Hacienda Ave. (63-3) INTER-DEPArtTl\lli¡~TAL ilEr,EASE FROM: 'ro~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BUII..DING liSP. ,i:,£?TMENT RE: . ,¿¿~ ~.e£ Rh/L --- _r?' g ,5 ELZJLL L (Ç..__<c2.T /9~ÆJ ~Subject; ~Jð/!) L> t:- C /)H¿'L~.:L (/,¡:::=- r-: Æ~f-, t ()i.mer I z Name ¡ _J/.:.&.. GÆ/lJÆLZ....L£.Ø/#.£.hI'éf.:ú-:¿e ß~i/R ~ 4{f¿/êA!~ AII¿' (Adclress of PrapeT.-ty} ~a The foU.ovdn':;j condH:icl1s of approvz.l on subj e~t prOpt3rty are ::'9co::mne!'..de.d to be complieð v1i<:.h before vr ¡;¡:--. a c::mc.ition "::0 issu.:;¡nce of: a Duilc1ing p~j:mH:.. -.-- C!.l--.EL£=:::::--- -J:2L L<_f. __2 -~-~. / 3 5q" ¿ ¿-ç.£//// / ------ --- ---------------------------------- ----- ---- .- .--.- --------.. ------ ---- ----.- ---..--.-. ---.----- .-'.'.--- -~-- - - ----..-..-.- ---------.---------- ....-.----..-..- ---- -..--.-----..-----------....-..-- ---- -------.-. ----.-------.----------- ---- ----- - ---..-.--- --'- ----- -------------------..- .. --- --- CITY OF CAMPBELL ENGINEBRING DEPARTMENT By: ~1rLL~ ¡: () aiLj U c 9- ¿4 :...&.3 RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIF'CRNIA Date ¿j- {~p 19¿3 Addrl¥' (D~ ( ð:JD - Name RECEIVED Dollars Cents ~/{x) r:~ t.. .--. - - ~ ' F°;o-Lé.iý 1L!- _;\\J¡ð.:~~' 2('1 -<-)("('":". ,-f,..ll ~* ('..!.. 'jÜ?"'-td- ¿, I (; ê , - Jf- {, c; i -;Jl r- / ;-~:: FundllU --,_''It-/', 6646 Thank you, CITY OF CAMPBELL By (ilL ¡It )Jù tCI! '( , CITY CLERIC r county of eant~lara ... I of S.-'" J:.~~~o ~ r :J Þ 0 :I 0 ~ 0.. ,.- (, FOft" OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 70 WEST HEDDING STREET ROOM 524 SAN 'OSIE 10, CALIFORNIA 299-2323 March 23,1964 Mr. Kent Bonney street Lighting Engineer Pacific Ga8 & Electric Company 86 South Third Street San Jose, California Energizing street Light - Hacienda Ave. & Winche8ter Boulevard. Subject: Dear Mr. Bonney s The Board of Supervisors at its regularly scheduled meeting on March 23, 19ó4, authorized the energizing of a 400 Watt Mercury Vapor unit with integral photocell, located on the northwest corner of Hacienda Avenue and Winchester Boulevard. Thi8 unit ia within the limits of the Aquino Park Lighting Maintenance District.. Very truly yours, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mrs. Jean pullan Clerk, Board of Supervisors r, (') .... ,_\I" c,' ~';t-..' 'Ii,,' >-\. /.<::'> 'v), ~'(/ . U ~ «:. 1.~'Y py q.«; ~~~~ ø <v~ &~ JP'DMRs.s CCI City of Campbell co 8'G SANCHEZ. lOT DI.TRICT SAM P. DELLA MAGGIORE. 2ND DISTRICT ED. R. LEVIN. 3RD DISTRICT RALPH H- MEHRKENS. 4TH DI8TRICT (CHAIRMAN) MARTIN ... SPANGLER. SR.. 5TH DISTRICT JEAN PULLAN. CLERK DF THE BOARD \ \ \ ~ ~ ?~ ~~ '\f\. .~ "G!\ " 0, ~ ~ - ~-" .-"'" ...1.:1 ~ --- , f~-"'-'- \ , --- ' t'> ' O. .J , / -~ t. a.of)\ f. \ u£ --:;!\~ & ~ ~", ,,~~\~~.LAfit> TO ßE ~RANTED- TO ~~f)'. CITY O~ CAM~BEL1:- 1.H~ ~ I ¡ I ¡ ~"~ ' I ;(;j~Ä~i',,;,(: ¡<:In!': h. be gronted to City P1~P¡¡f,~d t,y tha CHL';€ d "ne Ci~'1 I <:.1";i ntH~, Ca!1~p'::c'1 .' I~orr.¡a , L__,---.~.._._---- ""-"-' .-------------------- ___~R~...B~.£,__-~~:.. ~-_._._J $CAL!: 1".40' CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION USE PERMIT NO. 1963-3 MARCH 7. 1963 In accordance with the provisions of Section 9328, Chapter 3, Artlcte IX, of the Campbell Municipat Code, UNION OIL COMPANY OF CA~IFORNIA, Is hereby granted a use Permit to construct a Service Statton on property located on the N!W corner of Winchester Blvd. & Hacienda Avenue, al per apptlc- ation filed January 17, t963, subject to the following conditions: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. to. t. Landscaping on the radius between Winchester' Hacienda approaches. 2. Masonry Wat' not Jess than 6 feet in height to be erected on the western property line adjacent to the R-I. A minimum of 5 foot width of landscaping In front of masonry watt. 3. Water tines to be Instatled to both landscaping areas. 4. Dedication to Winchester Plan Line & 45 foot sideline on Hacienda Avenue. Street Improvement Plan. Performance Bond in amount of $4,200.00 Labor & Materlat Bond in amount of $2,100.00 Storm Drain Fee In amount of $360.00 Inspection fee in amount of $100.00 Applicants to secure variance from front yard setback. APPROVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Campbetl on the 5th day of March, t963. Said approva1 to become valid on March 15, 1963. PLANNING COMMiSsioN, CITY OF CAMPBELL' By: ?J I .. I.. 1vU<:;'A (J) ~ê Q ..í8k . , t ( SVl .f5- .--" .........---- .. ."..-' . .~ Mer. 2S, I '" The tlty touncn of the CIty of C81pbelt at It. .....,... --fag of "'rcå 2Sth, ,"S, gr.t. eM following v.,.I.- to the Un'. 81' c..-... of CalIfornIa: Varl.... 'ft front ,.1'4 letNck to allow C8ltntCti. of service Itatl. wIth ao foot ",.,.... of Its foot lee beck for puIIIp I.,... .. 2) foot 'aate'" of itS foot 88tb8ck Oft caMpy. Praperty locat- .. the nore...c cor..r of Wlache'ter I' vet. a. ""'e.. Awnue. C...,..", CeUfornla. BY IUD .. THI tin COUMCIL CITY OF CMPIILL. CAL.,..", IY . ~ ~ Dorothy TN".Ma, City Clerk v : '" (J7;j- --