.~ '- \~ ',~ , \ '.- "? I ' " ...... ~\. , 1 I I I 1 I I I ! ~! -', 0, N! 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'°8 de,s/'lna,-ec/ <':""'::i /."/",~e.~ -'r£>,'l,-',/',' ,~".'/ <'75 ',//(,1" n ,),r) ,Yé:..'I<J' /J'JO/) Jl'i/n,r',~¡O!';¡,5(Jbc//,',,',on rCc,""-C,/,) ,',"i /,' c' ',' , ..t~ /Or'/'(. ,-',:,)C 1,1:,;, '>,J CeS..5IVe OWI'J' er..5 O¡; /ne re.Yoec,"'...'~ /O/'~ ce,.,~o.'n r,,:¡,1-¡/'j oFu,-t.c' of such por/;'oos orsa;,.:;I,"i'frlp ùf'onc:( C',5' '-Ie JTI/h,:I') -'Je h'-"',~'I/L70r / es ot..sa c'~' "csp e.c' '.'1 <,: /01:5 ,so', (./ / .',¡h l'S' ,.¡ use b(i./n'J .such (:..'~ '-~I'C "0- <../t-,;//!..-/"o -'he ca/'~' ,') ~1"'¡"//79 ,-""oJ cu//'~/a7'/on (": "" '7 ,::;t>r ,~'cn ù/ ..scud s/r/ p of" land bu~ not ¡r')C/UC/, 'I,! ,""'e c,)n.~t rue 1",:1/7 /here un, o~ bu" ~¡, ,1795 or -5-/r (.Ie tv re.s 01' Or') V If ,no e~ cc pi I'en Cl.' 5" and ,', ,"'-/I'J 11'/103 urIC ,:r r /90' l/on .5vs/erns ond WDpur "",,/;,~,2..'-::c~, ::.'7erelo -.5'<..',<...: rc..ser, ,¿rIOn c'/'dJI(/ '¡(fIJi"~ O/'UjL' ,"'0 le.rnJ/'nal'e ¿¡nJ /"J tIe of'I'./O /'ur/f-ier é'l'lt:.' ,..-¡ (-', /",'r: I' ,~í S<";' /;'mr:' é/~ Ihe eGIs/' er/y pr%n3a,~/on of L O/irner /9Vif::nue ..5h(~I/ )}(.II, e bt '-','1/ Ol'cnp../ ,I-/,{1/" '//t! <)''In/a (~', :"'1'('/ ,/'7,] Lv.:) 60/""5 ,foo,j /'0 /1112. ,"qlJ,' (')1 ".(/, ,-,.,"""7t~ ";0,,;/;"1"" 1'7 p(.7c/f'IC ¡fo':/.vay Corn'p<:ny n')/iCI7 /;'e5 aa¡'acen,'" "i.) scn'a' -5ubo,'¡.-, ',on, or a," such lim~.... 0..5 1!7e eu~'t<::r/r .:Jru/or)"'¡':J!/(-JI') ,,;,' ~,"J, ¡O,er A. t"" 'l.le ,sho'.' r;,?).-e b~,...'r; "Ilene,./ ¡-or ':1,' /eO5/ ,.,Þ'orly ,r/v.z (4~"'! per (.,' I'),¡" ¿:),fO ¡i-¡c /'rol O/s"'u/7,e /,.0.."" ,<, ",',,7 ~'9hl' Of' ¡vct or fhe SQu/nern Pac,tlc -PC/,' JVOl C-:":>rnpun y' ,"'0 tile ,')~OI7 c...lo ~c' ell",,";' ,):/ t'J...r/,,)J foûo, ana' we I'~)rlncr dcdiculc ror pvb, " ,J.:ì(,' 11"10'/' ',. <, r,t-a,in 5'lr,,' I'" /,.//}../ be/oJ /170/ po.rl/on ú/ LO(/9/¡,;',.-¡'j /u,'/I/Vt::.t:.'o /,?e we.:,ierly I//-Je 01' Sene./ '.~l <"7..'. rile line c:le.5/!lr')oled 0.5' Future S,rre 1"1 .,ne a// os shon.- n 01'} 'I'.' ,,; ?7(1/i no/lh' ",'7 ."5o¡d,-~ub,::"¡¡rI":":'Q'! ,5'U/J/t-c'<..../ ;'0 tIle ,5C7rn <0 , rc,s",;rvI-¿/ 01"':', ,)Y I';rr't' n:l",,/'.lre ,'l'e ;I'ILC¡ d;/r; r['Spccl /el !hc L..'I¡'~)re;77c/")//oned .slr;'p Of~ lon,j ,c/nq ,;he cer'o¡/'J oeser/bed po;'/ÎO/7S 0/ Lo,r.~¡ 9 .fo /9 /nc/u.s/. e,SOlé;"/'CJ ~ r. ,~':/on /c:/ /'C/,1'Y7JrlOJ"'c Cf¡{7 .:Je of no Fur/he-,... e fr'eel /0 ,50'C/ ,Dor/;on 0/ ,so, J L (/1/9 o/-",uen /Imf-, a."> 0 5,"'re.e.r sho/J haye been opened /';r the con/in (/0'//0 n or /), /, I' ,)' ~ ,"'ror?? Ihe no..-,ther/r boonC'cry o',.,.n .;' ,5,j.':)O',v/~"lo/"') ,~o /y' ,/?'> lon 4, ,/,' " ,1/' I' f ( ' I c '( ,- ' II t', ,:..,' c l.J ,'0 c' (/ ,~, I I .~ , , I , r c..' --f-- ..-" .. ,/ (/, , , IV7C 'Í' '" V ..).'"L,/""'I ~ ,'.' ~ ~ d I , ",-1 'v ,<. .... " 'r C , , ,. ".... , to "'M£., -, .>; ~ I,',' - ,J )V Pþ I " 8 " ðO' /We.st '~I ~9~, 06' , ~ -k: ',! '~, C. 19 I NoS Lj.E. Y Pi9-& 11'1 NO ~ '.I', ¡ ., " J , ' ; ~ { : ' 1'1 " '~:;:'.. " . ,",I "'i-,,;: , 'J ¡ ~'t :.~' "1':, " ~{', '\3~ I",,' " Oyv/,/¿,f'.s C£,e:rIt"JCAri::,;.,,';t~ ,,",",'£' , " ,0 ; ,t,,' " ""', ",' '~,~..h_reÞY'4ert,fy' I ,.(: 117C1.1f;VVli,/Q':t;:. ;"r.'fii OW':1eys cr h'qJt"<f:~ornei"ly'þ~~ti:I~:~;P.re(.øst' ~~, ,CU?~ to c I ~\ rhe r.ø} ~f'Op4F;l':rr<o I~C/"dGd ,-y)/'-h¡n /'he.~~~~~~"3'V71lmf.~r';ue~"".; {(1/s rndp 'II ~"~?P?¡£~~~ h~\1~M§/1~ ;;~o~;lrY:ð~~£s-%:~;~~~¥:1.ir;);~,:;;,.~ ':', - "'.";¡ t:lnd ;1u..þd-í'V'if/¡;,JI? Q.S'$haw n I'Ylrh/nl/Je colo r..«f:!i, 'l;Iørder j)~ë,s .w4ü ht!?t(-e,/.; jt (7(í/(J' /1 ic.ç/'éro /11~ fJ.<.JÞl/c J':Hi? all the .s/'reer..5 ..shpwn:(.Iþon ..ga);4 /?}Qþ:"'n~"'hl",9' ..:¡o/ä . 's</'be:l¡-YI..:s-ion, , '/~ ~r.b çe ./cq¡-e /'0"'" /ú:;. t,.I, e,thal!ç;";'IQ/,,"~'fr/ d;-/al?¡p e, " 'J 0 L I In /1,./.5' / ,;,-, 'be' "It'.4Jn t; (J nr/ ,.; line 0 "Q~ 101'0$ on ~e 1/"16 de.S'! nol"e ~ - ,'l/(..J,"'e Slre- Ine Q. Q..Y ,$'In:¡",,'n 'Q ..sQI,ø' "?1a wI/;'", .5aÙ.¡l ~{iÞdlVl"-~'OI? rf/""'f'r;'l'79,tÇ ,~ur' e/~~..s:'/òr/lJi.. íI~~'ol/f7(: -'fi,J"íC~" 1~4 ow.'}- e.r.s 0/ the re.:Tpect"lv~ /o/'.scerfoll? r'9hl.s of'(I_+eor such'tpor/¡ons arscJ'id ~/r/p ° Ion as Ii yy//'hin ,--he houn.:;Ú:~r/e.6" c/..saíä reo.$' ~c.l/ve 10 .saId r/ hIs e>1 use. be.lfi!J -Su<=}¡ 0.5 are I/;'c/C~'ea/,"; /0 the, care plan 'InfJ and c~/NYbt/on- o'YsvC"7 ÞO~ ~/é)J? of -f,/"Id .slr¡'p of(ond bu~ nQ/' Il?clud,'rJ'l (he con~¡-rucr:o" (hereon. 0/ Þ"I/..i- In r .sfr c:Fures of (;).,1 /rInd e~ e t ¡:ençe~ o"d.s "In /In arid Irr/ ot/O'7 J s e,.,.,8 Qn Q'D "r l.n<"U?CC4' l'I1erefo -said re.ser val/on <-7/ ..s'Old 1"/ h) 01"0.:.> C /'0 tern?ÎI'2Q tie and /0 be 0/'70 !'vrlher el"recl e:1/J;'~;r a/~S'uch brne D.:s Ihe eas/. ~r/ ,..,ð)Ón 0/".1 n of LatImer /?yenue .shall have beit;'1? d eneq /'ror'>-) /he ..sa~/'Q Claro (//7d £0.$ Ci~l'o5 1'°od /~ the r"'.Jht o.í rYQI' o~ l'he ...5'()(.l1JJ,ra OC~¡:IC ¡follkVOY Co n?/,.:J n Y rYl'lIC,h I¡e.s QQjoccnll~o .$f'c( .subd/v,slon... or dJ- such /'Il??t!! o.s fhe eos/'erly p,:%rujlo//on 0/ Larlm e r Ave. '7t.-"~ ,:~ho// have bel"!1? o?el'?~ q ,~(.Jr 0/ leasl ~orli' T1VtZ ("'6) 'per ce '7/' o/' ¡he lineal a>.s/ance /,ro"," .5ù/q rIght Of war or the .soul-her" POCI¡:/~ Ra//rvoy corrJpany /"0 the Son JO$C' CU?Y Los 6%.:Y foao; and we ~'urlher ç/edlco/e ror publIc u:'!e lha/ cerl"oÙ., slrlP of land bein:J, 1'1701 po.rt/cn or Lo:/91y/n ') iJel vveen ~he we,yrerly line or .sa/a'. lat vnd, /'he í'lne de..s/!}/'JaleQ' as rul'ure ..5'tr~ e/ LIne" 0'// as .shown 0'1 ...salel n70p ;yllh. /":' ..so;d ~<.JÞdl/!'/$/Qn/ $ub./ecl /0 the .sa~e rc.st!!r¡,;ol'¡'oo-S' as her~/n be/Óre ..spec- Ifled will) re3pecl 10 Ihe %rernenhoned sfrip Qt IQnd l'elnq !he cerlaÙ) described portíol?S of .LO/o5' 9/0 1.9 ;nclu.s;ve.l.$cud re"yé..-r ¡..Qf';on 1'6J"ern7¡,...,o/"e and be of no rvrlhcJo- ,e/reef 10 ..so/d porI/on or $0'/01 L.c:119 of ..such lime as",o .5/'re.e.'" .shaH hoye Þe.'i!/'7 opEned /Ór the co"'/I/?vor¡on 0" ,Pdqt"' ,,/1. .: I'ro"", .Ij~ ~ noJ'!/herjf '¡condor Y QI J'nla' ...:stJbdIVI..sl~O" ,~o /-1'0/77.'/10'; A e r> u -,--.14 eJ_:.._/1f- -------. ""'~I ,,: r"l,-f.{, " "b t:. t,) . " ) ....... ' '.!,'...,,~ ~ I I i ~;' :"',: . ~".., I>" i I ~ l\. ~ 1>,J~' ,tJ" ¡ t,:) (?, \ "6' ~ ':'\ '/ F, t¡. '\ /t)..'?I~~', .,It-, '1 Ht~¡~¡f:; ~ j,~~ ~& ¡I'-I" ',,',~ ~ '\. ...tI~ '\, "~~ ,I"', :t' 'I ' ! 'Io.1:t ~ , n \ t¡ I i"J i" t)'.'h' ~ ~~~,¡ , :~J , ()~I'tI'., ...~ {, t~' ~¡ !,~, ~I~."<~~'t-~'~¡ :¡¡~; ~ ,"~' "" ~!~Q) ~, ~ ~ I J ,'~ ~, () ()~ "-'- I ""I~ ~ ~ -.u I;¡ fl'" '\ '" I., ~ ~~ C\ ~~, "- ~ 1\ .... ~ ~ "\j-l " ~ ~ ) '- "~ ". , :'P':- L : OJ,;.; P/~ '0(.1/)<--' t>" .,';a,.óJc.J. v.'..:Ö 1.ii!' 0' PI '..--""" , -', ' 'p'f1 ...,0 "'0/ '"" IZ4'-t t. 5' ?S' w w m W 0'- " 'J R / ,- - - -,-,--,. --, ----- , ¡ \ / ... ¡¡ " ; ,('/ " "',' Iv ',:7 / ...' " , ~ /6 /7 II,,': /51 ... ~ ~ ~ ' c.. ' ,( / <;) .,¡ "i' , ....'0 .. ;t/ I\t! 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