629 W. Hacienda Ave. (69-32) NAME /9Sðé) ~6;2 . t'"ð ~ Ck:s f3 (tv RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA NA M E ~<A'V ~-1'~';;¿-;;-4_-¿ ~ ~ // ADDR'~ -- -~;O( - @. /1 / FOR ~ ~o/ ~€-¿ '" ~~~~ ~.~/) A \~<-,ß-.v.~ L1ÆC-£~ ~/?t' ~~ REVENUE ACCOUNT N°3,,/- 4 19¿: .ðÒ 37~- . /9ô-(;'-<::) FUND NUMBEh! a5~:- ~tbâ,/)ð 0 CHECK THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. 5035 CITIZEN COpy REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. ..3c,'ý FUND NUMBER 7F- 0 rJUH E1- a,~:b OQI] ~~5,O53.00 DATIUN 1 B- 71 r;6 001 J\A~*662.00 JUN 18-71 711 oo1A ***195.00 JUH 18-71 61 001 A **1l,196.00 ¿ IO~ ~ CHECK 7 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CASH DATE AMOUNT \ THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. NOV 29-67 HGV 29-67 003 *** * 186.00 61/ 003 A *** 186.00 ~s ~f!u BY V.I ~ Clf CLERK @s 5862 BY CITYCLERK Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL V' CITIZEN COpy Thank You /I <~; C '.. .~ CITY OF CAMPBELL - -- ,-"? -, '-~ ~ ., ~ h-',--"",o,,-(.- ,.--;;'¡:"Cv.¡/-- - .j . - -¿ -, Z- - C i:- P'V'l-65 INTER- DEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Building Department FROM: Public Works Department 'I'he requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: /;~A ' ""-.A' APPLICANT /' // \' /' {-.- '- ) ,()/) /~ '--' /) /::;::::.Á i" '-,-,/-./..",." /,J BUILDING ADDRESS ,/7 ",; '-" .:;/) /,7".() ( - / ,,(;....,-D J';-/,) L '. I ." . £ ,Ie .: Æ ./~ .{ ) {J~ (, COUNTY ASSESSOR1S PARCEL NUMBER £-~ r¿I/] ¿-¿:"L~- /--/.)~Þ ¿ :5> C ~/ (' ) /- A . . /. ""'" <: t...-'- Y ? t /.-i.L~- liS" APPROVAL NUMBER ./,,- l' - -7 'J ¿,? / ,... - PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER 'J¿ /,.(.-/ ..(../ Y { ;/1 /i.. ----->t~ ~' -J WILL !AM G . WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBJ..IC WORKS By#! A - 2M , Date -~/j'¿ JC /,'J /~/ ",,/1 . 1.11 , t' ~& RESOLU'rION NO ._-~~-,-- BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COillJCIL OF 'liRE CI~~ OF C~PBELL, COUNIY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE Of' CALIFORNIA, ACCEP1iING ']'I-Œ AGHEE]vlE~'JT OF HACIENDA GARDENS, A PARTNERSHIP, FOR DEVELOP- MErJ'r OF REAL PROPERTY LOCA'I'ED ON Hl\CIENDA AVENUE þ,ND CAPRI DRT\1E AND AUTHORIZING EXEcurrIoN OF AGREEI'.iENrr. WHEIŒi.\S, Hacienda Gardens has SUf,xni.tted an agreement to this City Council for the development of its real propeJ:~ty locat,eJ. on Hacienda Avenue and Capri Drive in accordance with prescribed conditions; and, WHEREAS, in accordance with said prescribed conditions and as specified and recited j.n 1:;he agTee!11enJc and concurrenJcly here\vith hacienda Gardens has sub:mi-tted a Grant Deed of certain port.ions of its real property for public street purposes and related publj,c uses (including public ut:ili t:y ease:n'.ents, public service eaSej1\ents, public pedestrian ease...'Tlent.s, storm sewer easements) ¡and, NOW, 'l'HEREFOH,E, BE 1'r l~ND rr IS }Il<.:REBY RESOLVED by t.h:i.s City Council that said agreemenJc is hereby accep-c:ed and that thE: Hay.:)!." be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agree... ment on behalf of the CH~.y of Campbell ¡and, BE J:T F'UR'fHER RESOLVED by this city Council that the said Grant Deed submitted in accordance \vith said prescribed condi-tions be and it is hereby accep-ted for the pu:cposes for which it is offered. PASSED UPON AND ADOPTED this 28th by the follovring vote.: day of_Ju~:.:..__._-, 19- 71_, NOES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Podgorsek, Rogers, Smeed, Doetsch None AYES: Councilmen: " ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: ) .."~ ~ . /..- // I /; .., J(., .,.."é","'. ..;././? 1"""'.-"""'.. ""f ..f.LJ.:;::'¿:L-: / L..:::.'Z' "~¿~--'.~~--"--" , L ( ,. .. Ralph Doetsch, Sr. Mayor ATTEßT: ~. Ý'(í2'- ¿ AI.. .",r I ,,/ - '.... I ,- ?.t.., :,:,~"" ,""".. -.- DOl"'otÞy1Trevethan City Clerk V ~' , Wi . May 3, 1973 Bogdanich Building Company 998 East E1 C~ino Real Sunnyvale, California 94087 ATTENTION: Mr. Paul Bogdanich, President SUBJECT: Hacienda Gardens Apartments, 629 Hacienda Avenue Campbell, California Gentlemen: The one~year maintenance period for the above-subject public street improvements has now expired. Accordingly, your Faithful Performance Bond is hereby released. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By Frank T. Lewis, Associate Civil Engineer FTL:1s TO & OJn i.:. cc: Mr. Edward E. Finlay, Public Works Inspector ..' VlG;N _.x_! --____.1.;..', ------- ElViN -"'-----'--""-------- ,...-.".----.--.--..- """"""- FTL ------- ----- '---.- _..--- ----.-....,. -,-.-..---- ..... ,-",... -"'---'-""~' -'" ,,---- -._-- a.. a. ~ usOLunœ NO . BEDJ3 A RBSOLU'l'tOK 01' '1'HB CI'1'Y COUlICIL 01' !'HI Crr!' 01' CAMPBELL, COU1f1'f or sura c:::t.ARA. S'1'A'l'E OF CALUO1Ut1'A. ACCSPlfua !'Œ AG1UIDID'J.' ow DC :ra:J.t'M GAl'tDINS i A P ~SHXP , POa DJ!WELOP.. HEBT eM RJI:AL Pl\OPBaft' LOC:M.'BD œr BACIBHDA A wmm A1fD CAPRI Dl\%VE AND AUl'JÐ1UZDII BXBCUTION or A<DUŒMBJft'. WlJB'lU!:As, Bacia. GU"deu has øu1at:tted an .p'._rrt to this City COWtCll for the develOf8'8Dt. of i t8 real propu't,y located on. .ete«a Avenue and capri Drive 1ft accordance w1'th pn8œ1bed aon41t1Ou, ud, WHB1U!:AS, 1ft accordan- with ..14 p....èru.! concUt1onø and .. specified and recita4 in the ape",.," and ~..ent.ly hel'Md1:h Blc18nda Clard8fts has øuJ:8ût.te4 a Gram:. Deed of certa1ft pon1oftS of its real propel'ty 1!or publ1c su881: P\1I'PO- Þ4 relatac! public 1.1... (inclw!1nr public 1.11:.111t.y _....m.8, public ....1- ea...nt,8, publiC! pe4e8trtan "881\81\t8, stoJ:'at ....... eo.ø8l8ftts), ami, 111)1'1, '.l'IIBItØOU, DB 1'1' A1f1) 1'1' IS BBRJI8Y USOLVBJ) by thts City Councl1 that. said qnllMltt 18 h88'by accepted and that the Mayozo be and he 18 henby aut:hos'1Md ad 41not:ed t:o e8CNt.e _14 &tree- 1118nt. on behalf of the City of caMpbell, and, .. 1'l ~.t-ØJSa USOLVIU) by t.hi8 City Co\mcU that. i:he sU4 o.rant. D88d 8U1a1tt,8d in accordance with sai4 pruœ1bed concUt1ons be and it. 18 bereby accept.e4 for ~. PUZ'POM.8 !or WhJ.ch it. i8 offered. PASSED UPON AND A.DOPft1.) this by the fo 11 øw1n9 vot8 I . day of . 19 II ADS I COQftci1JDen I NOBS I Counc: ilrlen I ABSENT I CouftcilMn I APPROV'BDt Mayor A'l"l'£ 8'l1 c~ COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue P.O. Box 368 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA, 95008 Telephone 378-2407 June 17, 1971 Mr. William Wren City of Campbell Director of Public Works 75 N. Central Ave. Campbell, Calif. 95008 Re: Hacienda Ave. Garden Apts. and Hacienda Ave. Sewer Extension Gentlemen: This is the "District clearance letter" for subject project. , Plans for subject sewer extension have been approved and fees to the District have been paid and a bond has been posted at this District to insure installation of the sanitary sewers. All of the District requirements have been met. Very truly yours, Stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer æt<-~ I By: P. R. N1Chols Assoc. Civil Engineer PRN/ds "'Ç> r-ill--- May 6, 1971 M E M 0 - - -- TO: Bill M. Helms, Associate Civil Engineer FROM: Cruz S. Gomez, Jr. Civil Engineer SUBJECT: Storm Sewer System, Storm Drainage Basin No. LVIII I have prepared two alternate designs for a storm sewer system through APN 4(") ~- - z ::.,- -{).ÇO, Lands of Paul Bogdanich and have come to the conclusion that it is not economically feasible to attempt to construct a system through this property. Mr. Michael Keough of Bogdanich Building wants a letter from the City of Campbell that states that we do not intend to require the dedication of the storm sewer easement because we do not intend to build it through the property. CSG:cc (Fù ~ I~ 0 ~~k 1f.zae ~tUI & sov;~' 222 MT. HERMON ROAD SCOTTS VALLEY. CA. 95060 PHONE (408) 438 - 0144 CIVIL ENGINEERS - LAND PLANNERS April 16, 1971 File: 839 Johnson, Cook & Adcock 409 Alberto Way, Suire 4 Los Gatos, Ca. . Attn: Larry Cook Hacienda Gardens Campbell, Ca. Gentlemen: Re: The street improvement plans for the above referenced project have been submitted to County Sanitation District No.4 and the City of Campbell for final approval. I have received work from Sanitation District No.4 that the plans are ready for approval pending payment of the required fees. The city of Campbell has informed me that the plans will be approved when a note is added directing that the three utility crossings in Hacienda Avenue will be accomplished by jack and- boring operation. If you have any questions concerning the plans, please call. Very truly yours, MACKAY & SOMPS' ~Ø-~'~d%v Martin H. Miller cc: Bogdan1ch Building MHM:sp OFFICES IN SUNNYVALE. SAN JOSE. DAVIS. PETALUMA . PLEASANTON Telephone 378-2407 ". I J /¡j/J./ ~ 'Vß .w v/ ,? L1Y ~ "... f; 't./' (;/J CUUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY 100 East Sunny oaks Avenue P.O. Box 368 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA, 95008 ;.> - / - 7 I' ¿ "Sc:;;., February 26, 1971 MacKay & Somps 222 Mt. Hermon Road Scotts Valley, California 95060 Attention: Mr. Martin H. Miller Re: Sewer Extension Hacienda Gardens Apartment Campbell - APN 405-25-050 Gentlemen: We have checked the plans for the above subject and are re- turning the check prints with our notations. When you re- turn the plans for signature and approval, please return the check prints. Upon reviewing the plumb~ng overflow protection will be it appears that some of the elevation of the rim of the ing to. plan, it appears that sewage required. As from the drawings floor elevations are below the manhole the complex is connect- The following fees and Bond are due and will be required: Plan check fee due before the plans can be signed and approved by the District Engineer - $ 118.00 The following is due before sewer construction can begin, or a sanitary sewer connection permit can be issued: a) b) c) c) Deposit for construction in~pection Frontage Sanitary sewer improvement bond Acreage - 5.6 acs @ $80.00jac $ 376.00 None $8,800.00 448.00 MacKay & Somps February 26, 1971 Page 2 Prior to issuance of a connection permit the following will be required: Unit connection fee - $45/unit x 198/units Permit Sewer service charge 6 months in advance - (6 months x 198/units x $1.20) = (Effective until 7/1/71) $ '.8,910.00 7.50 1, 425.60 $10,343.10 We are forwarding the Transfer of Title, Bond Forms and Reim- bursement Agreement to the developer for execution and return to this office. Very truly yours, Stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer r {. (¡ (\ 1\ ~. - . . 1LIL~~ By: R. L. Moehle Junior Civil Engineer RIM: kk Encl. cc: Bogdanich and Associates LeRoy W. Johnson & Associates ~City of Campbell Department of Public Works City of Campbell Building Department ... ~ I SANTACLARACOUNT~ , ! I ' . r I,' . ' FLOOD CONTROL 516 fAST MARTHA STREET SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95112 WATER DISTRICT DONALD K, CURRLIN GENERAL MANAGER February 4, 1971 MacKay & Somps 222 Mount Hermon Road Scotts Valley, California 95060 Attention: Mr. Martin H. Miller Gentlemen: We have reviewed the drainage plans for the Hacienda Gardens site and have the following comments: 1) It would appear that the proposed outfall is downstream of the concrete dam which divides the flood control and water conservation portions of this system. If this is the case, and we will need to have it confirmed by detailed survey in- formation from your office, we would be in a pos~tion to issue a permit for the outfall after approval of your plans. 2) The outfall, whether permanent or of a temporary nature, must conform to our standard outfall detail, a copy of which is enclosed. 3) We request that site grading plans be furnished to us for review. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, ,- ,¥ . " ORiGiNAL SíGI\!ED 8'{ Ronald R. Esau, Director Public services Department Enclosure / ¡ . ........., , cc: C1ty of Camp~ Mr. LeRoy~. Johnsop 409 Albe~to Way ì, Los Gat.'os,Cðli~JJ.;~ "", . \ " 1 : t ,....".,...., , 9~030 . ./" ff -< CD -", . ,". co. 0 ',~, ~'il . -,)180,., ,;(..." ~ :ÌI ' '. æ.. 'f!1,' ~. . " . è W ,299.3841 PUBLIC SERVQJDEPT. -} -... "\ ¿, "M'j' r:O) ~ f!l. -'8," .,è, ~.' crt, -r' " " -~ DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE 299.2031 CLERK OF THE BOARD 299.2031 ENGI'NEERi'IG DEPT, 299.3841 / L .. A I January 12, 1971 MacKay & Somps 222 Mount Herman Road Scott. Valley, California ATTENTION I Mr. Martin H. Miller SUBJECTs .S" 69-32, Paul Bogdanish 198 unit Apartment Complex 629 West Hacienda Avenue Dear Mr. Miller: Enclosed please find a marked-up drawing showing our proposed location for a storm sewer system within subject property and outfalling into Upper Page Ditch. I would also like to confirm our telephone conversation concerning the street improvements on the Capri Drive frontage. At the option of the Developer, if he chooses to utilize Capri Drive as an access road to Hacienda Avenue, our requirement will be that all standard street tmprovements, including underground tmprovementø, will have to be constructed from Hacienda Avenue to Upper Page Ditch. Otherwise the conditions of the approval will prevail. Please contact the undersigned should any questions arise. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENG~EBR CSG:cc By Cruz S. Gomez, Jr. Civil Enqineer cc: Lawrence Cook, Leroy W. Johnson & Assoc., AIA 'I' ~Y'W ?Itae ~ ~ & S fJI¥4 CIVIL ENGINEERS - LAND PLANNERS 222 MT, HERlv1Qf\ ROAD SCOTTS VALLFY C'\ 9S0()O PHONE (40B) (13:; 014'1 /- Z ( 7 I (' <";,('. r January 18.1°71 t:'il "': .33(:) Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District 516 ~~artha ~an Jose, California 95112 Attn: Jim Cooper Pe: ~aci enda ('.,ardens Camphell, California Q5f)(I8 Gentlemen: As per our conversation today - enclosed are two or1nts of our nreliminary qrad- ing ðnd ravinn olan for tr~ ð~nv~ r~ferenc~d project. Also enclosed is ~ map furnisrprl to us hy the City of Camr~ell, showinQ the In(~tion of A nnrt1~n of thf>1r prnf"\n5P.r! storm rlrR1Mr'\('. systpm. As noted on our rlan. the nreposed inst~11at10n of the l?-inch R.C,". running across the Northerly oortion of the site af1d into 'Jpoer 1'aQe ditch ,'¡ould only he a temporary measure for the develormtO.nt of thi5 site. This 1irl~ \\'111 be re- placed when the Citv of Campbell constructs its proposed syst~m. It is my understanding that the Flood Control District does not normally accept storm runoff from a development such as this into its system. Pv reviewinq our plan you can see that it woQld he very difficult to dispose of the storm runoff in a different manner. I will greatly appreciate your consideration of this nropos~l. Very truly yours, M,lI,CKAY '" snMPC:; ,W%# i..i Martin H. ~111er MHM:db cc: LeRoy Johnson - with enclosures City of Campbell Of flCES SUNNYVALE. SAN JOSE. DAVIS. PETALUMA . PLEASANTON IN r¡ '99.. /)N. \~ ~~I -ç:;¡ f08 ~ ~~~ ~O 'II,. .... '~ ~ "01 -4 ~ .b 0 -I 'J CN ~ 7~-I;¿ ii3"iifO/\ O-II'ð4~ ~'Þr..., / It: i I ¡ . 1'\ Ii "ib ',or 1'~ fi;- ~ b- "1 : (} ~ "Y. .~ t I:- eM ;;: li:- ~;:,.. - ~' OR. ~- ~ ~ J - / ..J ~-</ , . ~ ç. ~ ..: .. \\~ ~tlJ- \~. \ - - --------"":---j .. ';/!M.-..u ¡ ~,-~, . I -~~ .: ~ ~A4R ~ G"¡- ~ '" " 0 (It I t to ~... c-.. ;~. \ .... '+ ~ 0 'S/4 oi'~'C'£~ 'Se.t-o,." ~ ~ '" U\ () - --_. ¿'~i:1 ~ ~ f:!j " Ji!16 .~. ,..' C) . I ::, ?II :; ?oJ .' ... ~I ~ ~/4 ., ¡ 7-190 ~o eJJ!J 0-1196.... .'", 4S'Pr$3'tft - '~ , ", ',' - ~"S' , ,""< 7:ïð , \ " () . ¿¡of I« ,.--= . i , , / .,. '.. I vi '" 'I. .' . ~..;~, - \ , , " ; , '4'" ~ '18 ~' ,i~ ~ -~ './ 711.0 " .r ëJ:i; L5. - /-/#.It! i:.S- /'/~J8Ç;U- ! ::: I ... , r: ! ;. '1101 I - ¡ f :JT #';1 ¿¡" ,. . .; ;;;;- .. --0 ~ ~J¡. , ... ., l~ ~ to' tI " ..;(} ':" ; ~ . ,~ .r86 '" 0 .:. , - '" . 10' ,I .... , C ~ ~ ,.. , ~ T . I" ~. , . I ~ T - !J/4 ~ "S6. "1/ ~()5' "<~ 2./4 A-. IJ.O~O c-;fll~.r~) \," ^ I( \I'll ~..-=-- - --() ~ ~ ~ ù\ ..-- ---"""""'~"""'r'"""."Õ"",."""",.",..",.~...",.., 4!S'PG4184 -I", .. ê ,.., I , C) . ~ $ ~ iii ,.. 75" ,pI 83:19 ,,4" /\1\t~L ------- b-I~~~-E'58 '95' .. i , ¡ ~ I I ~. !! ~ I It . ". J ~ 7!T ¿tJ /.r~ Ii . /'/6.J8(;,'6r /. /~J8 t";¿,r '.1 ~ ~ . I:LK.II .... III. 11 ... ~ 6" ... &II III a ... ..... 'N è 'øo (1\ ~\ ;./811'-6 r> c; " ~ t:) t. 3 ("" V \:.. 1'\. (Jv ). " "I;) f. ~, h ß' ........... Î -' c 0 ()\ -f:~ , ~. 1) ... ~.~ I: r-~-" .- \ t \ ~ ¡ f Î " ~ 0 0 Crt U1 ; ~ .f I I ! I J ¡ I "¡ ! " """""""""""""'--'" -- 11 " ~ )'os 7Ul 18'IIGS/s.¡,-U ~" t ... '+ 1'> ~ 0 . r\) '~1.~ ~ ! 01 &,../ If 01 0 01 I 6' N . 6" ~, ~... .... f I I ~ I '11 í' fl i ¿~(J ()' , I .,¡ '" 2./-1 41t Ii/.. K.V ... "': 'b ... 6: 6' .a '" UI (} .. ..... 'N è' 7S" ,pI 83"39 '." ~'tL ~ ó-15~5-E'S8 is' e' .~ I : ~ 18 ~ (), .. ...... Ii"" I ~ J"66 ~ 0 , . ... ~ ~ tI C ,.. ,. ,. 711 ¡;O /S- 8..13!J Ii . /'/¿'¡$t:"br c /-/.J8/;"¿p- ~ T ~ i ~ --- 3/4 ~h '.1 l\\. ,4'-/8/'-4 :Q\ ,.> (; "- ';? ~ t. Ii', r- Ci \:.. "', (:)v. » '" ">;) (', f3, h p:. ......... r CD " -~+ < , .. 3'/0 ~I~ :~ III '" [> -~ .< AL " , <.., r '1- ,...---- J ¡ ~ , t 1 I . , --- 0 /'"-"', \ ( ,-t:. '6c \.(' '-./ '.. 'v t ~ l,j'C'-"2 - l:;.s-) PLANNING DEPARTMENT CiTY OF CAMPBELL 7S NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: December B" 1970 -----" CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF . REVISED PLOT PLA~-rthmîCh Bldg .'--e-o-~- _._~"----_._-------' FOR m~,F~~~~'k~ -O.f-_1.9B,.:ooJl.ni.:t..-ap¿J:I.:t~ complex '1'0 BE LOCATED AT: --____-1;29 !¡a(d&IL~Auilllle_.._.-.._" CONDìTIONS: conditions of approval attached Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) rlays after the date upon which suc~ approval was granted, unless an extension for suc:h approval is obtained by making Hritten é.1pplicatior: for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) d&ys prior to the expj nltion date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approvaJ has been obtained in tI1C manner provided f01' in this Chaptcr. . GRANTED BY TIlE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE _.--~.!h_- DAY OF _._J.t~~Ùl.~-~.9..zJ.l,----' / cc, Engineering DePt,wtatt,) Fire Dept. wIatt. CITY OF CMíPßELL PLANNING COMMISSION r' ~,' T),. . / I Líi. " "1..,.,.,,/ \~.II... , ----"A/ 1) '1;~1' . U-rJ)-K7'ETJ7-S--~1:; - .~ . '.~v' ",1... -, ,\. ."'1 .2. 1. "S" 69..32 - Conditions of approval Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. Landscape plaIJ indicating tYpe of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $4,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and strip~ng of . outdoor parking areas within ~hree (3) months or completlon of cbnstruction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parkinG area Prior to final building department clearance. - ö Enclosures consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six-foot high sight-obscuring fence shall be constructed to house trash containers in areas approved by the Planning Director and Fire Department. The app1ieallt is noU.fied as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions, in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell: 4. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.5 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the building department for plaJ1 check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, ~ewer, electric, telephone and television caLles, etc. D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed unti1 application is approved and permit issued by the building department. . E. Fire extinguishers shall be installed in fire extinguisher cabinets as required by Fire Department. F. Applicant to dedicate to 90 foot right-of-way on total frontage of parcels on Hac.ienda AVenue and to a 40 foot half-street on Capri extension frontage of property. - G. Applicant to construct one..hëllf street improvements on Hacienda AVenue frontage of development. H. Applicant to enter into agreeme¡¡t and post bond for future construction of improvements on Capri extension of development. 1. Applicant to pay storm drainage fee in the amount of $4,360.00. J. Applicant to process and file parcel map for minor subdivision. K. Applicant to dedicate easement for storm drain line between Hacienda and upper Page ditch. L. On-site and off-site hydrants shall be installed as directed by fire Department. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell which pertain to this development and arc not herein specified. . , J~ ,,(' , ./" C <" 2....--- ,-) (¡? y" - ..j ~~' CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING Cm.¡~IISSION 1?~ -<'/ ¡fÞ d/)~" pj //¡?&/70 APPLICATION FOR "S" APPROVAL "'¡.-- 2- i 19 10 In accordance with Section 9316, Chapter 3, Article IX of the Campbell Municipal Code of the City of Campbell, the undersigried hereby makes application for approval of the attached plans. 1. The said improvements will be located on land described as follows: ," . /~nsert or attach legal (te~cripti<?n) " '~ " : ',.it); ft¡'Yd ¿;v;i/r;~) P J> :;;¡;,~-;¡' ii;~ ,;: ','>: y" .'" ' . , ' " , '.' , , " ' " """ "", ::' '2~The' naiure and purpose ~£ the 'proposed improvements are: (Applie-ant should atta'ch a laittèj1 statement setttIig forth any information he believes will be helpful to the Planning_Ço~mission and o~her City Officers in , considering ,his apP,1 ~ca t ion. '. ',' " ,,-,,' ,', ;-:',:' """- -,,",-"'. ':J.: :',":'-" :.-,.;i', , --,' "f2."I'A> -,'7ß; '~~i'~~P'!'<:~J!,,: ':-"--"'-"',,,'" "-'-"'.'",:: ,: ,--.'" ..', 3'. 'The proposed ,improvements will C'ost approximately~ $ ,. . '. 4. Applicants must attach four (4) copies of the site plans and elevations of proposed improvements. One copy will be retained by the Planning Commission, one by the City Engineer and one returned to the applicant. The application shall be accompanied by a $25.00 filing fee. , '... ,,':, .. - ""~6,. "The'City 'of CàIi1pbellrequircs" ins'tallation of' al'l ùtlli-" ties, including electric, telephone and television cables to be underground. 5 . Plans should be made accordingly. Fi led in the Office of the f/ /2 . .... Planning Depart;ent on. ~-:tu~~~{-rr~~ . ,:).--/,;:L (/ " 19 7 é) , <.. ------- -~-:r t/ ~- 9.9 ð: f' _,IZ_t{;~-'-<-~ /9/¥,<,-/C;; Address Of Appllcant /; "J -1 J~~/l:~- ð~Æf! , / ¡ . / 11. ..'. .' . . / J ¿j(:/Pð) Ci tfJ Sta tÞ:'ZlP c6dë-- // /(7/,;7[7 /¿Î,1/Z<:'.---<?,{/ i"-" "-,- ,--.- /:;. /. c/./ c_-'? ,. 7/7/ ---< 4>' 2,.'1,) - () 7 l 7 (,Í'>é}-) S-z-' ¿./j'-I 7/ -'" ~rcTcÏ)'Ilo¡lë-'}~liJ:\l)cT -- ----- '~~I (Ie¡) v:þ,-t/v~V ~!i-l.LU '~J 6J~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAì.!PBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA DATE: March 17, 1970 ----- CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Paul Borr,d .'1'1 ie h -------------- ----------------.--' FOR CONSTRUCTION OF 201. or :v.:¡a unit apartmf'.nt ëoT'1pT~-- TO BE LOCATED AT: 629 WEst Hacienda Avenue -------- '---._----- ._- CONDITIONS: conditions of approval attdched ! Section 9316.1 of the Campbef1 Municipal Code reads as follows~ Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) clays after the date upon which such approval was gr,mted, unless an estension for such approval is obtained by making written appJicaticì1 for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior tJ the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued Efter the expiration date: of any approval until a nCì': approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CA~!PßELL PLANNING CO~r:.!ISSION AT A FŒGULi\R MEETINC HELD ON THE _-Uì.:th_- DAY OF èiarGIl" 191.0.____----' C1 TY OF CA~,!PBELL PLAN;'!! NG Cm,li.n SS ION cc: LEngin{~er~in?"c Dept. wIatt. Fire Dept. wIatt. By: ---ÁJrTllU J[-KT]'~-~--šl~ C ïŒ' I'ii.-r [Y-'-------' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL "S" 69-32 Paul Bogdanich Planning Commission Meeting of March 16,1970 A. B. Approved 202 units if additional land area as required by the Zoning Code is provided and subject to conditions listed below. Approved 198 units if no additional land is provided and subject to the conditions listed below. 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3 . Faithful performance bond in the amount of $4,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parking areas within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parking area prior to final building department clearance. 4. Enclosures consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six foot high sight-obscuring fence shall be constructed to house trash containers in areas approved by the Planning Director and Fire Department. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions, in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. B. C. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Nunicipal Code. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. "S" 69-32 Bogdanich, P. Page Two D. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with pro- visions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the building department. E. Fire extinguishers shall be installed in fire extinguisher cabinets as required by Fire Department. F. Applicant to dedicate to 90 foot right-of-way on total frontage of parcels on Hacienda Avenue and to a L¡O foot half street on Capri extension frontage of property. G. Applicant to construct one-half street improvements on Hacienda Avenue frontage of development. H. Applicant to enter into agreement and post bond for future construction of improvements on Capri extension of development. 1. Applicant to pay storm drainage fee in the amount of $4,360.00. J. Applicant to process and file parcel map for minor subdivision. K. Applicant to dedicate easement for storm drain line between Hacienda and upper Page ditch. L. Buildings C and E and D and F as indicated in "red" on plans to be connected in a manner satisfactory to the Building Department to meet Uniform Building Code requirements. The applicant is notified that he shall comply with all appl~cable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campben which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. ~ ~~ ~ October 22, 1969 Lad Associates 13635 Old Tree Way Saratoga, California ~ . Ijjl) RE: Its It 69-32 Conditions of Approval Gentlemen: The Planning Commission of the City of Campbell imposed certain conditions upon their approval of the application for development of the property on Hacienda Avenue opposite Capri Avenue known as "s" 69-32. Condition F. of said approval reads as follows: ItApplicant to dedicate to 90-feet right-of-way on total frontage of parcels on Hacienda Avenue and to a 40-foot half street right-of-way on Capri extension frontage of property." Condition J. of said approval reads: IIApplicate to process and file parcel map for minor subdivision." This approval recognizes a subdivision of the property and requires that dedication for street rights-of-way be obtained from both parcels at this time.. All other conditions of said approval relate only to the subdivided portion of the property thát is proposed to be developed as a part of "S" 69-32. Your company is therefore assured that the installation of street improvements along the frontage of thEt subdivi1ed pord.en of property, which is not proposed for development at this time, will not be required until application for development is submitted or until a local improvement district is formed which would legally include said property. BMH:cc Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, . DI~œOO OF roBLIC1~ By Bill M. Helms, V Associate civil Engineer , ; , ! .. " ~/ (lý) " 'S ,. fe' 7 - '5 2... PLANNING DEPAWl'i,!E:,¡-r CITY OF CAi,!PBELL 75 NOInH cr:;njUd. }\ VG:UE CA~lPJjELL, CALI FO¡~:dA DA T E : --__...l111lfL_~7--1..9b~L--_--- CONDITJO:-¡S ATTACHED TO "S" APl'JWVAL OF PLAÌ';S OF JJ!111:..~.!'_g~a~JçlL___--_-- , --.-----------...-,-.----------------' FOR CONSTIWCTION OF ~42 ~J_~ ~~~~~:~n!.__- TO BE LOCATED AT: 629 Hacienda Avenue ---~-------- - - --- --" -----, .----------- -- --"----, , ' CONDITlOì~S : conditions of approval attached " I SCCU.Ojl 9316.1 of the Campbell ~¡unicipa1 Code reads as £0110\,'s: Any approval granted t.:ndcr this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon Hhich such approval Has granted, unless an extension £or such approval is obt<lined by making \'rritten app1icatio;~ for S~lJ:t~ to the Planning' Com1:lÍssion at" least .fifteen (15) days prior to the cxpjr;;.tion date of such approval. " ' No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any 2"pprovél.l until a new approval hetS been obtained in the manner provided for in this Chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF C':ÜlPBELL PLANNING Cm.¡:\lISSIO;~ AT A IŒGULAR ~,1EETU<G , ' . ' HELD ON THE 16th DAY OF June, 1969. ----- ". CITY OF CA~,lPßELL PLAN~ING COW-lISSION pka' cc; Engineering w/att~ By: -=---------------_u--------------- ARTHUR KEE SECRET:\I~Y , ¡ The applicant is noti' 'd as part of this applica~'~n that he is required to meet the. Ilowing conditions, in aCL dance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. A. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. B. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. C. Plans submitted to the Building Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities, including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. D. Sign application to be submittea in accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and permit issued by the Building Department. E. Fire extinguishers shall be installed in fire extinguisher cabinets as required by the Fire Department. Applicant to dedicate to 90-foot right-of-way on total front- age of parcels on llacienda Avenue and to a 40-foot half street on Capri extension frontage of property. F. G. Applicant to construct one-half street improvements on Hacienda Avenue frontage of development. H. Applicant to enter into agreement and post bond for future construction of improvements on Capri extension of development. , I. J. Applicant to pay storm drainage fee in amount of $4,360.00. Applicant to process and file parcel map for minor subdivision. K. Applicant to dedicate easement for. storm drain line between Hacienda and upper Page ditch. The applican~ is notified th~t he shall comply with aLL applicable Codes or OrdInances of the CIty of Campbell which pertain to this development and are not herein specified. 1. Property to be ft. .ed and landscaped as. indi~_ted and as added in "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building permit. 3. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $4,000 to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parking areas within three (3) months of completion of construction, or applicant may file ~rittcn agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor park- ing area prior to final Building Department clearance. 4. Enclosures consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six foot high solid wall or fence shall be constructed to house trash containers in areas approved by the Planning Director and Fire Department. Said enclosures to be 8' x 12' minimum with 6 foot self-closing gates. 5. No building permit shall be issued for Building E until the easecient has been resolved or abandoned. --.J ~ () DR. , -, -:-,~( - <0. ~~O'- . ~ ~~~ ~o ~ 0 '-ý .~'~ ~~., "?~ ~7 ~ LAND TO BE GRANTED TO TH E CITY OF CAM PBELL Dr. Be( leV JulC()969 Ckß( ~LllL( \ \<:>~<? -=--- C~p~ + --î _w~~+ ~+ 1 I - ml Z t1 Þ Þ¿ 1111 . kand to be G,anted to City Contoln~. œy,z:b :to P,epared by the Office of the City EnOl nee,. Campbell. CalifornIa '- ? ,:-:;,Ö, [)..r . é'L ,Ii <,,/', ¡,~y ).. ,:5 J :{ I{ ":' U¿5 7C,J/~ (~Kj) 2~"'-!~2' 'z .:j /' L' ,) .L oJ .. " --" "I, " . ." ! ~ ,?'; ~,? ,< "/, :<J /. 'J ',' .'- '7-:; 23¡,J5Î..23J.J 2_, ;2- :3 I~ ','.j. ':J ,?,?,,/,),,!'7,3-¡.t"j L", ' " .<. , .. "0' ,'/1;2.3/'/1 /3 ;2'~ ,,'/ 1,:Z5¡,57 ,? "",," 113'7;1'/ / .-1 I) /' . " , '71! I 2. 31. /'7 :'3 I.. II" FO, 13 f (J, 8'1' F 0' '77 r 1,/0 F (J, '70 /é/)¡tf2- FO,;28 F (I, 3¿f , - ..-> cv,'s ;".- c, 'T J;--' r'" r, /', . 0 ..> r' , l' ' r- :; , ¡:' , I, j/ Flr2ú I'll () F),52 Fö.3J' FJ, ¿~~! ",~). 5';; FO'4!!.Í1;?3ï,,:!/ :::), .1-/ ;J '~,'. 'j? 12'; I ç 0.37 12.3 7.0:;- ? --' . / " 'Ie" :' /' -:¿:;,(','l'},~(P:l~ í-ó,tr,/ 23C..o .23(.,::; I ;2.3(,,/rJ 1;:-0,3& ,- Q. ~Y I ' 2 '5:',. :1 :' /0"1(, , - Ir .? t: Ie !.',/ ¡' ,'j i'\ , - J'." ':', ¡,' ¡, I' -- 7.. s;z . r;' /1. (: :, ,J { .", " .'...: ", < , ' " , c , '. :': '..... "-.' - -- úI ffi ~ 2 0 dl 2 ti ? \l.U O¡iì [£12 ,0.. 0 ¡1) S ð<D V. að'l uJ~ :: ~ ill X ~1i r:.. c-J dJN '-...... 0 . 5 - i W\J} u '5 . ffi 01 dJ' I. ... \J} ~ +1 -0 0 LH '~-OC ëQ ;::¡ 1\ I 'è:I q J.. n r'n V IŸ\ ,et ~I.vl I Mailing Address: 516 E. Martha Street San Jose, California 95112 PERMIT (Ordinance 59-I) WATER DISTRICT""" Q.~~ Telephone: ~ Vv' / 299-3841 ~&- SANTA CLARA ( UNTY FLOOD CONTROL At Upper Page Ditch Telephone 378-8141 Permit No. 71332 Stream Permittee Mr. W. Wren, Director of Public Works City of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Campbell, California 95008 File Permits, Canals Upper Page Ditch Nly of Hacienda Ely of Capri Drive Applicant: Mackay and Somps 222 Mt. Hermon Road Scott's Valley, California 95060 Attention: Martin Miller Re: Outfall for Hacienda Gardens 71A436 Encroachment IX) Purpose of Permit Construction IX) Temporary ( ) Installation of a IS-inch CMP storm drain outfall into canal. Application Dated 4/5/71 Permit Issued 6/11/71 Construction Expiration Date 6/11/72 Approval: #~~¿7.~ r Ronald R. Esau, Direetor , Public Services Department This permit is subject to the provisions listed on the reverse side hereof except as expressly modified in the additional provisions listed below, 1.~ PERMITTEE MUST MAINTAIN A COpy OF THIS PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS ON JOB SITE FOR DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. 2 ~ All work shall be constructed in accordance with approved plans and to the satisfaction of the District's Inspector. The work area must be cleaned to the satisfaction of the District's Inspector. 3. PERMITTEE MUST NOTIFY DISTRICT'S CONSTRUCTION LIAISON DIVISION, TELEPHONE 299-3841, AT LEAST TWO NORMAL WORKDAYS BEFORE STARTING ANY WORK UNDER THIS PERMIT. FAILURE TO SO NOTIFY IS CAUSE FOR REVOCATION OF PERMIT. 4. Permittee shall also contact District's Water Operations Division, telephone 269-3650, c/o Mr. Dan Kriege, at least one week prior to construction to arrange for shutdown of any water in Ditch. 5. MacKay and Somps shall submit a written construction schedule to District's inspector so that work in Ditch can be coordinated with our Maintenance Branch. Schedule must be submitted at least 30 days prior to start of any work. cc: Bogdanich Building Co., Sunnyvale Attention: Mike Keough Exercise of this permit shall indicate acceptance of and agreement to comply with all provisions included herein. VIOLATION OF ANY PROVISION SHALL BE CAUSE FOR IMMEDIATE REVOCATION OF PERMIT F32-0469. t.lSP P.r.- RC .L.. No. I~O CõCÞ-1 ¡::,.: I"': 2.0' ~ tI1 ~ '"- d11~ Z 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ú1 -r-WQ'Ó-t ~z,~o J ~ ... ~ ~ i:::P.O.B. ~ ~ Œ , Q I I a.,,~ P~AQ""" ""Q. ON2:;- tõCA\.....C-: ,.va £00' ,," N 41°10' ~\" \I.J 4~.<Dß' [f, "l>~X,-r- yF/ y' "'" --f- c: ~ ~ ~ 'I"- ~ r- 'It <;:, 8~o4~'oo" W 37.50' '0 10 !(í 'g i.f ..t"" ~~~~ S- D""'A\~ ov-.....~~~... .. ~ 'To P....~c:.=L- ~.T.;.).Jc:::) ". ~~~~<. - ~~~~ ~~ .~ç; '3'1. 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CAPRI DRIVE GRADES C = 1.10 ~ = 0.55 BVC = 239.75 Eve = 238.18 G = -2.0% (Gl - G) 2L - +1.154 = 0.5245 - 2.20 Gl = -0.846% v = BVC + (G) (1/2) = (239.75) + (-2.0)(0.55) = 238.65 M = (Gl - G)L = (-0.846) - (-2.0) (1.10) = 1.2694 = +0.159 8 8 8 +2.000 - .846 +1.154 .1587 8}1.2694 - D2(GI - G) d - 2L = D2 (+0.5245) Sta D D2 +d H PI 239.75 0 + 65 BVC 0 0 +0 239.75 1 + 00 .35 0.1225 +0.06 239.05 238.65 239.11 1 + 20 MVC .55 0.3025 +0.16 238.81 1 + 50 .85 0.7225 +0.38 238.05 238.43 1 + 75 EVC 1.10 1.21 +0.63 237.55 238.18 " " ~!'- !V) ',.,-;- ~ \J,,~ 0 ¡': ó z: iLl ~ 00>- .12: Qè5æf z 0 >- a.. a:: u VI .... 0 ,,\ ~.."... '" '." ~- ,\' - ~.;;.\' , I- "'-~: '-.;." ..\,,- .r::~ "'"., ' t'- {",,-'" "~ "1 ',',- < , I ;.~ T <, '- '# I- .J 1 "( .' '", 'I Q 1'1 -1 I.(j " '-\ ~ \') ~ ,- -.! ,,-' '-- r, ',' -, -, f::; a '-oj,. -J ¡"!- .'. 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'\. ~'~ Q' ~ f\Í I.::;~ .:;"~ '\-. ~~ ~('J ó'<\ rv¡v- ~ ~v'\ ~.~~ \"-~ ~ HACIENDA AVENUE GRADES L = 1.40 1 '2 = 0.70 BVC = 240.39 G = +0.671% EVC = 240.17 Gl = -0.980% V = BVC + ( G) (~) = ( 2 4 0 . 3 9) + ( + 0 . 6 7 I) (0. 70) M = (Gl - G}L - ¿(-0.980) - {+0.671111.40 (-1.651) (1.40) 8 _. .8 = 8 - -2.3114 = -0.2889 - 8 d = D2(Gl - G} - -1.651 - -1.651- 2L -(2)(1.40) - 2.80 - -0.5896 sta D D2 d H PI 0 + 00 0 0 0 240.39 240.39 0 + 50 .50 .25 -0.147 240.726 240.58 0 + 70 .70 .49 -0.289 240.86 240.57 1 + 00 1.00 1.00 -0.590 241.06 240.47 1 + 40 1.40 1.96 -1.156 241.329 240.173 HACIENDA AVENUE Sta Elevation EP CL TC BVC sta 0 + 00 0 + 00 BVC 240.39 r-t I' \.0 0 + 50 ECR 240.58 240.94 0 0 . 0 0 + 70 MVC 240.57 240.93 + V sta 0 + 70 1 + 00 240.47 240.83 1 + 40 EVC 240.17 240.53 1 + 50 240.08 240.44 co 2 + 00 239.59 239.95 0'\ 0 0 2 + 50 239.10 239.46 . 0 I 2 + 90 GB 238.70 239.06 GB 2 + 90 3 + 00 238.64 239.00 N \0 0 0 3 + 50 238.33 238.69 . 0 I 4 + 00 GB 238.02 238.38 GB Sta 4 + 00 4 + 50 237.80 238.16 5 + 00 237.58 237.94 5 + 50 237.36 237.72 6 + 00 237.14 237.50 6 + 50 236.91 237.27 M ("f) '<;f' '<;f' 7 + 00 236.69 237.05 0 0 . 7 + 02.31 END 236.69 237.05 0 I 10. 11. 12. CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR BOGANICH BUILDING CO. IISII 69-32 629 HACIENDA AVENUE - 198 UNIT APARTMENT CAPRI AVENUE PORTION ONLY 1. Clearing & Grubbing Relocate 2 J.P. Remove 2 8" & 1 10" trees @ 25.00 ea. 2. Earthwork (Rough estimate only, based on proposed street section - 4" on 6" - and improvement plans of C.W. Dawdson, Job No. 380) (0.83) (~~.OO) (247) = 229 cu. yd. @ 3.50 3. AC (18')(0.33')(247')(0.075) = l10.04 ton @ 12.00 4. Base (18') (0.50') (247') (0.070) - 155.61 ton @ 4.00 5. Curb & Gutter 247 1in. ft. @ 3.25 6. Driveways (28.5)(9.5) = 270.75 sq. ft. @ 1.25 7. Sidewalk (220')(4.5) - 990 sq. ft. @ 0.75 8. E1ectro1iers 2 250 w complete @ 500.00 ea. 9. Conduit & Conductor 287 1in. ft. @ 2.75 pu11box 1 at 40.00 ea. Brirricade 40' at 5.00 1in. ft. Redwood header board 283' at 2.50 1in. ft. Page 1 of 2 = = = = = = = = = = = = $ 75 802 1,322 622 803 338 743 1,000 789 40 200 708 13. 14. cm Street Trees 6 at 17.50 ea. Temporary Section - 10' on westerly side Capri = AC = (0.17)(10)(247) (0.075)= 31.5 ton @12.00 Base=(0.33) (10X247) (0.070) = 57.6 ton @4.00 Cut = (0.50)(10)(247) = 46 d @ 3 50 27 cu.y.. Rw. Hdr. - 20' @ 2.50 SUBTOTAL 15% CONTINGENCIES TOTAL Make Bond Amount $9,600.00 Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee - $336.00 Page 2 of 2 = 105 815 = $ 8,362 = 1,254 $ 9,616 8. 9. 10. CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR BOGANICH BUILDING COo "S" 69-32 629 HACIENDA AVENUE - 198-UNIT APARTMENT CAPRI AVENUE PORTION ONLY 1. Clearinq and Grubbinq Relocate 2 J.p. Remove 2 8" & 1 10" trees @ 25.00 ea. 2. Earthwork (Rough estimate only, based on proposed street section - 4" on 6" - and improvement plans of C.W. Dawdson, Job No. 380) (0.83)(30.00)(132) = 122 cu. yds. @ 3.50 27 3. AC (18') (0.33') (132') (0.075) = 59.34 tons @ 12.00 4. Base (18') (0.50') (132') (0.070) = 83.16 tons @ 4.00 5. Curb and Gutter 132 lin. ft. @ 3.25 6. Driveways I I (28.5)(9.5) = 270.75 sq. ft. @ 1.25 7. Sidewalk I (105')(4.5) = 472.5 sq. ft. @ 0.75 Electroliers 2 250-Watt complete @ 500.00 ea. Conduit and Conductor 172 lin. ft. @ 2.75 Pullbox 1 at 40.00 ea. = $ = = = = = = = = = 75 427 712 333 429 338 354 1,000 473 40 11. 12. 13. 14. Barricade 20'@ 5.00 1in. ft. Redwood Headerboard 168'@ 2.50 1in. ft. street Trees 3 @ 17.50 ea. Temporary Section - 10' on westerly side Capri AC = (0.17)(10)(132)(0.075) = 17 tons @ 12.00 Base = (0.33) (10) (132) (0.070) = 31 tons @ 4.00 Cut = (0.50)(10)(132) = 24.4 cu. yds. @ 3.50 27 Rw. Hdr. = 20' @ 2.50 SUB TOTAL 15% CONTINGENCIES TOTAL Make Bond Amount $5,900.00 Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee = $207.00. = $ = = = 100 420 53 463 = $ 5,142 = 771 = $ 5,913 " "'~, :i § TESllNG ENGINEERS, INCORt'ORATED OAKLAND TESTING LABORATORIES 2111 ADELINE STREET OAK¡;AHO' 8, CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO OAKLAND SAN JOSE HUHGATE 4.1288 "" " ---- --,------ - -- - -- --------------- --------- ---- --_u_--- ------------------ ----- '-'--------------- -----------------_u_-------- --- ----'- --------------------,,-------,----------,--- , ----..-------------- - ------ ------- - - ---------- LABORATORY NUM8ER Sl5-296 ----- --- -------- ---- ------- I- Z W ¿ w n: :J 40 0 w n: >- t: ~ In ~ 30 l- ( ) - ( ) w I U Z 20 ( ) ( ) W Z )£: U I 10 l- n: W > 0 U JOB DATA " M" DATE 5-28-65 FILE: SHOPP NG CENTER HACIENDA & CAPRI DRIVE --- --------- ---------~--- --------- --..---------------- ------, ----- ----___--__m__n___--_----------- -- ------ -- ----------- n- - --- ---------- EXPANSION PRI:::SSURE AND RESISTANCE VALUE TEST EXUDATION PRESSURE. PSI 600 400 800 200 , SAMPLE DATA 2232 - I-...... / ~ Ý / " / ~ 7 \ / \ V 7 / / V / / / / - V 80 60 40 20 HACIENDA Ave. STA, 3 +ÐO, 20' LT. RECEIVED 5-20-65 GRADING ANALY818 SIEVE SIZII PERCENT PASSING A8 RCVD, A8 TESTED ---- - ---- -- 3" -------- -- 2 'fa 2 ----- 1 '/8 --- ~:. '/a 3/8 #4 8 16 30 50 100 200 (WA8H} --- ,--- W :J .J 4( > IIJ U Z 4( l- ( ) ¡¡¡ W -------_.._--- It: ---- ----- --. -- --- -- SAND EOUIVALENTTE8T CAVER, 01" 31 CLA Y SAND SE, - ---- ---------------- - Los ANGELES RATTLER TEST Loss IN 500 REVOLUTIONS, '1,_- 0 0 -----,-- ---------,---------_u_--~---------- 0 10 20 30 40 50 WET SHOT RATTLER TEST COVER THICKNESS (INCHES) EXPANSION PRESSURE REQUIREMENT Loss IN 10.000 REVOLUTION8. % ::~:~;::: ;::::~::.' ;:; ~?~ 2~~ 3~~ ~~~ I----P~::T~I~Y :~:-~~~-- RESISTANCE: VALUE. dR" 45 62 76 82 I LIQUID LIMIT. ~.------ MOISTURE. ;0, AT TEST 10,5 10, 1 9,6 9,2 PLASTIC LIMIT. ~,------ - DRY DENSITY, PCF. AT TEST 127 ,-~..:=.:.-=.:..:~28~____~2_~--~---:-o:.---'.::.=--~=~~~~ I :~~ :cc;;=- -- --- --... --------- ....: 1 cc: lee: "R" VALUE AT 300 PSI: REPORTED 1'0: CLIENT 3ec: Russo MORTGATE ~ .' 1855 THE ALAMEDA SAN JOSE, CALifORNIA ATTN: AL AL~INITO CITY or CAMPOELL - ATTN: MR. GOMEZ ~;A!~ "lost Or-rite 71 TESTING ENGINEERS. INC. .v?J::~ ~ ~ TESTING ENGINEERS, INCORrùRATED OAKLAND TESTING LABORATORIES 2811 ADEl-INE STREET OAKLA'N,D' 8, CALIF'ORNIA ------------- ,---- -------------------- ..,----,------ ------------ ----- -- ------------ --,------ - ------- -----------,--- ------------- ----------------- ----------- - ---- - --------- u- ---- ----------- - ---,----------- - ----- - -------- ------ ---- LABORATORY NUMBER SL5-298 JO8 DATA ----------------- ------ ------------_._--- f LE: "M" I- Z lIJ ::E lIJ 0:: :J 40 0 lIJ 0:: >- t ::! OJ <{ 30 I- U! -- U! lIJ :r U Z 20 U! U! lIJ Z x: U :r 10 I- 0:: lIJ > 0 U SHepp I NG CENTER HACIENDA & CAPRI DRIVE --- ---- ----------------- -- ---------------- ---- ---,---- - -------- ----------------- - ------ ----- ----------- --- EXPANSION PRtZSSURE AND RESISTANCE VALUE TEST EXUDATION PRESSURE, PSI 600 400 BOO 200 ..... I r-- t-- l7 t-.. r- I... / V ;;o-....... V 1/ i/ 1/ / 1/ V [7 [7 . V V ' !/ V 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 .50 COVER THICKNESS (INCHES) EXPANSION PRESS~E REQUIREMENT EXUDATION PRESSURE, PSI, EXPANSION PRESSURE, PSF 240 39 67 8.9 129.7 340 44 72 8.5 130.9 700 143 81 8.0 131.0 Pl-ABTICITY INDEX TEBT "I, LIQUID LIMIT, ',,-------- PLASTIC LIMIT. ~,-------- I P.I. ------------------------'------ ,---------- --, -- ----------- -,--- ---------------- ----- ------------ ------ RESI5TANCE VALUE, "R" MOISTURE, '~, AT TEST DRY DENSITY. PCF, AT TEST 1 r:c: 1 0- , ;; "R" VALVE AT 300 PSI: REPORTED To: CLIENT 3cc: Russo MORTGA(;E 1855 THE ALAMEOA SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA ATTN: AL ALflNtTO C'TY Of C"'1PߣLL - ATTN: :~""I J':,J'¡ r-O¡r(l'-h~~ t-IR. GOME Z 80 60 40 20 SAN DIEGO OAKLAND SAN JOSE HIQHGATE 4.128e DATE 5-28-65 SAMPLE DATA 2228 ~\)e ~ Ie G.l e\Jþ.~ RECEIVED 5-20-65 <:;~. "'5~ ~' L~. GRADING ANALYSIS SIEVE SIZE! PERCENT PASSING As RCVD. As TESTED --- -----, 3" 2 'Ia ------ -- ---- -------- 2 1 '/a 3/4 '/a 3/8 #4 B 16 30 50 100 --- lIJ :J ..J « > III U Z « ~ 200 (WASH) ffi ' III _m______--~------- 11:1 SAND EQUIVALENT TEST ,AVIER, 01" 3) CLAY --- ------ - -- -- SAND S,E, -- ---- ------ --------, -----,-- Los ANGELES RATTLER TEST Loss IN 500 REVOLUTIONS, ';,----- -------------______n___mmm ---------- ------ WET SHOT RATTLER TEST LOBS IN 10.000 REVOLUTIONS. ./.-- - -,---------- __m_____--------~-- --- ----- --- ---------- --' 70 TESTING ENGINEERS. INC. B~M~-~- ~ TESTING ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED SAN DIEGO OAKLAND SAN JOSE 28" ADELINE STREET OAKLAND TESTING LABORATORIES HIGHGATE ..12e8 OAKLAND e. CALIFORNIA --,---------------------- -------- - -'.------------------- ----------------- ------ -------,------------ ------------------- _u- - u-------- - ----,--- ----- -______n__- ._---------- --_._-- --- I- Z l1/ ¿ l1/ ex: :J 40 0 l1/ ex: >- t: ~ OJ <( 30 l- (/) (/) l1/ I U Z 20 (/) (/) l1/ Z ~ U I 10 I- 0: l1/ > 0 U LABORATORY NUMBER SLS-295 -- -----------.--,----- JOB DATA riLE: "M" SHOPPING CENTER HACIENDA & CAPRI DRIVE --- ------------------ ------------- ------ -- - ----.,----______nn_.____---. -- ------- ----_._---- -.- --. . EXPANSION PRIZSSURE AND RESISTANCE VALUE TEST EXUDATION PRESSURE. PSI 600 400 800 200 - V t r----.. ....V ~R. V '\ / T \. / V / V / :/ / V / n V V 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 COVER THICKNESS (INCHES) EXPANSION PRESSURE REQUIREMENT DATI: 5-28-65 REPORTED To: "R" VALUE AT 300 PSI: 80 60 40 20 ---------.--.---'_____H. SAMPLE DATA 2229 CAPRI DRIVE STA. 1 + 35, 5' RIGHT RECEIVED 5-20-65 GRADING ANALYSIS SIEVE SIZE PERCENT PASSING As RCVD. As TESTED 3" 21¡z 2 -------- -- --- 1 'Ia --- --- --- ~4 'Ia 3/8 #4 8 16 30 !50 100 200 (WASH) ------ l1/ ::J oJ 0( > Iù U Z 0( .... VI ¡¡¡ Iù _._-----,------------ ~ --- -- -- ---- SAND EOUIVALENTTE8T lAvER. 01" 3) CLAY SAND S.E. ---n- --,-- Los ANGELES RATTLER TEST Loss IN 500 REVOLUTIONS. ",-- ---_H_- _m_- -. __nnn_- ------- - .n--_- -------------, WET SHOT RATTLER TEST Loss IN 10,000 REVOLUTION_, "1,- - EXUDATION PRESSURE, PSI 220 330 490 EXPANSION PRESSURE, PSI" 55 72 165 RESISTANCE VALUE, "R" 56 71 76 MOISTURE. '~. AT TEST 10.2 9.7 9.3 DRY DENSITY, PCF, AT TEST 126.8 127.2 127.7 ¡ --~~~:~=I~Y-'::::TE9T I LIQUID LIMIT. ',.------ PLASTIC LIMIT. ~.-------- _::__:-=:=-::=-=':'c:u:,,:':=-.=~=-..::..:.::.:-::-~ P.I. - -- -,- ,__n______- ----- 1cc: ,1 ,or:: CLIENT 3ec: Russo MORTGATE 1855 THE ALAMEDA SAN Josc, CALIfORNIA ATTN: AL ALflNITO CITY Of' C"~~PO(LL - ATTN: MR. r.OMEZ "'.t,.' JI"11! 'C". -,,:~ - h. ---- 68 TESTING ENGINEERS, INC, .y~,( ..- Mn~~ ~ TESTING ENGINEERS, INCORJ;ùRATED SAN DIEGO OAKLAND SAN JOSE 281' ADELINE STREET OAKL.AND 8. CALIFORNIA OAKLAND TES1':ING LABORATORIES HI~H~ATE ~.12S8 ----- --~---- - - ---..--------- ---------- -------- ----------- ---,-------- - ----:c:-_-:=: --~-'-"-~="'--_-=c-=--=-=--=,,==-=:.-:==--= ==,=-',,--- ~ ,-~.... '-.".=~=-;c:-====--=---== LABORATORY NUMBER SL5-297 .JOB DATA -----------------.- FILE: "M" I- Z W ¿ w a: :J 40 0 W a: >- t .J aJ c( 30 I- UI - UI W I U Z 20 UI UI W Z ~ U I 10 I- a: W > 0 U 170 250 350 670-_d__- --n--- NIL NIL NIL 72 PLASTICITY INDEX TEST 20 45 66 81 LIQUID LIMIT. ~'. ---- 10.1 9.7 9.2 8.8 PLASTIC LIMIT. ~.------- 129.5 129.7 129.9 130.9 I P.I. -------------------- -- 'u_- --"------"'- -,.._. - u_--.-.---,-- -- ------- --- _n______..------- - - ----Un~-_---------' SHOPPING CENTER HACIENDA & CAPRI DRIVE -- _._,_n__,--.._---- u_-----------------'------- -----_u_----..-. ,-------..-.. __n____.._---------- EXPANSION PRtZSSURE AND RESISTANCE VALUE TEST EXUDATION PRESSURE. PSI Eioo 400 800 200 ""' """""" ....... / """"' ......... V ---- '" ¿ C7 \ / ~~ / \ -- / \ / \ V \ / \ '/ 1\ / \ V / '/ / 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 COVER THICKNESS (INCHES) EXPANSION PRESSURE REQUIREMENT EXUDATION PRESSURE. PSI EXPANSION PRESSURE. PSI'" RESI5T^NCE VALUE, "R" MOISTURE, ",. AT TEST DRY DENSITY, PC". AT TEST "R" VALUE AT 300 PSI: REPORTED To: CLIENT , r r : I". : 3<:c: Russo MORTGAGE 1855 THE ALAMEDA SAN JOSE, CAL,rOR"'A ATT": AL ALrlNITO 80 60 40 20 DATE 5-28-65 ------ ----_u_- SAMPLE DATA 2231 CAPRI DRIVE STA. 4 + 50, 5' RT. RECEIVED 5-20-65 ----' GRADING ANALV.'. SI EVE PERCENT PAS.'HG SIZE! As RCVD. A. TESTED ----- -- 3" ------_..- ---. 2 Iia 2 --- 1 '/a --- --- 3/ .~ Va 3/8 -- #4 8 lEi 30 50 100 200 ¡WASH, ------ ---- W :J .J c( > W U Z « ~ III iii w --.- - ----------- III I SAND EQUIVALENTTE.T (AVER, 01" 31 CLAY SAND S.E. ----- --.------ ---- --- --~ Los ANGELES RA~~:R~~~---l Loss IN 500 REVOLUTIONS. %-- I - ---- -- ----------------- - ,I WET SHOT RATTLER TEST Loss IN 10.000 REVOLUTIONS. %-- ----- I , :.=d i 58 TESTING ENGINEERS. INC. r I ì~' ,',,- (-~..r"'f &.&. .:,'1 .j'.';)r: OFFICE, ....?h= _ø. .pi.~,-- 10. 11. 12. CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR BOGDANICH BUILDING CO. "s" 69-32 629 HACIENDA AVENUE - 198 UNIT APARTMENT HACIENDA AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS ONLY 1. Clearing and Grubbing JP to be relocated by PG&E = 2. Earthwork Excavate 313 cu. yd. @ 3.50 (see attached work sheet) = 3. AC (23') (0.33') (424.93') (0.075) = 242 @ 12 = 4. Base (23')(0.67')(424.93')(0.070)= 458 @ 4.00= 5. Curb & Gutter 401.93 lin. ft. @ 3.25 = 6. Driveways (9.5) (2) (28.5) 25 ð - 541.5 sq.ft.@ 1.25 = 7. Electroliers 4 400 W complete @ 500.00 = 8. Conduit & Conductor 4271 @ 2.75 = 9. Pullbox 1 @ 40.00 ea. = Barricade 22' @ 5.00 lin. ft. = Redwood Headerboard 70 lin. ft. @ 2.50 = Street Trees 9 @ 17.50 ea. = Page 1 of 2 $ -0- l,096 2,904 1,832 I, 306 677 2,000 1,306 40 110 175 158 13. em Sidewalk (401.93 - 53.5) (4.5) - 1,568 1in. ft. @ 0.75 = SUBTOTAL Contingencies 15% = TOTAL Make Bond Amount $13,000.00 Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fees = $455.00 Page 2 of 2 $12,972 $1,176 12,780 192 Br --')ANICH BUILDING CO. II S" 69 ~2 629 Hh_iENDA AVENUE - 198 UNIT AP. ..TMENT HACIENDA AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS ONLY EARTHWORK 8+22 (5+01.93) - 2.12 to - (1.845) (28.0) = 51.660 8+50 - 1.57 8+50 - 1.57 to - (1.535) (50) = 76.750 9+00 - 1.50 9+00 1.50 to - (1.56) (50) = 78.000 9+50 1.62 9+50 - 1.62 to - (2.15) (50) 107.500 10+00 2.68 10+00 2.68 to - (2.11) (50) = 105.500 10+50 1.55 10+50 - 1.55 to - (0.95) (50) = 47.500 11+00 - 0.35 11+00 0.35 to - ( 0.485) (50) = 24.250 11+50 - 0.62 11+50 0.62 to - (0.645) (50) = 32.250 12+00 0.67 12+00 - 0.67 to - (0.895) (23.93) = 21.417 12+23.93 (1+00) - 1.12 (844.83) (10) 27 = J 313 cu. yd.! cm