655 W. Hacienda Ave. (TR6925) CITY OF CAMPBELL MEMÒRANDUM To: BUILDING DEPARTMENT Date: \ ¡ I..: ~: ï-'- Z. (. J I' i: From: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Subject: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------- The requirements of the Public Works Department have been satisfied for the following development: '. APPLICANT ::";"'¡\-Lk '., 1\-. -' It.,\ (,:,\\:,.'/ r'¿-¡....I\..J.::....) . BUILDING ADDRESS t ::;', COUNTY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER -+ ( -, -:~ <:- ...:; J APPROVAL NUMBER T ""-' :.:i.-- ( c, ¿ .:~ PUBLIC WORKS FILE NUMBER. \.' L : ¡\, I , ., :, \i C ", : ¡,-'; JOSEPH ELLIOTT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS By: I Date: ( CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 January 11, 1983 1_:~~~I:n - ~- . r' -.L ~ ~-~-~-J- I -- I i ---- Department: Public Works . ,. ---. -- Townhouse West Partnership 1303 Lick Avenue San Jose, CA 95110 Subject: One Year Maintenance Acceptance Permit No. 80-266, TR 6925 655 W. Hacienda Avenue (SNKS. 18) Gentlemen: We have made a one year maintenance inspection of subject public works improvements and find that no maintenance is required. By copy of this letter, we hereby release your maintenance bond. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELLIOTT Director of Public Works DAVID N. VALKENAAR Project Engineer DNV: cc: Norm Samson Surety Insurance Co. of Calif., 777 N. First St., Ste. 400, San Jose 95112 SPEEDC' -TER ~)9 DIAR~ - PA,-- ~ ,-JO- STOP ST ART TOTAL 7 i ì/1, CONTRACT 1 ;. ~ fl~-' f )': c- - :.7 (;' - (.. DATE I -, , - / - (7 .->' , ) ,- LOCA TION~'¿:-' ;:'- '/ ( :LJ I," 'cc;--.-.-'J- - ¿j / /, ,- ,7 ;: ,'1:s~,--$-<:""',--<V:-"L /l~ WEA THER TEMP MIN, MAX, ~' r-? , I, F '-.- -,/. r ( <~ - ~~,/ ,~ ; v .' (~ ;1 ~. ! /'1 ( C.--- ' ...-;~...-? ..., /'7 _'~{:jé --" '-~ '. /,-t' eAv"L' r l'ffr/U MBF WORKING DAY NO, SIGNED INSPECTOR HOURS WORKED CITY OF CAMPBEll Department of Public Works HTRACT IDENTIFICATION PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT oject or ermit No. g (J - Zé b Name or .~--:--> / ,:-'..., ~ Location / \ ((7 7 é./ ;-':) ¿ "" ;'-; )~~(1/.¿ fi,~/~ /12: , Page of Date ) ! /¿ /_./~ J----.::;"- - j-",¿",d (',:1. ,.,/ ?flJ ð/<- () (~£)-AL- / J/ , ¡;~(! Ç/ø / 'OJ ~- ;Z Co" / :.1 - , ' . O:-C"'{!-C2Ab"", ',~JJ- /'f'O °, ('"'OJ ;1 . , , ('. r!,- eLl' C' c;? /0 ~7 / J, / l/~' ., " ,¿~ 'VI ~~ />y :f .. --- ~ ~ I ~l~ PR JE TEN~ - ¡y'l// PROJECT INSPECTOR ( CITY OF CAMPBEll 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Department: Pub 1 i c Works November 17, 1982 Townhouse West Partnership 1303 Lick Avenue San Jose, CA 95110 Subject: One Year Maintenance, Deficiencies. Permit No. 80-266 Location: 655 W. Hacienda Ave., TR 6925 (Snks 18) Gentlemen: We have made a one-year maintenance inspection of subject public works improvements. There are deficiencies that must be corrected before we can release your bond and obligations in this matter. A deficiency list is attached. Please coordinate the corrections of these deficiencies with Public Works Inspector Norm Samson. Upon the satisfactory completion of the corrective work, we will release your bond. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELL lOTI Director of Public ¡ ~/ DAVID N. VALKENAAR Project Engineer Works 7 DNV: 1 P v'cc: Norm Samson Attach. Bond Co. Surety Insurance Conpany of Calif., 777 N. 1st St., Ste 400, San Jose Bond No. 550789 95112 Suspense - 60 days DEFICIENCY LIST PERr1IT 80-266 (655 H. Haci enda Avenue) DATE OF INSPECTION: 11-9-82 INSPECTOR: Norman Samson 1 ) Replace three (3) dead Melaleuca Linarufolia (Flaxleaf Paperbark) parkway trees. Stake as per City of Campbell Standard plan. 2 trees on Capri Drive 1 tree on Hacienda Avenue - ----- ___n- - '--- - , '\ \ I I l" I T Y 0 F C}\ M I) II E 11 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 HE-;!." " I c.- 11 HA" N ID~~~_, -i--I. ,-- I "", -':"----- ! , ------. j,..- - I -- !._- - I --'- -- Department: Publ ic Works ElliOTT December 11,1981 ___eo_' Townhouse West Partnership 1303 Lick Avenue San Jose, CA 95110 D:AZ , --- - CASe. - -- ------- ~:I.' il il ~: " t II II Subject: Final Inspection and Acceptance Permit No. 80-266 Location: 655 W. Hacienda Avenue, TR 6925 (Snks 18) Maintenance Bond Amount: $3,875.00 Gentlemen: We have made a Final Inspection of subject public works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accord- ingly, the work is hereby accepted subject to the one-year maintenance requirement indicated below. . You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of this date. To guarantee this, you must either post a maintenance bond in the amount indicated above, or maintain your existing faithful per- formance bond. If you post a separate maintenance bond, your current bond will be released by separate action. We will inspect the work in one year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. Please feel free to call the undersigned if you have any questions. Very truly yours, JOSEPH ELL IOTT Director of Public Works 1lU DAVID N. VALKENAAR Project Engineer DNV:a cc: N. Samson, P.W. Inspector --Suspense-l yr. CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION PROJECT INSPECTOR'S ~~~~ftt N~. ~ P ó - 'Z- 6 (ó S-/,,{C~) /8 DAILY REPORT ~~~~oo~ ¡:lG b '1 z ~ t:~~- tV Ø~A 4, Page of Date J/-9-~Z F;:.Jl,,! idA ~ //~~ f'" ~a..<>«-~~ ':D.--1'" C 41bo C ~ - . :;P~~.~ ,4"ß ¡/}.RM4ù-c."., .J~~ C :J:::i ~i J¿;~J!¡J~~- 2 ~ ~ {!~ })/? J ~ eM-;:/a ~ LJ:c ;iL-e. ~a~ r , v<J y~ ~V' (" [; PROJECT ENGINEER PROJECT INSPECTOR SPEEDOM'~'~ -,<:.TOP ST ART TOTAL DIARY ~ 0 - G DA TE I Z- - 7 - 7 / r46t'-¿¿?16 £ ~ ~~~ )~ PAC CONTRACT LOCATIO4 ¡,? z ~ WEATHER TEMP- MIN, MAX, ~Ç;/~¿ð -:f' 7~~, c;2:t; ~ aLA" ¿r~;£ ,L ~- ~I J1) I MBF WORKING DAY NO- SIGNED INSPECTOR HOURS WORKED CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION Project or (j ?I - Z / /' Permit No. llI¿ 0.(:;2 ~~~~00~7? 6 9 Z':; M&RA~~ ¡/ ~~ ))~ PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Page of Date )2'7~Y7 ~d.-<~~~ ~ ,/ ~â? ~~ ~_ø~ / PROJECT INSPECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL ? Department of Public Works ) CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION ~~~~ftt N~. r;< ¿,:J 2.5- "80 -- ~ w ~::~~~ C~~/i' ,< I!~c¡-L,.¿I"- ~~. ~ PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Page / of I Date fj <;,L AI B/ , f'.¡", kJ $"'0" f) ~~.~ Tr4 II>" ~I--""~è v -;2...-(' /ß ~ ---- C- 1)lW PROJECT ENGINEER ~. PROJECT INSPECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION ~~~~ftt N~. r¡¡ ò - 2 6 b PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Name or ~ ^ 69 - Location ./ e: ~ ~&~ß ~ ~ l?~' /)L; Page of Date 9-29- P) ýo~/ deL f'- ~r~/ %'~ ~ ~ÞtL¡?- &J-- ~ M-I- ~ -, ¡/~æß ~ ~ ~~ 1 ~~ ç¿~ h) Þ=~ w (d --h.-é& -</d~j), ;zg~~ /6-/- r¡; ¡:: ;, ./ ç¡:J ~ L; ¿~, tv-ðJ( ~~~ B.; cY+'~~/'~ ~- PR~EER (~ ~- \.. PROJECT INSPECTOR CITY Of CAMPBELL Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION ~~~j~f: N~, Y 6 - Zh ~ ~~:~:~ Iff 6 c;Z.5' Cr~--u' Vrê pi J:¥/r~,q-'Cg /h, PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Page of Date 'i - zS - g / ('ú~ {l,~- C~,- J);è. r~l ð7~-l' y C2-<-/ ~,.~" / ..Þ Y~~;;' /1, Al ,~<; (" .3) -h "yuk-J-' /:¿-þ~ ,~ .. ~ ~,-""--,r.--"-- "i-Z 7- 9/ (1 ¿2~L--r\- ~. ' 5-/.~ 4~4Æ ~ ê7~' Ì))?~ 4Cé J;27?~/-{/ - ¿7~L~8~ .¿r- ':h9ð ~ ,. t7 i-ueo/~ ~~/ ~ C./ 7'~~ ~~J Y-Z <¡J-Y I ~~ ~"z:. .Þt/O ~> ~ ,. I 'Tj)/LA/ PROJECT ENGINEER PROJECT INSPECTOR ¿p- CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION Project or Permit No, ?lD - Z6 b PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Name or ,¡? ¿ '7 ,- Location ), ,-;7 Z' ~ (!~j )17: I~ Ái-e~A:¿, Page of Date }l- 2ø - lTl ~~c?~; S~¿--JucfJ C~ })? ~ci!9.R c7 ~ /00 ~ ~ ~ , '~iV ROJECT ENGINEER ~ PROJECT INSPECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Project or Permit No. 'lD -Z~b Name or t? - Location ,e ç z ~ ~,."þtC ;I/;¡/~k, Page of Date 7- eel -9) ß~ ~e ~ ('~. t;>R - ~,/~¡J 1.py,,~/ ~ /¿J~ rI~ Á5~ ¿;,.~ ~ r[(UJ PROJECT ENGINEER ~ PROJECT INSPECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Project or Permit No, l!6-Z66 Name or U ¡; 7' - Location '/ ? 5 Œ~J I)? l)k~~ 4-" Page of Date )l- /3 - 51 J £;¿# ~~Î (1V?~' J)e h ~~-R I' ~~ V. ß~- ~ :I- ,¡IIP-v",?!~ v~ ~cil~j R-: .~ T) uJ - PROJECT ENGlrv PROJECT INSPECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION þ~~j~ftt N~, 51 0 '- Z (é C ~~c~~~~T f( b 7 Z ~ - PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Jh~ riJð- ,¿ ¡ ~ Ò?; Page of Date '2 ~/?- 't) r-: p£ ¿/J '}7t.P £/ ~ ~' 7 ~~ ]J ~ ç ~ £¿..,'C1 / Luß¿'~ (~d o~ 4, c, (~-Jl.~,~JJo~1 ff~~:L ). h)d-Aß ~o£¡¿ÆJ .¿~ Ý 5]-/7-2/ ¡;;: C)~~' tK' /7~ m~" ~ PROJECT INSPECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Project or Permit No, <go - Z6(; Name or IX: 6 '7"7 - Location t.- ~ ~' V/è Iß~£;¿, Page of Date r:;s-E'~ FI ~ ~~J1ð- ~ @ EJ/4 -d~ ~ ß~~ - P ~ i w ~ /0,:> <7 ~ ¡-z.J ~ 1) Au,. ~ íJj ~~ P~/JE ~, l)~~. ~JO--~ K~r~) ~~// ~~ h ~~c:.4. ¿..:J~ ~" ~ , ~UJ) ROJECT ENGINEER ~ PROJECT INSPECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION Project or Permit No, ~ò - Z~b Name or /lC / Z r Location l? /' ~ (}a--~ '2)1(' ~ Þ ~tJ~R. , f' PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Page I of ~ Date ';l-Z 7- Yj f} c& ~ l19Yt.J", e~~ ?J?- ~¿J ~ f .p"¿~f C/ ~ ú.J ¡f 47 ' cL-ø ~;d'df'/. /&-- 7~2 g - F 1 'ß~ ~(7 C~/n lJÆ: ~ ,¿¿j?/~~rfJð ~, (!~,¿ ~- 1 rC(? ~- cJ¿ ~ CA::&J 7-17~ y/ ß Cù --< J2-f- ~ - ~ Ie! ~.~ 1 J4/'~ ~. C )¿~ ¿,J c/ d'-7 ~ (Þ~4": b~7 ?- 30- 'JJ I fj~ {l~- ~/ cI ~ C~ Ì)?; C,l ?w ~~"s. ./ ~ P.~dtcfJ. 1- ~(- ¡¡I ø~ &'e-. JcI& ~~ ¿ / ~~. VI?' ~J OJECT ENGINEER ~ ~--.Þ'~~ , ~jl!~~ ~ ~~j) ~ ~~~ #:>-L ;I r ~ PROJECT INSPECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION Project or Permit No. ?ð-2~h PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Name or Location Page ¿ of L Date ~JJ C) &) !Iø¡?/p,ArA- ,Ø.,~ ~~ ¿J / ~ '5~ ¿?y~ ~ ~ /00 q/ð71- ¡:J~/þ ~ ~ v~~ ~~ ~wJk ¿¿; ø~t:-4JUJ ~~~ P~NGINEER ,~ PROJECT INSPECTOR ""J, If ' EX C A V A T 10" PER M I T (70 - "J-Cs. L Permit No. ð ~f f11'~ rACf App. date - - (} Issue date .... .Y ~ Expires ~ / - X" (óC?>z,5 ~ CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPARnotENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 75 N, Centra' Avenue Campbe ", CA, 95008 (40B) 378-8141, ext. 220 APPLICATION :Ie ~ ~ '-' .., on on X ~ .., ~ .., i '-' Application is hereby .de for In excavation permit in accordance with Cllllpbell MuniCipal Code, Section 11.04, A. Location of work: r;;;ss ú). IÙVENI:JI1 AvE' {!~ "he 1/ (If. - B. Nltureofwork: ~ST::L öL ;:~ ~P~::;t:H~5. ð JN ~A ,fRO /lEi ~'" e;JcIS'12___~ 'A!tJ__l!!.s tiN N~,~I...fAlr - C, Attach three (3) copies of a drawing showing the locetion, extent and dimensions of the work. The-drawin~71e.e-eT'" ~Eè!tf shall shOlo< the relation of the proposed work to existing surface and underground illlprovements. When ap- proved by the City Engineer, said drawing becomes a part of this permit. D, The General Conditions for all permits are listed on the reverse side. Special Provisions for this permit are listed below. Failure to abide by these conditions and provisions My result in job shut-down and/or forfeiture of Faithful Performance and Cash Bonds. (See General Conditions 1 and 2.) 0 ~ ~ z: C( U ....J ... ... c E. An application fee of $25 IIIISt accompany this application, This is non-refundable and will be Ippliee! toward the total permit fee if the permit is consunmated, F. See General Condition 5 regarding cOlllPletion and IcceptAnce of the work. Name of Applicant 7ðt()Alllð¿¿fE" W£~r ¡:¡£rAlE.(5,N/,Ø Address /ðtJ3 L/£/<C.. .4t1E"' S~~ $.r ~ I Ú-. 9..)1' /ð "Name of Contractor S/l/Z/'- ð:'LG'.ðTÆ! /('~ C¿J .. Address /..5~ L/t:tt:. ðl/e- 5;9A ..7ð.fe, (1¿ ~..r//O State Contractor license No.:l9'6?,¡r!" City Business license No. CJ oó?a? ð Telephone: .:?~""é//Jð TelePhone:~J'df~ø?~~ ....:. "NOTE: The Contractor must have a current StAte Contrlctor's License and City of Cupbell Business License. SPECI.\L PROVISIONS I. Street :hall not be ODen cut for underQround installations. I1inirnum cuts NV ~ allo\~~: fer connp(.inn~ or exploration holes, Suc¡; cuts must be specifically ~"Iprovcd by the In~.,cct(\r. 2. Pavement construction or restoration shall be: ~. As shown on plans, b. Existing section plus 2-inches A.C. with 4-inches A.C. on 12-inches R-78 base rock or 9-inches A.C. held as a lIinimum section. c. Note - Existing chip seals shall be repllced to conform with the surrounding pavement surface. 3. Tile hours of writ Ire It.1t8c1 to outside the IIcM's of 7-1 a... and W II". 4, Work to be stAked by . licensed LInd Surveyor or Cfvil Engineer and two (2) copies of the cut sheets sent to the Public Works Departllent before stArting work. otM.l 0. r" L .. f ,; -h- u f {l 1 h 1- {, PIA dt.u "1- <if -:f -+-h.--<-- 0 f c.- Vt r b h'1 b 0 -t-1--t .> .fr <b .{$ . z: 8 ~ u .., on on X ~ .....-- 5. iJ& bauk .., ~ .., ~ u 0 ~ NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN TO THE CITY AT LEAST 48 HOURS 8EFORE 8EGINNING WORK. PHONE 378-8141. ext, 220. AIIount Recei pt 110.' s tJ7~ !;~~-~ fLb20~3 8" 'It 't!O Date .. !: '-' PERMIT APPLICATION FEE 80ND FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE S 25.00 " S I r;SOO C- ~OO~ 5'"11150 ~ -::J,n~,-'.-l'_-'.A.~_""} J)~ If -S-S'D '7,rc¡ CASH DEPOSIT REQUIRED s .....: PERMIT FEE (~i~ of F.P~~ S Approved for i $Suance I - or ity Engineer The Permittee hereby Igrees by affixing his signature to this permit to hold the City of C8npbel1. its officers, Igents and employees e, safe and hennl.$S frollliny c1lill or deIIIInd for dllllages resulting from the war vered by this rm1t. ACCEPTED ~//~/J'd / DÍt- .P/ J 7/Ý6 ç?-/ >'-';- - Ç;' / () ~/ - . . $--- , J< < r~, TO: Acct. 3372 3370 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 '1172 ..)372 3373 3373 3373 337"" 337~fJ- 3520 3520 3520 CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: P . W. F i 1 e No. y () ~ ::L6 (; Items Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($50.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee ($765/acre--$170/1ot minimum) P1an Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value Tentative Parce1 Map Fi1ing Fee ($50.00) Tentative Tract Map Fi1ing Fee ($100.00) Fina1 Parce1 Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Fina1 Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($200.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($200.00 for first p1us $60.00 each additiona1) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($100.00) Certificate of Compliance ($100.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project P1ans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit App1ication Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of va1ue 1ess $25.00) Cash Deposit Faithfu1 Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL Name (~uJ~ ð7.~ Address /~P3 ~~, d;) Phone Zip FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. Amount Paid Received by Date ð'" ... )- Amount r I 7- 5-V ..2úo- $ 7/1.s-Þ :2 0/ f' - :J-/.J' 0 . fj~//(J February. 1980 I I CITY 0 F C AMP &tiIJIN COST ESTIMATE FOR "-J "', 2 / / 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVEf4UE 'í -. / L"'~. CAMPBELL, CALIFOR~I.ð ~5008 h5!;;- ¿--¡",co,."" ~v,¿, ( 408 ) 3 7 8 - 8 1 4 1 ì 1..' ~,' r- Surface Construction ~ Clearing and Grubbing Departm~cut Concrete Concrete Removal Curb and Gutter Removal Inlot Drain with Pipe Curb and Gutter Sidewalk Driveway Approach Handicap Ramp Barricade A. C, Pavement inc. Excavation Adjust Manhole to Grade Adjust Handhole to Grade Monument Box w Monument Street Tree (15 gallon) Pavement Striping Pavement Legends Stop or Other Sign Street Name Sign Street Lighting Electrolier Conduit Conductor, pair Pull Box Storm Drainage 12" or 15" RCP 18" or 21" RCP Street Inlet Manhole Break and Enter Manhole 02/15/80 Lump Sum '7,:5 L . F. @ $ 2.50 !~::".6/ S.F. @ 2.00 !7l../ L.F. @ 8.00 1 , I EA. @ 400.00 -- /7 l./ L.F. @ 10.00 112! S.F. @ 4.00 ;f}!:" S. r. @ 6.00 EA. @ 600.00 L.F. ~ 20.00 = S,F;) ($0.30) (~)= EA. @ 175.00 EA. @ 100.00 EA. @ 250.00 / / EA. @ 100.00 lor. @ 0.50 EA. @ 50.00 EA. @ 70.00 EA. @ 60.00 EA. @ 2,200,00 LF.@ 9,00 L.F.@ 3.00 EA, @ 2S0.00 L.F.~ 35.00 . LF.@ 40.00 .. EA. , 1,000.00 . EA. @ 1.200.00 .. EA.' 500.00 . .. . TOTAL ESTIMATE USE FOR BOND Date By 9-/-5- ,>f') ).:b = $ '7 1;( "Of..::' '-- .;, I C>' ;3".,'~,D /3 9 ". :? .. / 7'/~)" ð b .. 1./ L/ 2L/. {).) 3/'1 :::. :,'J '" .. = 110(;. (J() .. .. .. .. .. .. ! ~.-" ""',.' ~ '~¡ ,-"" $ ..:..-:::;:','...J $ I s: 5'00 ~/ / [// )t " > ".~' , . -r ¡' - -'- \ ! (x . , , , I . , / .:..L- '7 () - "- /5 þ, l) '/ t./ ~-, '- /, 6 :;> , '-' j .') 23i>', D I! 2..).., tJ' , -J -~ " ."'" ,~, .', ,¿ -'" ì 1 - / I , I , ,~<-~ / 1 --_/.'C- L>t_J ,'( (I ,./ " ~' ".7..-,> /, ".. ,/ ,.--,--' " ~J / ,/ ,/ / -- - -- ),/ r::::, , <.0 ~ "',.- -------------,-- .., :< r¡ ....-/ r< '" ~ ~ / ,2. ') , , Î / r , , 1--- ,/, t.- ' -,) /' , "- L~~, cO) '- "", :".' ::5- ¿',-., 0 c." c' - , u ¿ )?c ,- c--" . " "J Z '-I ;, ') 3/ L" ,-':> "C) ,-------- II?/,,:) 17 "'" / -: --- .,j Þ þrvJ- i- &/1 l S RESOLUT ION NO. 5901 BEING A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL MAP OF TRACT NO. 6925, HACIENDA AVENUE AND CAPRI DRIVE WHEREAS, there has been submitted to the City Council of the City of Campbell a final map of Tract No. 6925, Hacienda Avenue and Capri Drive, for approval; WHEREAS, the City Engineer has certified that the map conforms to Subdivision Map Act and City Ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that said map be and the same is hereby approved, and that any real property offered for dedication for public use is accepted on be- half of the public in conformity with the terms of the offer of dedication. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th 1980, by the following vote: day of August AYES: Coune i I men: Paul, Doetsch, Chamberl in, Podgorsek, Hammer NOES: Counc i I men: None ABSENT: Counc i I men: None APPROVED: Russell J. Hammer Mayor ATTEST: Phyllis O. Acker City Clerk h§t ~I' :t:~ ~ \0 ~~ c.. Q) 0 ~ f c:ñ .... ~ :;, - 0"' CO Q) s.. 0 +J +J s.. c.. 0 ItS c.. e Q) ex: ~ 0 VI - ~ .... c.. 0 0 V) U TRACT NO. .genda deadline~ Counci 1 meeting~ Items needed to meet City Council of Final Map: Letters: ~genda deadline Council meeting Agenda deadline for approval Date Rec'd Sanitation District No.4 (release) P.G. & E. (easement approval) P.T. & T. (easement approval) Final Map (signed and notarized) G-rð-d \ 4 4; dVY.Li V\d..é}v f lCLVì C. ,c. and R. 's (payable to City): Final Map filing <..F~es o~l ~V)'f. r<)d-C 'If. 3 ~ .g. ]Ÿ'- Fi re - i)'j: ::> Q) () ~= \.)..Sf\) hydrant Total Fee (payable to County): Recordi ng ß-\3 , . " $- / , . ore ,. Amount .J.Q.Q I ( I'?JS , , tfë~5" -if'( I , 0 Items needed before Final Map can be recorded: Tax letter from County Tax Collector Tax Bond Subdivision Guaranty '.)~l.¿ I c.JeaV'Lo,Jé¿l>€V /2..<38-2-/30 II " CJ/é /303 ~ ~ 95)/0 /-------' . -- -- -- -----.----- ! ------------ / / '--;1-'-' (~IT\' OF CAJ\tIPBElL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 378-8141 Department: City Clerk August 26, 1980 Mr. Melvin R. Hill 55 East Hamilton Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Dear Mr. Hill: Please be advised that the City Council at its regular meeting held Monday, August 25th, approved the final map of Tract No. 6925, Hacienda Avenue and Capri Drive. VerYìt~uly yours, / , ,/,/ {"}. /" /J '--- /.- I' / / ,- 1 d:;L-ú.4-/ ,.' ( ù: ~ Phyllis O. Acker, City Clerk JOA:JS // ~ cc: L. Snyder I l TO: Acc t . 3372 3370 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3373 3373 3373 """ 33U r 3374' 3520 3520 3520 Name CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: P . W. F i1 e No. Items Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($50.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee ($765/acre--$170/1ot minimum) Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($50.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment for first plus $60.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustm~nt Fee ($100.00) Certificate of Compliance ($100.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($O.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value less $25.00) ($200.00) ($200.00 Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit Fire. k'fdV'Ar\-t ma.l~+. -k,c,.. TOTAL Phone Zip Address-1 ~~ L; dG. Sj A-H... I FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Receipt No. 7 p~ Õ Amount Paid 8/~. 00 Received by Ll- N ??-/~-'jf Date Sft \t-C;. (I è) Amount 100, ~~.. $ I~' ...... . 4 ~ :2 O~ (:Jð 9 ~Il 0 February, 1980 COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO.4 OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GATOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SAN JOSE CITY OF SANTA CLARA CITY OF SARATOGA UNINCORPORATED AREA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone 378-2407 August 12, 1980 City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Re TRACT 6925 Hacienda and Capri This is the District's "clearance letter" for the recordation of subject development. This District has reviewed and approved the plans for the sewer system servicing this development. Fees due this District have been paid. Bond, adequate to insure subject sewer system installa- tion, has been posted with this District. In short, all of the District's requirements for tract recordation have been met. Very truly yours, stephen H. Goodman Manager and Engineer (jJ ~ 11. ?tr4/<i By P. R. Nichols Assistant bistriét Engineer PRN: jf PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY --L I 10900 NO, BLANEY Ad::NUE. CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014 (408) 253-2010 .I~ugust 11, 1 980 Hr. Joseph Elliott Director of public Works 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Subject: Easement Approval for Tract ~ 6925 Dear Sir: The Public Utility EaS8o.ents Sh01.Jll on. the final copy of the tract presented-prior to recording, u.re adequate anC! satisfactory for the installation oi' trlÌs company's gas é'in.d electric distribution facilitiðs. Shou.ld you h:3.V8 [illY questions, please call i'T. Don Dixon at 253-20îO. Sincerely, ~#~ fl.. Stevenson Di:::;tI'icè: :Llect::-.ic 3u::;r,),;:'iI1teYlC::L],t PT&T APasquinelli Hill Inc. Tract File D~c¡n,.. T~I¡~!~"¡"one ,...... ..."" .'..., ""'f'., . 1333 L.a'Mence Express Nay Bu-:alr~g 300 Sa,-.,ta C!¿¡ra, California 95051 Al.:.gust 11, 1980 Hr. Joe Elliott City 0: Campbell 75 Nort3 Central Ave~ue C~~pbell, CA. 95008 RE: Tract 6925 Dear Sir: We have no objection to the P.S.E. 's as show~ on the attached map. P.S.E. 's do not, however, constitute "an easement acceptable to the utility," as described in our Rule 16 I.C.2b. It may, therefore be 2.:lvantageous for the developer to grant our Cc::lpany a Right-of-Ì'lay for a portion of the telephone facilities to be placed on the ~roperty served. Any ar:c-angements for such an easement will be c2.je directly with the developer. Yours ve17 truly, ~~ 1:¡P: -- Engineering Manager WRJ /pal cc: Melvin R. Hill, =~c. 55 E. Harrilton ,-'-_-,-,;nue C8.~pbell, CA. 95~;8 ~ FLOOD HAZARD REPORT San~o Clara Valley Wa~er Dis~rict U FC 59 (08-10-77) 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95118. (408) 265-2600 June 30, 1980 RECEIVED " "¡coo Û ~,CI State of California Division of Real Estate 185 Berry Street, Room 5816 San Francisco, California 94107 JUL PUL>LìC WORKS ENGINEERlriG Ladies and Gentlemen: A request has been received from Santa Clara County Title Company re~ort relat:ve to Tract 6925 located \vithin the City pf Campbell in the Page Ditch to prepare a flood hazard Watershed. The following report is based on data available to the Santa Clara Valley Water District and is not intended to supplant any required report from the Federal Insurance Administration. :fX] The site would not be subject to flooding in the event of a 1% flood flow from a District Facility under either present or foreseeable future conditions. (This is a flow having a 1% chance of being equalled or exceeded in any year,) 0 The site would be subject to flooding from Creek in the event of the 1% flood flow. It is estimated that the channel has a present capacity to pass a flow which has a % chance of being equalled or exceeded in any year. No assurance can be given as to date at which flood protection will be provided. Any information available to us regarding possible future protection is given below under "Additional Comments". 0 A flood hazard to the site does not exist under present conditions. A 1% flood hazard to this site may develop as conditions change. Additional Comments: For information concerning the hazard from and disposition of local or surface storm water within and adjacent to this site, please contact the City of Campbell Public Works Department ~~. cc: SaDt~ Clara County Title Company , 4partment of Public Works vr~~J City of Campbell --:1 Division Engineer r, Design Coordination Division COPY @ MEMORANDUM To: From: CITY OF CAMPBELL ARTHUR A. KEE Planning Director Date: April 25, 1980 JOSEPH ELLIOTT Director of Public Works Subject: Tentative Subdivision Map Lands of Medford L. Snyder, Subdivider -----_ð.P~ 405-25-51 ------------------------- The following conditions of approval are recommended concerning the subject tentative subdivision map submitted by Melvin R. Hill, Inc. Installation of a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within the sub- division in conformance with the proposed plans of the County of Santa Clara Sanitation District No.4. Sanitary sewerage service to be provided by said District No.4. 2. 1 . 2. Installation of a water distribution system to serve all lots within the sub- division in conformance with the plans of the San Jose Water Works Water service to be provided by said water company. Fire hydrants and appurte- n~nces ~hal1 ~e provided and installed at the locations specified by the Flre Chlef, Flre Department, City of Campbell. Fire hydrant maintenance fees shall be paid to City at the rate of $195 per fire hydrant. Subdivider shall create or provide any public service easement and any other public utility and/or public service easements as may be necessary for the installation of any and all public utilities and/or facilities. 4. Compliance with the provisions of Title 20, Subdivisions of the Campbell Municipal Code. -' *,bdi v.:i f.Ie-r- tt>- f>ð:;'- 5.:t~ Ðrð.; flf1-ge- A-re-a- fee-. -5.. . - - 2. Subdivider to furnish copy of Preliminary Title Report. 5~bd1v1der-shaìì-{.:jflstû11-street-1~~Vemeflt5-aflè-~t-stiret~tt>-~~jr the-work1-~e~ecute-an-agreemeflt-ðnd-,ost-s~ret~to-1nst811-st~;~ ments-1n-the-f~t~re-Ûfld-û~ree-to-do1n-8-loc81-improve~ÐistT1ct7~ Ðed;cate-additionaì-ri~ht-of-w8y-to-w;den-------------------------------ttr -----------------feet-fromrcenteriine: C.C.&R.'s to be approved by City Engineer to insure provisions for maintenance of buildings and common area. 7. Provide a grading and drainage plan for the review and approval of the City Engineer. 8, Obtain an excavation permit and post surety to remove existing driveways and replace with sidewalk; install 25-foot-wide driveway approaches on Capri Drive; plant street trees in the wells; and any other work in the publ ic right of way. PH' nT',.. .,-,... TO: Acct. 35' 365 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 351 352 352 352 351 351 380. 1 380. 1 380.l CITY CLERK Please collect and receipt for the following monies: P . W. F i I e No. Items Preliminary Environmental Impact Report Fee ($50.00) Storm Drainage Area Fee ($765/acre--$170/1ot minimum) Plan Examination and Construction Inspection Fee (3-1/2% of value Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($50.00) Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($IOO.OO) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($100.00) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($200.00) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment ($200.00 for first plus $60.00 each additional) Lot Line Adjustment Fee ($IOO.OO) Certificate of Compliance ($100.00) Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10.00) Copies of Engineering Maps and Plans ($0.50/SF) Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($2.00) Project Plans and Specifications ($10.00) Excavation Permit Application Fee ($25.00) Excavation Permit Fee (3-1/2% of value less $25.00) Cash Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit Maintenance Bond Deposit TOTAL Name , ~~./ ~jJ Address 5.~ E. ~~~) rP'1~JJVß Phone Zip FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Rece i pt No. () ~ ð Y-f., Amoun t Pa i d .$ / /) ¡?J t!J (J) Rece i ved by L2- W Date L/-P-f 0 ~, Amount :JfJ OD $--l aO 8~-{~~ ~SU)B February, 1980