Hacienda Ave. (TR5989) , \ ' r~': ( ,,", ,,' ",' , '. , . " , . ,_. , . ", i " '-- , . .. INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM . " TO: . Building Department " . FROM: Public Works Department '1 The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT I t.. BUILDING ADDRESS Ii " '¡. COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ,. , í " .S" APPROVAL NUMBER .. ,I / PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By I Date / f . . ., ... !I. INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: 'ÞETR ILK c 0 1\.) ~,T. CoRP. APPLICANT BUILDING ADDRESS C:) "::::; ::;' L\.J.. HAC IE... I\J DA A \1 t-: . COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ,,~ APPROVAL NUMBER 4 os _. '2 S' - ~:;- I PD 7(ç-/~ PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER $/V\ k:..S.. / '~~.5) BILL M. HELMS ACTING DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By ) i1 /)" "'I.- <;, ,/ . ~/. /'j ,(f{ /../ Date ",- ...... ,';,. lA".. 2 IC) 7 'I I + RECEIPT CIT', ~F CAMPBELL £..y ,f /t. ' r:. ~ CAMP BEL' , CALIFORNIA NAME Apodaca Construction Canpany p, 0, Box 52 Campbell, CA ADDRESS Tract No, 5989 - Fees: FOR Plan Exam & Const, Map Filing Fee Storm Drain Fee Fire Hydrant Rental 351-A 351-A 365-A 379-A 1,367,00 60,00 1,700.00 195,00 $3,322,00 REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. FUND NUMBER A 106 ~ CHECK 11-35 OAT ofiY c4SIiI*3,322.00 0 0 ~ÆitikeaR~ij'R THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. FŒ 22-77 65 GOlt A **1,700,00 51 oo4A **1,427,00 FEß 22-77 9810 ~s BY CITY CLERK CITIZEN COpy '--- Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL NOTICE OF COMPLETION :JJÞ If Sc¡ý9 ,jA oj NOTICE is hereby given that CITY OF CAMPBELL as OWNER and Joseph Ell iott rt (ì\ð \ Abov~ Space for Recorder the undersigned, as City Engineer caused subdivision improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said subdivision improvements was actually accepted on the 25th of February ,19 80 day That the name of the Subdivider for said owner is Apodaca Construction Co, That the nature of title of said city to said subdivision is that of owner in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all owners of said property are: NAME ADDRESS City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 That the property herein referred to and on which said subdivision are located is situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: Tract No, 5989, Maggio Court and having the following address: Dated February 28 , 19 80 1 of 2 ~~~ Áos ph Ell iott City Engineer ,.", "".",~,~..,.'""-~",.._~.~...~.....,._..."..... ,.. """-""."""""-'.'",... ',.' , , STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ss. I. Joseph Elliott being duly sworn, says: That I am the City Engineer for said City of Campbell, the owner of the property described in the foregoing notice; that I have read the foregoing notice, and know the contents thereof; and the facts therein stated are true of my own knowledge, ';Þ/~øf-' 4seph Elliott City Engineer Subscribed and sworn to before me this t2CJJJ.- day of ~~ , 19 r:¡o ~ 7)1,~ Notary Public in and for said County of Santa Clara, State of California. OFFICIAL SEAL ~ CHARLENE M CASE :; NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA SANTA CLAfM COUNTY i My comm. expires ocr 1, 1983 ~-~"""""""".""'=";-""""_" 2 of 2 RESOLUTION NO, 5748 j~ ý~ c;q~f U~) f1¿ BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING TRACT NO. 5989 AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer that all improvements in Tract No, 5989 have been completed in ac- cordance with that agreement entered into February 28, 1977, con- cerning said Tract; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer recommends acceptance of Tract and improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that Tract No, 5989, together with all the improvements thereon, be and the same are hereby accepted and that the City Engineer is hereby ordered to record a Notice of Completion of said improvements, PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th 1980, by the following vote: day of February AYES: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hammer, Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Paul NOES: Counc i 1 men: None ABSENT: Counc i 1 men: None . APPROVED: "" ,----/ .-/' "\- ----- "'-' /'" Norman paul..?/ Mayor .- ATTEST: 1 ).j / / >0....- .. , ' ,) v, !vi, Sheehy, Deputy C i ty'ÍC 1 erk / - CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 CASE ElLIOTT Department: CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE HELMS March 30,1978 D.AZ Mr. Milton Brown 1181 Steinway Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 ~~v1 Dear Mr. Brown: This letter and the enclosed material represents the understanding which I believe we reached when we met with you on Tuesday, March 21, at your home to discuss the complaints you have relating to an easement between 1181 and 1191 Steinway Avenue. Enclosed for your information are the official minutes and other documents relating to the events which led to the current situation which you believe to have caused problems for you as a result of those four lots to the north of your home. As we discussed at our meeting, I can see no resolution of the problems you describe, because the Maggio Court cul-de-sac did not extend further to the south to serve the four lots which are currently served by the easement from Steinway. To the best of my knowledge, all of the actions taken by the staff and the agencies representing the city were accomplished through appropriate and due process as specified in the City's planning, traffic circulation, and building code requirements. Should you have any further questions relating to the events which led to the current situation, please call my office and I will be happy to discuss your concerns. In closing, I would like to apologize for the letter which was sent to you from the City's Fire Department relating to keeping the easement clear in order that the property owners to the rear of your property could have access (as well as our fire trucks). They were not aware of the special circumstances involved. I would also hope that the relationship between you and your neighbors on the rear four lots could be improved since the easement is of importance for access for all concerned. Sincerely, 4f ~T fl, LIIif ~ Robert C. Stephens, City Manager RCS:ajr Enclosures cc: Mayor Dean R. Chamberlin ¡.!J1blic Works Director" Planning Director, Building Official, Fire Chief -_._~.=--~~_.,--_..~>". ~. .. ------,"",-':'" '-"', ,..",_.-".._,-~-_._., ,-," -,,- Leonard Pritchard . "ç ~ ,<-:;, v~ .r-ù ,-Po Q\lr~~ 0/ \J &:;;1) .. , . L- DISCUSSJO:\ ----,------- The Pl:,mn ing Di rec tor rc:portcc1 tha t ~,ír. Leonard Pritch~l'll hRf. requcste'J pe1'1,15 55io11 to obtp~in a bl\:i.ldin~ 1H;:rmit for a lot loc3,ted at the real' of 1191 St.cin~:élY A"cnuC:5 accesS to this lot P?ing ~.n C:>.5CJ;H:lìt thé'.t ::\ðjoininr. vropcrty o\;ncl'S arc UlJ.':illinp. to c1.cc.liCHT.C :md il;;pro\'e as n st.anð~l'd s tl"(:et . The: P }(inrl:in g ni n:C tor 1'cc oI7.ncndcd thf'. t the pi~Op~)..ty 0'.':;.C1"5 of lots 20, 21 J 48 nnd "',9 entc1." into ~n ~g1'(:(;¡;~cnt to dcd:i.c:i.te and il11l'1'o\'c to a str~et plan line, ns approved by t}lC City Enr51lccr, £0)" a street connecting \:it11 Hacienda at such tiJ;':c as n.:quirccl \,y the City of Cé'.1ì1phcll. Nr. Milton nrown, 1181 Stcinw~y, wcs present and 5tatcd th~1: he 'H15 \dlling to dedicr.tc if tho City llonJ.d ücccpt tl,~ fer cc 1 ine th<'..'I.: he no\': has curbed for an c;d.stinR fence and he \-:['.5 told that the property \\Ol11d h ::1\'('. to be 5urvcyc:ò to obt~ in the correct lines. Mr. Bro~n stated th~t he did not feel th<1t he \\ant(~í.1 to s))cnd $lSO for a S\\1'Voy aml he also did not ,\nut his fence distUl-hcd or rcmoved if it ,-mt:e not on the CO1'l'CC t 1 inc. !'oIl'. r.rmma1so stated that ,,;hateve1' thcv do ,,!:i th c:,.C;(,~T:\!.;' he did not "ant to accept re,ponsibJ.Ji ty to mÚ;'tai it or acccpt responsibility for pcr~onal or prop~rt damages for ~myonc using the case:m<;:nt. Commissiorlcr Young st~ttcd that he £('.1 t that \-:1~e::i the property 0\:1'\e1'5 sm'] the cor.1111cted c1evc:.loIH¡;('nt that is pl:mned- for the In-opel.ty they ]:15.ght C'.hr-.ngc their minds Rnd ~ant the street put throu~h and improvcd. City Ordinances 1'0<\\\ i1"c th::~. t lot s front on 8 5 treet . in order to obtain ~ 1mi lding V err,; t t and thercfore thc~e lots fronting on an casement must .be approved by the Planning CoHiHlÏS:.ion heforc a permit eRn be obtaineð. COI.ìmissionel' Healcy as1~c(1 if the easement ,-:ou1ð st be used as it had been in the past and it was stat th2.t it \\O\.11d as thE: pl'opcrty O\iner:; had the right use the easeIi'\.cnt b'.lt ,,¡oald nccc1 ucrmission of the adjöining property owners to irnp~oVc it. 1. CoHmis$ion~1' 11~a1cy 1U'opC1f,eS nnð m(JVC~ thnt the Building Dcpn1'tmcr~t be a11Ct\:cd to issue perl:dts f, ~onstruction of residences ()n the 4 subject lots, subject to the foilo\-.'in~ condition: Th~t the property o~ncr~ of lots 20,21,48 and ~9 i1\to ~n agrct;~;'.cnt to è.et\icntc and i11p1'o\"e to ~ st pIn I~, u q~~d ~~ ~y ~.~"r. ~ street connectin~ ,,:i th l1acicn<la ",,:enne at such ti ns Tc(1.uiTcd by t})C Ci ty of Ca1ólphe11. seconded by Commissioner Lyons and unanimously "adopted. ,-----_.._",_.",~---"",,-,,~, ."",r""'-"""-' .'...:... ,--,..~'--P..,~-,.... ~^"".. ...-.'T""¥""-""'"'" ; t' c./'~'O (\ ~ro ì:::J \ '" \0 -;\ Q\o-~ , ~~~ \L:J 406 ,----,---'-' ",--------- '" ~ - ~ "':t: 0: ",--- ~he accesS ~hrough his propCTty 15 only for school childrefi. 1~ is actually a right-of-way, stated the Planner, anyone can use. EoweveT. staff feels the walkway should be provided for children (other ~han on Winchester) since Manx has now been eliminated. Mr. Pursley does not think his application generated this need for a walkway an~ Manx would serve no purpose except to satisfy somebody's idea. He would like to have the walkway on the border of one of his lots rather than ~ÜlaW his pr~r~ by p~ting ~r~~ a street. ' Commissioner Pack ~oved MS 67-6 be approved, subject to the following conditions: l I ORDINANCE 1.' Dedication to 60' right-of-way line on Hollis Avenue for remainder of street. 2. Dedication of 6' pedestrian easement from ManX Avenue to Hollis Avenue. 3.. Construction of street improvements on Hollis Avenue and sidewalk for 6' pedestrian easemen~ in accordance with Article 1, Chapter 1, Part 1. of the Campbell Municipal Code. 4. Compliance with underground utility requirements as specified in Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. Process and file parcel map with County Recorder's Office. ~1 Commissioner Lyons seconded. and the voice vote was unanimouS. s. i:' . Informal Hearing Street Pattern Area of Hacienda! Steinway /peg'6f / San Tomas Aquino Road Mr. Hogan explained the 30' easement which at present travels through from Steinway to lots in the County northerly from Steinway and the proposal to run a street southerlY from Hacienda Avenue to open up lots shown as parcels 20.21, 48 and 49. .;.; ~ , ," .. .' ï This would give these lots access to a public street and the property owners would be required to dedicate and improve the public street when the- lotS were..developed. Many interested parties were presenti Mr. Leonard Pritchard started the questionning by inquiring if staff had initiated this street pattern' fu. Hog~ <eplied ~y had but ~~ bec~se ~ _lic~t had askcd for development in this area and the plan waS then devised. Mr. Pritchard is of the opinion that the lots on Hacienda would be jeOpaT~ dized by the cuttitg through of this street. He cannot see a reason for accesS to Lots ,a and 49 and is &n opponent to the application. \0;.. ,~ ï , , " <, ~ \'" " ~ Mr. Hogan read the definition of "lot" from the Ordinance which calls for: (continu~d next page) I & - 8 - .. ; -----_.-~~~,_. '~-_. ---'..,,--~--.> ~~ ......"'.~-- ---~.__.-.~ -, . 407 .. .. ". \ ., - -, . ._- , , Section 9301.45 - LOT [~ Land occupied or to be occupied by a building. or unit group of build- - ings. and accessory buildings together with such yards and/or open spaces and lot area as are required by this chapter. and having its principal frontage upon a street. or a place approved by the Commission. Regarding any easement arrangement. however. the problems are service. maintenance. and compatibility between all of the several (in this case. six (6» property owners/neighbors. --- Mr. Brown, property owner. stated he could not in the past when trying to purchase lots 48 and 49 obtain a building permit from the County without dedication of portions of the property. Maintenance of the easement is a problem and, further. he - for one - does not want traffic noise by his bedroom window. Commissioner Grim inquired if the maintenance agreement was not delineated in his azreement with Mr. Pritchard. Yes, but there is a problem of maintenance of this easement. {' Mrs. Roberts; applicant and owner of Lots 48 and 49, stated her tax problems and her interest in selling the property and assuring the buyers' access to the lots from a.public street. r~. Chai rrnan Healey stated that due to the immediate nature of their . attendance at another meeting. the Planning Commission must determine ~ whether there is enough interest in having a public hearing set to. decide the street pattern. Since there are apparently so many problems, the;Planning Commission will take ano~her look at this plan. AdJ~urnment Commissioner Pack moved the meeting be adjourned. seconded by Commissioner Grim. and the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM, the Commis oners leaving post-haste for their combined meeting with t e City cil. ATTEST: 1rector. BY: [ ,. ,- '., --, .,~.....,--~c.~'~~-~---"'---- .... -r ,-- ..u,----,---_.-._-"-,"o<...~,.."..- ,y.....-..-"...,.,. _..""'0'" , .. ,',-or,"",,"~"""-"'.'-~'-'~"-""'" ~ "-" -- .'--- ---- . ( ,-----,,---"""--' BURROWS ~ 'I 'I 'IOj I!::: ' ~ (II "., *: -i 'II:) 5 I~ !!! ;~ Z i Id( j~ ! :E I~ ~ ". " ", ~ "'os ~ ~ ~ ;J I! ~:3:;) @ . ;¡ '" ~ ~ 0 & ~ ':: '! ~ ~ Ä; ,.. ~ ~ i . ~g .: 0 .. . ~ ~ èi i .. ! = ~ & :~ '" : C" Z n -. I . ~.. ,.--i~ ::: . n ; '" ~ 0" ::: ~ Ii I: i ~ '.. II:¡ ~ - L. Ib: '"'1 .. .f I '" C L I~ "'II "'.. L ('; ::c -< ~ 3Qs" ~ !O<- IQ ~ ~ I~ ~ lilt., I~ "'77s Q fi'. ~~ N~ I~ I~ , I t, >i.. - - ~ ~ ~ - ~¡ gO fi' ~ ~'-~- ~ J ,,- , - ~1 -~ '>- ' » I ~ ø .. !'> ':i.~ Y"': '" '. ",. .. $ I~ I ::; (!¡ I~ .. ~= ~--;...:¡; I~ p;ó ¡ '. ï' ~ '~,:r: >~ -.. , '" ¡¡ :! 81 '" - š ~ I~ I~ .: ~ ~ 11 ~ ~ PEGGo/ ;;;: ..,~ . :.,:i N", - =~ þ' < In Z. C rn ; I "., ROAD I Ia; 2a:J '2 50 I It ~ ~ , ~ ø = ~ I~ I~ I~ -,---" ,",- -,--,-,- ~ I~ I "~5> \'ið.,. --- "47 --- .,., Ilð?- -¡¡~Z" '" '" @ ~ \ ~ ,ri)) III . -~ ... ~1# .- I ~ . ,--.. I "-', 0 """'. þI, I"ì 1. lè';Z" -",..-,.,-" -.. ... ~ -<. l...-. - ~ "715 -.. .... IIÞ .. '21';3 "7>5 , -,) II.. ,""" 7~ 150., "" '. ~ " "., 0 .., @ ,.., ~ ž -; -< -== þ OJ' V- '" V- ~ " IJ' þ z: -; þ ,.., r Þ ~ ,.., 0 .'C: Z -i -< "', þ r :;; 0 " z: Þ ;, . ~~ o~ lit B ~' , ~ 0' , '.. .. i :¡ ., .., ,,:!;- ' 101 ..;-'8 'þ " < !T1 Z C rn ,-- ..-.~' ,----,-"",""'" .. "..., ..--' 12.':/ If . I.... "; 8 " ;, II ""'" : Av. I - ,,' ", '. -'" ,. ' ,'" ..' ",--'-.' ' -,. ~-'2--7f> ..._'... 493 'Ø 'Chairman Lubeckis asked Mr. Kee for his comments., Hr. Kee advised that the applicant is proposing a subdivision of 2.33 acres of land into thirteen townhouse lot. and one lot for common ownership. A sone change and planned development approval has been granted by the Planning Commission and City Council for . the townhouse development with a condition that a subdivision map be filed and approved by the City. This proposal is in accord with the General Plan and the Planned U~>v('l;)r;r;c;ni:. approval that exists on the property. Commissioner Dickson atated that the map is in accord with what was presented at the time the PD was approved. Commissioner Pack moved that the Planning Commission recommend approval of T.5. 76-3, Lands of James Day, to the City Council, seconded by Commissioner Campos and unanimously adoptedô I - I I f I I - T.S. 76-1+ Lands of Maggio and Apodaco, Inc. Tentative Subdivision Map. Lands of Maggio and Apodaco, Inc. for approval of a land subdivision into ten lots on property located south of Hacienda Avenue and Shadle Avenue in a R.l (Single Family Residential) Zoning District. , , Chairman Lubeckis asked Hr. Kee for his com.ents. Mr. Kee advised that the applicant is proposing a subdivision of 2.06 acres of land into ten single family lots. The present zoning is R-l and the area' is indicated for low.density on the General Plan (less than six units per acre). The staff is concerned about the access to the parcels to the south. Several of the .property owners to the south have dedicated property for the continuation of a street from Steinway to Hacienda Avenue. The proposed map does n~t provide for the extension of a street to Steinway. It is the staff's opinion that the circulation of the immediate area should be resolved and staff is recommending a continuance to the next regular meeting in order that street alignment and the future disposition of the existing structures on the property aay be resolved. . Chairman Lubeckis asked if the applicant was present. Hr. Bob McBain, 100 West Rincon Avenue, representing the applicants. stated that they were not aware when they filed this aap that there were any problems with the property to the south. He asked if the. dedication was made with the intention that,the street go north or the stre,et go south. He questioned the access that exists. Chairman Lubeckis asked Mr. McBain if he had contacted the property owners to the south. - 13 - t Mr. McBain sta~"\d that he did not know abr"t the dedication. Hr. Kee suggested that a continuance be granted so ~he questions involving the dedication and access could be worked ou~. Commissioner Campos moved that T.S. 76-4 be continued to the next regular meeting, seconded by Commissioner Pack and unanimously adopted. T.S. 76-5 Lands of Dura Style Homes, Inc. Tentative Subdivision Map. Lands of Dura Style Homes, Inc., for approval of a ten un it re sid en t L'Il ~ ,. ,.,.,1 ", ' .-- ~ ~ ~!' property located no!"t~ of r..~',:, 1:",i]ton Avenue, east of the approach t~ Highway 17 and west of the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of.way, in a P-D (Planned Development/Low-Medium Density Residential) Zoning District. Chairman Lubeckis asked Mr. Kee for his comments. Mr. Kee advised that the staff recommends approval of the tentative map subject to the condItions outlined in the staff report~ The applIcant Is proposing a sùbdivision of 2.5 acres of land into ten single family lots. Planned Development has been granted ~y the Planning Commission and the City Council for this development with a condition that a subdivision map be filed with the City. This map conforms to the Planned Development approval. . There being no questions, Commissioner Dickson moved that T.S. 7~-5 be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Installation of a sani~ary sewerage system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the proposed plans of the City of San Jose. Sanitary sewerage service to be provided by said City of San Jose per the reciprocal agreement with Sanitation District No.4. 2. Installation of a water distribution system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the plans of the San Jose Water Works. Water service to be provided by said San Jose Water Works. 3. Public utility and/or public service easements as may b. necessary for the installations of any and all public utilities and/or facilities shall be granted by the Subdivider. Subdivider to comply with the requirements of the Santa Clara Valley Water Distri~t with regard to restrictions, improvements, or landscaping within the District's 50 foot easement. 4. Compliance with the provisions of Title 20, Subdivisions, of the Campbell Municipal Code. 5. Subdivider to enter into agreement with the CIty to provide for installation and/or construction of street improvements throughout frontages within subdivision and the portion of Hamilton Avenue along the southerly boundary of the subdivision. .. 14 .. ~ -'1- -"7 c:: ~ , , J> t - I : T. S, 76-4 lands of Maggio and Apodaco, Inc. ~ Continued tentati"e~i"ision map - lands of Maggio and Apodac~, Inc. for approval of a land subdivision into ten lots on property located south of Hacienda Avenue and Shadle Avenue In a R-I (Single Family Residential) Zon i ng D i s t rI c t , Vice Chairman Dickson asked Mr, Kee for his confl~nts. Hr. Kee advised that the staff recommendation is for approval. Hr. Helms made a report to the Connission stating that the way these houses have been constructed there isnlt room to provide a standard cul-de-sac so they are recommending that this subdivision be allowed to develop as proposed and that these four parcels have permanent access across to Steinway Avenue. Mr. Hel~s has taled to the owners of each of these four parcels and they are in agreement L-- wi th that. Commissioner Hebard moved that T. S..76-1t b~ approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Installation of a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the proposed plans of the County of Santa Clara Sanitation District No, 4, Sanitary sewerage service to be provided by said District Uo. It, . 2, Installation of a water distribution system to serve all lots within the subdivision In conformance with the plans of the San Jose Water Company. Valer service to be providl'd by said San Jose Water Company, Fire hydrants and appurtenances shall be provided and installed at the locations specified by the Fire Chief, Fire Departo~nt, City of Campbell, Fire hydrant rental fees shall be paid to City at the rate of $195,00 per fire hydra~t, 3. Subdivider shall create or provide any Public Service Easement and any other public utility and/or public service easements as may be necessary for the installation of any and all public utilities and/or faci lities. 4. Compliance with the provisions of Title 20, Subdivisions, of the Campbell Hun i ci pa I Code. 5. 6. Subdivider to pay storm drainage area fee, . Subdivider to furnish copy of Preliminary Title Report. 7. Subdivider shall enter into an agreement with City, post bond, 'and obtain an excavation permit for street improvements throughout the frontages of any new streets and through the frontage of Hacienda Avenue as required by City Engineer, 8, All structures on the site to be removed prior to final map being recorded. Commissioner Samuelson seconded the motion and it was unanimously adopted, - - lit - /0 -7-7~ , I j _.' CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Department: CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE March 30,1978 Mrs. Diane J. Pezzolo 1191 Steinway Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Dear Mrs. Pezzo1o: This letter and the enclosed material represents the understanding which I believe we reached when we met with you on Tuesday, March 21, to discuss the complaints you have relating to an easement between 1181 and 1191 Steinway Avenue. Enclosed for your information are the official minutes and other documents relating to the events which led to the current situation which you believe to have caused problems for you as a result of those four lots to the north of your home. As we discussed at our meeting, I can see no resolution of the problems you describe, because the Maggio Court cul-de-sac did not extend further to the south to serve the four lots which are currently served by the easement from Steinway. To the best of my knowledge, all of the actions taken by the staff and the agencies representing the city were accomplished through appropriate and due process as specified in the city's planning, traffic circulation, and building code requirements. Should you have any further questions relating to the events which led to the current situation, please call my office and I will be happy to discuss your concerns. In closing, I would like to apologize for the letter which was sent to you from the City's Fire Department relating to keeping the easement clear in order that the property owners to the rear of your property could have access (as well as our fire trucks). They were not aware of the special circumstances involved. I would also hope that the relationship between you and your neighbors on the rear four lots could be improved since the easement is of importance for access for all concerned. Sincerely, I(~t:. ¥f.~ Robert C. Stephens City Manager RCS:ajr Enclosures cc: Mayor Dean R. Chamberlin Public Wor~~"Director, Planning /"'" Director, Building Official, Fire Chief '" Department: CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE D~AZ CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 March 1,1978 RECE\VED Mr. Milton Brown 1181 Steinway Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 t~¡\R 2 í978 PUBUC v\JORKS ENG\NEER\NG Dear Mr. Brown: A copy of your letter requesting an open ~eeting with regard to your complaint relating to an easement between 1181 and 1191 Steinway Avenue, has been referred to Heads of our Planning, Public Works and Fire Departments. I request that you permit us to research your concerns relating to city employees permitting construction upon a private easement at the above location. I can assure you that we will expedite our research and I will be in touch with you as soon as I have some information relating to it. If at that time, based on the findings we have made relating to your complaint, you still wish to meet with the City Council on this matter, I will be happy to make such an arrangement at your convenience. I was the City Manager in 1965 and would assume the responsibility for any employee's wrongdoing. It may be necessary for us to contact you to obtain additional information relating to the private easement which you have described in your letter. Should you have any questions relating to the action which I am taking relating to your request, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, . ~~ei4k~ Robert C. Stephens City Manager RCS:ajr cc: ~liott, Public Works Director Art Kee, Planning Director Eugene W. Borden, Fire Chief ..--..--.. Februar" '7,81978 1181 Steinway Ave. Campbell,Ca.9500B Mr. Robert C.Stevens City Manager Campbell,Ce.95008 75 North Central Ave. Dear Sir; I request an open meeting on the subject of the role of some of the employees of the city and others 1n the setti"- -Aida a planning map that was drafted at a counci 1 meeting in t,he time frame of about J.9b5 and the condmning the fl,lt~re of s section of this sria tobe 4)!.J~,e~or now and GEGEAATIONS-TO-eeBtrtE. &..f-1ltc I end my neiqhbor acrc~~wefe~i even aware that this was going on until' all permits were issued abd the use of a private easement of only 30 ft wide was condmned to use from now on,however an employee of Campbell had a meeting with the other owners of said easement and reached a secr et meeting. I request That the head of planning,Engineering,fire prevention,that ell members of the City Councel be notified. Please have available the planning map that was proposed and and pA~sed in the time frame of'1965 end under.which 2 houses WEIrs built ,on the rear of an easement between 1181 and 1191 Steinway Ave. Please request the city employee of Campbell that hed the above mARtin" in this area at said meeting. It will take me considerble time to lay a history of all of the thing that have happened in reguards this matter that~must be presented to get a cle~r picture of what has and is going on. Yours Truly Mi1tonn8rown 1ll ~ tf- rfu () 7+t-fJ-t elt ( , RECEIVED PEa 2 R 1978 '" rr¡y WH""l" ¡-r' - ¡, ,\ ,lIr¡ ---""--,----". ... March 7, 1978 Mr. Robert C. Stevens City Manager 75 N. Central Ave. Campbell, Ca. 95008 RECEIVED MAR 1 0 1978 Wy Mi',:;;,GŒ'~ (.f~'il Dear Sir: My husband and I are residents of Santa Clara County, in an unincorporated area which is adjacent to and affected by the city of Campbell. Our next door neighbor, Mr. Milton Brown, sent you a letter dated 2/27/78, request- ing an open meeting. We wish to reiterate his request and participate in same, due to verbal harassment by a neighbor and your fire department, which are the resuJ. t of decisions made by the city of Campbell. (Ref: Battalion Chief S. Leonardi's letter to us, dated 2/10/78). The changes made were diectly involved with our taxable property and done without our consultation. To my knowedge, this was against the law. We expect to be able to pre- sent our position which will, hopefully, make it possible for us to live in our home, as the sanctuary it once was. Your city's decisions and our neighbor's subsequent complaints are an infringement of our privacy and rights. Please advise when we can meet and please have maps available which show past and present rulings of our area, plus all pertinent correspondence; this may e.xpedi te a solution to our problem. Thank you. Sincerely, ',- (1.v- ,~ Diane J. Pe~ 0 1191 Steinway Ave. . CaJmpbell, Ca. 95008 phone: 374-7811 '_--_"'---'--'_"_----"'-----,--.,...,-, ----..--,-.... "-"'-- . r- A .. I January 11. 1978 I. '.'. J. '~...~'=~,..., ...."~~' '?"'."~"'f"""Î.,,' . t'l~iOTT . "ANDI.ING I ' 1'-'" . L 1= I LHE'MS . ! i,' R,E, T,' URN 10__, I i, . /-1, -, ..-,'--, - --I ! ,_.: ~'~~~~--,.t-J ¡ D'AZ' , ' " . I '- L-,: :,l~,T!Y.'..,:::.."-~ ~ L(M,~~ CASE ¡ Ii 7r(J.c~flO 7(I~i -1---., , II IIXTra.dfVO 61 p~.( 2)i -II I Public Worka Mr. George S tr ickler Nf!/W Conatruction Pacific Gas & Electric 111 Almaclen Blvd San Joae. CA 95198 Subject: Campbell Municipal Lighting Distict EnerqizinQ of Electrolier8 Dear Mr. Strickler: Enclosed please find plana It i8 hereby requested and energize the four 240-volt divisions. The electrical sions was Howard Electric. for Tract Noe. 6016 and 6030. you are hereby authorized to electroliers within these sub- contractor for both subdivi- Tract No. 6016: 400-W.. M.V. North side of Campbell Ave.. west side of Superior Dr. (Service point: P.B. back of walk.) Tract No. 6030: 400-W., M. V . North side of Pollard ~d.. east of Marean Ct. 250-W.. M.V. East aide of Abbott Ave.. north of Pollard Rd. l75-W. . M. V. West side of Marsan Ct. (Three service points.) r. .... .... I Page 2 In a letter to you dated January 4, 1978, we requested the energizing of four electroliers in Tract No. 59897 however the service point location was not mentioned in that letter. The service point is the west side of Maggio Court on the south side of Hacienda Avenue. Thank you and should you have a question, please call the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS ENGINEERING MANAGER By James L. Penoyer Engineering Technician I JLP /kw Enclosures COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO, 4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY ~'VED' 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue 1f('1;'" '"' Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378,2407 AI \ G F 1r;'"1ì SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA August 5, 1977 City of Campbell Mr. Norm Samson 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA95008 ~ ~/b RE Tract 5989 PUBLIC ~O¡{K.) ~U1G /~1- "}/ / ~ Gentlemen Enclosed you will find ia~e~ai-io~a~~on-~heet-i~7, air test report sheet (s) aRà-qt:t.aft~~~~e~-r-e1?ort sheet (s) for sanitary sewers installed in above. with a letter from the contractor, you may connect to the sanitary sewer system and proceed with paving. The District will not accept the sanitary system until all work has been completed. ' Should you have any questions, please feel free to call. Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman Manager & Engineer ~ãartf! Gl! It Inspector LGT/dd Encl. CC Contractor E 13a 7-25-77 J:.-¿O 5-28-75 A TR TEST RESULTS ~4bG/Ò' CbÇ/~T /724 C7 S98 c¡ c? f-/~c I £~/,"C¥J, 4-<Æ:. JOB'l~Œ & NUMBER - , ; I; . . ¡...; ~L-J~] TIPE 'PIP K I I I 'II " ii II Ii ¡. !! - ir 1: -r--' [MH r r i I l Ii :: I' I' ,: " i ~ r-- , n,r II ¡ , i i ~ ; , 1 ':fL.LOS8...- Ee r ! 'I ~ 'Inss bp'(" ~ I I of ! ! A11o~ahle-LQs~ A.c..Jllrl] "-"os 1 :0 , I II !, i: Be ¡: ¡i " s". Ii :j h , " f: , -- ';, I ~~." I of ,,~, ¡i a . !; I ,~, , '.' "-r-s.: I :--- ¡ S e i ,j~ I " --L" ...Jose;; Ppr I , ./. -~~ f LO~S fer, E " , 1 ---LAlim.¡~~]~' Los-~ ¡ ,I , ,:, I ActhlaJ l.oc:;~ ~-~! L I I T 'i I, .. , " I !;' I I ~ ~ t--I ¡í :l !, , Ji ! - MH-~O [I I , o.~ .. ¡ :, " 0-. ,I 'I ! -, Ii h I: , ¡¡ - ,===~ ~ :~' ----- L.- -,-- 1----- I " I i' - =. -=- =--=-=- -, '~-=- =--=--==]~:~-==== ,--,- ,--,---- I ---,-,---- ; -~------- -, -_U_- ----- - ---- -- --- - ---u " - f-4-11 -t FHOwa; le-;, .. ~'# J:.o=--f..r t F C Aiu~_LOL~~Los~er ;- L&~ r -~-t--~--:=l,- -t-:=~:j~ -- --- ~-----+-- " ".~- rill: ~._TË .':: .', ,'~ ~_:, "~"::f'n"~4~~~~"f-~:~~~Ë ~ t~: . J..",'~ , ¡ : ! i I : i , ___n_t~~_,~:=-:=--r:=-:_~'_~~_~L A.li~~~Çle-=:L~~~-~'=-=----i~:i';~~~-;-- - ¡ ,. -r-'-$~ : ! ___L,..__._' I Ii! , --¡- - ,--- ";-" ,u _._A~t.uaL 'LCJ'sr ?'~-~~_:~'~ L-;~s-_-feL=~:- ~.:,"-~=~l...~~S~ .... ---.. "--r----"" ""-"r'-"-- ..,---- '-...., i ..._,,--"---_1.._-_..... "'"' r"-'----- ' i ¡ --,... -'-t- """~_-~-~~r-,~~'~ '.'~:~~~-~-- -..~'- _! l 1 T---------¡-- ----¡-.-- " ,---_..-,-- -- -..-... .. -,' . ..... .. San~a Clara Valle!: Wa~er Dis~rid ^ U 5750 ALMADEN EXPRES~WAY Y./7 ~. v~jC6L;( r'J .} VJ \~ (;/< f'l~\¡), . SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 . (408) 265.2600 March 18, 1977 RECEiveD ~~ r~:' C) 1 191J Pu.~l&G WORKS ~~:i~~ ~~;:~;:tate ENGtNEEIINQ One Hallidie Plaza, Suite 200 San Francisco, California 94102 Gen t1 amen I A request has bee report relative to Tract 5989 in the Smith Creek to prepare a flood hazard Watershed, The following report is based on data available to the Santa Clara Valley Water District: ~ The site should not flood in the event of the District's standard design flood (defined as a flow having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any year)., occurrinq on a District stream. 0 The site is subject to flooding from It is estimated that the channel has a present capacity to pass a flow which has a or exceeded in any year. percent chance of being equaled 0 Said channel is not one which the District designates as a flood control facility. D Said channel is one which the District designates as a flood control facility. No assurance can be given as to a date at which flood protection will be provided. Any information available to us regarding possible future protection is given below under" Additional Comments". Additional Comments: This report: is not provided in response to an inquiry reqardinq the National Flood Insurance Proçr am . For information concerning the hazard from and disposition of local or surface storm water within and adjacent to this site, please contact'l'he City of C~bell Public Works Department. CCI Santa Clara County Title Company Attention Ms. Corinne Mikkelsen Public Works Department, City of Campbell COpy Sincerely yours, ~r;\L S~Gr~::D BY Division Engineer Design Coordination Division rrJ,O " 1 7.'1 p lci( /2, ì RESOLUTION NO, 5143 -- BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO, 5989 AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE PROPOSED AGREEMENTS, WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No, 5989 for approval; and, WHEREAS, an agreement, approved by the City Attorney as to form, which covers conditions pertaining to the approval of said map and acceptance of the dedicated streets, has been presented; and, WHEREAS, the City Engineer has approved the map to the effect that it conforms; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be and the same is hereby approved and that the streets, avenues and public ways shown thereon be and the same are hereby accepted; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to execute the said agreement on behalf of the City of Campbell, PASSED AND ADOPTED thi s 28th, day of February the following vote: , 1977 by AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: Chamber 1 in, Hamner, Paul, Podgorsek, Doetsch Nom~ None APPROVED: Mayor Ra lph [k)etseh. Sl', ATTEST: City Clerk Dorothy Trevethan ": /] .r .- ~ (1' £o---..L Ý =--'¡ \- (~vd- , / ¿ "'}(> , 'J' -r" ¿, l ~ 'I THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY'¡')L¿¡' '\ L .- RECEIVED [ F B 2 8 1977 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING San Jose, February 24,1977 Mr. Joe Elliott, City Engineer City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Re: Tract No. 5989 Dear Mr. Joe Elliott: The public utility easements and certifications, as shown on the final copies of the map for Tract No. 5989 have been examined by this office. The easements are adequate and satisfactory to this Company, Very truly yours, Engineering Manager cc: Paul E. Nowack and Associates, Inc. COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378,2407 February 22, 1977 City of Campbell Public Works Department 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA RE Tract 5989 Gentlemen This is the District's Clearance Letter for the recordation of Tract 5989. Plans have been approved, fees have been paid, and all the District's requirements have met. Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman 6)~ lii~ By Preston R. Nichols Assistant District Engineer PRN/pm SAN JOSE WATER WORKS 374 West Santa Clara Street San Jose, California 95113 408/295-3205 February 17, 1977 City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California Gentlemen: This letter is being written to assure interested parties that Tract No, 5989, off Hacienda Avenue, is within our service area, When financial arrangements are made, we will extend a main on Maggio Court which will supply water to this tract, Very truly yours, NEA:ds -y.-!~ N~ E, - ANDREWS Vice President CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL lands of Maggio and Apodaca, Inc, T. s. 76-4 /~. / ~ ( ...~'. j ~.)' "\' '. \:!\'è>.. / \ þuPJ ~ / ~(rP;>C(; L-- ,-'\ \l- Ç;? I. Installation of a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the proposed plans of the County of Santa Clara Sanitation District No.4, Sanitary sewerage service to be provided by said District No.4, 2. Installation of a water distribution system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the plans of the San Jose Water Company. Water service to be provided by said San Jose Water Company. Fire hydrants and appurtenances shall be provided and installed at the locations specified by the Fire Chief, Fire Department, City of Campbel!. Fire hydrant rental fees shall be paid to City at the rate of $195.00 per fire hydrant, 3. Subdivider shall create or provide any Public Service Easement and any other pub! ic uti lity and/or public service easements as may be necessary for the installation of any and all public uti lities and/or faci lities, 4. Compliance with the provisions of Title 20, Subdivisions, of the Campbell Municipal Code. 5. Subdivider to pay storm drainage area fee. 6. Subdivider to furnish copy of Prelindnary Title Report. 7. Subdivider shall enter into an agreement with City, post bond, and obtain an excavation permit for- street improvements throughout the frontages of any new streets and through the frontage of Hacienda Avenue as required by City Engineer. 8. All structures on the site to be renK)ved prior to final map being recorded. COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO, 4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378,2407 RECEIVED August 27, 1976 AUG 3 0 1976 City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING Attention Mr. Lawrence C. Versaw Re Tentative Subdivision Map of Lorraine Maggio and Apodaca, Inc. Hacienda Ave. at Shadle Gentlemen All of the adjacent properties are sewered. The sewer system to serve this property will provide service to only the 10 lots shown on your tentative map. We suggest a 6" sanitary sewer extension as shown on the enclosed drawing. No frontage or acreage fees are due. This property was in- cluded in Sanitary Sewerage Project 1958-2. Before this subdivision can be recorded the plan check and inspection deposit at 2% and 6% respectively, of the sewer construction cost must be paid. Before sewer permits for the residences can be issued the following fees must be paid: unit connection fee - $73.50 plus $10.00 Permit fee C1eanout box (pending backf1ow requirements) Sewer service charge (paid 6 months in advance) $83.50 7.50 4.25 or 11.50 16.50 We are forwarding a copy of sewer location map 6-77. Please note there is already a building sewer that can serve lot no. 1. If we can be of additional assistance, please don't hesitate to call on us. Very truly yours Stephen H. Goodman M(J,ah:~neer B~ IJ. R. Nichols Assistant District PRN:kk Engineer cc: Paul E. Nowack & Assoc., Inc. Enc1s :2 ..q" if) , ) C' 3" ¡/ '?o l.? l'O~ (i :),,) SEE PAGE 76 a q 0 Q: '. 7', /5;3 ) ,5") "113" .r ¡{.SS .,.~ ~",' ¿ .49 ..8) "114" ~l ", "115" ,~. "'., ( '18) (+ 9.. \" i "116" +",,-' :, ' /... 8 7 " 117" 2~8'? , 6:)) ~,;¡ .. 39 I ~'~~ /"135" > I .., j I L ,.E£ __L,,_.. .. ) ..,~ "137" , :L 90 .i:!,.. " 134" ~~ I . , ¡ ;' ,I , , i\; '" ~ ~ C . C) ":\ " "" . ~' . ~ !/r Ii. ~? d " ~ 1+ 76 35 '" ~ ~ a:: (60) a ~5 ""-,.._, U\ ~ OJ ~ 5 "'Ii 1 +- 89 c 8 (Ç, 0) 'J <>- '" " 11' ~ ' ,'5' " '-/ < <4GE ~ -z. ö V7 ;1 ,;,1 .~ 2H03 ~ (" 0) ~ 2+.5'f, ~ (fóO) 36 '" ~' '" . ~~ c.J ,j ". '5 -.. } 1 ,;) , § 6 " 3+-48 .... (60) ;:" ,1 > '" '"' 8~~ ; 3+3S ('O) 37 W 'e -1" a <t :r " Cf) 0- " " , , "" ,--, .. ¡ I -'.. - "-"'-----. : (j , ( 40 0<) ~ 39 <;,1 I <. , "', " 4+ /.5" (180J '" ~ " " (þ '"'+ ... - 'It .. " ~ ~ e"STU81i 6. 4" LATERAL 2-1-04 (,"0 ) 2+-6S .. (60) 38 5 " : I . ~ 5 16 I 4 0+22... ((Óo) ,~ ---- ,"" -.2, 1+4-!i 2. +-01 (beY) 2+!Ó8 ¡"'O' " " 41 00 ,..., , " .: : 44 " '" '" w " ~ 0.. w W lJ) :::: ". ;,. '" ~! :: ~I 43 42 <, '<\ ..:0, ""';:; ... c'. ..., 'oS .. --, m.. , I> 2 1+!Ó8 > (60) , N 45 '- 1+71 ...::, (,,"0) ., ~" 9f " " 119 "120" I ¡ "121" ~: '2 -"" ~, ;;: 2+4-3 ' , .¿,,]) ,,~ '" ' '" ,'" 2"40 ',: (/OJ) 46 6" c J \; Q '" (, " 'It rt') + rt') " :.- '1 .,~ :, >O~ DOlO <", ',.~ BiD 8~ "liS" 6" A 3+51 'I" AVENUE ...:! ... < . '" 6" (J" , , '" " . .. C .t < f "13'3 II L L d £ASEMENT OAT4 R/W-A-KECK EXTENSION I]) ", I CQUNTY"S,ANIT, A,TI,O, ,N," ,DISTR~,C~O 41 SCALE L~_?.~,PE.c:TEn,,~,,~r= BY 1 100..J__- -,,- 1-- SANTA CLARA BOOK PAGE 6 77 >.,{" "';'-v"""~"!"',If;.""...",,;kà..!i;.'t':lk'~M...,_~d~~' ~..~¡), ~O\..UT OI1¡ <i:ýJ~. ~(\ ~.. '.~ "'<, ~-I ~ . -.;- m ~ ,~,,1\ f ?:-þ.- ~ Ä,$: 7/16 -191\J~ì San~a Clara Valle~ Wa~er Dis~ric~ 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118 TELEPHONE (408) 265.2600 RECEIVED AUG 3 0 1976 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING August 27, 1976 Mr. Arthur A. Kee Director of Planning City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Dear Mr. Kee: Reference is made to the Lands of Lorraine Maggio with your transmittal of Tentative Map ,x~ Auqust 16 for , sent Proposed land use change would not directly affect any District facility. District Ordinance 75-6 requires the owner to show any existing wel1(s) on the plans and to inform us regarding proposed use thereof. Please contact Mr. Zozaya on extension 379 for informa- tion regarding Well Permits. Sincerely yours, '-,~i.i't,;.,l;'..¡....~, ,.j .~. -, ,..' , . '.., ',.;' ~.t... Eugene H. Sullivan Supervisor, Permits Section Design Coordination Division cc: Paul Nowack & Associates Mr. Bill Helms, Enqineerinq Manaqer City of Campbell ì ;í, ~:. ;::. ' lt1 ' ~ ----=~=-~ FTL- --"""" ,.,.,......"......, -"""'" '- RLD- VUS,~-- ~~.~~ ~...:. --....-,... .. FILE - --.. ". AN AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER :CEIVED AUG 1 R 19ì6 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING August 18,1976 MEMORANDUM Engineering Technician 1 TO: Larry Versaw, FROM~sal Leonardi, SUBJECT: Battalion Chief Tentative Subdivision Map of Lorraine Maggio & Apodaca, Inc, After review of the above mentioned map, it has been determined that a street hydrant would be required at the south east corner of Hacienda Avenue and the new street, This hydrant shall be of the type with a 4" steamer connection and two 2~" connections. mm ~~ 0- 0 <V ~ (j., If' ~ t¡.. \.. .r-~ J>~ ~(ý' ,,~') cr9' C/O ~ ,a" \..d::l 0.. ,0' ~ ~ (L 'f' '- -r- ~ 0- '- \ '" It? "- ~ .r ~ < '" <", J" (/,0 0- ref:{ cP "< \)-)<~ ~~ CV e <X-o i) 0- ~ '0 (V (g~ c:Þ )( 0 \. 'P 0:" 0) ~ t£ " ~ "" ~ ~ '- « 6t t:;? ) '-C' '-~ -,~ ~ V. h rtf':'-& ~ '- /"~ " V' ./ 'xc,' ) ~q <V ~ QO/ j VC~, ,OJ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ", ~Ol I I I 4.' ~ ('\ ~ ~ ~ " \..' ~ I .. , r ,..d ,¡~ t:. 4f ~,~ ~ ~ G'\ co '" -'.'c 'ì~ ""~'- :r. ~ 0 . c .... IS> ..... m -; s -- .1.' ç 5HAOLE -AVE, ---- ...3 , u> IJI ¡ 01 ¡ ~II ~ ~~!~I ¡ 1G J,' ' z /i 0 -- ,I i )- ~ 1"\ I ~ . I .. . . / T.G, '1!.ID (i". - _~S_I J '- ------------ ~ >'- rc,. ~U7 ;c III Z 2.c..:..~8 77- C In 8:" .-81 , m~ '~ W~;~ I ~ fr. ~i ". I I 20" j I N .. ~ ~ ,.;,. ~, "> ... '\.) " ..' - 8\JÞ 1'; .: - ..... -4 m 0' '" "'. 0 ... a ~ -a 8- .z° . .. ... , . I ~ ~ ... -- . --_..._-,--------------..._,._-------,-,--_._._--------'--' ,--""-' -----_.._---,-,--,-,_.,--'-- ____h.._-,---' -'---- 1 - "¡ " I Wi _J 1 0' ~Iuj II? , U) I ot( '\ ff -- _h ,---,-------- J f /, _--:/ =---=-~=. '~~ :1 "'I ~ . '. \. ' '\~ -ua " "" .- ad on ..s ..., ""I' "- ,... 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