501 Hacienda Ave. (72-41) INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM FROM~ Building Department Public ~7orks Department TO: The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: APPLICANT ß/~~-,-::;, ! ~ q-iC1 C-G BUILDING ADDREss---1- B I 1 ç:;; c J COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER ) -\-Pr <., l ~ D:A ~(5 . .. S II APPROVAL NUMBER 72- -4/ PUBLIC WORKS F ILE NUMBER ~v'-' K ~ ~l WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BY~/ /~ . :?k/ ~ ,y Date ç - L~- 7- ~ REC~IPT CITY OF CAMPBELL ":"'-n./::.. ì ,) CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NAME HACIENDA APARTMENTS ~~~ E. SUNNYOBKS AVE. ROOM ~U7 CAMPBELL, CA ADDRESS 95008 FOR "s" 72-41-481 & 501 W. Hacienda Ave. Plan Exam & Const.Inspec. 459.00 350-A Tent. Parcel Map Filing 350-A Final Map Exam 350-A Fire Hydrant Rent 374-A Storm Drain 361-A 1,714.00 $2,444.00 25.00 51.00 195.00 REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. FUND NUMBER 120 § CHECK THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. 1222 CITIZEN COpy JtI( -4-73 0 AE;4öJJER IIIN -4-73 DA'f.r" )UN -4-73 JUN -4-73 JJH -4-73 008 4**2,~lt1l.00 61 O~cA~~1,7111.00 ll¡ ooaA ***19500 AMOUNT . 5 ooaA ****51.00 5 ooeA ****25.00 5 oo8A ***1159.00 ~ BY ~<o~ CITY OF CAMPBELL / CITY CLERK ( "Uli; OJ njj-; F\I.:U,OUS S,.\\TA CLA1L\ "\ì lI~rr r.....- ,..' '_..~.-.~._..' ..~"" ,.-.ft>..., ~-""""--",^--,~«~",,,"'~"-".~"'__'A_""-'-'~~-'~-"-""~_O,,._,., "",."'.._~ ,I 75 NO,(JH CLt-JTFU\l AVLi'JUí: . CN/,¡Jí,UL, CAI :ror~r,~I!\ 95008 . TEL[FHONE (40m :j/,[',8141 " February 5, 1975, D & D properties, Inc. 3001 South Winchester Boulevard Campbell, California 95008 . ATTENTION: Mr. William Errico SUBJECT: Bond No. Bond l\moun t: InsuJ~ ,H1CC Co.: Site Location: File No. U-75 20 97 $13,150.00 United Pacific Insurance Company 481 & 501 Hacienda Avenue "S" 72-41, Snks. (31) Gent-lcmen: All deficiencies on the above-subjecJc pro:ject have bee:n completed f end the one-year rna intenancc period has expired. Accordingly, the City of Campbell accepts the improvements, and the bond on this cJevelopnwnt is he:ceby released. Very truly yours, WILLIl\.l'.) G. WREN, DIREC'J'OI~ OF :i?UELJC WORKS By Frd~Ù: T. Lc::\':is, A~;f')ucii'1Le C:i.v:i]' Engincer FTL: l"e; a:-v:? .(~ ~ t.J.. ~ C/O /)0)' ç. ..( .... "< 0 ..( <1-" tx tf) ~ cJ' tJ.? ?:>¿;? .{"< ..r' Ò ",V? '<"" Vo- CT O)«) O~ð") -....I:- .. ..( 0/ 'X "(' x / ~~~ "\;~ ~/ \ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ .~ 'r I ~c:A.\..E: I :::~o 1i BE GRANTED TO TH E ITY OF CAM PBEl :I:::>'r. ~'? \-c"" À?"<'\\ '\3 '-\c::. ßý c.SG A~,,"\l '""13 1 kond to be ,ronted to City cc"",-\'-c,\V'I":) ð. \Z~ AC..:1:- Prepared by the Office of the City Enoinee" Campbell, California H Þ.c.\~~A. ~ ~..~ 1..(( ß'f~UES {ERRJc.c), - ~RAo/ÑG PLA~ I RE'COMME'~'DED DESI6t-J.c. 2.~A. 4 -/q -7'3 :1 I ~ CD .I~ t~ i~~ s;/1/73 ,- .J'~~t ~~~ ~!æ ~ tZL~,~ ~~.¡f-L 11 J ~. C>~Q.e . ~'i(AJt1~o¡JU:>í '2~.3 A H I tJ.. a F. ~LN ¡l,.i:) Ir.!~c...gts ALL / ~L.Ç¡T "TÞ Âl,Scþ . 6.~L~t...}£.L~S I ALL , ~ l.~ TO. 7"1 e' I ,JJO. S~ET ~ 1:- DR'! \A~ . 51€"" Coewr ItJU of' 'D.I,@~E;4<>~ -I'!¥-\=4-~?O I .~.~?&d~~ ~ I I I J P L A Ii Ii I 11 G D E P ^ R I'll E NT CITY or C^MPB[L~ 75 NORTH Ct:JiTRAL AVE!JUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA (fS"7,)-Y f .s:v~, (31) \\~W ...--- " , '-- . :-::, LX¡ DA TE : _JJJ.J..y- 18, -12J 2_- CONDITIOHS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Byrne ~L,and Erri CO , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF J-L-llni-L-apartmcnt , ----Cili~"L-- , TO BE LOCATED AT 481 and 501 liacienda -----, CONDITIO!iS: Subject to attached conditions Section 21.lt2.090 of the Campbell Hunicipal Code reads as foJlo'.vs: A 11 yap p P 0 V è. 1 g r ëJ. n t C' d :,1 n d e r t h 5. sse c t i () n s }) a 11 Co x p ire 0 n eye a. r aft (; ,~ t))e date upon which such app~oval was grantedt unless an extension for s u c hap p y' c v iJ,l 5. sob t ëJ. i ¡¡ e d by m a k i 11 ~ ..-n' i t ten a p p 1 i cat ion f 0 l' ;, a)'1 e to the Planning COi!1!I1Ïssion at least fifteen (15) days prior to t1\e expiration date of such approval. No bui1diJJE permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval }¡as been obtained in the m~nner provided for' in thi~; CìJapter. GRA?n'I:D BY TH¡: CITY or CMIPßj:LL PLAlIJIlNG CO:,11-DSSJON AT I. REGULAR J': E E TIP G H ;; L DON T H L -.J+-- d ù Y 0 f --,J.,u,l-¥----------- t 19 7 2 . " . D \,.rjat't. ~ CITY or Cf.:jPBELL PLA1Wr1JC CO!'l:.;J SSION cc: EnglTICerlng cpt. Fire Dcpt. \v/att. /? / ' /' /' ,', / /7 / 13 Y : __(.::~Lt~ ~:(("{,f~__-\~~~¿;~--~,::,--_.__._- , 1\ J{ 'J' H U ¡~ ¡< i; i:) s [1:: j~ i: T.\ i, Y CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - "s" 72-41 Byrnes and Errico 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on the plans. 2 . Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. All planter areas to be enclosed Hithin 4" to 6" raised concrete curbs. 3. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 4. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $2,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applica~t may file written agreement to complete landscapin~, fencing and striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. 5, Trash ccntainer(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the fire depart:Int:nt. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditicns in accordance with Ordinéiuces oÍ' the City of Campbell. A. All parking dnd driveway areas to be de~eloped in compliance with Section 21.50.010 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parking spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required hy Section 20.16.070 of the Campbell Municipal Code. c. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the J.ocation of all connections for underrround utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all 51~ns. No sign to be installed until appJ3cation is approved and permit issued by the building department. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - S 72-41 Byrnes and Errico Page Two E. Dedication to 90 foot right-of-way on Hacienda frontage. F. Construct one-half street improvements on Hacienda frontage. G. Pay storm drainage fee on the basis of $765.00 per acre. H. Process and file parcel map for minor subdivision. 1. All fire extinguishers shall be in cabinets. J . Install local fire alarm system. K. Supply on-site hydrants. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable roes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified.