85 Gilman Ave. (73-6) f;LSOUfnu:; ::0. } 7>0(' ENGINE[f~i:-..~,-; -,--' , '")-'c,..', "" L.;:" ,,;', ì i,:;::.¡~T DEn,(; A JŒSOLUTJO~ or THE PL/.';;<T\C~ co:,¡:.nSS1ŒJ OF THE C1 Tf' OF c:.\: ¡pn~:¡ Yo JŒCO:L,¡;~>:nl\C; !\PìJP,ÜVAL OF PT,J.::S I ELf \r:'nm~s }\;<n IJEVELCJ :::)H SC¡lr:ìiULE FCm ¡y, Jl<n~,L'~'iT! ;'.L DLVELOP;,¡U':T TO DE LOCI-'fED AT 85, 9:'. 101 ~~nd 107 CIUL\N !~VE:\UE IN A P-D ZONE. (j'<""" i ,¡ C"'f' ~,f",~\ r"l~ C'~"",'è"I' "O I'11(1,'c,,-t -"J'l'S,) .¡,¡,..',<_J\,'"l, ,J\.",..,v .".~,," The City C()uncjl~ by O¡:clinance ¡Jo. 73()~ adopted on the 71::"'1;-'"\,, ( ,¡' ;",',- }n'!(1 '.<'" ...1)~'; <;l.",u~ '1 1'J""'n,-,,1 11",\"(') r'l",-r't "¡(;rc' ,..Jl-d \", , )J ""'); .../11, C,JL.« J'~"'..\r , ".1.,.,",~ ,"¡' I.~l ....,'.." 0]'; Pl'O)."Tl.)' ]c;c;:~tcd 0:1 r];c; ',"-C~;:t sj(~e of l~i:!jEan Avcr;ue and pl:.',j S, c:i;,;\.:(t:;Gn~; ;,iL{! (k';cJ.oy,"~:':'~ ;;cJ¡cdu'Jc ha\'c been prcsc,¡rtcd fOT npp::o'.'::1 fo}' <1(:\'( lo~)j,,(:r,\ on p-.CO]";l'ty b~c,-,.';; ,'.5 f,S ~ D,', ~ 101 ,md lOí Gi'~i:n] J\\c:nuc by C'tc:tivc In(hl;:;tril'~~. j,fte:,' JiCt:; f:i cutic))~ ;::,nd public:. hC<'TiJ~?: ;:is spccLfir.d by 1:1\"¡ OJ'' ,'P,;.' ")"()l)-""-' n)"'r""', ,..",'C <" ","¡'Jr.cl "'01 -],.. O,Cf-;('1' (/'1(" "'1-'" ,.-,c.i.'J.",..",-,'"'.Áv"""'(""'....:,q'J""",,,",Hl--,'" .1,.,;,..,. ."IC Pl:1n2,ing )JCP;:;'(::i1cnt on .J11Jy JC>~ J~J7:)~ C:~;1(~ ;:ftcr o'}'"l 1')}"CScnt;it:ìon by t):~o PJé.1Jlnij~U, Di¡'ccto¡'" propD:ì(:r~t:; :O.Tid Or)pO1:.C;1i,:; ¡ t]¡e hc,(j'iníl , - "¡é'~:, closed. AítCT (11.;(; (.onsidcrD,ticn of ;;11 evidence l)l'cschlcc1~ the PI ,U:¡¡jYig Cor:;..l:i:)~.:;j en did TCCO]:¡¡;;CY1Ò "111"1.'o'/;:J of p) ;~11::! clcvat:i OTIS, and (l~.\::lo'};LCjlt 5cJwch'lc a:-. l'TCSCJ¡'CCò by 'l,]¡(; o.np:t:1cé;,út and :fl1'l'tJJCr )"'(-¡", ',r..,('t"'" -¡,'J"'" ~Jl'" C:I";-Y' (C)'l:"': 1 ~'-"'C', :"'1" O'"U"l']~':""'" ~,ti'r.cL,.('i ,Ln:"",;;', .~ ,,_,:,l, 'v ,,'/ " Ldi.._,..I..., ,-I,d' ,(. é, ," 1', )(;,1,1."..: c', ..r-", ..Jj,~',1 hc.'tC"~C, [\~ \!ExL:i1.:it At! ~;dDptil!g :-:Jid pl;ir;s eJ.cvéltinn:c: ;:tJld cÌt:\:cJop- );,C;jj'i... schedule :Cn,- th;:.t poltion or 'i,he: DZi(¡.-i.; mcntiC)ìJCÔ Pl~;'n;tcc1 j)e \' c 1 0 f'1;;;'; 11 t Zone. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of A~~u5t! 1973) by the folJowing roll call vote: lWES: CommissioTlC'fs: A..J..CXéL;Ù(';;C¡ L:¡b(õc1;is,. D:ic1:~~on) S:.~mucls()!\> Cook, Vice Ch~irman Stcw2rt non,E: j\YE S: Comr.1:i.ssi(...ners: ABSENT: Comr:lissiolîc~rs : Heha¡'¿ APPROVED: ROBERT A. STEWART ---VICe -"Ch;Ü :nTIan ARTJIlFz Í\. KEE SB c.rC1..ary ATTEST: ~---- O!; )J~~",::CE :~O. 911 BEH:c; ...\': (ìrm1J~A>;CE OF THE CITY COUXCIL OF TJIE CITY (1;: C':;Pl)];LL, !\i..:;~)\DJ,¡<C THE ZO;O:;C ;:/\1' OF TliE CI TY OF C:\: :L' nJ.:j,L J:)' /d)OPT] .:;G PLI,N S, E LEV AT I 0:;5, DE\'.i~T,(;P;"T ~)C:¡!1:m¡LE A::JJ ¡\ 11.\)1 F()¡~ ,\ l'U¡~TJO:~ OF TJIE ],L':l~]) m~V[LOJ';',1E.'\T ZO::E AS LST¡\I;LIS!I[J} BY O;;T¡n-:.'.\'C!; ::0. 730 0:-': TIJr 25TH J)¡'I,y OF 1,1;\Y, 1970. (:"", "(' ,:'ir);1 of Crc:,~jv(' ]P(;\)ctl"ic',;') , ',' ¡, , ,,' , ,,' ~,' " , - " , TJ1f City CcuneiJ. üf the City of C¡>mpbclJ docs ordain as follo\:s: SLcrle)'; 0\);; T]¡~it the 7,c,ning :::tp c'[ tLe City of Llnpbel1 being " ')~"'1' ,-,' '"1",, (""'11 -l'J' '1."';'~c':_""J ('("j, 'L-c)r'ro't'Jl"'> \'it11 n"1cr-¡clJ,r:'Ilt" c, J..1. \ ",.I L,¡'; "..".'1..',;, ' ¡';(tI,.!, ,.1[;,., >. ",') 'b--:; ,~,1 ',.., 1 no>, ¡,.:. -' 1'11c,-.:;1.o ::~; hCI'cl))' c;,.'J),'cd ;'HcJ ;;Jòlc;")e).:,.:LÍ by adopting "Exhibi t Aft J C)¡titJCl! !¡Pl(,n~; r;;;d L1cv,:tlc¡):,"J IIE:..-))il¡::t B", entitled !lD~velop:ncnt ~;cJ)cc1¡¡}cl! ;;;'tI "L;,:hib5t C': CIJLit]cÔ ";1::p of s;dd property'!, as 1'>'-"1" ",),)",I"""'!"J:,,()J'l rI, ¡' C,;'r,',c'l"]'.~"") J"J,,1tl<"<',"'i,....,', 0'1 I') 'P (',",i r.. 'J"'t'l lOC."tr'C'J' a," r"" '-'JJ""'-""'(.' ','" '.".-"',, I,',~l.~",v_'s J .;~,; <,~ " ('l; ('~ llì" """.1 ",(')" (']']-.."" 1\'("11'( Co)'ins L')i' 5"':1'(1 ,-,v'J1J'1,~"'C" ~l'e' OJ' ('oJ, .J,)S ..,11 ,:j,C: ,/',/ ),.!.l<>j, ",',"-',;, ,""v_, .cc...."" ,U,Ll..> "-- ¡ file>- in ch-:.: o:U,i((~ of the Pli::,Jlning Dcpartrnent. Saicl é\PP1'O"',J} grcntcd subject to the folloh'-ing conditions: A. PrCpcTty to b2 fenced ~nd J~ndscaped as indicated and as added in !!Tedl! on phU1S. B. LJtdscapc pL:ll indicating type of pJ (JEt materi?1, location of ho~;c b51:5 OT sprinkler sy~;t(:ì!l and type of fencing to be :; u b m i t 1: l cJ. {o T' <qJ P l' 0 V ~.~ J. 0 £ t 11 (~ P] a Jl n i]) g lJi r e c tor at t Ül C' 0 f ;jPp1:icé~tic.)j1 for building pcnÜt. c. Landscap:Lug shall be maintlìjj',¡eù in Eccordance wi th the approved 1 :..:mds cape plan. D. F<.!:],thful pc:cfonn;{nce bond in the amau111: of $1,000 to be posted to insure; l<.mdscaping, fencin¿~ <lnd striping of parking area within three (3) mon'd]~~ of coJ::plction of construCbOjl, or applic;:Ull may fiJc: \-zrittt:;n 3.p,rccJnC"nt to complete land- scapíng~ fencing and ~'jtripin2 of parking area prior to final building department clearance. E. Trash cont2.íncr(s) of a size ë,nd quantity necessäry to se;-ve the cleve] cprilcnt sh3.11 be located in a,rea (s) approved by the Fire Dep<.l'ci:uGnt. Unless otbcndse nc)ted, encloslIre(s) shall consist of él concrete floor sl1:rToundccl by a solid 1\"al1 or fence and h3ve self-closing cloors of a size specified by the Fire Department. F. All par1~iJ:g and driveway areas to be developed in complia;1cc \,'ìth Section 21.50 of the Car-:.pbcll ;.íunicipal Code. All parking spaccs to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper gu~rds. G. Undergro~nd utilities to be provided 3S required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. I ~ i )1. Plan:; submitted to the building department for plan check shalJ inJicJtc clearly thc location of all connections for undCl'í',lound util:ities incJ.uding ,:a-:.er, SCHer, electric" telephone and television cables, etc. 1. Sign é.pplicatjon to be submitted in accardo-nee ",-ith provisions of t1~c: sign orclir;ancc for all signs. r~o sign to be installed ul":ti} ~:rpljc:¡tjun i~~ ap~\lo\"cd ;';1ìll l'crr1it is~ucù by the Luildj;'b Dcp",n,ncnt. J . Orc]'in:.ncc :<0, 782 of the C;¡¡:-:pt,ell ;,:unicipo,l Code stipulatcs tJ'l""'- ',')',' C'l,')'L.--j-C1C"1' t"'Ol' th,., collc'c';'"()11 "'1,'1 (..llJ'c',"u"c~i' of 1'('[\'c:c c.l, <" .,j ,l -'., . "", ~,.,.. <... ..'" .:><1. ,~...."" gar b ,: [; c<, ì.. C t g ,1. r b éi g e '-1.11 d rub b i s 11 V' 0 due cd ì: 5 :l..)Ü nth e I i m its OJ: ',1", C'it,), ()J: C'c":"11)C'-l') S!'all'oc ",'('C "l't}'l r"""'C'l \-'1'l)('Y .L l..':, '..' 1, ,"""'J ., de J.:<',,!; " ~'""".' l);CI)CC-,..'j' ('0"'" 'J "1 ',7 '1'1'c """"'u';re'~'('J'<' "1)')'1'"" 1'0 rIll CJ'¡-"""lc l,-,,)C)~'_~l.'J:""')' ,Jl:,<;~ ,;,¡,.lc'-.:l.J."..' <..1.- ""..1....;'. fD)¡:iJy ch-.'cllilli',:-;; multiple 3Pê.l't¡::cnt units> to all cm;;;:ìcrcial> bU:,j;lC~;$, iriclustrial, manufactul'ing} and construction est,-,':)15sLmcnts, DUILDn.JG ])LPf..rrrHEN',i' ...-----..,-------'--.-' K. ProvirJr; 30" high par3pet ";3115 at South and ¡"cst property line valls. Section 1709 L, Roof covering for flat roof shall be fire retardant. Section 1603 and 3203 F n~E DEI' ALj'j,lDNT ---..--' _,_'--"--~' IlL Provide !t2ABC" u re extinguishers as required by Fil'C Department, PUBLIC ì:())~KS .,-,--....---..'-..-.. N. File and process parcel map. 0. Dedication to 30 foot half street right-of-~ay. P. Agrecmc11t with bond for street improvements. Q. Storm drainage area fee based on $765 per acre. The applicant is notified that he 5h(1] 1 comply \á th all applicable Codes 01' Ordinances of the City of Canpbel1 which pertain to this dcvelopr:cIlt and are not herein specified. ' PASSED A!,m ADOPTED this 11th day of 1973, by the following roll call vote: September AYES: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hammer, Paul, podgorsek, Chamberlin NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: Dean 11. Chamberlin l,¡~:yúr ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan ,"""-"'1' v {' 1 1; P ;:- CT'i,"[ 01" C:'~~:P?::-'~,L APr:LIC.'.TIC:; ?C:-~ :.~" ::,(//}L OF FL.~:.3, EI.,;;¡ATIOJS, f':';D D:T:.LO~~:::;T SC:CDULS ?OR D?,I ':'LOl~:-::::IT nr A II.!':;:;:D D=;¡~.JO.?:~:;T ZOL.IGDIS:rXLCr. Lo~al fuscr5.ption: Lots 32,' 33, Y}, & 35 Rtlckers' Addi-ton. Proposed ])ovolo::;:-,::mt: Crc3.tive Ir.:l::st:-ies pla..."'1S to CO!1struct a concreto blo~l;: buildi'1(; ~;j.th do California tile tlansD.ro roof. The builclin; sl;...1JJ. hD.VO 3. Spa.'1ish !:latE, .2."'1:1 sh.1l1 bo in keeping 'frlth tho 1~')::=:::.' b~:i1:ii.~:;s in t:.o a.1'oa ~"'1d s~pl] bo an t:!.sset to tho City oi.' Cc:;'.:-.'J:::ll. Tho lli:;e of tb;) bu.ildi.r.g lriJJ. De for the !'JacÌline shop r1,mu.i'acturing of p~rts D.nd t~G stor~~e of s~e. All utilities Sllill be una9r:;rotmd~ La1'1dscD.piug sh..::U be) in kecpi.'1g idth the ctty of Cæ:¡pbeUs :requiJ:'or1ent~. D3\;-olo~;~cnt Sch:;dulo: \'lo'!.tld l:l..ko to st..-"\..rt construction by SGptOl-:IDer 15. 197~) [-.;:d co~lplete the buildin:; by JanUE.j,,:>T 1, 19'14~ Signed July 16, 1973 $inCGrG~Y , Creative Industries ,../é 4/~;'lL-/¿; by .~-~-=--- ~v D / -3- (, (, k. r-Ñ-h. (~L ~- '(3 j. , , (>fZD ( ~v ¡'t~~CE q L l , ' , , , ' . , . , ~ j,:"<; ¡J;'c,.;:-"~;..i I'>"'I.Ì d Ü I; '! 1 .." ':'!, I;,l,-.-_~) ,"VL. 1. U ¡::"IJ CITY OF C/}\'1r'o':?::LL Pl..ANN/1\:G D:'?Aín:,:Z"'f ---'-'1, \~; ~'" I, ~ '\'~.' .. ~ '1 -""~ d t.!oJ c ~ Ii C, I' \,.~ " \. '" ,'" \ ~ \ \,::-' ,.. " I' ),> \... \Ì'~ z 0 \' !~ ',', :;' :'ê; ~\ ~.- . L~~,,~~~:- - \~~\ .:- j L\- ," ' L- I \~) ,.'",~*",c."""l ,,' I \,'" 0 t, J /:~L¿ú \~\ kò ~ \-i¿-;-¿- -'---',t, ":,, ;. J~,)/I "\ t ,Ii~ ~":' <;;-;,; '~~ \vi \~~i~ :)'-'¡~. '~.)_..:".l, r' - I ': - ~~ t~ v þ i ~ ~l i~~/' /:'\\,~ 1\'~ \ \~~ ,~; 1_",'5'--;:-\1 ::1"';1 ~,\ ;~ '" -- -' -- \ . - i~~~};- ;:g CJì ~ :.,f: 'J ' l_,-..-t:J- \0) : ; I:. ., : T ~, \t~ /\, ~~,7 \',,;',,' .i. _I~'\>~- . - ,-- 'ï,f-'/5"'-- '" ~~ - It,:> v> \ ~; ';,;' '\ \'\J" '¿~ U1 ,\ -.------ --;';' 'I . -- .,,-- -------1- ..--- ~. 1 ,/ \ \ t~\ ¡ C"', 't,.,) /' ; i \ i \ i i i I \ \ \ \ I \ , -- ,- -- ~- ;'~: ",\ -- \ ,t',.. " ...~ - '" I~~ Þ; D5 ,-. .. ~- --- -- -. .- 1 ,--' .J- IJ Ui rC> co I~ ..-'t' ,- ---,--'\\-?-~--"" .---- -' ~ " / \'" '::" I I V:,¡ --' ,Y' ~ e " -- J ~3 ..-'-'--- ....' 0'--, , ¡~ ' r ...- , --I '~, ~--. \~ ::.:j \ ~~ ~ ,- _..,---; ,-'i- - 1-- \~ Q) ¡ ~ \ ~ :i \ ':- - ~o- .. ~ -- - leelS ,-.' "-" \:~'~;J,"d :-~, -~ ~.I r1 " .Q ~' r-~ \. !~;~'. ~- ¡-, ", .. C£N;;;l A"JE ---_J~ ,------------~-- <::..J .1;>. r'-'--------- \ I \ i \ \ ì I \' , I \ \ I I \ \ , 1 \ I \ i I i 1 , ! ----' _......J '6' '-"- 0" 'S j . -- .. .,¡- ---- - - -- po ¿: 1""1 -J \{, ~ '~'. ,,: ,'. ,~;.,; " / ---7( , t ( \ 1,.,.1 ..., ' , . ;" , E, '..- b \~ ~? Planning Commission meeting ~ held on August 6, 19ï3. ,~ .. .. -- -=" - .- -,..'".. >\ (;" ~~ \ '~\ r, , , ,: " \ r5 ì c.~ '\ ,v \ EXHIBIT "C" NO'~ !-~--'~-) :'(\ ~/"."')" -. ~' -~ ¡: . I " ORD. -_./ ,\ ".' /'/ : '. '; , : 1 : \ r) I t t;J þ I '11, ;., " \ .. ' . ., Z~' L'1 '-;, -\ ~..J .1 ~ \~, \ I \ ~ .-- \ I - .- i I úJ \ , \ I:" C1'\ -- .~ .... I , I I ¡ I I I , I , .--- '" :- , I I , I J / ,\ ì: