629 Hacienda Ave. (64-39) .. ""- -' - .. ..... ~ october 29, 1965 Tri-State Engineering Company 615 South Raymond Avenue Pullerton, California ATTENTION: Robert H. Baker, President Dear Mr. Baker: A-102350 NB Corner Capri Drive Extension @ Hacienda Avenue In reply to your request by ~our letter dated september 9, 1965, we furnish for your information the following: SUBJECT: 1. Charles W. Davidson Company, Consulting Civil Bngin..r" 120 Bast Gish Road, Ian Jos., California, Telephone 295-9162, is currently preparing plans for the iDlproveaent of this property together with other propert.y, and we might add that their improvement plana are ne.r c~l.tion. 2. In general, lines and grades are established except for a minor change of alignment and grade adj ustment for Capri Drive extension. It has been tentatively agreed to that because of the location of the ex1st1A9 joint pol.s on Capri Drive Extension, an additional five-foot dedication would be made. This would mean that Capri Drive would be thirty-five feet wide instead of thirty feet. The tmprov...nts required would begin at a point five f.et easterly fram the westerly prqperty line and end at a point thirty-five feet easterly from said property line. 3. City of Campbell standard curb and qutter, collft8rcial dr iv.way approaches, cĹ“aercial sidewalk shall be required. 4. No storm drainage facilities will be required to be installed except that your inlot surface water must be collected inlot and conveyed to flow line of gutter under sidewalk throuqh a maximum of three-inCh galvanized pipe and a storm drainage fe. in the amount of $765.00 (net acreage) shall be required. 5. The structural section of the street has determined to be a8 follows: been ... -- ... ~ Mr. Kooert .ti. BaJC.er -~- Octo.Þer :¿9, .l9b5 Hacienda Avenue - 2 1/2" asphaltic concrete on 8" Class 2 A9gr8g'ate Base ( 1 1/2" Max.). Capr i Dr ive Extension - 2 1/2" a apha 1 tic concrete on 6" Class 2 A9gr89ate Base ( 1 1/2- Max.). 6. As previously mentioned, grades have been tentatively determined and since a formal street ~rovement plan prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer is required, we will refer you to the Charles W. David.on Company for further particulars. Very truly your 8, WILLIAM (J. WRBN, ACTING CI'l'Y _GIDER & ~~4 j'--l-ztr-77l-t:~ By Cruz ¿s. Goaez, - Jr. Civil Engineer CSG: cb cc: Charles W. David.on Co. Attn: Bob Linder CAMPBELL PLANNING CQ¡Ævr!SSION AT A REGU' M:ßETING , _!~!~e!~~.b-~&-'":'fHE---~--- . -- CITY, OF, ' ,,' " "", ",' "'?'LI,",, ""P,L, A,',N.,~t~,(,:) "C7"1;'¡I,Iß"""I#.)N ',,',',',,~."" . t~:;~ :¡-g~y: ~,.~.,,~,~.'~IIC\"?,, , " ,.~ð J¿,-6f, iP,:, i,~,;<,!,~,/-it,J, !12;~~~ ~;"'.' 1",,01'\111 ,h~1î$.l~m.f;"¡;~*l) :>'l1';t:rctary ,\ ,'~i( , bE: (¡ranted to Ci1y ,(, ,':r < "Pqlporld by tn. Offíce of the City' "'\: / Engineer, Campbell, Catífornlo " '. . ?) \1i"f; . ".;,.. ,,~\' . . .,..,'p'i ,'('~ .,1! CONDITIONS OP APPROVAL 1961..56 ANTHONY TURTUIUCISHOPPING CENTBR 629 Hacienda - Campbell 1. Area to be landscaped as indicated on plan and as noted re height of planter are.. Landscape plan, indicating type of plant material to be sub.itted prior to issuance of building permit. 2. 3. faithful Performance Bond in the amount of S2,SOO to be posted to insure landatapinl within 3 months of completion of building. Conformance with Section 9126 of the Campbell Municipal Code to bu:lud.e the following: 4. a. Dedication to ultimate street sidelines: 45 feet on Hacienda and 40 feet on Capri Complete street improvements for total frontale of development. loot Faithful Performance Bond to be posted. b. c. StOt'll drainage fee in the amount of $5,730.00 Plan check and inspection fee in the amount of 3' of esti.ated cost of street improvements. d. s. The number of driveway openings for shopping center frontage on Hacienda (exclusive of service station and delivery entrance) shall be limited to two (2), each to be thirty- five (35') feet in width. Pive year rental fee for three fire hydrants in the amount of $585.00. 6. L . .. ,./ c: '.l PLANNIN'C IJEPARnmNT CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA TO: APPLICANTS FOR "S" APPROVAL, VARIA;\ CE OR USE PER!lITS The name (s) and Recorder's N~mber, of legal owner (s) of subject property must be supplied as part of application. may be submitted for this information. A photo co~y of deed Please fill in necessary information: £;d P-¡. ~' . ~ C7 #- ' /þ'/j.,/ ~,2./ 'L , Name (s) a shown on Dee Name m as shown on Deed it I ~¿.,~, ~ ~ y' Recor er s umöer For Office Use Only Filed as part of application for ------- for Filed J{iæ by ,- .' , ,.J ,i/\ . '1> ~ ,I - ? L ~ - . .oIIIIIâ/ '/ 8 ~ (¡ ~ ~h ~/ 17.J 1 CITY Of CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION USE PERi,HT 1)()5-5 riAY 5, IJöS .,.-"".----- In accordance with the provisions of Section 9328, Chapter 3, J\rticle IX, of the Campbell ;íunicipal Code, ANTHONY P. TURTURICI is hereby granted a use permit to allow the construction of a service station on the 1.;/1: corner of Hacienda ,\vc:nuc and the proposed extensiOll of Capri Drive, as per application filed in tile office of t,lC Planning uepartment on 4/l2/C>S, subject to tile follmdng colldi tions; 1. Storm Urain It,;c in the amount of $37D.OD. 2. 25' Street Dcdicatioll on lwcienda Avenue for the lengti! of tiovclopment (Plan Line H/li aù'). .). 3u' Street Uedlcation Oil extension of Capri IJrive north of Hacienda Avenue for lengtjl of ùevclopment. (Future ,:./W bU'). 4 . Full street improvements on total frontage of development. 5. Inspection fee in the amount of 3% of estimated cost of street improvements. PASSED Aí~j) AlJOPTED bY tlle Planning Commiss ion of the Ci ty of Campbell, lalifoniia, in regular session on the 3rd day of ¡>Iay, 19Ü5. SAID USE PER'HT to beco~1C valid , ay 13, 1 :) 6 5 . CITY O,~ C~PßELL PLANNIN~ CO;'¡;,HSSIO:'¡ c¿:~) ,." // . -ì é') // /~ , J BY: --,/ /~~. ' ~ ¿-~~ ;;//¿,¿~ Evelyn II amsoll, > ecrctary . .. ,~ A8 .8 I PLANNING DEPART:1ENT CITY OF CAi,IPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date May S, 1965 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Anthony P. Turturici , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF Service Station TO BE LOCATED AT: NIB corner of Hacienda Avenue and proposed extension of Capri Drive. CONDITIONS: 1. Provide landscaping as indicated on plan, which allows for trees. 2. Landscaping plan, sl)ecifying type of plant material to be submitted to Staff for approval prior to issuance of Building Pel'mi t. 3. Faithful Performance Bond in the altlOunt of $1,000 to be posted to insure landscaping within 3 months of completion of building. 4. Any signs to be approved by tne Planning Commission. s. Parking area to be developed in accordance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 6. Building to have heavy shake roof, or crushed rock: and stone masonry colu¡ms on tilt: West Side. Provide 5 parking spaces. Subject to cor:.pliance with coIiJitioIJS of tIll: Use Fermit. Building to face Hacienda, \'fÍ th the lube :> als on t:le Ca11ri side. 7. 8. 9. Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (IS) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a llAW approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 3rd DAY OF .viay f 1965 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMI\lISSION october 2, 1964 Mr. A. Russo 1855 The Alameda san Jose, California RE: "S" 1964-39 Dear Sir: The Engineering Department conditions of approval attached to the "S" approval 1964-38 for the construction of a shopping center to be loca~ed at 629 Hacienda Avenue in the City of Campbell were the following: 1. Code to Conformance with Section 9126 of the Campbell Municipal include the following: a. Dedication to ultimate street sideiLines: 4S feet one-half street on Hacienda and 40 feet on Capr i . b. Complete street improvements throughout street frontage and post faithful performance bond. c. Storm drainage area fee in the amount of $6,100.00 When all of the above requirements have been complied with, this office will recommend the issuance of a building permit. compliance shall be accomplished by: 1. Execution of dedication as described above. 2. Submitting acceptable street improvement plans to the City Engineer and obtaining his approval of same. 3. posting of faithful performance bond in the amount of 100% of the estimated cost of the street improvements. 4. Submitting check in the amount of $6,100.00 for storm drainage area fee. Should you have any questions in this regard, please feel free to contact this office at your convenience. Very truly your s, MYRON D. HAWK, CITY ENGINEER \~t ¿~~ By Bill M. Helms, Assistant Civil Engineer BHM:cb f&r\ ~[1) PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAMPBEll 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBEll. CALIFORNIA "S" 1964-39 -."....--....-....".-.....--.--- Date SEPTEMBER 9. 1964 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO liS" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF A. TURTURICI (RUSSO ~ ASSOCIATES) Shopping Center . FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TO BE lOCATED AT: 629 Hacienda Avenue tOND 111 ONS: 1. Parcels A. 8 4 C to be excluded from approval. 2. Parking indicated in red to be eliminated & loadinp, areas to be provided H:-ò indlC'.atcd in red. -;:). ~)euic..tion to ultimate st'l't~ct sid(~lincs; 45' one- hal f street on Hac iel1da and 4!:L'-.on Capri. - 4. Complete street improvements tht'õughout frontage and post bond. - 5. Storm Drain Fee in amount of $6,100.00 ~~ Section 9316.1 of the Campbel1 Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for In this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE ~1.Ü DAY OF Scpte:abel", 1964 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By: Evelyn Adamson, Secretary. If '" ." >,.,- URBAN DEVELOPMENT DEPAR.MENT CITY OF CAMPBE~L, CALIFORNIA TO: APPLI CANTS FOR "SII APPROVA~ VAR !ANCE OR USE PERMITS The name (s) and Recorder's Number. of legal owne¡' (s) of subject property must be supplied as part of application. A photo copy of deed may be submitted for this information, Please fill in necessary information: C:;¿' 7'.¿£~1 /? ~kM ;;¿' Name (s) as ~wn on Oéed Name (5) as shown on Deed # tJ 6>P f" ~ -S 0/.- c?.s- æ cd ff¡ Y 2- Recordèr' 5 Number For Office Use Only Filed as part of application for for Fi led by