451 Esther Ave. (74-46) PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY or CAMPHLLL 75 NORTH CEnTRAL AVI:NUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA ç:~Cl- ..;::> "'0' 'If'1'1 ?J-- - r~ ~Y---- ~. js" ìl:-!t:S V. I'D)/' [,\'0 DATE: September 10, 1~;J"! ------------.- CON D I T I OJ.) S A TT ACHED TO It S It A P PROV A L or PLANS OF ~~..5lgJ..er..-Dn..JJci1ð 1f of CarnpL>¥ 11 C81'.1m"!fì! ~y, i~sð':i ta ~ -----.----.--- ,OR ONc)'IhuCTJ. t~ 0- incliì">ratclr TO BE LOCATED AT 451 Csther:-A1teaue -------- ._- ----'--'---- .-.-----.--- CONDITIONS: conditions of approva1 attac lied Section 21. It 2. 090 0 f the Carn ph e.11 Mu n i c i pal Cod ere ads as f 0110\" S : Any approval granted tInder this section shall expire one year after the d ate up 011 W hie ]¡ s u c hap pro val \: as g ran t ed, u 11 1 e s san ex ten s i 0 r J for such approval is obtained by making written application for sa~lc to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No buildinB permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approvaJ has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR HI: E TIN c; 11 I: L DON T 11 f, ;:i th day 0 f -_.s.e¥..tm!~ ' 19 ¡II' CC: FIre Depart...nt wIatt. / £ngl n.æri oi¡ liept. HIatt. CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSIOIJ BY: --------ARTHUR KEE, SE:C~EfïïRy-_n_-- CONDITIONS OF APPROYAL - Porter Sigler, Administrator IIS" 74-46 Campbell Community Hospital 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated on plans. The appl icant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the follm..¡ing conditions in accol-dance ~"ith Ordi.nances of the City of Campbell. A. Underground utilities to be pr'ovided as requi¡-ed by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell M~nicipal Code. B. Plans submi tted to the bui Iding depanment for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground uti I ities in- cluding water, sewe~, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. C. Process and fi Ie parcel map. D. Storm drainage fee based on $765 per acre. The applicant is notified that he shall comply ,-lith all applicable Codes or Ordinanccs of the City of Campbell \tJhich pertain to this development and are not herein specified. .\ .. 1 @ I 't . . - Ct. -~>---- THIRD -------- --'-'g "-- S ì ,-- ...=;:: --~ I ~ w ~ ! 43,85' I;' " lD I ~ I '" (j') 0 0 ':: t<'> £! 131 C I T Y OF ! 66" (-I - r c) CAMPBELL I ! @I z 0 .- ~ ~ <! I w ~- I I .jI I ~l6- 2,7 1/41 SEC. COR 7':) ----' Ii I 20 "' X \~ \/~ \..('.. 65 OJ Ot' ~o ~1.-- I \,.(1 \)6 (\:.- '" 0 N .,., '" r- '" <D r-¡n '"' 17?'::, 16 r- '" '" 54 "' 7 OFFICE OF COUNTY AS',E~)Sl t I , ~ . ---r--- 6~~ 6931 63 , ~'I c n PCL. I 1.091 AC NET 28501 . ~4 § \ 53 "j -, : I ! ~ 5;1 :; ~ 59 ~\ 58 ~ \ 1 n ~ 56 ~i 55 ~¡ :!: -:!:I - '!: 57 - ~I ;¡, 5977 50 50 159 ESTHER ~o 53 I .1 ~O 60 5968 ,~ u OJ 24 25 : 27 i : 1 -- : 2~ i 29 (í)~ -- 1-2S 1) .VJ. . ~i? '>Z I 90 tI ..(Ò ~I 'iP ~ : ~ ",I '" ~ ~i /3 ~, 'en A (,~ ~I co '" '" ~ \Y i -/.. A¡ 1- /5 q /2 // /0 80 160 60 6,.' 60 60 .--' - 'i. ---- ------ - u,n_- S, WINCHESTER _un_- (FMLY. S.C -L.G, ROAD) P. G. KEITH't . (