461 W. Hacienda Ave. (65-56) ., .. ~ 1 <::" \\ (' /" ,":::Y"1A-.Y>.~~. " ¿.-- August 30, 1965 RE: 1. Conformance with section 9126 of the Campbell Municipal Code to includethe following: a. Dedication to ult~ate street Bidelines: 4S feet on Hacienda and 40 feet on Capri Complete street improvements for total frontage of development. 100% Faithful Performance Bond to be posted. b. c. Storm drainage area fee in the amount of $5,730.00. Plan check and inspection fee in the amount of 3% of esttmated coat of street ~rovements. d. 2. The number of driveway openings for shopping center frontage on Hacienda (exclusive of service station and delivery entrance) shall be limited to two (2), each to be thirty-five (35') feet in width. It should be recognized by all intere.ted parties that ulttmate ~rovement of Hacienda will provide a raised median along the entire frontage of the proposed shopping center. 3. Five year rental t.e for three fire hydrants in the amount of $585.00. NOTE: WILLIAM G. WREN, ACTING DIRECTOR 01' PUBLIC WORKS :(y¡" f J- By Bill M. Helms, ~ Assistant Civil Engineer BMH:cb . . ~ "- H~CIE" Ti 8M". ,... LAND TO BE GRANTED TO THE CITY OF CAMPBELL ,,81 Land to be 9'QRted to City ':I;}W\?¡1¡if\!:\ ' '.' Prepared by thl Otticeof the City Enc¡tneer. Campbell, CøIifOmio Dr.by:FTL Ck.by: 001.25.19fS2. ! November 14, 1962 Mr. Emery J. Delmas, Esq. 906 commercial Building San Jose, California Dear Mr. Delmas: SUBJECT: }2e_~e..!_<?!?~~nt for Anthony. P. I'urcur ici. 461 West Hacienda Avenue -----.--..-- ------'- Enclosed are three (3) copies of ëì deed fo.c street. dedication pertaining to the subj ect d.evelopment. Please cause the execution of the original and one copy in the presence of a notary public and return them to this office. Additional conditions of approval which were set by the Planning Commission on October 16, 1962 include the following: 1. Submission of an improvement plan for the street improvements throughout the frontage Such a plan must be prepared by a registered enginee.;: and appr.()v,~~1 D1" thiE office prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. 'rhe posting of a bond in th~ amount of :>13, 000 for Faithful Performance and a bond in the amount of $6,500 for Labor and Materials on the forms enclosed. 3. Payment of a storm drain fee in th¡~ amount of <:;3,200.00. 4. Payment of a fee for plan checking and inspection of the public improvements in the amount of $275.00. NOTE: Total Fees $3,475.00 A possible additional fee will be re'juested for fire hydrant :cental if it is determined during the course of the Mr. Emery J. Delmas, Esq. -2- November 14, 1962 preparation of the Lmprovement plans that hydrants are necessary such fee would amount to $195.00 per hydrant for 5-year rental. Upon receipt of tile executed deed, the bonds, and a check in the amount of the total cash fee, together with approval of the completed Lmprovement plan, it will be recommended that a building permit for the subject development be issued. If there is any question. please feel free to contact the unàersigned. 'vv\ (+ Sincerely yours, MYRON D. HAWK, CITY ENGINEßl. By William G. Wren, Assistant City Bngineer WGW: cb Enclosures