221 E. Hacienda Ave. (72-17) RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL ,,! CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA NAME /~:~ú /~ "DR'" /.5 Vv : tfl~ {' ~ ø-#~ ~ Á.- / RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA NAME kJ</ t( ~~ ADDRESS /¿/ ~/¡' ¿ ¿¡:~<-/Lú/ ~ (/ :)..0 ~ tfJ,i ¡ - 10'1/0 FOR , /æ~~ M.Lu"j J~-z- =-'c2 / f d~ ;dr! ,--, 'i. V OJ 7~ -/ 7 c--- - ¿J 'J'-- -". /' ' ;ø . -~v 9x~ ~ tfl~ ~~ J~ - ,;202/ Z- ~-;,~^- / r, 7;2 -/ 7 ~"'.:2 q,;z o~ (' / RE.VENUE ACCOUNT NO. ~J/ FUND NUMBER ~ RE.VENUE ACCOUNT NO. J ~/ FUND NUMBER J- ,...".2-.5// .ZSI... CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH ~oZJ/;¡,... ~ CHECK THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BElOW. 7849 CITIZEN COpy DATE AMOUNT HAY 11-72 KAY 11-72 018 ****292.00 51 018A ***292.00 THIS RE CEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. ~s ,'/ 01/ ~ ~/.'~ . ------./" Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL CITY CLERK 7850 CITIZEN COpy 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH DATE AMOUNT HAY 11-72 017 *** * 885.00 HAY 11-72 61 on A ***885.00 ~s .// # BY ,.. '(Ì/~ . // 7 ?. CITY CLERK (~ You v CITY OF CAMPBELL I _c~ '(~ tiÞ I '~'1'-J1 t'---:.oo í ~-,-~ -'-, f--+--,,! I ~==~L=-_i=-=t==l=-'J. - ¡ ~--,-L--L ",' J-I--- + r- +-- +- -1----T--1 [-t~-F-f,-j'--¡ f--+---: ¡¡-I r--~--¡_'_;m,¡_,_¡- ~rj ~- L;?/ ~-~fl¿ 4~/< I ! j . . '" - ~! - ----. ".,.,;/------------, -,--.-- , "~- ¡,.. - "t----" 'J t- J---t-,,'Vi] : ! ./ t I, i I 1 ¡_on I I I Iii ,,-- I--i' ---I . I j I Ii! I ¡ ---Î----r I I I I i -'Î~-I--n -+- i ! I : I I -rooT-of I I i I i I I" ',> ¡ I i I ì L- I i I I I I ¡ I i I I -jn--t- "1-- 'r I I ! I I~i-Ii i I I I I I i I !, Ii! ".,----1.---,'--,-,- I i i i 1. I I I I ! , --- i--i-n, ! I i i i r i I t---I- I I I f~' ---"'" -- ",. ... ,.. '-------..----- -- ' I i I 1--- """ , I i I I I ¡, \ ff¡ I I I I I I I I I i ¡ I II I I i I III II I 11lcJ III!!-!-li- r..l .. :,\- : I i I 1,.,--- -I' -L -I in-i--~___Lu_L--_~--+_u_¡'s-'~n ¡ ! I i I I! I j I I Î\ .: I ! i I I I I I ... ~ í-1¡ i-è--'i-----j-oo--i--,-~¡,t~;',:-oo ; ì I I I I I I ~~ ¡, i i I ! 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('" ,,) /oJ , '-' ....", ' /: h" &.,. l' '-' 'J QUALITY CABINE',£S '~""--"""'---'YT/"""'-""--'--""i-""O-,'r'n,~u_s, ",J~R~Y, ,.'""-,1, 9",--'-O.,O-. ""r",-,,-¡~-,,.(~.,-v-X'.~':X'l'.'r-"r~'" Xt:M'X""fA,""f;-"XXXXXJ7""r"""""?ff" < ;!¡-V;YX -1 ;: 'é.: h --','~ 11,.;,'."',;-,;,I'h-;>;4'- AA 7i;-;;pA>-;<-,' "'="ì"ilr-. 'ieOJ' r6 P-H'ÇtN(:.q ö44"S"- .1,,'~;'J')C.L- ",--/;:;. V'A".P::J\:;l. , 'Ja .L . ')-')1.) ,-,.. ,-- --- ,-". ,-'",' , , " ~'--' , -, --, , , 'J. .... ' " C:Y',!"i' -:::'~: ,: ", " ' ; ..) II ;.: C :?", : --),' ~; ;'.'0.._:,/ o'" ; , ~~^;"", ' ¡':r. Gré;(~'~;:: 371 " :c,:,.~ t. 0 [.i. ; '. ';.c ê; ,.. Campb¿~, v-,.. 9.:: 1~ ,':' -' '-' OJ J Dei::r This i~ lTI regßr~ to the irrigation li~e running in -~ro;;,'cJ: ,":8 DroC)e:!:'ty at 221 E. Hacienò.?, A,ve. in Campbell. en? of the line, and having no emands J;-. ;~,,:: to::' us e of tYŒc::; line iT. th(-; past t'V'JO years, v, ~ Dortion of pipe line to which I may ~:i.[) (i (è I re'J. :;.~,ve r-- , - y~ -" . Ver-y truly yours Harry if!. '!n lson 'f '1 /i ,/;17 ~ A" /ì r ~ ; ~ ' /- / 1/ ," \"" " - /.("'. , " 1.1/1 ~ t--r l' /Î jI~:-YV :" ¡ ,~' ú!"/7/1..;.....-!/L/' . v v~ .'/" I Y / j v , /1;: y ¿3 ,0 ({! £-þ¡vv~ /ih- ~- --",,~- \,,- 'ï ',? 0 ¡_'/,/'-'-'" 11" ,,'. ~~ '" v':'- "y \...--'---<:.-/ "-:-','.'-;/ z.ý'z,:--" ::::,;. ~ T'- c.:::> ..::> u \ ~ .. ~ June 26,.1972 WGW BMH FTL V // 1 INITIAL & DATE --- . L~J --. .. \~i4=~ I I .,.-.- TO George A. ClJ:eene Coanpany, Coneul t.1n9 Bn91neere 871 Ea.~ Hlmilton Avenue Campbell, California 95008 AT'.1'EN1'ION': MJ:. Georqe A. Greene StmJEC'l': "8" 72..17, proposed office Building, m ..t .c~ A'(~nu~ Oeni:l.en I FILE ¡ I 'fh1s letter 1s to confdi.rm receipt of your 1.tUr dated June 20, 1972, wherein you a.sure this office that provisions have been made to provide power to the str~ lighting' sYSt8n . Concerning the ex18'ting' .tzrigation main which traverses ~he froni:aCJ8 of your propert.y and *iab i8 rtow within the dedicated public right- of -way, this otfice advise. you 'that we are not dictating to you ~o reave the main, but ra~er to cause the 1l."ription system to be modified in such a manner as 1t may be accept:8ble to those parti.. who have an interest 1n and to the sytftan, including the City EncJineer. We refer you to para9X'8ph (13) on Pa,- 5 of the Agreement. ent.ed into by you and the City of Campbell. The const:ruction drawings. Sheet 1, under Utility N'ote 3 also make expli<.;it reference to this matter. OUr informat.ion is t:hat the main 1s 1011a"d approKJ.mat.ely 26 feet nort:herly frœt:he street. center line, where ~. curb and gut.ter 8re to be constructed, and that it:s sha11oW..s and prox1m1ty to the pave- ment make 1t necessary 'to e1'ther remove it OJ:' to reloca'te it depending upon whether it is not required or required tor the benefit of those who have an interes1: in it. We feel that you should 91ve this matter careful consideration pr10r to making a decision. we understand that a Mr. Harry Wilson of 16230 oakhurst. Drive, Monte sereno, telephone number 354-6932, awns the irrigation main and is -the person you should contact. concerning 1ts reloeat.1on or removal. Very truly yours, BILL M. HEIMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER --".,,-- - .--'---- ---.--.,-- CSG: Is By Cruz S. Cklnez, tIr. C1.v1l Enqineer eel G. C. McKinney, Civil En9ineer Attn : Mr. John S. Jost ~ GEORGE A. GREENE CO. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 871 EAST HAMILTON AVE. CAMPBELL. CA. 96008 14081371.0933 ~ - 2'2. - , '2. C- <:;J June 20, 1972 City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Attention: Mr. Gomez Subject: George A. Greene Building 221 Hacienda Avenue, Campbell Our Job #7ll02A Gentlemen: This letter confirms the telephone conversation between Mr. Gomez and Lloyd Muegge of this office, regarding underground services to the building. a. Mr. George McKinney is preparing plans and specifications for street improvements. Since this work will be let under a separate contract it is important that work already in- cluded in the contract for the building be noted as such so that the costs will not be duplicated. 1. The existing irrigation pipe along Hacienda Avenue will be removed under the building contract. 2. The street lighting supply circuit from the PG&E trans- former to the street lighting pull box will be installed under the building contract. 3. The location of electrical and telephone services have been located as accurately as possible on Drawing Xl. A copy of this drawing has been sent to the Utility Companies and we have been advised that the locations are acceptable. George A. Greene Carlos A. Feliz OJ, Michaelis George A. Lowder Lloyd G. Muegge City of Campbell Subject: George A. Greene Building June 20, 1972 Page 2 b. The electrical and telephone conduits or ducts crossing Hacienda Avenue will be installed by the Utility Company. The approximate routes are indicated on Mr. McKinney's drawings, however, the exact details of construction are subject to negotiations between the City of Campbell and the Utility Company: Pacific Gas & Electric Company Mr. Ben W. Bendel 298-3333 Pacific Telephone Company Mr. Doug Gile 291-3477 Enclosed is one copy of drawing Xl foryour reVIew. GAG/pr encl. I I - .... -1- .. ç. Ù'\ "" Q , I ,~~~I ,... 0 '" ~ ~ } r.- ,~ VI~~~~t) :t:". " ,¡...- ,) "- '" ..:ä IN I ~ ..... -0...:> t~t: ~ , I ~...J I ~ CI . I ~ "Q ~ ; .... ,-'J ~ .~ .~~ ..,~~Kf', '0 I '- ....... ;... '\.. ~ ~ b> ...... N <J\ ,CO' 1 ~ ~ ,./';.Þ.,. '0 .;¡ - ... ..... ," '.. 7- - ...- ~ ~ f. O/J ~ 00 ....... ~ I ~ I ""- ~ ~ 5.tJ.$ ~ ~ " ~ " ,-,-, , C ..... \~ ~ -S' It - . ~ .,. .~ I." '" ~ ~ -"". 2,~~, '3'ß - ~"* g'~ lr~ :-c- r "t ""~ ' :?,'" :\ 'è:! -S,) -1: .~,. . '! , , ._~-, ~3'. 0 , -.I'd ~ .rc . "-9 I ,I, j " : - wi. " 1 ;. c~ ,~ i <.. ~ ~ ~ '.:- " ') i '\1\ \ 'i Ñ ~ ~ ~ ~:? Z:$'I. 70 ~ ~ ~ - d~ '2 =: .? '. - °1 ':f :" 'II> '" ~ ~ L - " r ~' :.z , , , ~ (\ ~~ ~~, ~~ ~k 23Þ.2~ '1) ,..' ê~/ I~, '~O ,. -, "fI I -c.. -:>1. Ir I 1..1\\ ~...... .. ~ t"t ,('?t:J ~'f' (,-5---- '-.'l-- ..-. '--'1, ..... roo () 'C) <:> ~ ~ .... t ...:> 1'1 '" " þ ~ ~ ~ ~ Î ~ 1" ~ t: f ,!:, 1'1 'f \I" J' ~ ~ s".! ~1~ '" .!1'" ;f~. t\\ 0.) ",0 ~o H ~- '. ,~ ~~,.,.. ~ .:rr1_,,~e:¡;; . ., ~ "",,- ',.. 0 "':: s...."- ~ 5 S;~? ~ "' 01" , (. . "Ø' r '<:s. - .. '-',",v,~ , '.fT . ...0;: ~-::¡U\ 5'.>11 ~~r~ 5'~2 f' x.,.. \r~'" S" 3~ .ÿ . i;., fi" ,0 ' I'~I\\ ,~~ ~'~ i1'"~~ =' ~ ~?, :'> ,. I !' '0 "'i, "I :'1" , ,1'\ '"" .. -.. ~.. . ~ ~ s.st! ~ .. 't ~ :-\1" J:~? ~- ~~. :.0:. 0" . --- I.,) , ~' ~ ~ \;> .:t ~ Ç> t.iI II.} ,~ 1'1 ~~ þ:t. ~ ~ , ~ " -!;- : ~ ,~. f...,~ .... '" ':." "C¡,. '"'" y, ~ ...' ~ oE' I " ~ I"or' ..... .,¡o ~ ,-""" '" 'IIS¿'~ ", iu~~ '" ~ :; - ~ ~ ~ z£~... "Ó., ~.1¡Þ.-$ ~ dO - i..:- v."" "" '~ 23/. ~S 2: ~/. ~2 'ø. ~ S;u. ~ "..... .' ~ 11Z3 ~ (\ ~ ( ~ \( .... N "" .~\~ I( I'((.¡ø ') ~, 0 '\ ~¡ ....<;¡o, I ~ -ç., I ~ ... ~ -, I ~ Ò ~ ~ ~ !'- :~ 0 ~ I - ,.Þ--r-.. -"""1 ~v"'- "'-. .",~oo(: So \) ~ ~ ," . tJ1 H \> , ' ~ ~ ~~ ~ 1 ~~ ~ ' @ :o%~ ~-=- :1) I' S',1',,~.:-- :-\ '" ~ \. .r> " ~ ~ ~ s: /2"~ I .. ~ c~- ~ ..--..... Il~ ,\~ ---:r- '.. --- ._,- .--....... .......,...,... - ,- --- .' ~ OJ ~ond i'io. YS 689-0510 Prem1.un $84.00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: GEORGE A. and JEAN M. GREENE¡ That (ï) (WE) husband and wife, as Principal, and INDUSTRIAL INDEMNITY COMPANY a corporation, organized under the laws of the state of California as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Campbell, State of California, (hereinafter called "CITY"), in the sum of EIGHT THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($8.350.00 ) lawful money of the UNITED STATES OF Ab'lERICA, for the payment of which well and truly made, we hereby bind ourselves, our successors and assigns, jo1ntly anà severally, f~ly by these presents. The condition of the foregoing obligation 18 such that, WHEREAS, the above-named Principal proposes to construct an office buildinq upon real property located at 221 East Hacienda Avenue on p:t:operty descr ibed in deed ~) # 42,28906 as said deed (~) is (~) filed for record in the office of the Recorder, County of santa Clara, State of California in Boo~ 9777 o¡ Official Record~ at Paqe 46(. rAcorded April 7, 1972: ~~d. WHEREAS, in order for Principal to obtain a~~u~ldinq Permit to ~(') ("(')l1~t:rl1C'.t within said City Q£ Campþe¡l , principal is obligated to construct and/or install or have constructed and/or installed certain street improvements throughout the East Hacienda Avenue (former1v kn9WI1 as Parr Avenue) , frontage of said site, in accordance with the standards of said City, said street improvements including: concrete sidewalks and driveway approaches ( 176 sq. ft.), asphalt street paving (4.260 sq. ft.)ø concrete curb and gutter ( 177.5 line ft.), standard electroliers (one ea.) 7 the total cost of said street improvements having been estimated by said City to be approximately EIGHT THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($,8,350.00 f. WHEREAS, the parties hereto have agreed that said improvements shall be installed at such ttme as the City Council of said CITY calls for them. provide~. however. that they shall b~ installed in accordaQ(;e wit-V the plans and agreement tb,erefor: and NOW, THEREFORE, if said Principal shall well and truly do and perform its obligations as set forth above, on its part to be done and performed at the ttme and in the manner specified therein, then this obligation shall be null and void; otherwise this bond shall remain in full force and effect. 1 of 2 SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. That par'ticipatioi1 in any Local Improvement DiDtrict uhich may be formed Eor the express purpose of COl1st.ruc- 'i:ing public improvements i11 the area concerned, including storm and sanitary sewers, street and side~mlJc improvements, utility installations, and/or any installation which may be prescribed b:l such proceedings \'lithin the public right of ~..,ay shall satisfy the obligations of this bond. 2. That the te of this bond is for a per iod of one (1) year, commencing on 0, 19~, but shall be continued year to year th eaiter at the option of ~ìe Surety. 3. n1at the Surety hereunder may relieve itself from liability under this bond by giving \~itten notice of such desire by registered mail to tl1e City thirty (30) clays prior to the date of e=~iration of the bond. ~. ~1ðt in the ev~nt said principal is not granted the l"l6Cessary Build] nç¡r Pei!!ITlit within a period of one (1) year fram the date hereof, this shall be null and void on its face. HI'l'NESS OUR HANDS this~day Of~~ 19 -1.::J.c- . J bond . GREENE GREENE (Notary Certificates) 2 of 2 I ...,,~ ~...:.": 1 ¡"";; F~ S , Pl:;;:;: F~: '1"¡:<:Þ.CT Lands of GREENE Book 9777 O,R. Page 467 : .."i! ~..':,.' ¡ ¿ "'- ~/ Scale I": 4d _Land to~e "...ted to tit, ContaIns 5857.5 Sq, Ft, :t Prepa,." b, the OffIci of the tIt, En,I".", Ca"'pb.II, Co lifo",'. ~~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAI1PBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: AprIl 19) 1372 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF G~O1"'f'.,P....Jr.. ('.1"'ppnp , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 0 of of ice h II i 1 d ; II ., TO BE LOCATED AT ?? 1 F H¡:¡C'..iend::;.~nue ----' CONDITIONS: conditions of approval attached Section 21.42.090 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one year after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained hy making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expircttion date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GR. ANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBEL~yP~NING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 17<11 dolO ~ . 19 72' cc: Engineering Dept. wIatt. Fire Dept. wIatt. CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION /' ,/ / .' J / .. ~ BY "-Ld.L r/ /, ' I- . ,- ARtHUJ;i-~" 'ÊE--; SECRETARY CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - "S" 72-17 Green, G. 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for ' building permit. All planter areas to be enclosed within 4" to 6" raised concrete curbs. 3. Lanscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 4. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $1,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 21.50.010 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provIded with concrete curbs or bumper guards. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.1~.070 of the ca~pbell Municipal Code. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. C. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. E. Dedication to 33 foot one-half street right of way. F. Construction of one-half street improvements on Hacienda Avenue. G. Applicant to pay storm drainage area fee in the amount of $915. $Bß~ C{ The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. C'L~ 0.- - ...' -., , - Th.. m..", \ð ,"n'~ '1" ~ 0....," .o"'c:"ed.'~' . '-0.'" , -, '"~ .0. ~',>'\.,~'" 0" V "o,~ d.- - SI~,.';¡', -," .'. ' .' -.., -, . O' .~~, -.." " , "'::f'or e27 ,0 hH ~ ,~~ .. ~t ,10. I - "- ~ 0' ". o. ," ' -.ó. . w' ,., .1 '."" ð - ~. .rd . O"",M - """00 ..""I,e",":'" I 'ax.' o~ C . ... dð'e ,:> 'n. .......,., .,>d. ,rod ,en' '0" ')""IGHT . " .. l,WlTHIESl:N ';¡~n'" "......~ '\ 9'-1.- 4£' t' ~, '2."{1- ~- 33 ------ ~\~C~? --- ~ I'- .. 0 I.J ~ '"' ~ .." ?C\.. fI3Eð1'2AJ ' QI" ),A \\~ Q- ;:: y r r;; 1 't- ,. CJ of. yo \'C\.' P- ': '2.,05\ p.ç. ~~~ ,~ ~ - ;;.'" <;ߣ S1'2-4S-':'?'1.. -~ ' 9(1..47 /12 l' ' 5,53'1. þ..c. Nfl \í\<'t>.\)) 161 4I)~ \~ \ \,\9 þo,c \ ~ /8 '~ ... ,"' " \ 111."" """.0 ~ ~ ~ 'P 1J -/ /41 - \\q /o.c. ~'\. .. '" ;;. \01,1'2. @ 'lS '2.\" 0\ '\. .; ~~ ~~ :¿:§ ~ ¡(,~2-o -yo'29 Z 893 ' o~\...\... , ,{, ",:.:1 'b:,ð... ~"7 " \ '\ \ 75" 'i' ¡, : lIo.1Q \, J( I'M 1.At-~.4~ ...'~.:r ) , I'" ~T. . ..- .' '" "i, '" ' ,- ' ~ I' ~".~~':;:j6Ö:' ," -- " ,,' AO"" 95 . ~ fd'¡/U I March 31, 1972 Georg'e A. Greene Company 871 Eas~ ~il~on Avenue campbell, California 95008 A'l"l'Em'ION: Mr. L.. T. Palla SUBJECT : Your Job No. 70113 Proposed Office Bui1d1nqg Assessor's parcel No. 424-001-141 Gentlemen: Enclosed please find a copy sheet P-l of your job No.. 71113 upon which we made sane canments concerning- the proposed storm sewer connection on Hacienda Avenue.. The work may be performed by securing- a Stree~ Excavation permit from ~his office (forms enclosed).. The Storm Drainage Area Pee, payable to the Ci~y of campbell prior to the issuance of the construc~1on or building permit is $915..00. The plan submi~~ed with ~he Stree~ Excava~ion Permit is ~o show the location and size of the other utilities suCh as power poles, fire hydrants, water mains, valves and services, gas mains, valves and services, sani~ary sewerag-e mains, 1a~.rals and manholes, water me~.rs, in order to avoid any construction conflict. It is our understanding ~h't there is an exi8~ing irrigation pipe line throughout the trontaCJ8 of this property whiCh you should locate and show on the plan for the permit. It you need horil:on~al or vertical control points, please eontact this otfice. If this office can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call the undersigned. Very truly yours, '\11.. BILL fj.~ HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER By Cruz S. Gomez, Jr. Civil Engineer CSG: sh --- --.. -